Tong Mo said, hugging the female believer in front of him tightly.

  At the moment when the body touched, the ignorant woman began to struggle violently, but soon stopped moving.

  Her body seemed to have melted, and was slowly absorbed by Tong Mo's body. After a few seconds, she disappeared completely, as if she had never existed in this world at all.

  "Women's taste is really delicious, and they are the most delicious when they can give birth to life."

  Tong Mo said with a smile on his face, then turned his head and looked at the corner of the room,

  "It's such a pity that you don't eat women, Lord Yiwozu, if you try it once, you'll definitely be addicted."

  At this moment, a violent fist blows, directly cutting off half of Tong Mo's head, revealing Bai Huahua's brain.

  Red blood contaminates the white sheets.

  A man with pink hair appeared behind Tong Mo in an instant, with an angry expression on his face:

  "To shut up."

  He is Yi Wozuo.

  "What a quick fist, Lord Yiwozu has become a lot stronger again."

  Tong Mo's mutilated face was left with only the mouth, and his smile never disappeared, but after a few seconds, his head was intact.

  "I'm just thinking of you, Lord Yiwozuo?"

  "You bastard!"

  The blue veins on Yi Wozu's forehead protruded like countless poisonous snakes that had pierced their skin.

  When he was about to attack again, Tong Mo, who was beside him, continued:

  "Lord Yiwozuo, we have to get along with each other recently. After all, everything must be given priority to the orders of Lord Wumisui."

  "You are responsible for finding him, this is his prey!"

  Yi Wozu said in a fierce tone, and there was no room for negotiation.

  "It would be great if Lord Yiwozuo could really do it, so that I can be lazy too."

  Tong Mo's face was still filled with a harmless smile.

  "Don't let Lin Cheng escape like last time."

  "Don't you believe I killed you?"

  Yi Wozu gritted his teeth, his jaw joints made violent noises, and his teeth were almost shattered.

  "Although Lord Yiwozuo has become stronger, there is still a long way to go if he wants to kill me. After all, my ranking is higher than that of Lord Yiwozuo."

  Tong Mo took out an iron fan, covered it in front of him and said with a smile,

  "But I can also understand the feelings of Lord Yiwozuo. After all, I became a ghost after you, but now I have surpassed you."

  Yi Wozuo stopped paying attention to the other party and rushed out the door.

  Tong Mo looked out the window, the smile on his face never disappeared.

  "Tokyo, Asakusa, Ganlin Hotel, Lincheng, it seems to be very interesting."


  A few days later, Asakusa, Tokyo.

  Lin Cheng got up earlier than before and kept waving his fists.

  At this time, his template has exceeded [-]%, and the improvement in a few months seems to be only [-]%, but this is already equivalent to a qualitative leap.

  One percent of the power is equivalent to flying over a huge gap.

  Lin Cheng stopped throwing his fists, tentatively picked up a ball of coal used in the restaurant, and held it tightly.

  With a little force, the coal was already broken into slag.

  Of course, what Lin Cheng was able to do was not just this level. He already possessed the blood ghost technique that could easily shatter the sixth string. The hardness of the fragile coal was not worth mentioning at all.

  His fingers continued to press, and the knuckles crackled.

  Next to Ganlu Temple Mili and others were also very curious about what Lin Cheng was going to do.

  Suddenly, black smoke came out of Lin Cheng's hand, and then the coal in his hand was ignited, releasing a hot flame.

  Lin Cheng didn't feel the heat at all, and the coal in his hand was burnt out and turned into cinders after a while.

  It was his enormous grip that squeezed the cinder, and the heat from the high pressure ignited the cinder.

  Butterfly Chana Hui and others on the side were very surprised.

  Is this really something humans can do?

  On the side, Ganlu Temple Mili's eyes were also widened, but what she was thinking about was a little different from the others.

  You don't need to bring matches when you go out for a picnic in the future!

  Lin Cheng looked down at the ashes in his hand and fell into thought.

