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A faint chanting sound eerily penetrated the entire Qingshan City.

The next moment.

boom! ! !

Thick black mist swept out from Chen Yun and spread to the entire city ground.


Kakaka~! ! !

A series of squeaking sounds.

Under the ground shrouded in black mist, skeleton monsters with white bones crawled up from the ground!




Thousands of them! ! !

When people at the city gates everywhere were blocked by dense skeleton monsters.

They all trembled and stared at the figures in the void surrounded by black mist with shocked eyes:

"Oh my god..."

"The Necromancer...can actually summon so many skeleton monsters?!"

The skeleton monsters all over the street looked up at the sky with green eyes.

And their hands are raised high like pilgrims.

I want to touch the king standing in the void!

This weird scene scared everyone in the city to the point where they didn’t dare to breathe!

Immediately afterwards.

The words of the figure in the void are like the will of the gods, exuding endless majesty:

"Obey my orders! Slaughter the beast tide!!!"

The words just fell.

call out! ! !

The black mist on the ground quickly poured into the bones of the skeleton monster.

Kakaka~! ! !

The group of skeletons twisted their limbs stiffly, making sounds of friction.

But the magic is.

Some skeletons emit golden light, and their breath pierces the skin.

Some are blood red all over and have strong qi and blood.

Some are suspended in the air and mysterious.

The gift of domination takes effect!

‘Is it a mutated skeleton monster? But I have never seen it before! ’ Many people looked at the attributes of these skeleton monsters in surprise:

[Power Skeleton Monster·Level:? ? ? 】

【property:? ? ? 】

[Agility Skeleton Monster·Level:? ? ? 】


[Introduction: Summoned by player Zhang Tiedan using [Hymn of the Undead], duration: 2 minutes. 】

'this? ! ’ Everyone stared.

Levels cannot be viewed and they can be understood.

But why are attributes also question marks? !

Even some thieves and shooters use insight skills.

There is no way to spy on the attributes of these skeleton monsters!

At this time.

The skeleton tide is moving!

The first to bear the brunt was the tide of beasts rushing into the city from the West City Gate.

But the two sides just met each other!

Let all the survivors around him stand dumbfounded!

Puff puff puff~! ! !

Flesh and blood are flying everywhere.

The white afterimages seemed to be entering an uninhabited land, massacring monsters with a devastating offensive!

In just a few breaths, all the monsters that poured into the West City were killed!


So scary! !

Then these skeleton monsters that rushed to the city jumped off the city one by one and rushed into the beast tide!

As for the people in the other three cities, they have not yet made any move.

The skeleton monsters behind them were like grasshoppers, jumping directly over the heads of everyone from where they were, and fell into the group of corpses outside the city!

Looking from above.

The white waves outside the four city walls swallowed up the black beast tide at an unparalleled speed.

And in the air.

Dense white threads flashed among the birds, and blood flew!

It only takes a moment.

All the colorful birds in the sky were slaughtered!

"Hiss!!!" Everyone gasped with wide eyes!

"What kind of magician is this!!"

"I...I'm not dreaming, am I?"

The terrifying number and damage done by the skeleton monsters had already shocked them.

What's even more unsolvable is.

When these skeleton monsters are attacked, what the hell is a series of - MISS above their heads? !

There are so many monsters in the beast tide, but they can't even break the defense? !

"One man destroyed the beast horde, you tell me this is true?" When the uncle said this, the hair on his body stood up.

It’s incredible!

Many people stared at the figure holding a staff in the void and surrounded by black mist:

"This is simply a natural disaster level existence!"

"I feel that his career growth may be more terrifying than 10 stars!!"

No one has ever seen a 10-star professional.

But everyone present felt it.

Even 10 stars are not worthy of possessing such terrifying destructive strength!

Otherwise, a level 40 necromancer wouldn't be able to grow so fast even if he had 10 stars.

Because it's not logical at all!

Even if Zhang Tiedan is level 80, he can't be so terrifying!

Some people secretly speculated:

‘Maybe it’s a top-notch prop? ’

But no matter what, Zhang Tiedan is him

We are from Qingshan City.

Everyone in the city felt lucky for this!

On the battlefield, the fighting power of the skeleton group is too powerful!

In less than 2 minutes, there was no more roar of monsters outside the city.

A group of millions of skeletons turned around and knelt down on one knee towards the black shadow standing in the void.

This shocking scene made the players in the city dare not make a sound.

I'm afraid of disturbing this group of terrifying skeleton bosses!

After a while, the skeletal bodies of the skeleton group automatically shattered and fell to the ground.

It was a brutal battlefield before.

It was completely silent now!

Although the skeletons are gone.

But everyone in the city still couldn't wake up from the shock.

As for some people who traveled to Qingshan City, looking at the mighty Necromancer in the sky, they were both jealous and lucky!

Jealousy is that if this guy is a time traveler, he will definitely be rich in scoring rewards when he returns!

Fortunately, I survived!

With this big boss here, they can spend a year in Qingshan City and return, which can be said to be a free reward!

Maybe we can take advantage of this period of time to develop a wave and increase the reward level.

at this time.

Shen Yun, who was attracting the attention of the whole city, looked down at the crowd and said calmly:

"I want to clear all the monsters in the cities in Huaxia District. You are willing to follow me."

The power rating cannot be less, but if he is allowed to farm monsters alone, he will not die from exhaustion. This is the perfect time to win over people's hearts.

"What!!!" The players in the city were stunned.

Clear all cities in China of monsters? !

Such arrogant and domineering words would be considered whimsical to anyone.

But the undead army just now proved it.

This man spoke with an extremely young voice.

It is very possible to achieve such a feat!

'What's more, we were the first to follow him! ! ’

Thinking of this, the bosses of many forces in the city imitated the appearance of those skeleton monsters, knelt down on one knee, stared at the heavy clouds in the sky with blazing eyes, and shouted loudly:

"I do!!!"

"I am willing to follow you!!!"

Don't talk about these forces.

Even the neutral armed forces in the city only hesitated for a moment and knelt on one knee to show their submission:

"I do!!!"

No one wants to clear the city of monsters.

In this way, the teleportation NPC between cities can be enabled, and there will be many escape routes!

Relatives are separated, interests are entangled, power is in hand, or they are forced by Shen Yun's lust.

Everyone in the city knelt down and surrendered!

"very good."

Chen Yun looked around at everyone and said with a smile:

"In one hour, form a group of 10,000 people to follow me on an expedition to clear out the monsters in the surrounding cities and open up roads!"

Once the main roads between cities are opened, NPC road signs will be set up.

There will be no monsters on the road, and the teleportation between the two cities will be established!

‘Ten thousand people join the group? ! ’ Everyone stared at Shen Yun with fiery faces.

If only his undead army would clear the way.

Isn't that to gain experience and upgrade? !

If they can be a lot higher than the players, the benefits will be immeasurable!

Everyone looked at Shen Yun expectantly, waiting for his next order!

"Sign up to find Liu Neng from Lishui Street." After saying that, Shen Yun disappeared into the air.

"Liu Neng from Lishui Street?"

"Has anyone heard of this guy?"

Everyone quickly opened the friend search.

Those who move quickly head directly to Lishui Street!

Liu Neng, who was on the street in the city, was standing there with a dull look on his face.

As for his wife, her eyes widened and her voice trembled when she looked at the character interface:

"Just...just joined the team, we...we are already level 40?!"

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