Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 455

The first thing you need to know is that the ancient superpowers are not the same as the Burning Valley, and there is more than one Dou Sheng powerhouse in those powers.

As for the pills above the eighth grade, although Hai Wu Ya already has the pill refining memories of Pill Elder's life, but the heavenly materials and treasures that can refine pills above the eighth grade are very difficult to find.

In fact, with Hai Wu Ya's current alchemy ability, he could choose to join the Dan Tower first, and then slowly seek the Dan Tower's Three Thousand Yan Yan Yan.

But at this time, Hai Wu Ya had already spent more than five months in the copy space of the Dou Broken Vault, and the remaining half a month he was going to use to consolidate his cultivation while accompanying Yun Yun and Queen Medusa.

As for the Three Thousand Yan Yan and the Eighth Grade Pill, it would be better to wait until the next time he entered the copy of Dou Broken Vault and then find a way to figure it out.

In Queen Medusa's bedchamber, Hai Wu Ya looked at the two tired and panting beauties in his arms, and his starry eyes were filled with a bad smile and self-gratification.

"Bad man!"

Yun Yun noticed the bad smile at the corner of Hai Wu Ya's mouth, and somewhat shyly pinched the soft flesh around his waist with her jade hand.

Ever since Queen Medusa broke through the One Star Dou Zong, she was able to resist the Seven Star Dou Zong level experts with the talent ability of the Nine Color Swallowing Python.

The snake people under the leadership of Queen Medusa are even more powerful than before, and the several empires around the Tagore Desert are under unprecedented threat.

The tiger is sleeping on the side of the couch? Yun Yun, as the current patriarch of the Yun Lan Clan, naturally needed to find a way to remove the huge threat of the Serpent People. Therefore, when Hai Wu Ya said to take Yun Yun Yun to negotiate with Queen Medusa, Yun Yun Yun foolishly followed Hai Wu Ya to go.

But Yun Yun didn't expect Queen Medusa to be Hai Wu Ya's woman, so she talked and talked about the bed, and finally Yun Yun and Queen Medusa accompanied Hai Wu Ya on a wonderful double-flying trip.

"Rhyme sister has a great body, no wonder this bad guy likes you so much?"

Queen Medusa lay on Hai Wu Ya's chest, her charming eyes like silk, smiling as she reached out and touched Yun Yun's body a few times, causing the shy Yun Yun Yun to exclaim and dodge for a while.

"It seems that the two ladies have recovered their strength, then"

Hai Wu Ya gave a bad smile and turned onto his horse to set off another round of fierce battle.


"You're bad! So itchy"

A sweet pout and panting filled the entire bedchamber, and a fierce battle was officially opened, which lasted until late at night before it gradually stopped.

In the next half a month, Hai Wu Ya accompanied Yun Yun and Queen Medusa to play around, and together they played all over the Cloud Empire, the Rocky Mountain Empire, the Muran Empire, the Sky Snake Empire and the Gama Empire.

As soon as the six-month period expired, along with a white aura flashing, Hai Wu Ya's figure instantly disappeared in the copy space.

In the system palace, after Hai Wu Ya came back to his senses, the first time he sold all the unused props in his hands for gold coins.

Chapter 563 - The Eye of God (Request for subscriptions and tickets)

This time, the gold coins Hai Wu Ya obtained in his copy of the Dou Shu Dao, together with the 100 million gold coins he had left in his hand earlier, added up to a total of more than 400 million gold coins.

Hai Wu Ya took a look at the gold coins in his hand, brought up the Naruto sub store with a thought, and then spent 300 million gold coins to purchase a divine tree fruit.

"Ka-chow! Ka-chow!"

Hai Wu Ya took a look at the faintly fluorescent divine tree fruit in his hand, opened his mouth wide and swallowed it in two bites.

The fruit of the divine tree melted in his mouth and transformed into three separate energies, one of which was incorporated into Hai Wu Ya's eyes, turning his eyes into kaleidoscopic eyes uncontrollably.

The kaleidoscope's pentagram pattern gradually turned into the circle pattern of the reincarnation eye, and there were nine blue and white hooks on the circle.

The other two energies were integrated into Hai Wu Ya's flesh and mana respectively, giving his body an additional immortal characteristic and raising his cultivation to the fourth heaven of the merging stage.

The so-called immortal body is the ability to recover superbly, Naruto anime Otsutsuki Kaguya is because eating the fruit of the sacred tree has the characteristics of immortality, so it can only be sealed but can not kill.

He looked at his newborn eyes in the mirror and smiled lightly and said to himself, "Since these eyes combine the abilities of the Reincarnation Eye, the Transmigration Eye and the Kaleidoscope Writing Eye, let's call it the Eye of God!"

