Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 413

A white-clad sword douluo towards Ning Rongrong opened his arms and smiled: "My Rong Rong little baby, you can be considered back, can miss your sword grandpa, quickly let grandpa hug."

Chapter Five Hundred and Five - Ning Fengzhi (Request for subscription, request for tickets)

"Grandpa Jian, RongRong also misses you."

Ning Rongrong smiled a happy smile as she jumped into Jian Douluo's arms.

"Rong Rong, Grandpa Bone but also miss you, even the gift is ready for you Oh!"

On the other side of the bone Douluo see Ning Rongrong and sword Douluo close appearance, suddenly felt like an old child heart can not help but eat a burst of taste.

Because Bone Douluo's martial spirit is a bone dragon, so the result is that Bone Douluo's body looks withered, plus he is more than two meters tall, the appearance looks even more terrifying.

The average child facing Bone Douluo does not have to be scared even if it is good, and where dare to get close to Bone Douluo? But Ning Rongrong is different, she was not afraid of Bone Douluo as a child, every time she saw Bone Douluo will rely on his arms pampered, and therefore Bone Douluo on Ning Rongrong also unusually affectionate.

And sword douluo and bone douluo two people are the kind of love each other good friends, so they both in the face of Ning Rong Rong, hope that Ning Rong Rong can say more like themselves, so the two people will try to do everything possible to Ning Rong Rong good.

The two gods, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, backed Ning Rongrong, plus Ning Rongrong is the only baby daughter of Ning Fengzhi, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, no one dares to offend Ning Rongrong, which has also nurtured the character of Ning Rongrong later little devil.

When Ning Rongrong heard that Bone Douluo had a gift to give, her big, watery eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and she quickly turned around and jumped into Bone Douluo's arms and said, "Grandpa Bone, Rong Rong misses you too! What kind of gift is it?"

"Rong Rong, you will love the gift that Grandpa Bone gives you."

Bone Douluo first gave Sword Douluo a somewhat provocative glance, then took out a silver-white soul bone from his storage bracelet.

Ning Fengzhi recognized the soul bone at a glance and hurriedly spoke back, "Uncle Gu, this is a soul bone, right? No, it's too precious, Rong Rong can't take it."

"I'm not giving you this soul bone, what's your hurry? Rong Rong, do you like this gift?" Bone Douluo touched Ning Rongrong's little head with a doting smile.

"Love it, love it, Grandpa Bone is the best!"

Ning Rongrong smiled and happily reached out and took the soul bone from Bone Douluo's hand.

Hearing Ning Rongrong say that Grandpa Bone is the best, Jian Douluo's face changed slightly and asked Bone Douluo with a displeased expression, "Old Bone, when did you get this soul bone? How come I don't know anything about it?"

"I killed a silver-backed dragon a few days ago, but unfortunately this soul bone is the right leg bone, which happens to overlap with my soul bone. But Rong Rong baby happens to have no soul bone yet, so this soul bone is perfect for her."

Bone Douluo patted Ning Rongrong's shoulder in a doting manner while talking back to Sword Douluo with a dejected face.


Sword Douluo saw Bone Douluo's dejected look, although he wanted to come up with a better gift than Bone Douluo, but such things as soul bones are not cabbage, to explode soul bones must have enough luck to do, bad luck even if you kill more soul beasts may not be able to explode.

"Rong Rong, have you worked hard in the past half year to cultivate ah? How much soul power has grown ah?"

Ning Fengzhi saw this and hurriedly changed the topic before the sword douluo and bone douluo fought.

When Ning Rongrong heard Ning Fengzhi ask about his own soul power, he blinked his big eyes and said with a smug look on his face, "My qualifications are just a little bit higher than dad's, so I've only improved my soul power by fourteen levels!

"Four levels that's not bad."

Ning Fengzhi nodded subconsciously, but when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but confirm again: "Wait, how much did you say? Fourteen levels? You're not lying to daddy, are you?"

Ning Fengzhi's understanding of Ning Rongrong, although her talent can be said to be the first person in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in a hundred years, but this girl cultivation has always been able to lazy lazy.

If Ning Rong Rong has raised her soul power by four levels in the past six months, then Ning Fengzhi still believes it, but she says she has raised her soul power by fourteen levels, then Ning Fengzhi is hard to believe.

The sword douluo and bone douluo on the side heard Ning Rongrong's words, they both were also full of disbelief.

