Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 436

For someone like Hai Wu Ya, who could use the lava as bath water, this little temperature naturally couldn't help him, but Hulena couldn't stand the scorching temperature anymore.

If Hai Wu Ya hadn't been using cold Qi to help her cool down, she would have been burned to death by the horrible heat!

"Na'er, we're here!"

After carrying Hurena for several thousand meters more on the path, Hai Wu Ya finally arrived at the end of the path, and more than two hundred meters above the path was the exit.

This two hundred meters high distance is not high, but if you are not able to use the martial soul and soul skills, then for the body fragile soul master, or a great test.

Of course, this distance of more than two hundred meters is not much for Hai Wu Ya naturally? If it wasn't for Hai Wu Ya's fear that cheating would affect the inheritance of the God Killing Domain, he would have directly used the ability of spatial shuttle to pass through the Hell Road earlier.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh"

After leaving several streaks of shadow in mid-air, Hai Wu Ya carried Hulena like a first immortal under the moon and rushed out of the cave.

The moment Hai Wu Ya rushed out of the cave entrance, he only felt that his surroundings turned into a snowy white, as if a huge sea of blood-like killing energy rushed out from Hai Wu Ya's body, making his brain go blank.

"Wuya, are you okay?"

I don't know how long had passed? A somewhat worried female voice came to Hai Wu Ya's ears, and he slowly opened his eyes only to see Hu Li Na's pretty face filled with worry.

Chapter 538 - Dating Battle Copy (Request for Subscription, Request for Tickets)

Hai Wu Ya noticed Hu Li Na's worried look and quickly reached out and put her in his arms and softly comforted her, "Na'er, I'm fine."

Since Hai Wu Ya had too much killing qi in his body, the time it took to transform the killing qi into the Killing God Domain was also far longer than Hu Liena.

Hulena's God of Killing Field was able to weaken ten percent of the enemy's strength in the field, while she herself was able to increase ten percent of her strength in the field.

Hai Wu Ya's God of Killing field was mutated because the God of Killing field actually fused with the Bifurcated Yellow Springs Boundary that he already possessed.

The Yellow Springs boundary itself is equivalent to the prototype of a domain, and Hai Wu Ya also condensed the Sea of Blood in the Yellow Springs boundary and a variety of Shura evil spirits, so the Yellow Springs naturally fused with the God of Killing domain.

The new field can not only weaken the enemy's strength and enhance their own strength, but also use the killing qi in the field to condense the killing qi phantom of the demon gods in the sky to fight for him.

Hai Wu Ya named this new field the Demon God field, in the Demon God field as long as the enemy's strength does not exceed Hai Wu Ya, then it will be directly suppressed 50% of the strength, the stronger the enemy field suppression power will be weaker, while Hai Wu Ya's own strength in the field will be increased by 100%.

"Greetings, Lord Pope!"

"My disciple pays respect to the master!"

After Hai Wu Ya and Hurena left the Killing Capital, they rushed to the Pope's Hall at the first opportunity.

"You guys finished breaking through the Hell Road so quickly?"

Bibidong sat high on the Pope's throne and looked down at Hai Wu Ya and the others, his beautiful eyes were full of dismay.

At the beginning, Bibidong had also entered the Killing Capital for training, so she naturally understood how time-consuming it was to break through the Hell Road.

Especially after Bibi Dong obtained ninety consecutive victories in the Hell Killing Fields, almost no one dared to participate in the Hell Killing Fields competition at the same time as her, and sometimes it even took a month or two to get ten contestants.

Originally, Bibi Dong thought that Hai Wu Ya and the two of them would have to stay in the Killing Fields for at least a year or two before they could be qualified to participate in the Hell Road, but unexpectedly they had finished barging through the Hell Road in less than a month.

"Back to the master, it was thanks to Wu Ya's help, otherwise I'm afraid that my disciple would have died long ago?!" Hulena first gave Hai Wu Ya a tender glance, then only then did she say back to Bibidong.

"Wu Ya?"

When Bibidong heard Hu Liena address Hai Wu Ya so intimately, plus the affection in Hu Liena's eyes, how could he not know that his precious disciple had fallen in love with Hai Wu Ya?

