Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 393

"Do not waste time, with your attack means still can not break the four red sun formation boundary, the following please accept the great gift I give you!" Hai Wu Ya right hand flip to take out a sealing talisman, in the yellow ape shocked gaze released as if a waterfall of seawater.

Hai Wu Ya but in advance to the seal talisman sealed some seawater, although the number of these seawater is not much, but fill the four red sun formation boundary space or more than enough.

"Boom boom boom"

A tsunami of seawater rushed out from the sealing talisman, instantly filling the entire four red sun formation boundary space, and in this closed space filled with seawater, like the yellow ape Devil Fruit Ability has no power to resist.

The last question before he died was why Hai Wu Ya is not affected by the sea water as an ability.

"Looks like my luck is not bad!"

After Hai Wu Ya collected more than 100,000 gold coins, a skill book of armed color hegemony and flash fruit exploded from the yellow ape, the corner of his mouth could not help but raise a smug smile.

After Hai Wu Ya let the shadow doppelgangers lift the four red sun formation, he called out to the stunned navy from on high: "Go back and tell Warlord, just sending a general out is not enough for me to kill, if you really want to catch me to avenge the Dragon, then gather at least ten generals first!

Hai Wu Ya said also ignored those who have not yet returned to the navy, directly made the ability to space shuttle disappeared in the Shambodian Islands.

Although killing Huang Saru is not a big deal for Hai Wu Ya? But the fall of the admiral to the Navy, pirates and revolutionary army is a big deal.

This time the Navy not only failed to catch the Yama who killed the Dragon, but also lost one of the admirals, which will even have a great impact on the entire pattern of the sea.

Especially the sudden appearance of this Yan Lo Wang, he not only used the Sky Dragon as a hostage to force the red dog to kneel and apologize, and afterwards also be able to kill the yellow ape whole body and retreat, what he did can simply be said to be the worst crime.

For the five old stars Yan Lo Wang is already their target to kill, because if not to kill Yan Lo Wang to make an example of the monkeys, I'm afraid that some lawless guys will learn the practice of Yan Lo Wang, grabbing a few Tianlong people as hostages and then threaten the Navy to do for them.

As this time Yan Luo Wang not only killed two Dragon man, and the use of video phone bug live to the Navy and the world government have caused an extremely bad impact, so the Navy to Yan Luo Wang first issued a wanted order up to 1.5 billion Bailey.

The Navy Admiral Akane in order to capture Yan Lo Wang to the case, in the next a long time are frantically searching around the traces of Yan Lo Wang, and in this period there are hundreds of different sizes of pirate groups were Akane as a tool to vent their anger.

Chapter 478 Don Quixote family (subscriptions, votes)

But even if the red dog heart again want to catch Yan Luo Wang a snow shame, he does not even know the real appearance of Yan Luo Wang, this is also a difficult thing like heaven.

A few days later Yan Luo Wang killed two Tianlong people, and severely humiliated the Navy and the world government news also reached the ears of the empress, so the empress naturally completely fascinated by the sea, from the original arrogant and narcissistic look completely turned into a nymphomaniac sister's model.

In the Nine Snakes Island Empress' bedchamber, Hai Wu Ya rode the Empress' horse and galloped all night, and the next morning he heard his men inform him that the Straw Hat Boy had appeared on the Nine Snakes Island.

If other men broke into the nine snake island, then the empress will certainly not hesitate to put it to death.

But the empress read Luffy beat up the Flying Dragon newspaper, so she did not let people kill Luffy, but at the behest of the sea gave him a small boat, and then in Luffy's thanks in a thousand sent him out of the nine snakes island.

In the next half month, Hai Wu Ya every day with the empress, with her unlocked more than fifty different positions, from inside to outside, from the body to the spirit have completely conquered Hancock.

After half a month of love and affection with the empress, Hai Wu Ya finally chose to temporarily leave Nine Snakes Island and rush to the kingdom of Dressrosa.

Although it is very comfortable to get together with the empress every day, but the tender land is also the hero's grave.

