As soon as the hot ramen was served, the rich aroma continued to flow towards the honey glass of Ganlu Temple.

Char siu in a bowl, snow-white noodles, verdant green onions…

All this is so tempting in the eyes of Ganluji Miri, and as for the tempura next to the ramen, it is wrapped in a golden face coat and exudes a seductive aroma.


Although the voice was smaller this time, Lin Yu, who had a keen sense of hearing, naturally heard it truly.

But this time it was not the sound of hunger coming out, it was the sound of Ganlu Temple honey swallowing.

Under the domineering perception of seeing and smelling, he could even detect that the heartbeat of Ganlu Temple Honey Li accelerated a little when facing these delicacies.

“Miss Ganlu Temple, let’s try it a little, after all, it’s quite uninteresting to eat alone.”

“Yes… Is it…”

Ganlu Temple Honey Li is still struggling, still struggling with the persistence in her heart.

“Also, this tempura tastes great.”

Saying that, Lin Yu picked up a piece of tempura and bit it down.

That robe suddenly shattered between the teeth, and the crisp sound made the honey glass of the Ganlu Temple standing on the edge of struggle completely fall.

Picking up the chopsticks in his hand, Ganlu Temple Honey Li held the bowl in front of him, and couldn’t wait to drink a mouthful of noodle soup, feeling the taste buds exploding in the mouth, at this moment, the blind date was completely left behind by Ganlu Temple Honey.


The noodles quickly disappeared in the bowl.

Feeling the joyful emotions coming from the honey glass of the Ganlu Temple, Lin Yu chuckled in his heart.

While the girl was immersed in the food, the boss was summoned to order a lot of dishes.

For Ganluji Miri, ramen and tempura are not uneaten.

It’s just that for today’s blind date, I haven’t eaten since the morning until it’s almost noon now.

This made her, who had a much larger meal than ordinary people, even more hungry.

Moreover, the taste of this small shop is naturally better than at home, and usually, you may only have the opportunity to order bowls of ramen and the like once a month to make yourself enjoyable.

Of course, there is only one bowl, if you let go of eating, Ganlu Temple Honey Li is estimated to be able to directly eat their own home.

But if it is Lin Yu, this is not a problem at all, even if he eats every day, every few years, there is no drama.

Immersed in the food, Ganlu Temple Honey finally completely forgot what she was here for, and even Lin Yu, who was sitting opposite her, forgot to clean up and focused on the food on the table.

Thanks to this time period, there are not many people in the small shop, and the speed of the boss’s cooking can finally keep up with the speed of Ganlu Temple honey glass.

The empty plates on the table were piled higher and higher, and gradually even the boss’s eyes looking at Lin Yu and Ganlu Temple Miri were already a little wrong.

These two people, one looks like a starving ghost, while the other is a blind boy who looks very young.

Neither of them looks like it’s affordable.

‘Do you want to eat the overlord meal?’ ’

As soon as this thought surged in his heart, he saw Lin Yu take out several banknotes from his arms and hand them over.

“The trouble continues.”

With money, it is natural to say anything, and the boss immediately returned to the kitchen with a smile on his face and got busy.

While eating his ramen, Lin Yu silently observed the honey glass of Ganlu Temple with a domineering look.

After eating nearly a dozen bowls of ramen and many side dishes like tempura, Lin Yu finally knew how terrifying the three sumo wrestlers ate.

The folded bowl, placed on the table, was already higher than him.

Lin Yu roughly estimated that the meal of Ganlu Temple Honey Li, according to the current salary, was almost the food of an ordinary family of two for almost a week.

If you eat like this every day, even if you make it yourself, it is estimated that you will eat for a few days, and the honey family of Ganlu Temple will be hungry for the whole month.

You can imagine how Ganlu Temple Honey Li usually comes over, presumably every day is barely eating something to feed the stomach, it is impossible to eat full, as for wanting to eat well, it is even more unrealistic.

After Lin Yu finished eating the noodles in front of him, he stopped, compared with the honey glass of the Ganlu Temple, it was naturally absolutely crushed in strength, but Lin Yu’s food intake was the same as that of ordinary people, and there was not much change.

Finally, after eating a bowl of ramen noodles again, she put down the bowl and wiped her mouth contentedly, like a satisfied hamster, slumped on the seat, touching her lower abdomen with a smile on her face.

“I haven’t eaten so full for a long time, and I’m really too happy.”

“Yes, just eat enough, then let’s go.”


Ganlu Temple Miri narrowed her eyes slightly and responded happily, but after eating enough, her attention finally recovered.

I saw that she suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the mountains of plates on the table in front of her, and the table top that looked a little messy, and suddenly fell silent.

“This… These are all I eat? ”

Ganlu Temple Miri seemed to can’t believe that everything in front of her is real, and looked at the desktop with a dull expression.

Although I don’t want to believe it, the feeling of fullness in my belly is not fake at all.

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