It was also a pastime for her long and boring life.

Especially in the two of them, after seeing more and more shadows of themselves and the prostitute Taro, they became more and more concerned in their hearts, and their jealousy of Kanahu increased day by day.

After such a long period of observation and contact, the jealousy in my heart swelled every day.

And today, suddenly did not see Lin Yu’s brother and sister, just like a person with D addiction, one day suddenly out of stock.

The flame of jealousy had nowhere to vent, constantly stirring her heart, making Ji Ji particularly irritable.

It seemed to have sensed the emotions in Ji Ji’s heart, and under the smooth neck skin of Fallen Ji, another inexplicable bulge began to gradually rise, gradually forming the shape of a human head.

“Is that sibling so interesting? Make you so engaged. ”

The low and hoarse voice is particularly seeping in the shadows.

However, when Yu Ji heard this voice, he didn’t have any other feelings, but because he hadn’t seen Lin Yu’s brothers and sisters before, a little smile appeared on his cold face.

“Because they look happy, brother, happy to make people jealous…”

Tarō, the prostitute behind him, was slightly silent, but this silence did not last long, and he could see through the faint light on the street, and under the messy hair, a hideous smile appeared on the prostitute Taro’s face.

“That’s really annoying, but it would be fun to take away their happiness, right?”


Yu Ji stretched out the tip of Yin Hong’s tongue and licked her delicate red lips gently, as if she saw something exciting, showing the beauty of Hua Kui in her every move.

“However, it is not enough now, it is far from enough, there is more, and when they are happier, it is the most pleasant~”

A bleak night breeze came with an icy breath, and along with this cold wind, white snowflakes suddenly began to fall in the dark night sky.

The first snow of the year finally arrived today.


After the snowfall, the temperature drops significantly.

After a full night, the houses in the slums were obviously a little difficult to withstand this winter.

Xiang Naihu was even more frozen awake early, and ran to shake Lin Yu awake, staring at a pair of big eyes of water spirit, with large and small packages hanging on his body, as if urging Lin Yu to move quickly.

Facing such a positive girl, Lin Yu was also a little helpless, looking at the still somewhat dim sky outside, so he had to get up and prepare to move over early with Xiangnai.

It’s just that when he opened the door, Lin Yu was surprised to find that there was actually goose feathers and snow outside.

The heavy snow did not stop all night, and the time outside had long been covered with a thick layer of snowflakes, like a world of ice sculptures.

Some were distressed to take off their coats and draped them over Xiannaihu’s body, no wonder they got up so early.

This humble hut is simply unable to withstand this cold weather.

After Lin Yu himself had been strengthened by the system, he had already belonged to the point of being invincible to cold and summer, so he didn’t feel anything at all.

Xiang Nai hu draped the clothes on his body, felt the vague warmth, raised a sweet smile on his face, took Lin Yu’s hand, and walked towards his new home.

This sudden heavy snow accumulated a thick layer on the ground, and walking on it made a “creaking” sound.

Pedestrians on the streets are even rarer.

Even the vendors who came out early in the past have disappeared.

It seems that because of a heavy snowfall, the entire town is uninhabited.

With Chanel, he quickly ran to the new home he bought yesterday, and after placing everything, he closed the door, finally blocking out the cold breath.


Chanaihu’s little hands were frozen red, covered his mouth, and kept breathing to warm up.

Although he was a little choked by the cold, there was still a deep smile in Xiannehu’s eyes, compared to the joy of moving to a new home, the cold just on the road was nothing.

It’s just that compared to Xiannaihu’s excitement, Lin Yu is a little melancholy.

I originally thought that after moving, I would be able to live a small life comfortably, but what I didn’t expect was that I still couldn’t escape the fate of chopping wood.

In this kind of snowy weather, if there is no stove at home, even this new house will be as cold as an ice cellar.

There is no need to think about buying firewood, the demand on the other side of Flower Street must be in short supply now, and where will there be excess firewood to sell here.

Moreover, if you want to sell wood carvings, you also need a lot of wood to support.

Originally, I thought that there was still some time before the heavy snowfall, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon.

Sighing helplessly, he reached out and held Kanahu, who was cleaning up his things in the house like a hardworking little bee.

“Don’t be busy first, let’s go add two more clothes, today we still have to go chopping wood, otherwise we will still be frozen awake when we sleep at night.”

Xiang Naihu blinked, hurriedly put on two clothes, and ran back to Lin Yu.

Moving to a new house seems to make her particularly excited, even if she goes to chop firewood, it is full of positivity.

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