Infinite copy of the world

The infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 395

The stronger Hai Wu Ya's spiritual and soul power is, the more powerful his outburst of Hegemony color hegemony will be.

In the next month or so, Hai Wu Ya, in addition to having a double flight with the empress and Wei Wei from time to time, the rest of the time deliberately went to kill some pirates who have the Seeing Color Hegemony and Armed Color Hegemony, successfully raised their own Seeing Color Hegemony and Armed Color Hegemony to the level of the Great Perfection.

When Hai Wu Ya's Seeing color hegemony to the level of great perfection, successfully derived a special attribute foretelling the future.

Once Hai Wu Ya uses the Great Perfection level of Seeing color hegemony, then he can foretell what will happen in the next minute in advance.

The time flies, the years are like a shuttle, in a flash six months have passed, a white mango appeared out of nowhere wrapped around Hai Wu Ya's body disappeared in the copy space of the Pirate King.

After Hai Wu Ya returned to the system palace, the first time he sold all the unused props in his hand to the copy store.

The gold coins from the sale of these props, plus the gold coins that Hai Wu Ya had exploded from fighting monsters earlier, the gold coins in Hai Wu Ya's hand had reached more than 60 million now.

Hai Wu Ya took a look at the gold coins in his hand, thought about it secretly for a while, and finally decided to spend 30 million gold coins to buy a complete Dragon Yuan.

After Hai Wu Ya bought a complete Dragon Yuan, he spent another three million gold coins to buy some heavenly materials and treasures so that the refined Dragon Yuan Pill could fully bring out the efficacy of the Dragon Yuan.

After several hours of careful refining, a Dragon Yuan Golden Pill emitting a golden halo appeared in front of Hai Wu Ya.

"It is worthy of being a complete Dragon Element Golden Pill, just by smelling the fragrance of this pellet I can feel the magic power in my body has increased."

Hai Wu Ya smelled the faint medicinal fragrance emitted from the Dragon Yuan Golden Pill, his eyes were filled with anticipation, and he opened his mouth and swallowed the Dragon Yuan Golden Pill into his stomach.


The Dragon Element Golden Pill melted in his mouth, and a thin medicinal power exploded in Hai Wu Ya's body, like a shocking wave hitting his limbs and bones, causing his veins and tendons, which were tougher than steel, to feel a painful swelling.

Feeling the thin medicinal power in his body, Hai Wu Ya didn't dare to hesitate and ran the Taiji Xuanqing Dao with all his might to quickly refine the medicinal power into pure magic power.

After half a day of full refinement, the last trace of medicinal power of the Dragon Element Golden Pill was finally refined, and Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level also broke through from the First Heaven of the Golden Pill Stage to the Eighth Heaven of the Golden Pill Stage in one breath.

Originally, the energy in the Dragon Element Golden Pill was enough for Hai Wu Ya to break through from the Jindan stage to the YuanYing stage, but because Hai Wu Ya was a dual practitioner of martial arts and part of the medicinal power was used to strengthen his physical body, his cultivation level only reached the eighth day of the Jindan stage.

However, even though Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level was only at the eighth day of the Jindan stage, the magic power in his body was comparable to that of an expert at the first day of the YuanYing stage, and his magic power even exceeded that of many experts at the first day of the YuanYing stage.

After Hai Wu Ya familiarized himself with his burgeoning cultivation, he took a look at the 30 million gold coins left in his hand and thought for a moment to pull out the Pirate King's copy store.

Although the ability of Devil Fruit is very powerful, but the ability to fear seawater and sea building stone is a huge drawback, so Hai Wu Ya ready to take a look in the copy store to see if you can find what can solve this shortcoming of the props?

After searching carefully in the copy store, Hai Wu Ya finally found a prop called Perfect Devil Fruit Evolver. As long as the devil fruit into the perfect devil fruit evolution device, then you can make the devil fruit perfect evolution.

And this perfect devil fruit in addition to let the taker and will not have the fear of seawater and sea building stone shortcomings, but also to remove the devil fruit a person can only take a devil fruit shortcomings.

But each perfect devil fruit evolver is priced at one million gold coins, which means that some devil fruit with poorer ability is not worth using the perfect devil fruit evolver.

After all, like the mouse fruit these low-level devil fruit, they are in the copy store itself is only more than 100,000 gold coins!

Hai Wu Ya took a look at the Devil Fruit in his hand, secretly thought for a while, and finally decided to spend two million gold coins to buy two Perfect Devil Fruit Evolvers, and then evolved the Rattling Thunder Fruit and Tun Tun Fruit into Perfect Devil Fruits.

Hai Wu Ya took a thunderbolt fruit himself, while the swallowed fruit was taken down by the Heavenly Curtain Beast.

Although Hai Wu Ya can take more than one Devil Fruit, but the Devil Fruit ability is the need for time and energy to develop, not that the more Devil Fruits he takes the stronger he will be.

Hai Wu Ya itself already has a lot of ability, so taking a loud thunder fruit is enough, taking too many devil fruit he does not have the time to develop, and ultimately can only waste the ability of devil fruit.

The reason why Hai Wu Ya gave the swallowed fruit to the Heavenly Curtain Beast, it is because the size of the Heavenly Curtain Beast is huge, it can swallow a mountain with one mouth, the swallowed fruit to it can certainly play a maximum role.

