Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 423

"Lightning Dragon to Punish Evil!"

Hai Wu Ya's hand coalesced into a long thunderbolt blade towards the direction of the tree demon basilisk, and the thunderbolt dragon in the sky immediately had a direction to attack, leaving a huge pillar of thunderbolt lightning in mid-air to slash down head-on towards the tree demon basilisk.

Although the tree demon basilisk in front of Hai Wu Ya is only a split, but the root beard of this split is interconnected with her body.

Chapter 519 - Black Mountain Old Demon (Request for subscription, request for votes)

"Zizi zizi zizi."

Under the blast of the lightning dragon, the area within a hundred meters radius turned into an ocean of lightning, and the tree demon basilisk's doppelganger became the vent of this ocean of lightning.

This sea of lightning along the body's roots will be connected to the roots of the blast, the back of the mountain in a large banyan forest in the lightning under the electric shock began to emit a scream, a huge banyan tree body suddenly emerged a ball of lightning fire, in the twinkling of an eye the whole banyan forest are fast burning up.

Although it is said that the power of the thunderbolt dragon doubled the killing power of the demon, but after so many banyan trees apportioned, the remaining thunderbolt power was not enough to kill the tree demon grandma's body.


The tree demon grandma's body hurriedly used demonic magic to exchange a cloud of rain to douse the flames burning on the banyan tree forest.

"Demon, today is the day of your death!"

Seeing that the tree demon basilisk was seriously injured by the lightning dragon summoned by Hai Wu Ya, Yan Chexia naturally would not let go of this good opportunity to completely exterminate the tree demon, and at the first moment, he rushed towards the tree demon basilisk's body with his flying sword.

The tree demon basilisk saw Hai Wu Ya they actually want to kill all, immediately can no longer sit down.

A huge human face emerged from the giant banyan tree in the banyan forest, which was a hundred meters high, and made an aggrieved face and said, "I killed all those who deserve to die, killing these people can make the world more peaceful, to say the least, we are still of the same path, why do you have to kill me?"

"I shucks! I'm with you, my ass! Suffer death!"

Yan Chek Ha heard the tree demon basilisk still arguing at this time, disdainfully spit towards her, the flying sword under the feet instantly into a dozens of meters long golden sword cut towards the tree demon basilisk body.

"Stinky Daoist, since you refuse to leave me a way out, then let's all die together!"

The tree demon basilisk roared, and the dozens of surviving banyan trees around the tree burst out a thick branch and grabbed towards Hai Wu Ya and Yan Che Xia.

"Want to die together, then you must also have the ability to do so!"

Hai Wu Ya's words fell, once again using the Royal Dragon True Duel, a hundred feet long lightning dragon slashed on top of the tree demon grandma's body.

"Old Black Mountain Demon!!!"

This time there were no more banyan tree doppelgangers to share the power of thunder and lightning for the tree demon basilisk, the tree demon basilisk could only shout Black Mountain Old Demon in despair.


The hundred meter tall giant banyan tree was directly split into a char by the huge lightning dragon, exploding hundreds of thousands of gold coins and a green thousand year old demon crystal.

"It came so fast!"

Hai Wu Ya had just collected the gold coins and demon essence exploded from the tree demon basilisk when hundreds of meters in circumference were instantly plunged into a darkness.

"Not good, we're being pulled into the underworld!"

Yan Chexia took out a spiritual talisman just to illuminate the surrounding area, but was shocked to find thousands of more Yin soldiers around.

This old demon of Black Mountain itself is a great mountain cultivated into a great demon king, he not only his own strength is far more than the thousand-year-old tree demon, but he also has under him an army of millions of yin soldiers.

Since the disappearance of the gods and Buddhas, the ten temples of hell and the ghosts have all disappeared without a trace. Although the six reincarnations are still running, but whether you want to reincarnate is no longer mandatory?

There are many ghosts who do not want to suffer from reincarnation again, so they simply stay in the netherworld, and most of these ghosts who stay in the netherworld are taken under the command of the major ghost kings and demon kings.

"Brother Hai, we are in trouble this time! In this nether world can not have aura, our spell power can not play out, or find a chance to break out and return to the Yang world is the right thing to do!"

