Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 469

When Bai Cai heard Hai Wu Ya's words, she was slightly stunned, and after she reacted, she hurriedly greeted him with a smile and said with a happy smile on her face, "Wu Ya, you've finally come out of customs!"

Since Hai Wu Ya would separate a shadow doppelganger to accompany Bai Cai to make buns during this half year, so if it was a shadow doppelganger, he would definitely not say such words to Bai Cai that he had not seen her for a long time.

"I haven't seen you for half a year, you've grown a lot!"

Hai Wu Ya reached out and touched Bai Cai's little head, his eyes were full of doting smiles.

In Hai Wu Ya's heart, Bai Cai is like his own sister, her affinity always makes Hai Wu Ya feel very comfortable with her.

Feeling the warmth coming from Hai Wu Ya's big hand, Bai Cai squinted her big watery eyes comfortably.

"Arashi pays respects to Lord Hai Wu Ya!"

Seeing Hai Wu Ya's original daddy appear, Arashi on the side got up and bowed respectfully towards him.

During these half a year when Hai Wu Ya was in seclusion, Daji had brought members of the Divine Concealment Department to look for him. However, they only saw Hai Wu Ya's shadow doppelganger, and the shadow doppelganger did not grant their request to deal with the Gods.

Although the shadow doppelganger refused Daji's request, but Daji and the girls did not give up.

Since they couldn't ask Hai Wu Ya to help them directly, they might as well save the country, so they turned to Cabbage. The Daji girls have the opportunity to hang out in front of the shadow doppelganger often by being friends with the cabbage, which is more than three months.

The shadow doppelganger was also baffled by the stalking behavior of Daji, so he imparted a volume of heavenly books to Daji and the girls.

Do not underestimate the volume of the book of heaven, the immortal world of the Qing Yunmen and Tian Yin Temple these sects is because from a volume of the book of heaven to understand a powerful gong method, which has become one of the great sects of the righteous.

Although the shadow doppelganger ultimately did not agree to deal with the gods, but he passed to Daji and the girls a volume of heavenly books, but also let them understand a lot of suitable for their own techniques, the whole God's hidden department of combat power have been greatly improved.

Daji and the girls believe that as long as they continue to cultivate, they will one day be able to overthrow the rule of the Gods with their own power. Moreover, it was because of Hai Wu Ya's shelter that the Divine Concealment Ministry was able to survive peacefully in Chao Ge City. Therefore, as a member of the Divine Concealment Ministry, Arashi was naturally grateful to Hai Wu Ya from the bottom of her heart.

"Cabbage, I'm back! The meat and vegetables are ready for today."

An ethereal voice came from outside the door, followed by a beautiful-looking Dancing with the Wind wearing a long purple and black dress with a pair of pointed elf ears, who pushed open the door and walked in.

After seeing Hai Wu Ya, she thought the person in front of her was his shadow doppelganger and greeted her somewhat casually, "Wu Ya, you're here so early? Good morning!"

The wind was originally from the Underworld, but recently she was assigned by the Underworld Grand Marshal to scout the situation in the earthly realm, looking for a suitable opportunity to overthrow the rule of the Gods.

Five hundred and eighty-one chapter death copy (request subscription, request votes)

One hundred thousand years ago the ancient Underworld was beaten by the black dragon with its own power fled to hell, now 100,000 years have passed, now the Underworld no longer want to stay in hell to live in the darkness of the day.

So the current Underworld Marshal against the sky will send his men to the earth to scout the situation, with the wind up dancing to the earth, she soon heard of the initial Hai Wu Ya defeated the gods of the deeds.

So she rushed to Chao Ge City, hoping to persuade Hai Wu Ya to help the Underworld overthrow the rule of the gods, but she was rejected by the Shadow Doppelganger without even meeting Hai Wu Ya's real body.

Although the shadow doppelganger also refused to dance with the wind, but she did not just give up, so she softly stayed in the cabbage bun store, and gradually became good friends with cabbage.

Because of Hai Wu Ya's sheltering Chao Ge City, there are many people who are not able to bear the slavery of the gods, deliberately moved to Chao Ge City from other places, and now the population of Chao Ge City is as many as several times of what it was half a year ago.

In addition to these people, there are even some people from the Underworld race who have also moved to Chao Ge City. Because the gods do not dare to easily set foot in Chao Ge City and dare not strike in Chao Ge City, so the underworld in Chao Ge City do not have to worry about being annihilated by the gods.

The most interesting point is that although Hai Wu Ya did not promise to help Daji and the girls to overthrow the rule of the gods, but the divine Hidden Ministry and the people of the Underworld have joined forces. Anyway, both the Divine Hidden Tribe and the Underworld Tribe had the desire to overthrow the Gods, so it was not too surprising that they cooperated with each other.

Hai Wu Ya was not interested in the shit of the Gods and the Underworld. In the next two months or so, he just accompanied the cabbage every day to make and sell buns, no matter how he behaved or his temperament seemed to be the same as ordinary people.

