Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 448

Queen Medusa gave Hai Wu Ya a white look and slowly took off her purple robe, revealing a seductive body that was enough to seduce the soul.

However, without waiting for Hai Wu Ya to finish admiring it, Queen Medusa's delicate body suddenly burst out with a dazzling purple aura and transformed into a purple python that was tens of feet long.

"You get ready, I'm going to start!"

After Hai Wu Ya saw Queen Medusa reveal her body, his expression also turned serious, slowly raised his hands, a green flame and a morbid white flame emerged from each hand.

When the purple python saw the two different foreign flames in Hai Wu Ya's hands, his lavender snake pupils couldn't help but show a touch of surprise.

"Be careful!"

Hai Wu Ya's words fell, the two groups of flames in his hands suddenly soared tens of meters, two different groups of foreign fire fused with each other, eventually forming a green and white flame giant towards the purple python wrapped over.

"Hiss hiss"

The moment the fusion flame giant fell on the purple python's body, the scales on the purple python's body were instantly scorched, and a painful sharp hissing sound rang out from the flame giant.

The actual fusion of the power of the fire is controlled by Hai Wu Ya, while the purple python's life aura is carefully sensed by using the Seeing color hegemony. Once the purple python's life aura becomes very weak, Hai Wu Ya will release healing and purification techniques on it.

The original Queen Medusa's nine-star Dou Huang cultivation, not to mention the use of two different foreign fire to evolve bloodline, even with a foreign fire to evolve bloodline she is difficult to successfully evolve, but with Hai Wu Ya on the side to give her constant healing, but let her persevere.

In the original story, Queen Medusa used the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire to evolve into a seven-colored Heaven Swallowing Python, but that was not considered a successful evolution, because only the evolution into a nine-colored Heaven Swallowing Python was considered a real success.

More than half an hour later, Hai Wu Ya slowly dispersed the foreign fire surrounding Queen Medusa's body.

As the fire gradually dispersed, the charred corpse of a giant python was revealed. If it only looked from the outside, then Haiwuya was sure that the Medusa Queen had been burned to death by the fire, but he found that the Medusa Queen's life aura was getting stronger and stronger through his sense of Seeing Color Hegemony.


When Queen Medusa's life aura was strong to a peak, the sky suddenly became gloomy, a huge thunder cloud quickly coalesced in the air, a terrifying thunder snake continuously roamed in the cloud layer, emitting a seeping rumble.


A huge thunder pillar with a diameter of tens of meters descended from the sky, just like a giant pillar in the sky blasted at Queen Medusa's charred corpse.


The moment the lightning pillar fell on Queen Medusa's charred corpse, a painful hissing sound came out from the charred corpse, and a nine-colored python of only ten meters in size rushed out from the charred corpse, and the body of the nine-colored python emitted the aura of a Dou Zong powerhouse. But those scorched and wretched wounds on the nine-colored python's body also illustrate the power of the lightning pillar just now.

The huge thunder cloud only released a giant thunder pillar then slowly dissipated, eventually revealing a cloudless blue sky.

Hai Wu Ya saw the wretched appearance of the nine colored python, his right hand waved to cast a healing spell to help her heal her body injuries.

The size of the python suddenly shrank and eventually changed back to the appearance of Queen Medusa, but her purple snake tail now turned into two long, white jade legs.

After Queen Medusa transformed into her human form, she looked at Hai Wu Ya with a complex look in her eyes.

Originally, Queen Medusa only wanted to use Hai Wu Ya to help her complete her evolution, and then find an opportunity to finish Hai Wu Ya after she broke through the Dou Zong.

But just now, when she was being burned by the fire to refine her body, every time Queen Medusa couldn't support herself and was about to give up, it was Hai Wu Ya who saved her from the brink of death with healing and purification techniques, so her heart was indeed grateful to Hai Wu Ya.

It must be said that the original snake-like Queen Medusa was already seductive enough, but now that she had taken on human form, she became even more seductive.

