Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 442

Hai Wu Ya took a look at the Origin Points in his hand and finally injected 50,000 Origin Points into the copy space with a thought.

With the injection of 50,000 origin points, six big words appeared on the copy space, and the copy opened for six months.

"Dou Bro Cang Dao? It seems that my luck is good!"

Hai Wu Ya's eyes could not help but slightly light up, the world of Dou Bro Cang Dao is a very complete cultivation world, and the strongest existence in it is not more than a Dou Di, for Hai Wu Ya who has a ninetieth level mannequin is not much of a dangerous world.

What's more, those foreign fires and powerful alchemy techniques in the Dou Broken Vault were very attractive to Hai Wu Ya.


With a dazzling white aura flashing past, Hai Wu Ya's figure instantly disappeared into the copy space.

In a dense forest of the Gama Empire's Magical Beast Mountain Range, a white aura slowly dissipated to reveal Hai Wu Ya's figure.

"Boom boom boom"

Hai Wu Ya just came back to his senses and felt a burst of violent battle fluctuations in the distant sky, the power of which was no less than the level 70 battle soul saint level battle.

Hai Wu Ya eyes slightly open, a pair of dark red eyes instantly turned into azure transmigration eyes, in the transmigration eye enrichment his gaze immediately across the distance of tens of thousands of meters to see the appearance of a person and a beast in the battle.

"A lion with wings and a body wrapped in amethyst, could it be the Amethyst Winged Lion King? In that case, the woman fighting with it should be Yun Yun! Looks like my luck is good!"

Originally, Hai Wu Ya was going to find someone to find out what this place was? Unexpectedly, he came across the scene of Yun Yun and the Amethyst Winged Lion King's battle right at the beginning.

Since Yun Yun and the Amethyst Winged Lion King were fighting, it meant that Xiao Yan should also be in the vicinity, and Hai Wu Ya had a strong desire for Pill Elder's soul body!

The reason why Xiao Yan was able to grow all the way up to the high Yan Emperor, of which Pill Elder played a decisive role, otherwise his qualifications are estimated to achieve Dou Zong is already the limit.

The medicine old is one of the top pill refiners in the Dou Qi continent, and at this time he is in a weak state of soul, this to the mouth of the fat meat if Hai Wu Ya does not bite on it, then inevitably is also too say it!

The sea is not in a hurry to show up, but he is in the dark while observing the battle between Yun Yun and the Amethyst Winged Lion King, while using his Seeing Color Hegemony Qi to sense the movement of every grass and tree in a 10-mile radius.

On the other hand, Xiao Yan, who was cultivating in the Magical Beast Mountain Range, was also attracted by Yun Yun's battle. If Xiao Yan was alone, he would not have dared to spy on the battle between Dou Huang level powerhouses. However, with Pill Elder helping him to conceal his own aura, it was still more than enough to conceal the perception of a Dou Huang level powerhouse.

"Found you!"

After Pill Elder controlled Xiao Yan's body and flew into Hai Wu Ya's perception range, Hai Wu Ya locked onto Xiao Yan's location the first time.

Although Pill Elder had used the Bone Spirit Cold Fire to help Xiao Yan isolate the spiritual aspect of his perception, it could not isolate the air flow caused by Xiao Yan when he used the Purple Cloud Wing to fly.

Therefore, when Hai Wu Ya's Seeing Color Buster Qi found that the air flow in an area was abnormal, but he could not sense the presence of a creature, of course, he first guessed that Pill Elder and Xiao Yan had come.


Just at the moment when Pill Elder manipulated Xiao Yan's body to fly in the direction of Yun Yun and the Amethyst Winged Lion King's battle, Hai Wu Ya's figure appeared behind Xiao Yan out of thin air and his right hand turned into a palm and slapped Xiao Yan's head.

After perceiving Hai Wu Ya's killing intent, Yao Lao subconsciously urged the Bone Spirit Cold Fire to burn towards Hai Wu Ya, but unfortunately, the ruthless Bone Spirit Cold Fire was instantly blown away by an invisible thought force.

Chapter 546 - Slap Xiao Yan to death (Add more for TopX Promise's reward of 10,000 book coins)


After Hai Wu Ya used his thought power to blast away the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, he slapped Xiao Yan's head in front of his unwilling and resentful gaze.

Xiao Yan's current cultivation level only reached six-star Dou Shi, even if the Medicine Elder took over Xiao Yan's body, he could only play a strength comparable to the Dou Wang level, it was impossible to block Hai Wu Ya's attack.

After Hai Wu Ya slapped Xiao Yan to death, he hurriedly used the ability to detain his soul to decompose Xiao Yan's soul, and then used the soul searching technique to make a copy of all of Pill Elder's memories, and finally decomposed Pill Elder's soul body into pure soul force.

Originally, Hai Wu Ya did not want to be so desperate, but who let him enter the time period too late?

If Pill Elder had not yet awakened, then Hai Wu Ya could have quietly taken Xiao Yan's ring. But now that Pill Elder had awakened, he could only forcefully snatch the ring from Xiao Yan's hand if he wanted to take it.

If Hai Wu Ya forcibly snatched away the soul body of Pill Elder, then Xiao Yan would definitely have a deadly grudge against Hai Wu Ya, and might even shout out the ridiculous slogan of "Thirty years of the river east, thirty years of the river west, don't bully the poor! The ridiculous slogan.