But in these two months Hai Wu Ya although not can cultivate, but his cultivation and breath has become more and more unfathomable, this is the so-called return to the basics.

In the blink of an eye, Hai Wu Ya stayed in the copy space of Wu Geng Ji for a whole year. A white aura appeared out of nowhere and wrapped his body and disappeared in the copy space.

Hai Wu Ya's figure suddenly appeared in the system palace, and there was a faint stream of light flickering between the opening and closing of his eyes.

During the whole year of the Martial Geng Ji replica, although Hai Wu Ya did not deliberately cultivate, but with the automatic operation of the faith power and heart fire, his cultivation level still increased from the eighth heaven of the transmigration stage to the ninth heaven of the transmigration stage.

After this year of refinement, Hai Wu Ya's aura became more and more profound. In the past, he gave people the feeling of a lofty mountain, and the aura on his body would give people a strong sense of oppression.

But now Hai Wu Ya gives the feeling of a deep sea, from the surface does not look like any special place? But once you look closely it will give people a feeling that they can't get out of it.

As this time Hai Wu Ya in the Wu Geng Ji replica, the main purpose is to create their own techniques and refine their minds, so there is not much to do to fight monsters and explode props.

Hai Wu Ya thought about it in his heart for a while, and injected 10,000 Origin Points into the space of the plot copy with a thought, and with the injection of the Origin Points, the four words "Death Copy" appeared on the space of the copy, and the copy lasted for six months.

"Surprisingly, it's a copy of the God of Death, it seems I've really hit the jackpot this time!

When Hai Wu Ya saw the words "Death Copy", he couldn't help but reveal an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Now Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level had already reached the ninth heaven of the transmigration stage, and the maximum number of spirits in the spirit world space had also become more than nine million, but the number of spirits in the spirit world space was still less than one hundred thousand in total.

Although the strength of those Deaths and Void in the Deaths copy is not too strong, but some Deaths and Void's ability is very powerful.

This time, Hai Wu Ya could take the opportunity to collect some powerful Void and Death Gods and use them to fill up the spirit world space.

When Hai Wu Ya's mind moved, a white aura shot out from the copy space and wrapped around him and disappeared in the system palace.

If a human has no obsession after death, then there will be no vacancy in the soul, so this kind of complete soul is also called whole.

But if a human being has a strong obsession after death and refuses to be reincarnated, then it is likely to degenerate into an evil spirit, which loses its human heart and likes to devour other souls, and is also known as the void.

The task of the Shinigami is to send the whole to the Soul World to reincarnate, and they will also kill the virtual, purify the virtual body of evil.

In the world of the Shinigami, there are five major powers, namely the present world, the Soul World, the Circle of the Void, Hell and the Invisible Empire.

The present world is where ordinary humans live, the corpse and soul world is where the gods of death live, and the void circle is a space where all kinds of voids gather.

Hell is also a very powerful force, but only sinful souls are caught in hell, and it is difficult for souls in hell to come out of it.

The Invisible Empire, on the other hand, is a nation of exterminators, the king of which is Youhabach, who fought with the God of Death a thousand years ago, and the main fighting force is the group of exterminators centered on the twenty-five people of the Star Cross Knights.

Because of the invisible empire palace hidden in the shadow of the building of the soul world Ching Ling Ting spirit child space, so until the millennium blood war chapter before no Shinigami found the existence of the invisible empire.

The plot of the Shinigami world is mainly about the protagonist, Ichigo Kurosaki, helping the Soul World to defeat the virtual circle and the invisible empire.

Kurosaki Ichigo on the surface looks like an ordinary high school student, but in fact he is a combination of the exterminator, Shinigami and the virtual three powers of the special existence.

The moment the female Shinigami with onion hair, Kuchiki Lucia, stabbed her Zanpakuto into Ichigo Kurosaki, the Shinigami's story officially began!

In a Japanese-style house in Hollowza Town, a white aura slowly dispersed to reveal the figure of Hai Wu Ya.

Hai Wu Ya slowly opened his starry eyes, a brilliant light flashed in his eyes, a thought to see the color hegemony instantly launched to cover a hundred-mile radius.

As the Shinigami's spiritual pressure far exceeds that of ordinary people, so Hai Wu Ya only needs to use his Seeing Eye Hegemony to sense the existence of those with strong spiritual pressure, then it is easy to find the Shinigami in a hundred-mile radius.


When Hai Wu Ya felt that more than ten strong spiritual pressure existed within a hundred-mile radius, he could not help but slightly wrinkle his sword brow.

Although the strength of these spiritual pressure breath is equivalent to the existence of the Dou Huang level, but if these spiritual pressure is only the spiritual pressure of ordinary Death Gods, then Hai Wu Ya may have underestimated the power of the Death God world.

Hai Wu Ya around a distortion of space, his body instantly disappeared towards the direction of the most gathered spiritual pressure rushed over.

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