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As everyone around him was attracted by the aircraft carrier, Shen Yun came to a deserted shore, put away his car and jumped into the river!

The moment his skin touched the river water, he felt as comfortable as a fish in water.

With just a slight sway of his limbs, he began to swim in the water like a fish.

'The skin seems to be breathing...'

Although Shen Yun's breath-holding duration was an exaggerated one trillion years.

But exposed skin can obviously absorb oxygen from the water.

'It should be the mutation brought about by the ocean-level stress-resistant physique... And I can see very clearly in the river...' Looking at the Ark sinking in the river hundreds of meters away, Shen Yun then Experience what it means to have ocean-level water properties!

Especially the way he feels when accelerating through the water, as if there is no resistance!

As the introduction says, you can swim in the sea even when the flood comes!

After familiarizing himself with swimming skills in the water, Shen Yun swung his limbs and quickly approached the giant ark in front of him.

When he came closer, a gate below slowly opened.

Chen Yun, who swam into the ark, exerted all his strength on his limbs and emerged from the bottom of the water in a short while, looking at the people standing around him. .

The leader is the blond-haired Lovely, who is wearing a black miniskirt and a captain's uniform, and is surrounded by a group of artificial intelligences in maid outfits, waiting on the left and right.

This captain is pretty good at things. The robots in both rows are all wearing short skirts and tunics.

When bowing to salute.

At first glance, it looks like a peach party.

"Dear Master, it's a pleasure to meet you." Lovely smiled and knelt down on one knee, extending her hand in a very natural gesture.

But it is naturally incomparable to Rona and others.

Even with the treasure-hunting robot Yuribi.

At least Shen Yun had a clear view from the bottom up.

Even if Yuri was present, he would probably run away in shame when he saw these red crotch pants.

Lovelay still lacks a sense of agility.

After Chen Yun grabbed her hand and landed, he thought to himself:

‘System, modify Lovelei to a super-intelligent brain level! ’

'Good host, data is being modified...'

In this way, Lovelei can better control the entire Ark, which can save Shen Yun a lot of worry.

After thinking for a while, he continued:

‘Let’s upgrade these robots to the intelligence level, be loyal to me, loyal to the Ark, and live in harmony. Rebel auto-destruction program. ’

【bite! The data modification was successful, and Ark's artificial intelligence has now reached the intelligence level! Willing to rebel will activate self-destruction mode. 】

In an instant, the footsteps behind Shen Yun stopped in unison!

The figure in the eyes of Lovelei and others became more and more vivid, and they were a little stunned when they looked at Shen Yun's back:

"Master...is...is it you?"

"Serve Ark well." Shen Yun smiled slightly, took off his wet clothes and changed into a clean set.

Noticing that there was no sound behind him, he looked back and saw that these girls were blushing and lowering their heads.

Some glanced at him furtively, while some bolder ones blushed and ogled him.

It does look a lot more vivid.

Lovelei took a deep breath and stepped forward quickly:

"Thank you Master, we will work hard!"

"Yeah." Shen Yun was walking in the passage, observing the internal structure of the ark back and forth.

Although he couldn't understand it, it didn't stop him from opening his eyes.

"By the way, Master, you haven't named the ark yet."

"Name?" Shen Yun really had no inspiration for choosing a name, so he waved his hand:

"Let's call it Invincible."

Lovelay: (・-・)? ?

Lovelei blinked her eyes, her tone a little uncertain:

"Master, is your name Invincible?"

"Is there a problem?"

Lovelei pursed her lips and smiled and praised:

"No! This name is too domineering. Lovelei was suppressed by the aura of this name for a while! It made the master laugh."

Chen Yun looked back at the maid group and found that the girls were nodding affirmatively, with a smile on their lips:

"I think it's pretty good too."

"Yeah, I'm so domineering!"

"That's right! I didn't even think of such a suitable name! The master is so awesome!"

"Awesome master~!"

Lovelay turned back and glared at the group of girls who were holding back their laughter:

'Don't let the master get lost in praise, it will ruin him! ’

'But the master just laughed, Captain~'

‘Tch, you weren’t the first to flatter me, Captain! ’


Dozens of women make a show, and robots are no exception.

Chen Yun ignored them and opened the modifier on his own, with a cold light flashing in his eyes:

'It's time to deal with you...