As the saying goes, "pretend to be cool for a while, the whole family crematorium." The strength of the force is not easy to pretend to be a scourge of their own lives.

In the original, if not for Xiao Xuan'er to scare away Ge Ye, I'm afraid that when Xiao Yan shouted out thirty years of the river east, thirty years of the river west, do not bully the poor! The slogan, Ge Ye has gone out to kill the threat of Xiao Yan in the cradle.

Since Hai Wu Ya snatched away the medicine elder will certainly be a deadly feud with Xiao Yan, then Hai Wu Ya fear of trouble character, he is naturally to kill the trouble in advance in the cradle.

However, at this time, Pill Elder has already accepted Xiao Yan as his disciple, so Hai Wu Ya killing Xiao Yan will certainly also cause resentment of Pill Elder.

Although Hai Wu Ya just used the ability to detain the spirit to dispatch the general to easily subdue the medicine old man, but that is because the medicine old man's soul power has not yet recovered. Once Pill Elder's soul power recovered, then his cultivation level would return to the level of Dou Zun.

Hai Wu Ya's current cultivation level is the First Sky of the Distraction Stage is equivalent to a sixty level Soul Emperor, while a Dou Zun level powerhouse is equivalent to a soul douluo level of over eighty.

Once Pill Elder's soul power has fully recovered, he will be able to forcibly defy Hai Wu Ya's orders.

This is why Hai Wu Ya will not allow a soul body like Pill Elder, who is resentful and uncontrolled, to stay in the Spiritual Realm space, which is why he disintegrated Pill Elder's soul body for insurance purposes.

Since Xiao Yan's cultivation level was only six-star Dou Shi, Hai Wu Ya killed him and only exploded more than a thousand gold coins. But what surprised Hai Wu Ya was that in addition to these gold coins, Xiao Yan's body also exploded with a skill book of the Burning Duel.

The more foreign flames it absorbs, the more powerful it can be.

The most important thing is that you can use the skill book of the Burning Duel without hesitation, knowing that it is the Burning Duel that allowed Xiao Yan to embark on the path of the Inferno Emperor, otherwise even with the full assistance of Pill Elder, it would be difficult for Xiao Yan to break through the level of Dou Di.

After Hai Wu Ya learned the burning decision, his right hand waved to take out the bone spirit cold fire from the medicine old soul body fee solved, directly opened his mouth and swallowed it.

After ordinary people learn the burning decision, even if you want to devour the foreign fire also have to do enough preparation beforehand, otherwise it is easy to be the foreign fire backfire lead to fire.

But Hai Wu Ya has a fire phoenix bloodline, and also has a qilin body and ice and fire body martial spirit, this area of the bone spirit cold fire to him is similar to a cold drink in the summer.

As soon as Hai Wu Ya swallowed the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, a bone-chilling coldness erupted in his body, causing him to shiver. But soon this coolness gradually dissipated and turned into a stream of pure energy that was integrated into his body.

"Is this the Bone Spirit Cold Fire? Interesting!"

Hai Wu Ya, with the help of his Fire Phoenix bloodline and his Ice and Fire body, only took a few breaths to devour all the Bone Spirit Cold Fire. He slowly raised his right hand, and a palm-sized white fire phoenix appeared in his hand out of thin air.

This fire phoenix is white in color, completely condensed from the bone spirit cold fire. Although it was made of flame, but because the bone spirit is a strange combination of extreme cold and extreme heat flame, so the white fire phoenix around the astonishing coldness emitted.

Although Hai Wu Ya had only just mastered the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, but with the enchantment of the Ice and Fire Body, when he used both ice and fire attacks, its power would be increased by as much as two times. Therefore, once Hai Wu Ya used the Bone Spirit Cold Fire attack, the power it exploded out would far exceed the power released by Pill Elder.

"As expected of a Bone Spirit Cold Fire ranked eleventh, not only did it raise the Burning Duel from a Yellow Rank Low Grade Technique to a Xuan Rank Middle Grade Technique in one breath, but it also raised my cultivation from the First Sky of the Demarcation Stage to the Fifth Sky of the Demarcation Stage." Hai Wu Ya felt the surge of cultivation in his body and couldn't help but secretly sigh with emotion.

"Amethyst Seal!"

Just when Hai Wu Ya was still immersed in the joy of the surge in cultivation, the Amethyst Winged Lion King on the other side could not control the killing intent in his heart and used a killing move on Yun Yun.

"Not good! Crack Dance Whirlwind!"

Yun Yun felt the deadly dangerous aura from the Amethyst Winged Lion King, no longer cared to show mercy, dozens of giant wind blades tens of meters long intertwined, like a huge cyan giant towards the Amethyst Winged Lion King enveloped.

But when the purple pillar of light shot out of the Amethyst Winged Lion King's one horn intersected with those giant wind blades, the giant wind blades were instantly blown apart. Although the purple pillar of light was also sapped of a large portion of its energy by the giant wind blades, the remaining purple pillar of light still shot into Yun Yun's body as fast as lightning.

"Human woman! Suffer death!"

When the Amethyst Winged Lion King saw the Amethyst Seal successfully hit Yun Yun, his huge beast pupils were filled with excited killing intent, and his wings swung his sharp right claw towards Yun Yun's chest without mercy!

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