After Hai Wu Ya familiarized himself with the ability of the Rattling Thunder Fruit, he left the system palace with a thought.

Chapter 481 - Heavenly Dou Royal Academy (Request for subscription, request for tickets)

Time passed like a white horse, in the blink of an eye, two months of recuperation time passed, under the leadership of Flanders and the master, Hai Wu Ya, their eight students rushed all the way to the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy.

The Royal Academy of Heavenly Dou is located in the capital of the Heavenly Dou Empire, Heavenly Dou City. To get to Heavenly Dou City from Shrek Academy, they needed to cross the territory of Barak Kingdom and then cross the whole territory of Silvius Kingdom north of Barak Kingdom to enter the Imperial Circle of Heavenly Dou Empire, and the journey would be 2,000 miles long.

Originally, Hai Wu Ya and the others thought they would take a car to Tian Dou City, but that stingy dean of Flanders took them on a run to Tian Dou City under the excuse of exercising Hai Wu Ya.

Fortunately, Hai Wu Ya and the others had already experienced the master's long-distance running training, so it only took less than four days for them to arrive at Tian Dou City.

During these four days, Hai Wu Ya and the others also completed the third special training given by the master. In fact, the third special training that the master said was very simple, that was to let Hai Wu Ya and the others kill.

Although Zhu Zhuqing their strength in the younger generation is already considered top, but they have not killed anyone in the Shrek Academy in the past half a year.

Therefore, in order to let Hai Wu Ya and his students see blood, so in these four days, whenever they encountered those robbers, he let Hai Wu Ya and his students leave no one alive.

This kind of thing is not a big deal to Hai Wu Ya and Tang San? After all, Hai Wu Ya hands of human life are counted in tens of thousands, and Tang San in his previous life as a Tang disciple hands naturally also have a lot of human life.

But for Zhu Zhuqing they have no blood on their hands rookie is a little difficult, the first time personally kill, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rong Rong they a few girls are nauseous vomit out.

But after a few killings, Zhu Zhuqing girls began to gradually fade away, revealing a few warrior temperament.

The Royal Academy of Heavenly Dou and Shrek Academy are seated outside the city, but the difference between the two is that the Royal Academy of Heavenly Dou is seated outside the city of Heavenly Dou that is because they are afraid of the city's extravagant wind affects the students' training, while Shrek Academy is seated outside the city of Soto because Flanders is shy.

Although Flanders is the first time they came to Tian Dou City, so they do not know the specific location of the Royal Academy of Tian Dou, but Ning Rongrong as the young master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, she used to go to the Royal Academy of Tian Dou to play, so under her leadership Hai Wu Ya they quickly arrived at the Royal Academy of Tian Dou.

After arriving at the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy, Xiaodao and the girls still couldn't help but feel a moment of surprise. Because the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy is much larger than the Shrek Academy, which is only the size of a small village, the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy is directly established on a large mountain, the entire mountain along with the surrounding tens of miles are the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy.

Master looked at the mountain in front of him up to thousands of meters and the lake at the foot of the mountain clear as a bright mirror, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Not bad, not bad, by the mountain and the water is really a good place!"

Zhao Wuji and several of their teachers also nodded in satisfaction when they saw the beautiful environment around them.

Although Flanders said on the surface that they were bringing Hai Wu Ya and the others to Tian Dou Royal Academy as exchange students this time, but in reality they were preparing to let Hai Wu Ya and the others join Tian Dou Royal Academy, even Flanders and the others actually came to join Tian Dou Royal Academy as teachers at Qin Ming's invitation.

"What's the big deal about a good environment and a big place? The students taught are still not as good as our students?" Flanders heard the Master's and their lamentations and said with a somewhat childish mouth.

This time Flanders brought Zhao Wouji and them out together, in fact, has been equivalent to the Shrek Academy closed, so he now sees such a luxurious and huge Heavenly Dou Royal Academy, inevitably some tastes in his heart.

Zhao Wouji saw Flanders' childish look, shook his head somewhat helplessly and laughed: "Well, it's not too early, let's go find that kid Qin Ming first!"

The crowd heard Zhao Wuji's words, and no longer say anything more? They hurriedly accelerated their pace towards the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy.

"Stop, who are you people?"

When Hai Wu Ya and his group had just arrived at the entrance of the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy, they were stopped by a few academy guards in uniform.

"We are the students and teachers of Shrek Academy, and this time we were invited by senior brother Qin Ming to come to the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy to do an exchange." Hai Wu Ya smiled and stepped forward before him and returned.

"You mean that Qin Ming, Teacher Qin invited you guys to come?"

"That's right, please also ask a few of you to send someone forward to inform them."

"A few of you wait here first, I'll go ask Teacher Qin Ming."

Originally, when those few academy guards saw Hai Wu Ya and his group dressed plainly, plus their dusty appearance, they still looked down on Hai Wu Ya and his group in their hearts, but when they heard that it was Qin Ming who invited Hai Wu Ya and his group to come, these guards naturally did not dare to despise Hai Wu Ya and his group.

In a short while, Qin Ming, led by the guards of the academy, greeted them with a joyful face and respectfully saluted, "Dean Frank, you have finally come!"

"Well, no need to be polite, we old guys may have to hang out with you in the future!" Flanders reached out to help him up, smiling and jokingly said.

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