Then he entered a line of information:

[Change the boarding information of Yao Jianhao, Zhu Yangyang, Zhao Fei... and change the boarding information to the Invincible! Bring your own supplies on board! ]

Only one day later, the news of the giant ark appearing in the Mingcheng River became popular all over the Internet!

If the video is fake.

But the destroyer standing in the river is exactly the same as the one in the video!

More authoritative organizations went to the scene and detected the length of the underwater ark at the first time:

8888 meters!

A very auspicious number!

But according to gossip, the largest ark built by various countries is only about 3 kilometers.

Once it exceeds this, it will be a great test of technology!

This has increased so much, so where does the technology in various aspects such as power performance come from? !

This also caused the Mingcheng River to be surrounded by people watching from all sides.

Not only the mayor of Mingcheng came.

Even the military district flew to the aircraft carrier in an armed helicopter to check the situation.

However, the warning sound from the aircraft carrier made the crowd in an uproar:

[Warning! No strangers are allowed to board the Invincible aircraft carrier! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences! ]

[Warning! No strangers are allowed to board the Invincible aircraft carrier! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences! ]

Before the military personnel were anxious, the mayor of Ming City, Wang Hong, jumped up first:

"It's simply lawless! This is China! Does he want to rebel?"

The captain of the special operations team glanced at this guy and signaled to evacuate the helicopter.

Although the Ming River is large enough, it is impossible to drive such a large ark from the outside!

There is no possibility of building this behemoth at the bottom of the river!

The sudden appearance of the Invincible is similar to the recent disappearance of ships around the world.

'It seems that he is also a time traveler...' The action team leader rubbed the missile launch signal in his pocket, hesitated for a moment, waved his hand, and led the team away.

A few days ago, the top leaders issued confidential documents.

Secretly look for the traces of these ship-stealing time travelers!

But the flying boat of the man in front of him was too epoch-making.

Just talking about the extremely advanced weapons on the aircraft carrier, he had never heard of it!

Once a conflict occurs, it is not a wise move!

That's right.

Some time travelers have already surrendered to the Chinese military, asking the military to collect materials and build an ark with a "defense shield"!

There are quite a few such people, and they can undoubtedly build advanced ships faster than other time travelers.

"Captain Chen, why are you leaving?!" Mayor Wang Hong saw the man gathering his troops and hurried forward.

"Mayor Wang, I suddenly received an important task. I give you full responsibility here. It's best not to cause a conflict! If possible, see if you can get people on board!" Captain Chen didn't say any nonsense. After a few simple exchanges, he drove away.

'This task is good! ' Wang Hong was secretly excited!

Many of his relatives and friends don't have tickets. It would be great if he could get a place on this giant ark!

After a while.

Wang Hong, holding a megaphone, stood by the river and shouted:

"Excuse me, is there anyone in the ark? I am the mayor of Mingcheng!"

Unfortunately, the other party did not respond after shouting for a long time, which made Wang Hong look a little embarrassed.

He is the mayor after all, and it is so embarrassing for so many people in the city to laugh at him.

At this time, several policemen escorted a group of people and squeezed through the crowd:

"Make way! Make way!"

Wang Hong turned around and saw that the person who came was Yao Jianhao, and raised his eyebrows:

"Mr. Yao, what are you..."

Yao Jianhao stepped forward quickly, his tone was somewhat excited:

"Mayor Wang, we have boarding tickets! Come with me and see if we can get a few more seats for you, brother!"

Seeing Yao Jianhao take out the official ticket certificate of him, Zhao Fei, Zhu Yangyang and others, Wang Hong's eyes flashed, and he shook his hand tightly, with gratitude overflowing!

Perhaps the two of them didn't have much friendship before.

But this time, the call of brother touched his heart!

He remembered this favor!

‘Now that we have Mayor Wang, the other party should not do anything dirty.’ Seeing him agree, Yao Jianhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were suddenly rescheduled to Mingcheng, which was full of doubts.

Fortunately, the video of the Ark appearing in Mingcheng last night went viral!

Especially the size of the Ark and the high-tech weapons on the deck shocked netizens from all sides.

Claimed to be able to survive the flood!

But there must be something wrong!

Although Yao Jianhao was excited, he was very cautious.

It happened to be the mayor of Mingcheng, Wang Hong, to explore the way together!

In addition to Wang Hong, he also invited Liucheng Director Zheng Dong and military district investigators!

All three parties have iron backgrounds, so it can be said that there is no risk!

More than ten minutes later.

The group took a speedboat and drove to the mysterious Ark.

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