Chapter 130

  The light of dawn gradually showed purple, blue and green colors,

  The rising sun reveals the first particles.I have never seen this red so red; I have never seen this red so fresh.In an instant, the fireball flies into the air, and the colorful clouds are hidden in the gaze, the light and shadow are ever-changing, and the space shoots down a hundred beams of light.

  The night is over, and the day has come.

  Oni Mai Tsuji, who lost any will to resist, just sat there in a daze.

  Now he has no thoughts of resisting or escaping, because in front of Lin Cheng, everything is meaningless, it is better to just sit there and wait for death to come.

  The sun soon bathed on Kiwu Tsuji's body, and its body seemed to be ignited by invisible flames, constantly gnawing and eating his body.

  "Is this the sun..."

  A murmur came from the depths of Kibomatsu Tsuji's throat.

  The burning sensation caused by the sun was insignificant compared to the pain caused by Lin Cheng.

  In the end, Kiwu Tsuji's body was completely annihilated under the sunlight, and there was not even a single bit of dregs left.

  The ghost king who has survived for more than a thousand years, his ultimate pursuit from beginning to end is to survive, whether he chooses to become a devil or make a string later, all of this is for survival.

  But now, he has given up hope, and the psychological defense line that has been built for thousands of years has been smashed by Lin Cheng's iron fist, and finally believes that death is the way to escape.

  Everyone in the Ghost Killing Squad looked at the scene in front of them, and their hearts were filled with a feeling of unreality like a dream.

  No one could have imagined that the wish that they had worked hard for hundreds of years for generations to come true would actually come true.

  Moreover, it was achieved so easily and easily.

  In front of Lin Cheng, the ghost king was just a lamb to be slaughtered.

  After being silent for a few seconds, the members of the Ghost Killing Squad erupted into an overwhelming cheer.

  Joy, excitement, excitement.

  Various emotions were melted into cheers.

  Immediately, countless scorpions flew in different directions, and they were going to all parts of the country to transmit the news of the killing of Oni Mai Tsuji to all the members of the ghost killing team.

  Sanyashiki Yōya narrowed his eyes and looked at the sun in the sky. Numerous thoughts flooded in his heart, which eventually turned into the joy of fulfilling a long-cherished wish.

  He raised his head and focused his eyes on the scorpion flying far away in the sky.

  Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and quickly moved his eyes elsewhere.

  Everything is clearly visible!

  The vision that had been blurred by a serious illness has been completely restored!

  "Yaozai, Yaozai!"

  Amane next to him turned to look at Yoya Maiyashiki, his face was full of surprise, and the corners of his eyes were filled with tears.

  Her voice began to tremble, as if she saw a scene beyond her imagination.

  "What's wrong, Tianyin?"

  Yoya Zaiyashiki asked suspiciously.

  "Your wounds..."


  After hearing the words of the other party, Yoshiya Zaiyashiki tentatively stretched out his hand and touched his face. The face that should have been full of scars was now extremely smooth, and there was no trace of unevenness like before.

  The eyes that had become turbid before became extraordinarily clear and translucent, like gems.

  Since the Sanyashiki family has a blood relationship with Oni Mai Tsuji Wumai, after Wumei became a ghost a thousand years ago, the whole family seems to be cursed, and the children born will be weak and sickly, unable to live to the age of [-].

  The horrific wounds and scars on Yoya's body were caused by this curse.

  And he is already in his twenties, and his time is running out.

  With the tragic death of Oni Mai Tsuji, the curse that was slowly consuming Yoya Maanyashiki's life was lifted.

  "Tian Yin......"

  Maiyashiki Yoshiya's eyes were wet and full of tears. The excitement and joy made Maiyashiki Yoshiya's body start to tremble slightly.

  "The era of ghosts is over!"

  "It's Lin Cheng, Mr. Lin Cheng solved all this!"

  Yozai Yasushiki and Tianyin walked quickly to Lin Cheng. At this time, Yozai Yasushiki's body was no longer entangled with illness, and he was able to walk as fast as ordinary people.

  "Mr. Lin Cheng..."

  "You are the benefactor of our ghost killing team, and the benefactor of the entire human race!"

  Maiyashiki Yoshiya's voice became hoarse with excitement, and even choked up a little.

  "At the same are also my benefactor."

  At this time, Yoya Sanyashiki did not express his gratitude to Lin Cheng as the leader of the Ghost Killing Squad, but only the person 'Yoshiya Sanyashiki',

  "Thank you for saving my life!"

· · · · Flowers · · ·

  If it weren't for Lin Cheng, the current maternity house Shiki Yoshiya is still suffering from illness and can't even live by himself.

  "You're very kind, Mr. Zaiyashiki."

  Lin Cheng said with a smile,

  "It's just that there are some accounts that need to be settled with this guy, Oni Wu Tsuji Wu Mian."

  At this moment, Ganlu Temple Mili, Butterfly Chanahui, Butterfly Ren and others also rushed over and hugged Lin Cheng tightly.

  "Mr. Lin Cheng!"

  Chana Megumi and Shinobu were already in tears at this time.

  When they were young, their family members were poisoned by ghosts, which prevented them from getting out of the shadows in their hearts for a long time.

  But now the great revenge has been avenged, and a rock in his heart has been put down.


  Lin Cheng smiled and didn't speak, just patted Chana Megumin's back lightly.

  Next to him, Yoshiki Yamashiki nodded towards Lin Cheng with a smile, and walked away silently.

  Now they need to give them some time to vent their emotions.

  Whether it is Butterfly Chana Hui or Butterfly Ninja, they are hiding their emotions after joining the ghost killing team, and now they can finally show it.

  Their bodies trembled slightly from crying, but Lin Cheng's heart was full of peace of mind.

  "it is finally over....."

  Butterfly Chanel Megumi's moist eyes reflected a faint light,

  "Mr. Lin Cheng, what are we going to do next?"

  "You have to go north first."

  Lin Cheng said with a smile,

  "I have to bring Nezuko and Mako, who was with her, back."

  "and then?"

  Butterfly Ren also said, his eyes were full of more expectations for Lin Cheng's words.

  "Do you remember what I said to Mr. Maiyashiki?"

  Lin Cheng said with a smile,

  "Something should be on the agenda."

  Sister Butterfly's eyes widened, but they clearly remembered what that incident was.

  "I'm going to become real sisters with Sister Chana and Shinobu!"

  Beside the Ganlu Temple Mili dancing excitedly,

  "After the wedding, let's go on a honeymoon trip again!"

  "Where do you want to go?"

  "do not know."

  "Then visit all the places and travel around the country." Nai.

Chapter 131

  half a year later.

  "It's time to go, Miss Mili."

  Butterfly Chanel said softly.

  "Hey, so fast?"

  Ganlu Temple Mi Li's cheeks were stuffed full of food, and her words were a little unclear.

  "Mili sister, how many times have I told you, swallow the food and talk again!"

  Butterfly forbearance put his hands on his hips, although his words were stern, he had a smile on his face, and his tone of voice was somewhat imitating Lin Cheng's.

  Ganlu Temple Mi Li heard Butterfly Ninja's words and swallowed all the food in her mouth, only to be choked and coughed loudly.

  "Really, Sister Mili is really worrying."

  Li Hualuo Chanai patted Ganlu Temple Mi Li's back lightly, and now she has become very cheerful, completely different from what she used to be.

  "But where's the next stop?"

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