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There is no doubt that the highway out of the city is blocked.

As long as a car rear-ends you at this moment, the people behind you will not be able to drive away.

All those who escaped from Haicheng climbed on the roof of the car and did not dare to stay for a moment.

Shen Yun walked on the high-speed railing and looked back at Haicheng in the distance.

Thick smoke could be vaguely seen rising from high-rise buildings.

There are still a large number of people pouring onto the highway from behind.

no way.

There are mountains and forests around the city, and only highways can get to the next city the fastest.

The sergeants who were originally maintaining order in the city also withdrew from Haicheng at this time.

The alien species really came too suddenly, without any warning.

It is simply impossible to clean up the city with this small force.


Everyone noticed that the road beneath their feet began to tremble slightly.

Even parked vehicles started shaking!


"Where did our earthquake come from?! It can't be that there are alien species coming out of the ground!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was frightened!

You must know that the black fish schools rush out from the ground!

The crowd immediately panicked and anxiously climbed on the roof of the car to rush out.

Just then.

Rumble~! !

A dull roar came from the city behind.

Shen Yun, who had been paying attention to Haicheng, trembled at the corner of his eye:

'It's incredible...'

The people who heard the movement looked back and took a deep breath:


"What kind of monster is that?!"

I saw tentacles wrapping around the tall building, and a giant octopus with a smooth scalp rose up!

And the roar in the city was the sound of tall buildings being overwhelmed and collapsing!

When the giant octopus raised its body, it let out a melodious howl:


The sound was not harsh, but what happened next was.

But it made everyone present turn pale!

I saw this giant octopus emitting a light blue semicircular beam of light all over its body.

Just between breaths.

The semicircular beam of light instantly spread and enveloped the entire city! !

"It's the alien mask from Sakura Country!!!" said a familiar person!

"Run quickly!!"

Everyone fled in panic!

Once you are trapped in it and cannot get out, you will only be overwhelmed by the tide of beasts in the city.

Chen Yun didn't want to stay any longer, a few flashes spanned hundreds of meters!

In case of uncertainty, it is better not to take risks yourself. There is no big mistake in being cautious.

Fortunately, the light curtain only enveloped the city and did not spread outwards, so everyone felt relieved.

But the survivors in the city were miserable.

Before there is a sure way to get out, they have to fight against the marine alien species all over the city!

The possibility of survival.

Almost zero!

Several pedestrians sitting on the roof of the car looked happy:

"It looks like Haicheng will be completely destroyed like Sakura Island."

"Fortunately we walked fast, otherwise we would have been trapped!"

"I heard that a tide of alien beasts also broke out in other coastal cities, and some coastal defense lines were breached! If the next time we enter another world and the entire city is surrounded by a tide of beasts after coming out, it will be the end of the world!"

"Hey, if this is the case, we can only move to the inland or the plateau. If we can delay it for a while, try to get high score rewards in other worlds..."

At this time, the large octopus in Haicheng had disappeared and must have sunk into the ground.

But people on the expressway didn't dare to stop too much, so they took a short break and continued on their way.

Chen Yun on the roof of the car looked at Haicheng from a distance, and after thinking for a moment, he decided to look again.

He needs to figure out whether this mask can be penetrated using spatial displacement!

If he could, this mask would be of no use to him, and he would be able to collect the supplies in the city!

More than half an hour later.

After confirming that the mask had not spread, Shen Yun came to the edge of the mask!

"Huh?!" Chen Yun, who was standing on the roof of a truck, was surprised to find that these black fish could enter and exit the light shield unimpeded!

As for the humans inside the mask, no matter how they slapped the mask and tried to rush out, it was to no avail.

Even if the sergeants inside fired with thermal weapons, it would be difficult to shake the light shield at all.

As for the people outside the circle, under the attack of a large number of black fish, they either hid in the car and shivered, or fell among the fish, becoming the food of this group of alien species.

"You can come and go freely, are you of the same species..." Shen Yun pursed his lips and stared at the light shield in front of him, and his figure flashed!

However, he hasn't moved in yet.

With a bang, it was like hitting a wall of air and appeared from mid-air.


A group of black fish heard movement below and screamed strangely.

, jumped upwards with his mouth wide open!

Shen Yun, who was falling freely, flashed and landed on the roof of a car not far away. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the light mask in front:

"Can't get in... is it because of race? Or is it because its spatial ability is stronger than mine..."

"If you encounter such a large octopus covering the city in the future, maybe you can eliminate it by killing it..." Without thinking about it, Shen Yun turned around and disappeared on the highway in a few flashes.

He also plans to go to the inland or plateau area to find a quiet environment to continue collecting rewards for traveling to other worlds.

By the way, learn about the characteristics and abilities of alien species.

If you kill a large octopus and cannot break the light shield, or if you encounter other marine alien species with special powers, the variables are too big...

Sioux City International Airport.

The place was already packed with people.

Nowadays, apart from high-speed rail, airplanes are the fastest way to travel inland quickly.

However, the Sakura Kingdom was flooded by a tide of beasts, and all major airlines' tickets were fully booked within a month.

Can't board the plane without a ticket?

People coming from other cities didn't care about this. They directly attacked the security check and forced boarding, causing many planes to be grounded and routes delayed.

This makes people who would otherwise be able to board the plane feel dissatisfied!

From the initial quarrel and tug-of-war between the two parties.

They even fought and attacked each other, and many people even died!

At this time, Shen Yun was already sitting in a plane.

Sitting by the window, he glanced at the chaotic scene in the terminal and closed his eyes to rest.

More than an hour of traveling consumed a lot of his mental energy.

Fortunately, there were many hitchhikers on the way, allowing him to sit on the roof of the car and rest.

Since there was no seat on the plane, Shen Yun sat in the flight attendant's exclusive seat in the back cabin.

It can be seen that air tickets to the mainland are very tight recently.

You must know that the current air tickets start at a minimum of 300,000, which is still unavailable.

At this time, when the three stewardesses returned to their seats after their inspection, they discovered that there was an extra young man here?

However, the handsome Shen Yun calmed down and it was easy for others to like him.

"Tsk tsk, this guy is quite handsome~"

"Did someone rob him of his seat? Or did he not have a ticket to board the plane?" After the three stewardesses whispered, the first one had a professional smile and a pleasant voice:

"Sir, do you have a ticket? This is the staff seating area."

The plane had already taken off, and it was obviously impossible to chase people away at this time.

It would be even more troublesome if outsiders attack and cause trouble because of delays.

As soon as she finished speaking, the three stewardesses were stunned!

The young man didn't even raise his eyelids, he disappeared directly by the window and appeared in the middle of the three seats!

This scene made the three of them widen their eyes:

‘Special… superpower? ! ’

Only people with superpowers can move at such a fast speed!

And it’s also a displacement ability!

This is an extremely practical and powerful ability!

"Don't disturb me."

The calm tone made the three stewardesses feel flustered and nervous for no reason.

Only then did they realize that the aura of the man in front of them was very powerful!

The three people who have read countless people know that the other party is by no means an ordinary person.

"The plane has taken off, please sit down first." The three of them looked at each other and took their seats.

As for the stewardess who didn't have a seat, she sat on her colleague's lap.

The three of them are not stupid. There is no need to offend such a person because of a ticket.


The most important thing is that they have small thoughts in their hearts.

Young, handsome, and powerful!

This is exactly the standard for choosing a spouse in their current flight attendant circle.

Even if there is a romantic relationship, it may become a retreat in the current environment.

Now that they have the opportunity to get close, the three of them naturally don't want to miss it.

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