  Fan Ma Yongjiro was able to knead carbon into diamonds with his bare hands. Lin Cheng has only unlocked [-]% of the templates, and he is far from that level.

  However, it is more than enough to face these ordinary ghosts.

  Lin Cheng also knew that the exposure of his identity was only a matter of time. According to Mako's description, I am afraid that Tong Mo was using believers to find his whereabouts.

  There are many believers in the All Things Bliss Sect, and they are among the ordinary people. It is very likely that there are members of them who have come to eat in their own restaurant before.

  Then it is very likely that the other party already knows his position.

  If that's the case, then the ghosts will definitely start in these days.

  However, this time, Lin Cheng was not ready to transfer as he did when he opened a martial arts hall.

  Now, not only has his combat effectiveness improved, but his breathing technique can further strengthen his body and enhance his strength, and Lin Cheng already has weapons that can kill evil spirits, so there is no need to escape.

  Moreover, their lives in Tokyo have just settled down, and Lin Cheng doesn't want anyone to destroy it again.

  No matter who disturbs his life again, Lin Cheng will have wiped them out completely.

  Lin Cheng feels that the current living environment is very good, and he is no longer ready to move.

  Others have also prepared for the attack of ghosts. Butterfly Ninja even prepared many bunches of wisteria flowers in advance and placed them in various corners of the hotel to prevent the attack of ghosts. .

  However, the toxin of this wisteria flower will only have an effect on weak ghosts. In the face of the upper-level existence in the upper string, the effect of wisteria flower will be very limited.

  Because the superior ghost can quickly decompose the toxin in the body, the poisonous effect of the wisteria flower will become minimal.

  "Mr. Lin Cheng, it's time to open soon!"

  Ganlu Temple Mi Li said to Lin Cheng.

  "Well, go ahead and prepare, I'll be right there!"

  Lin Cheng nodded, with a relaxed smile on his face.

  No matter who it is or when it strikes, Lin Cheng will wipe them all out.

  The busy time of the day passed quickly, the restaurant was busy until the evening and it was midnight. After finishing all the things, it was already midnight.

  "Finally, I can rest for a while, and it's another safe and sound day."

  Ganlu Temple Mi Li stretched her waist and said.

  "I hope so."

  Lin Cheng smiled slightly.

  At this moment, his ears caught a strange sound.

  Footsteps, on the roof.

  "An enemy is coming.".

Chapter 85

  "Tong Mo, don't mind your own business!"

  Yi Wozu shouted angrily at the man beside him.

  This man was slender, holding two iron fans in his hands, the fans were blowing cold air, but the end was stained with blood that he didn't know who belonged to.

  He has white oak hair, but the top of his head is as scarlet as blood is poured, his face has delicate facial features, the rainbow-colored eyes seem to be two gems inlaid on his face, and the center of the pupil presents a symbol of his Identity text.

  The second string.

  Child grinding.

  A demon that is stronger and more brutal than Yiwozuo.

  "Aiya, Lord Yiwozuo, we are partners, right? The partners have already helped each other."

  With a fake smile on Tong Mo's face, he stretched out his hand to Yi~Wozuo, who was lying on the ground.

  "Don't get in the way!"

  Yi Wozu pushed Tong Mo's hand away. At this time, his body had recovered most of the time, and he slowly stood up by his own strength.

  "That's really hurtful."

  "He's my prey!"

  "But in the confrontation just now, you were already defeated by the prey."

  Yi Wozuo wanted to refute the other party, but he was at a loss for words. If it wasn't for Tong Mo's shot, he might have been killed by Lin Cheng.

  "Don't forget the order of Lord Wuxian, please ask Lord Yiwozuo to put away your boring masculinity."

  Tong Mo cast his eyes on Lin Cheng,

  "Hello, Mr. Lin Cheng. It's the first time we met. We've heard your name for a long time. Our adults will never forget you."

  Tong Mo narrowed his eyes, with a hint of ill will in his eyes,

  "Might as well be a ghost, it can reduce a lot of troubles between us."

  "Ghost? Become a slave like you who can't see the sun all your life?"

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