Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 410

In Naruto's side store there are also transmigration eye and reincarnation eye bloodline crystals for sale, but they are priced at 100 million gold coins.

The original Hai Wu Ya still think the bloodline crystal of the transmigration eye is very expensive, after all, an ordinary kaleidoscope writing wheel eye bloodline crystal is only priced at five million gold coins.

However, when Hai Wu Ya personally experienced the power of the transmigration eye, he felt that the bloodline crystal of the transmigration eye was indeed worth 100 million gold coins.

You know the diameter of the moon is 3476.28 kilometers, which is equivalent to a quarter of the diameter of the earth, not to mention how powerful the move of Golden Wheel Transmutation Explosion is? But its attack distance is certainly quite amazing.

The current size of the Heavenly Curtain Beast is only 100 kilometers long, while the diameter of the moon is equivalent to thirty-five Heavenly Curtain Beasts connected together.

There is a saying that goes like this: "I have a forty-meter sword, let you run thirty-nine meters first."

And after Hai Wu Ya now had the transmutation eye, he could make his opponent run three thousand four hundred and seventy-six kilometers first.

However, the power consumed by such a great move as the Golden Wheel Transmutation Explosion is also great, the strike just now consumed more than twenty million points of energy in Hai Wu Ya's body, and with the energy in Hai Wu Ya's body he could only use the Golden Wheel Transmutation Explosion eight times in a row.

Although the bloodline crystals of the transmigration eye and the bloodline crystals of the reincarnation eye are both priced at 100 million gold coins in the sub store, Hai Wu Ya still prefers the transmigration eye.

First of all, the Eye of Reincarnation has the ability to manipulate puppets wirelessly, the controlled puppets have self-awareness, and the number and scale of control is far better than the hundred machine manipulation. Can also control the mental will and actions of others, access to information in their brains.

Secondly, the transmigration eye also has the ability to absorb chakra, but this one ability can only be useful in the Naruto world, in other worlds it is a bit of a chicken.

Chapter 501 - Catching the Tailed Beast (4th time, request for subscription)

The eye of reincarnation can also summon a large stone statue, as long as the holder of the eye of reincarnation is not defeated stone statue will not disappear, even if the stone statue is broken can still be quickly recovered.

And the transmigration eye also has a powerful ability to control space, and can also set up illusion traps in other dimensions, but also has far more insight than the white eye.

Like the Reincarnation Eye, both have the ability to manipulate gravity and repulsion, and its power is so great that it can even manipulate the orbit of the planet.

The last ability of the transmigration eye is to enter the transmigration eye chakra mode, which is characterized by a green chakra enveloping the whole body, in this mode you can use the special Kodo Yu for attack and defense, you can also use the golden wheel transmigration burst repulsive force ultimate axiom, silver wheel transmigration burst gravitational force ultimate axiom and other techniques.

However, opening the transmigration eye chakra mode requires the consumption of a lot of energy, the general shadow level strong body of energy is not enough to release a blow golden wheel transmigration burst such a big move.

After familiarizing himself with the power of the transmutation eye, Hai Wu Ya disappeared from the moon in a flash.

Since it was still daytime on Earth, the strange movement that occurred on the moon did not attract people's attention. If it had been night, people would have seen the moon being split in half, and that would have had a big impact.

Hai Wu Ya put his hands behind his back and ordered the four Green Dragons in front of him, "Green Dragon, you four go and get me the Four Tails to Seven Tails of the Human Pillar Force."

"Yes, as ordered!"

Qinglong and the girls heard the words, first bowed respectfully towards Hai Wu Ya, then turned around and went to capture the human pillar power.

The people of the Dawn Organization have already started to pay attention to the Tailed Beasts, the specific location of the major Tailed Beasts has long been known by Nagato and their scouts, so Hai Wu Ya took the souls of Nagato and Minami, naturally also know the specific location of the major Tailed Beasts.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to capture the tail beast, by the way, sweep the five big countries!"

Hai Wu Ya looked at the back of the Qinglong they disappeared, starry eyes flashed a brilliant light, a step out instantly across hundreds of kilometers of space appeared in the huge lake where the three tails.

Since the death of the fourth generation of water shadow Yakura, the three tails have been in the wild, and the people of the Mist Hidden Village have not been sent to capture the three tails.

"Show yourself! Isofu!"

Hai Wu Ya stood out of thin air, left hand slightly virtual grip a cold gas instantly condensed into a huge bow of ice, right hand a wave using the infinite sword system ability to project a pseudo spiral sword.


