The journey continued, and the carriage driving in the heavy snow was not very fast for safety.

And Chanaihu’s judgment is not wrong.

The two sat in the carriage and staggered until sunset, when they could see the shadow of a small town that was a little blurred in the wind and snow.

It’s finally coming. ’

By seeing and smelling the domineering and sensing the breath of someone’s life in front, Lin Yu’s heart was finally relieved.

It’s not because I’m worried that there is a ghost dance Tsuji chasing soldiers behind him, it’s impossible to chase after so much time.

It’s just that after three days in a carriage, this kind of life is simply not human.

Even after Lin Yu’s physical fitness was greatly improved by the system, the feeling of bumps on the rim almost fell apart him.

If he could, Lin Yu would never want to take this ancient means of transportation again in his life.

“Chanel, it’s about to be in town, you can have a hot meal and take a hot bath.”

Sitting in the back compartment, Xiannai subconsciously touched his stomach, and couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, the life of sleeping in the wind and food is still very hard.

The thought of a warm and comfortable place to live and a good meal and rest made Kanahu’s heart full of anticipation.

And just as the carriage was driving away towards the town, in an unknown place.

This is a very large and empty space, and the light inside is very dim, and in this limited light, it can be clearly seen.

Everything in this space is so chaotic.

In the space with no end in sight, walls, doors, and countless corridors and aisles are stacked at random like blocks in the hands of young children, like a nightmare scene.

Here, as if there is no up and down, left and right, it is full of a sense of spatial confusion.

“Three days have passed, what happened to what I commanded?”

An extremely magnetic, low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded in this extremely strange space.

Looking in the direction where the voice came from, I saw that on a high platform, a man wearing a precious Western dress and a top hat was slowly speaking.

The man’s face is very handsome, and the clothes on his body are just right and suddenly show the temperament of the whole person, which sets off very expensively.

If it weren’t for the fact that the voice was too gloomy, and the face was even more pale, destroying some harmony, anyone who saw it would only think that it was a member of a noble family from a large family.

“Lord Hui, for the time being…. And no message came back. ”

Behind the man, a soft female voice sounded, but this female voice was full of panic at this moment, and her voice trembled slightly.

“No news?”

Listening to the words of the woman behind him, the man with the black top hat flashed a scarlet color in the depths of his eyes, obviously very dissatisfied with this answer.

“None… No miserable lord… I’m already trying my best to find it, but the snow has covered too many tracks…”

Looking at the figure in front of her, Naruto’s shoulders trembled slightly, kneeling deeply on the ground, her forehead pressed to the ground, trying her best to explain.

Oni Mai Tsuji’s eyes flashed with coldness, even if there was no movement, just standing there, but the strong oppressive force was pressing towards Naruto like a tsunami.

Under this pressure, Naruto only felt like she was facing a rough and furious sea, and she was like a flat boat on the surface of the sea, which seemed to be overturned and broken at any time.

“Give me all the remaining twelve ghost moons.”

After a while, the voice of Oni Mai Tsuji sounded again, and Naruto was slightly relieved to hear the voice, and a cold sweat slowly slipped down her forehead.

“Yes, Lord Wu Miserable.”

With Naruto’s words, the space around her began to shake slightly, distorted, and then in the blink of an eye, eleven black holes appeared around her.

Among the eleven black holes that suddenly appeared, one after another figures exuding a powerful and strange aura gradually slowly walked out.

These figures did not seem to be surprised by this extremely sudden call, and after seeing the figure on the high platform, they knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully.

“Lord Wu Miserable.”

Only a figure dressed in black with a knife straddling his waist stood on the side, only nodding slightly.

“Find me a blind boy with his sister and a knife, and bring his head back to me.”

The people kneeling on the ground heard Ghost Mai Tsuji’s order, although several people’s eyes were slightly surprised, but they did not speak, and they all answered in a deep voice.

“Yes, Lord Wu Miserable.”

After the order, Ghost Mai Tsuji glanced coldly at the people below and turned to leave.

Naruto just right in front of Ghost Mai Tsuji Wuxi, unfolded a black hole, and the figure with a great sense of oppression gradually disappeared into the Infinite City.

Only when Ghost Dance Tsuji left without misery did the twelve Ghost Moon who had been summoned before dare to raise their heads and get up from the ground.

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