The circle pattern in this newborn eye represents the reincarnation eye, the hooked jade represents the writing wheel eye, and the color of the hooked jade becomes blue-white but represents the ability of the transmigration eye. This kind of eye that combines three powerful eye abilities is called a miracle, so Hai Wu Ya named it God's Eye.

Although spending 300 million gold coins to buy a divine tree fruit seems a bit wasteful, but for Hai Wu Ya's ability to improve is great.

Now Hai Wu Ya's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has evolved into God's Eye, so his writing wheel eye martial soul has naturally evolved into God's Eye martial soul. When he performs the 100,000 year illusion dream butterfly soul ring soul technique, the power of its illusion will be multiplied by several times. Moreover, with the augmentation of God's Eye, the power of the spirit-type attacks that Hai Wu Ya cast would also increase twice.

After Hai Wu Ya adapted to the ability of God's Eye, he spent another 100 million gold coins to purchase a Burning Fruit and then purchased a Devil Fruit Perfect Evolver to evolve it.

Since Hai Wu Ya has now cultivated the Burning Duel and devoured five different kinds of foreign fires, he can better control the foreign fires and even transform himself into a foreign fire after taking the Burning Fruit.

Although taking the Burning Fruit will not directly improve Hai Wu Ya's cultivation, but as long as a little development of the Burning Fruit's ability, the Burning Fruit's ability to cooperate with the foreign fire and the burning decision will play a very powerful power.

But in the twinkling of an eye spent 400 million gold coins in one breath, Hai Wu Ya look at the hands of the remaining more than twenty million level, the heart can not help but secretly sigh really money to use Fang hate less ah!

In the elders' courtyard of the Martial Spirit Hall, a white awning slowly dispersed to reveal the figure of Hai Wu Ya.

In the eyes of Bibi Dong and their eyes Hai Wu Ya may still be that talented, but not enough power of the young elders.

But after the refinement of the copy of the Douluo Vault, Hai Wu Ya's strength is now sufficient to deal with the general numbered Douluo, he now has a real bottom, rather than rely on the battle dolls to fool people.

The corners of Hai Wu Ya's mouth raised a bad smile slightly, his body moved towards the courtyard where Hurena lived and hurried over.

"Oops you want to scare people to death home ah!"

Hulena had just returned to her room from the Pope's Palace when she was suddenly hugged tightly from behind, subconsciously letting out a cry of surprise, and then hammered the back of Hai Wu Ya's hand with her pink fist.

"Na'er, you missed me to death!"

Hai Wu Ya felt the delicate body of the beauty in his arms, directly picked her up by the waist and walked towards the bed amidst her shy expression.

"You big pervert, in broad daylight"

Before Hulena finished pouting, her jade lips were blocked by Hai Wu Ya, and the next moment her clothes flew across the room, and a muffled grunt heralded the official opening of a fierce battle.

For Hulena, she and Hai Wu Ya had only been separated for less than half an hour. But for Hai Wu Ya they have been separated for half a year, so now that they see each other, they naturally want to have a good flogging.

After an hour or so of rain and clouds, the naked Hu Na Li gently lay on Hai Wu Ya's chest, gently drawing circles on his chest with her jade-like fingertips while asking with some apprehension, "Wu Ya, if your other two little girlfriends won't accept me, will you not want me anymore?"

"Little fool, how would I not want you?"

Hai Wu Ya sensed the uneasiness and apprehension in Hulena Li's tone, and tightly held her in his arms, looking straight into her beautiful eyes with incomparable determination.

The first time I looked at Hanneline's firm eyes, my apprehensive mood settled down a lot.

Hai Wu Ya came up to Hu Li Na's ear and said with a bad smile: "What's more, you still don't know my husband's ability? Not to mention the three of you, even if there are thirty more I can also make you even confess. If Rong Rong and Zhu Qing won't accept you, I'll let them get out of bed every day, and then they'll probably beg you to join them!"

After this insightful exchange, Hurena naturally knew how terrifying Hai Wu Ya was. As long as Hai Wu Ya wanted to, then with his terrifying recovery power, he could do it all the time.

What's more, he also has the ability to return life, and can freely control every cell in his body, which can be long or short, bend or straight, move or vibrate. If Hai Wu Ya got serious, Hurena wouldn't be able to support even three minutes before getting high on the clouds.

"Nasty! You're so bad!"

Hulena noticed the stick-like object in her belly that started to vibrate slightly and hammered Hai Wu Ya several times with her pink fist with a shy face.

The next morning, Hai Wu Ya took a look at Hulena who was still sleeping after a long night, leaned down and kissed her lightly on her white forehead before dressing and washing up and leaving the Martial Spirit Hall.

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