As the Queen Medusa's clothes had turned into ashes during the burning of the foreign fire, she was now naturally naked, and her bumpy figure simply made Hai Wu Ya unable to move his eyes away.

Queen Medusa noticed Hai Wu Ya's piggish look, instead of feeling angry, she stopped her chest with some satisfaction and let the pair of big white rabbits bounce around.

It's not that Queen Medusa has fallen in love with Hai Wu Ya, it's just that Hai Wu Ya's disgusted expression hurt her pride so much that she couldn't help but feel a little smug when she saw Hai Wu Ya being fascinated by her body now.

Chapter 554 - Green Scale (Request for Subscription, Request for Tickets)

A brilliant light suddenly erupted in Hai Wu Ya's eyes as he took big steps and walked up to Queen Medusa.

"What do you want!"

Queen Medusa noticed Hai Wu Ya's fiery eyes that wanted to eat people, like a frightened bunny hastily used her hand to block her chest.

"Don't worry, this seat is not that eager, wait until you are ready to fulfill your promise today!"

Hai Wu Ya saw the Medusa queen this thing to the goose, the corners of the mouth can not help but slightly raised, take out a black robe to help her cover the full body of the scenery.

"Thank you."

Queen Medusa subconsciously tighten the black robe on her body, a shy face low cicada head to a small voice to a thank you.

Hai Wu Ya stretched out his index finger and picked up Queen Medusa's delicate jade-like chin, leaned down and kissed her lightly on her jade lips, looked straight into her beautiful eyes and said dominantly: "By the way, there is one thing you have to remember for me, your man's name is Hai Wu Ya!"

Queen Medusa listened to Hai Wu Ya's domineering words and looked up into Hai Wu Ya's beautiful eyes couldn't help but be a little confused and subconsciously nodded her head gently.

"This seat has other things to take care of, I will come back next time to hurt you properly!"

Hai Wu Ya showed a wicked bad smile towards Queen Medusa and disappeared into a lightning bolt in the distant sky.

Queen Medusa looked at Hai Wu Ya's departing reassurance, her jade fingers gently touched her jade lips, the corners of her stunning mouth slightly raised and murmured, "What an interesting man."

"You little bastard, who let you lean so close to this master ah? See if this master will not beat you to death today!"

On the street of Stone Desert City, a little girl with a pale green dress and the appearance of no more than thirteen or fourteen years old was being screamed at by a big man grabbing her green braid.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

The little girl with a double ponytail faced with the big man's insults but could only keep apologizing, her beautiful watery eyes full of aggression and pain.

The people around saw this scene, not only did not go forward to dissuade, but one also showed a very relieved and gloating expression.


Just as the big man raised his hand and was about to strike out greatly at the little girl, a cloud of white cold air suddenly brushed past the big man, freezing him into a huge human-shaped block of ice in the blink of an eye.

"Girl, in the face of other people's unprovoked scolding, it's not okay to just beg for mercy!"

A big warm hand slowly fell on the little girl's little head, a voice as warm as the winter sun, so that the little girl slowly opened her eyes from the fear.

When the little girl opened her big eyes full of tears, she saw a handsome face full of sunshine smile, while the big man who bullied her turned into a motionless block of ice.

"Girl, I am Hai Wu Ya, what is your name?"

The little girl heard Hai Wu Ya's words, some timidly whispered back, "I I'm called Qing scale."

Hai Wu Ya smiled, his eyes could not help but slightly brighten, the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

Hai Wu Ya came to Stone Desert City this time deliberately to look for Qing scale, Qing scale because is a snake man and human born child, so she in Stone Desert City suffered a lot of discrimination.

Because of this desert city, there is a deep blood feud between humans and snake people, so as a child of snake people and humans, Qing scale is rejected by both snake people and humans, and they take out all the hatred between the two races on this innocent girl.

"Green scale, from now on you will follow me! No one will dare to bully you anymore."

Hai Wu Ya slowly stretched out his big hand towards Qing scale, his eyes full of pity.

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