The two sides stood still, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

When the two sides stood still, a staff member in the audience said loudly:

"I am the certification officer for this assessment! The two sides must not kill each other. The enemy of mankind is the beast, not the same race!"

After the formal warning, the certification officer shook the small bell on the table.

Dingdang~! !

The crisp sound came out, indicating that the two sides could start fighting!

"Come out, black snake beast!" With a cold shout, the black hair behind Mai Kuraki's waist spread out, and two black and inky poisonous snakes flew out!

'Silver-level beast, there is no way to fight it. 'Everyone saw her directly summon the black snake beast, and they knew that the guy on the stage was going to be killed in seconds.

But suddenly!


Six more white afterimages appeared on the ring!

And there was one on each of Mai Kuraki's limbs and the two black snakes.

The next moment!

Puff puff puff!!!

The black snake beast was instantly split in two by the white light.

Mai Kuraki's limbs were broken, and her body fell straight back to the ground!


Mai Kuraki, who fell to the ground, was instantly swept by severe pain, her body trembled, and her face was as pale as gold paper!

"Ahem..." With blood gushing out of her mouth, she stared at the young man walking slowly in front of her with fear in her eyes, as well as the little white bird staring at him on his shoulder!

Just now, when she attacked, she had been paying attention to the movement of the bird in the fog.

But the bird disappeared in a flash? !

And she was chopped into a stick without any chance to fight back!

He was obviously only at the bronze level.

Until now, Kuraki Mai still finds it incredible:

"How can this be..."

"You are just a nobody." Shen Yun, who came close to her, took out his pistol and pulled the trigger at her head!

Bang, bang, bang! ! !

In a series of gunshots, Kuraki Mai's skull cracked and red and white objects flew everywhere!

Looking at the back of the young man on the stage, the whole audience was dead silent!

Even the examiners and beast masters who were facing each other stopped their hands unbelievably.

But after a breath, noisy noises arose:

"He killed the examiner Kuraki?! How dare he!!"

"Fuck! My goddess is... dead?!"

"There's something wrong with this kid's contracted beast! He actually killed the silver seven-star Kuraki in seconds?! I'm afraid it will shake the entire Xingyue City!"

The guards in the beast control hall were also startled by the gunshots and rushed into the hall together.

Shen Yun flashed to the side of the ring certification officer and said with a smile:

"Is this considered a successful assessment?"

While speaking, he transferred the balance of more than 7 million in Kuraki Mai's watch to his own account.

'Such a fast speed? ! ' The certification officer's heart was pounding, and he smiled very timely:

"Of course it's done! Please wait, I will help you succeed in certification!"

As he said that, he quickly walked to the workbench beside him, picked up Shen Yun's watch, entered his certification ID, and clicked pass!

At this time, he dared not talk nonsense, saving his life was the key!

If the other party wanted to certify, he could certify. This kind of thing was not something he could participate in.

At the same time, Shen Yun's doomsday mission was also completed:

[Congratulations to the survivors for completing the silver beast control mission, and the reward has been issued. ]

[Task update: After the beastmaster reaches the silver level, the second beast control space can be opened. Choose a suitable contracted beast to become the second partner]

'The second one? ' Shen Yun's eyes lit up!

He likes this mission!

Shen Yun, with his feet moving like the wind, disappeared in the Beast Taming Hall...


Thirty miles outside Xingyun City.

Beast Taming Market.

This is the largest exotic beast trading area in the surrounding cities. Various forces gather here, and more than a dozen diamond-level masters are in charge. The safety is beyond doubt.

Shen Yun, who entered the city, was immediately attracted by the scene in front of him.

The huge city is full of stalls selling exotic beasts.

Strange and bizarre exotic beasts can be seen everywhere, locked in special iron cages.

And above the city, a giant regional banner is floating:

[Black Iron District, Bronze District, Silver District...]

The deeper you go into the city, the higher the level of the exotic beasts.

There are stalls all over the ground, and the roads are connected in all directions. The exotic beasts that can be seen everywhere have a variety of appearances.

Shen Yun followed the flow of people to observe one by one and choose the exotic beast he likes.

Suddenly he thought of something, tilted his head and looked at Tian Xuanluan who was lying on his shoulder:

'You are not angry? These should all be your fellow villagers, right? '

If Tian Xuanluan is willing, he can save all the beasts with a wave of his hand.

Tian Xuanluan said:

'The general trend is that the price of the battle between the two tribes. '


While speaking, Tian Xuanluan's bright eyes looked at Shen Yun intentionally or unintentionally.

But I didn’t dare to peek too much, and I was careful.

In its impression, Morgan had no special opportunity.

It is unknown whether he had it when he was a child.

But since helping it evolve into Tian Xuan Luan, Morgan seems to be much more confident.

And the killing was too bland.

It was so plain that Tian Xuanluan was a little frightened!

It was worried about its partner, whether something was wrong.

‘How did that crack form? It wasn’t you who invaded? ’ Chen Yun was curious as he picked out the exotic beasts.

Tian Xuanluan shrugged in a very humane manner:

‘The earth is very magical. In your words, it was in ancient times, and we were the masters of the earth. This place is called the ancient star of life, but we couldn't bear the threat of annihilation and left the earth to find a place to survive in the stars. ’

‘Now that our star field has reached the end of its life, the strong men of all races can only use up their lifespan to open the space cracks across the star field nodes, find the earth, and strive for a glimmer of life for all races. ’

'So that's it...' Shen Yun felt a little emotional.

There are so many things that humans don’t know.

How big is the universe?

The earth is equivalent to a grain of sand in the universe, insignificant.

Even he knows little about things in ancient times.

Mayan civilization, Atlantis, Lemurian civilization, etc., humans can build manned rockets, can't they build similar props?

Nothing is absolute!

The alien beasts returning from the cracks are the best example.

It was impossible for Tian Xuanluan to lie to him, otherwise the soul contract between the two parties would have reacted.

At this time, Shen Yun found an animal at a roadside stall that caught his attention.

"Red panda?"

I saw the little guy lying in the cage, humming and eating bamboo shoots.

The little guy looks bigger than a puppy, and his eyes are bright and lively, making him cute to look at.

When the stall owner saw Shen Yun squatting down and touching the little panda's feet, he knew that the business was close, so he introduced with a smile on his face:

"Boss, the local pandas don't mutate much, but this is the cub of the Iron-Eating Diamond Beast in the Crack. It won't be a problem to earn five silver stars when it grows up! Since it is a cub and still needs to be fed, the discounted price is 460,000 alliance coins!"

Shen Yun really liked this naive little guy and signed the contract on the spot after paying the money.

The best deal for this ignorant beast is that it takes time to grow.

But for him it's a matter of minutes.

And on his wrist, there is a tattoo of a red panda.

[Congratulations to the survivors for completing the mission, the rewards have been distributed. 】

[Mission update: Upgrade the second contracted beast to Silver level]

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