But Hai Wu Ya can not spend all the time in the affairs of men and women above, he still have to use the remaining time to the three color hegemony to enhance the level of the great success, and incidentally burst some powerful devil fruit it!


A white stream of light fell from the sky like a meteor, smashing a crater hundreds of meters in diameter in front of the royal palace hall of Dressrosa.

After the three top cadres of the family felt the violent vibration in the hall, their faces could not help but change slightly.

"It can't be that monster coming, right?"

When Doflamingo heard the loud noise coming from outside, the first thing that came to his mind was the figure of that monster Kaido.

The reason is that if other people had attacked the palace, Doflamingo would have received notice from his cadres. Only a monster like Kaido could ignore Doflamingo's cadres and rush directly to the palace's main hall in one breath.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the website.

Although Doflamingo does not know why Kaido will suddenly appear? But Kaito this kind of can because of the whim to attack the naval headquarters alone psychopath, no matter what he made DaoFangMingGuo will not be surprised?

But when he arrived outside the main hall, he realized that the visitor was not the Kaido he had imagined, but a white-robed man with short dark red hair and a red diamond-shaped pattern on his forehead.

The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The actual fact is that you can't even dare to put a fart in front of Kaito. The strength of the multifarious brother is certainly quite good, but in front of the monsters like Kaido is like a defenseless child.

Every time when he faced Kaido, he had a sense of fear of death in his heart.

After all, Kaido's strength far exceeds that of Doflamingo, facing such a powerful and abnormal madman in his head, as long as a normal person will feel afraid.

"This is the royal palace of Dressrosa, it seems I have not come to the wrong place."

Hai Wu Ya looked around at the guards who were watching intently, and finally landed his gaze on the Don Quixote family's group led by Doflamingo.

The Torrey Boyle beside Doflamingo took a look at the big pit behind Hai Wu Ya, and a lewd smile flashed in his eyes while sniffling at Hai Wu Ya and asked, "Chanting hey hey hey, I say, I say, what are you?"

"What a disgusting and disgusting guy, disgusting I don't even want to use the treasure against you!"

Because this guy Torrey Ball took the sticky fruit, so his appearance looks like a puddle of slimy slugs, even Doflamingo and the others do not like to get too close to this disgusting guy, not to mention Hai Wu Ya.

"Click, click, click, click."

Hai Wu Ya's right hand waved fiercely, a cloud of the most Yin cold gas immediately as fast as lightning will be Torrey Ball frozen into ice, the next second the whole ice suddenly shattered into a field of ice slag Torrey Ball GG.

"Torrey Ball!"

Doflamingo see Torrebore was sea no end of the second scene, his pupils fiercely shrink.

Torrepol and the four top cadres were the ones who had established the Don Quixote family with the young Doflamingo, and in Doflamingo's heart Torrepol and the four top cadres had a high status, and Doflamingo had always regarded the four top cadres as his real family.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

The reason is that this guy Torrey Boyle looks very sloppy, but his strength is one of the best in the family, and it is very difficult to kill him in one move even if Doflamingo personally strikes.

However, while Doflamingo had concerns in his mind, the other two top cadres who were close to Torrepole could not resist making a move.


Diamanti, who was dressed like an Indian, drew out the Western longsword at his waist with one hand and stabbed at Hai Wu Ya's chest as fast as a swift wind.

The tall and sturdy Pika was fused with the rocks beneath his feet, instantly turning into a 100-meter-tall rock giant, raising his mountain-like fist to smash down on Hai Wu Ya.

"How dare you behave like a mere ant!"

Hai Wu Ya did not dodge in the face of Diamante and Pica's combined attack, but slowly raised both hands to meet it.

"Bang Bang!"

Although Pika had turned into a hundred meters tall rock giant, the force of his blow weighed hundreds of tons, but the moment his attack landed on Hai Wu Ya, he felt that his fist had hit cotton, and all the power was absorbed by Hai Wu Ya.

Hai Wu Ya's left hand absorbed the power of Pica's heavy blow, and his right hand turned into a fist to blast all this absorbed power on Diamanti's chest, easily shattering Diamanti's heart.

"Found you!"

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