The bow and arrow were shot in one go, accompanied by an ear-piercing sound, the pseudo-spiral sword instantly turned into an arrow light and shot into the huge lake below.


The pseudo-spiral sword shot into the bright mirror-like lake, at first only splashed a small ripple, but the next moment a shocking explosion mixed with monstrous waves burst out, the entire lake appeared a large puddle of hundreds of meters in diameter.


Explosion generated by the monstrous waves just fall, the lake will sound an angry beast roar, clad in hard armor looks like a turtle three tails rolled up a huge wave out of the water.

"Evil beast! Do not come quickly!"

Before the Three Tails could make their presence felt, Hai Wu Ya raised his right hand with a slight grip and forced the beast into the spirit world.

The first thing you need to do is to use your disintegration ability to break it down into pure chakra, and then have Mamoru swallow the pure chakra.

The nine tailed beasts are originally one, they are fused together with the outer path magic image is the complete ten tails, and the outer path magic image is made of the trunk of the sacred tree, that is, the nine tailed beasts together is equivalent to the sacred tree chakra fruit.

Now even the nine tail beasts in the strongest nine tails, it is not much help for the sea without end? So Hai Wu Ya is ready to break down all the other eight tail beasts into pure chakra, and then let Shouhe swallow down to get close to the power of the ten tails.

"Next it's the turn of the two tails and eight tails."

Hai Wu Ya said, a body movement instantly across the distance of hundreds of kilometers appeared in the cloud hidden village above.

The current two-tailed human pillar force and eight-tailed human pillar force are the people of the cloud hidden village, so Hai Wu Ya ready to take in the two tail beasts at the same time, by the way, also took in the cloud hidden village.

A dazzling white stream of light fell from the sky hundreds of meters above the Cloud Hidden Village and crashed through the defensive boundary outside the Village.

"Dang dang dang"

As the defense boundary was shattered by Hai Wu Ya, an urgent alarm sounded throughout the entire Yun Yin Village, and a black figure rushed out from every corner and gathered towards Hai Wu Ya's direction.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of masked, black-clothed Thunder Shadow Dark Ministers surrounded Hai Wu Ya.

The hundreds of Thundershadow dark side strength also reached the lowest level of elite ninja, including some powerful elite ninja, the general shadow level strong people will only die against such a lineup.

The fact that he used only one blow to shatter the defense boundary of Yun Yin Village shows that his strength far exceeds that of ordinary shadow-level powerhouses, so these dark minions of the Thunder Shadow will not think that they can eat Hai Wu Ya by virtue of the number of people.

The dark ministers of the Thunder Shadow who were facing Hai Wu Ya suddenly stepped back to both sides, giving way to a passage that was large enough for three people to walk parallel to each other. In the respectful gaze of the dark ministers, wearing a white cloak sturdy fourth generation of the shadow of lightning with Chirabi and two Yukijin came out.

The fourth generation of Raijin's eyes looked at Hai Wu Ya for a moment and asked with a stern face: "Who are you? How dare you trespass on the Cloud Hidden Village!"

In the face of the three Shadow-class powerhouses of the Fourth Generation of Raikage, as well as the hundreds of Raikage's dark minions around them, Hai Wu Ya, with an overbearing air, raised two fingers and said indifferently: "I, Hai Wu Ya, have only two demands for this visit to the Cloud Hidden Village. First, hand over the two tails and eight tails. Second, from now on, the Cloud Hidden Village will be subservient to this seat."

When Chirabi heard Hai Wu Ya's words, he was so angry that he couldn't help but scream and curse in his strange rap, "You idiot! You bastard! Are you looking for death?"


When he heard Hai Wu Ya's words, without saying a ray of lightning erupted from his body, his right arm was like a lightning sword that was as fast as lightning and as heavy as a mountain, and slashed at Hai Wu Ya.

"Too slow! And using lightning in front of me is an incredibly stupid decision!"

Hai Wu Ya eyes full of disdain, a hundreds of meters long thunder dragon fiercely out of his body, thunder dragon with a deafening thunder sound open mouth bite dodge the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow.


In the thunder dragon up to hundreds of millions of volts of lightning, even with the fourth generation of the Thunder Shadow strong body also uncontrollably issued a painful scream, the whole body smoldering black smoke, dying smashed down at the feet of the sea without end.

Chapter Five Hundred and Two - Ghoul Seal Ending - Unraveling (Request for Subscription, Request for Tickets)

"Thunder Shadow-sama!!!"

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