Yan Chek Ha and Hai Wu Ya back to back, full of wariness looking around the tiger eye Yin soldiers, the face looks incomparably ugly.

There is no aura inside the netherworld, which means Hai Wu Ya and the others can not absorb aura to transform into magic power, once they run out of magic power, then they will really be eaten by the ghosts.

"Brother Yan don't be anxious, against demons my means can only be considered average, but against these ghosts is as easy as a hand!" Hai Wu Ya looked at the gaze of the Yin soldiers, sword eyebrows slightly raised, eyes full of excitement.

"Give me to kill!"


With a wave of his hand, tens of thousands of Yin soldiers raised their weapons in their hands and rushed towards Hai Wu Ya and Yan Che Xia with a burst of angry killing sounds.

"Well done!"

Two terrifying suction forces immediately erupted from Hai Wu Ya's palms, and hundreds of nearest Yin soldiers were continuously sucked into his palms, and then were directly disintegrated into a mass of pure soul power that was continuously injected into the spirit world space.

But because the number of these Yin soldiers is too much, so Hai Wu Ya can not absorb all of them for a while to disintegrate.

Because the Qinglong girls could not bring out their full strength in the netherworld, Hai Wu Ya not only summoned them out, but also deliberately summoned more than ten powerful spirits from the spirit world space.



"King's Sword!!!"

After being summoned by Hai Wu Ya, the guardian crane directly looked up to the sky and opened its mouth to condense a tail beast jade with a diameter of tens of meters, and then blasted towards the place with the most Yin soldiers with incomparable excitement.

The Dull Hair King, on the other hand, raised the giant sword in his hand and swung the strongest curry stick! Ying Long and Fire Qilin they also each made their own big moves.

With the help of Shouhe and them, it only took less than three minutes for tens of thousands of Yin soldiers and Black Mountain Old Demon's doppelgangers to be beaten to the point where not even ashes were left.

Hai Wu Ya turned his head to the dumbfounded Yan Chexia beside him and smiled: "Brother Yan, you go back to earth first! I still have some things to do in the underworld."

Although the cultivation level of the Fire Qilin and Ying Long was only at the Jindan stage, they were after all legendary divine beasts, and when Yan Chexia saw that Hai Wu Ya was able to drive these divine beasts, it was strange that he was not shocked!

"Good! Then you should be more careful yourself."

After Yan Chek Ha recovered from his shock, he barked a warning towards Hai Wu Ya, and then directly used his magic to leave the Ghost Gate.

Although Yan Chexia wanted to stay and help Hai Wu Ya in his heart, but he knew that he would only be dragging Hai Wu Ya's feet if he stayed. If not for Hai Wu Ya, Yan Zhi Xia would not have been able to escape from the hands of so many Yin soldiers.

Hai Wu Ya took a look at Yan Chek Ha's departing back, and with a thought he took the Dull Hair King and the girls back to the spirit world space, then his body moved and rushed to Black Mountain Old Demon's Black Mountain City.

Black Mountain Old Demon's body is a huge mountain, he and the tree demon Lou Lou can not easily move their own body, just killed by Hai Wu Ya Black Mountain Old Demon is only a body he made!

Chapter 520: Soul realm increased greatly (subscriptions, votes)

Since Hai Wu Ya has already made a relationship with Black Mountain Old Demon, so naturally, we can't let this guy continue to live, after all, the truth that if you don't get rid of the grass, the spring wind will blow again Hai Wu Ya still understands.

Black Mountain City was originally the Ten Palace of Yan Luo city in the Iron City, only a few hundred years ago after the disappearance of the hellish gods, Black Mountain Old Demon forcibly occupied the Iron City which was renamed Black Mountain City.

"Black Mountain Old Demon, let this seat first send you a big gift!"

Hai Wu Ya looked at the black fog shrouded Black Mountain City in the distance, left hand slightly virtual grip a cold ice giant bow suddenly appeared out of thin air, the right hand projected a pseudo spiral sword, aimed at the direction of Black Mountain City bow and arrow in one go!

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