When Bibidong learned that Hurena liked Hai Wu Ya, she suddenly felt some inexplicable heart blockage in her heart. She had let Hai Wu Ya into the Killing Capital earlier to protect Hulena, but now she had a feeling of losing a lot of money.

This feeling was like a farmer who mistook a hungry wolf for a sheepdog and personally delivered the lamb he raised to the mouth of the hungry wolf.

"What a big girl!"

Bibidong secretly sighed in his heart and turned his head to Hai Wu Ya and said, "Elder Hai, thanks for your help this time, Na'er and I still have some things to say, so you can go down first!"

"Then Hai Wu Ya will leave first."

Hai Wu Ya heard this and cast a reassuring look at Hu Li Na, then he arched his hand towards Bibidong and turned around to leave the Pope's Hall.

After seeing Hai Wu Ya leave, Bibidong reached out and took Hu Liena's small hand and let her sit beside him, with his eyes full of tenderness, he said, "Na'er, tell me all the things you experienced in the Killing Capital."

Hearing Bibidong's words, Hulena hurriedly told Bibidong about the things she and Hai Wu Ya had experienced in the Killing Capital, but as she recounted these things, her tone would turn incomparably tender and tender every time she mentioned Hai Wu Ya.

"A powerful illusion technique? A healing spell that can cure disabilities? It seems that that brat still has a lot of secrets hidden in him!" Bibidong couldn't help but slightly narrow her beautiful eyes after listening to Hurena's narration.

Bibidong reached out and gently stroked Hulena's hair, his eyes full of worry as he asked: "Silly girl, I understand your nature. But I have to remind you of one thing, Hai Wu Ya that brat is not a dedicated person? Are you really willing to share a man with other women?"

"As long as Hai Wu Ya he likes me, I'm willing to do anything!"

Hulena smiled, her somewhat shy pretty face slightly red, but her eyes were full of determination.

Sensing the firmness in Hurena's tone, Bibidong smiled and nodded, "In that case, my teacher respects your choice."

"Thank you, teacher."

Hearing these words, Hulena couldn't help but happily hug Bibidon's arm, full of intimacy, and leaned her cicada on Bibidon's shoulder.

As a personal disciple of Bibidong, and in her heart, she considered Bibidong as her mother, so it was a natural thing for Hulena to gain Bibidong's support.

Bibidong looked down at the happy Hu Liena, beautiful eyes can not help but reveal a complex light.

When Bibidong and the master two love each other, the result is because her master Qianxun disease from the obstacle, so she and the master two ultimately miss each other, so Bibidong now see Hurena can love with their favorite person, her heart is more than happy.

If she could get a chance to spend her life with the master, Bibidong was even willing to share the master's love with other women.

Unfortunately, since Bibidong was forced to hug by Chihshun Sickness back then, an indelible demonic barrier has been born in her heart, and she believes that she has become dirty and unworthy of the master, so even though she personally killed the seriously injured Chihshun Sickness, she does not dare to tell the master what she really thinks in her heart.

On the other hand, after Hai Wu Ya left the Pope's Palace, he first returned to his own Elder's House and then directly entered the System Palace.

Hai Wu Ya took a look at the Origin Points in his hand, his eyes glanced at those copy options, and finally decided to spend two thousand Origin Points to open a new copy of the plot.

With the continuous injection of Origin Points, the seven big words of Dating Battle copy appeared on the space of the plot copy, and the copy opening time lasted for four months.

"Dating Battle, I didn't expect it to be this copy? It's a bit interesting."

Hai Wu Ya saw the seven words dating big battle copy, can't help but a slight light in front of his eyes.

Although the Dating Battle is a romance fan, but there are also many powerful props and abilities in it, among which Tokizaki Madsan's engraved emperor is a very powerful ability.

Five hundred and thirty-nine chapter Toka descends (begging for subscriptions and tickets)


With a flash of white mane, Hai Wu Ya's figure instantly disappeared in the system palace.

Thirty years before the official start of the Dating Battle storyline, because the village of the three magicians, Ezak Reepelem Viscount, Elliot Baldwin Woodman, and Irene Mira Messers, was destroyed, so the three of them decided to take revenge on the world.

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