You know that even when the fastest breakthrough of the seal Douluo Tang Hao, he could not break through more than ten levels of soul power in a year,

"Stinky daddy, you don't believe Rong Rong, right? Then you watch!"

Ning Rongrong saw Ning Fengzhi and their expressions of disbelief, angry little puffed up face, a cloud of nine colored light emerged from her body, a nine treasures glazed tower suddenly appeared in front of her, while her side is surrounded by four dazzling soul ring, two hundred years soul ring and two thousand years soul ring.

"Rong Rong, your martial soul has evolved!"

What shocked Ning Fengzhi more than Ning Rongrong's soul power breaking through to level forty, was that her Seven Treasures Glazed Tower had evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower.

Noticing Ning Fengzhi's unbelievable expression, Ning Rongrong smiled proudly and said, "Actually, it's nothing. It's all thanks to Wu Ya!"

"RongRong, tell father what you have experienced in the past half year. How come there is such a big change?" Ning Fengzhi reached out and pulled Ning Rongrong to his side, stroking her hair with a curious face and asked.

"It all started when I went to Shrek Academy. Two months ago my soul power only just broke through to level 30, but Wu Ya he gave me a pill made from the immortal herb Elae Tulip, after taking it my soul power not only increased by ten levels in one breath, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower also successfully evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower. "

Ning Rongrong sat down on the chair next to Ning Fengzhi and told Ning Fengzhi all about her experiences in the past half a year.

After listening to Ning Fengzhi's story, the astonishment in Ning Rongrong's eyes slowly faded after half a second.

"It seems that our RongRong has really grown up and has his own favorite person, why don't you find time to bring this Hai Wu Ya back to show father?"

Although Ning Rongrong did not directly tell Ning Fengzhi that she liked Hai Wu Ya, but whenever she mentioned Hai Wu Ya, the tenderness and happiness in those big eyes could not be hidden from Ning Fengzhi.

The original idea of Ning Fengzhi was to wait until Ning Rongrong grew up some more and then try to set her up with Xue Qinghe.

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If Ning Rongrong can go together with him? Then the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will be completely united with the Heavenly Dou Empire, which is a great thing for both the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Heavenly Dou Empire.

Chapter 506 - One day one poison (request for subscription, request for votes)

But what Ning Fengzhi didn't expect was that Ning Rongrong had a sweetheart of her own after only half a year of going out.

When Ning Rongrong heard Ning Fengzhi poke his little heart out, he didn't make a sound to refute, but just lowered his head with a shy face.

"Rong Rong, tell father carefully about this Hai Wu Ya, I also have to see if he is worthy of being my son-in-law." When Ning Fengzhi saw that his baby daughter, who had always been lawless, had shown such a delicate expression for another man, he could not help but feel a taste in his heart.

After all, the cabbage that he had raised for more than ten years was about to be arched by a pig, so no matter who was in the heart, there would inevitably be some displeasure.

"Wu Ya he's really powerful, the first time we met was on the day of Shrek admissions. At that time, not only did Wu Ya's soul power reach twenty-nine levels, but he also had two thousand-year soul rings"

Ning Rongrong slowly raised her little head and told them all about her encounter with Hai Wu Ya and finally joining the Heavenly Dou Royal Academy.

However, Ning Rongrong did not tell Ning Fengzhi about her awakening of the second native martial soul, not that Ning Rongrong did not trust Ning Fengzhi, but because she did not want to bring unnecessary trouble to Hai Wu Ya.

Although Ning Rongrong hadn't really become Hai Wu Ya's woman yet, but her heart already considered Hai Wu Ya as her husband, so there were some things that she naturally had to consider Hai Wu Ya first.

"RongRong, after father heard you say this, he wants to meet this Hai Wu Ya more and more."

After Ning Fengzhi heard Ning Rongrong's words, he became even more curious about Hai Wu Ya.

If Hai Wu Ya was really as good as Ning Rongrong said, then Ning Fengzhi could understand why Ning Rongrong liked Hai Wu Ya so much?

"Father, you'd better not go! What if you scare him? What if he thinks that I asked you to force the marriage?" Ning Rongrong smiled, and her pretty face couldn't help but reveal a torn expression on her face.

Ning Fengzhi saw Ning Rongrong this look of worry, the heart can not help but sigh love really can change a person's character, the current Ning Rongrong is clearly a young girl in the beginning of love, where there is a half of the little devil girl look ah?

"Good good, daddy is not going to see your baby lover, when you are ready to bring him back."

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