Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 489

Previously, when Hai Wu Ya left the world of the Nine Songs of the Heavenly Line, he didn't think of a way to bring Yan Ling Ji and the others because he was not strong enough, and he deliberately left his body and half of his soul in the world of the Nine Songs of the Heavenly Line just in case.

Now Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level has reached the First Heaven of Human Immortals, and with the ability of God's Eye of Time, even if he accidentally enters a top-level world like the Flood World, he can at least guarantee his life safety.

Therefore Hai Wu Ya did not intend to leave the world of the Douluo Continent alone this time, he was prepared to take the entire Douluo Continent with him.

After all, as Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level continues to rise, the maximum amount of soul power he can withstand will naturally increase. He does not want to lose all his efforts when he wants to raise his million year soul ring to a million year soul ring because he does not have enough soul power of the same kind to provide soul power.

As long as Hai Wu Ya takes the entire Douluo Continent with him, then not only can he take Ning Rongrong and the girls with him, but he also doesn't need to worry about not having enough soul beasts to provide soul rings.

The sea outside of Hanhai City, thousands of meters deep in the sea Hai Wu Ya's figure appeared out of thin air, an invisible thought power shield will be all the sea water isolated outside.

Hai Wu Ya's eyes opened slightly and his pitch-black eyes instantly transformed into the Eyes of Divine Time, a blue-gold divine power gushed out from his body forming a special divine power coat.

As the transmigration eye's have fused the kaleidoscope writing eye, reincarnation eye and the eye of time ability, so the sea Wu Ya now use the chakra mode of the transmigration eye, his form has also changed dramatically, rather than pure chakra mode.

With the mode of this divine power coat that Hai Wu Ya now has, the Golden Wheel Transmigration Explosion that he performs will also be far more powerful than the Golden Wheel Transmigration Explosion in chakra mode.

"Golden Wheel Transmutation Explosion!"

Hai Wu Ya right hand slightly false grip a blue-gold energy sword instantly condensed, he gripped the blue-gold energy sword towards the front of the Douluo Continent intercepted a sword cut out.

"Ka ka ka ka ka"

With a hundreds of thousands of miles of blue-gold energy beam flashed, hundreds of thousands of miles in diameter Douluo continent was actually cut into two sections by his sword.

"Space portal come out to me!"

Hai Wu Ya shouted, the portal to the copy space of Detective Conan was summoned by him, the diameter of only two meters of space portal floating in mid-air, instantly expanded a hundred times into a giant portal of hundreds of meters in diameter.

"Give me up!!!"

Hai Wu Ya's eyes fiercely gaze, the full operation of the body's divine power to activate the ability of the Eye of God Time, a terrifying gravitational force directly lifted the entire Douluo Continent slowly, and then slowly towards the giant portal in the air crashed.

Although the diameter of only a few hundred meters of the space portal for the entire Douluo continent seems insignificant, but when the suspended Douluo continent near the portal the moment, the entire Douluo continent seems to have shrunk countless times in an instant, directly through the space portal appeared in the copy world of Detective Conan.

Although the copy world of Detective Conan is only a small thousand world, but it has a complete universe after all, so it is still more than enough to accommodate a piece of the Douluo Continent.

Since the diameter of the Earth is only 12,000 kilometers, the entire Douluo continent is unrealistic to put on top of the Earth, so Hai Wu Ya deliberately opened a huge independent space at the edge of the solar system, and then the entire Douluo continent was transferred to this independent space.

In the middle world of the Douluo Vault, Dou Sheng-level powerhouses are able to open up independent spaces similar to the Ancient World and the Soul World. Hai Wu Ya, a Dou Di level powerhouse in a small thousand world like Detective Conan, is it not more than enough for him to personally open up a huge space?

"The shaking just now is only this god shifted the Douluo continent, you do not need to panic!"

Just when the people and soul beasts on the Douluo Continent were panicking because of the shifting stars in the sky, a voice full of majesty swept across the sky of the Douluo Continent, and the hint of divine power in the voice restored calm to all living creatures.

After the people on the Douluo Continent calmed down, they became more and more respectful to Hai Wu Ya, the God of Ice and Fire Destruction, and even many of the people and soul beasts have become believers of Hai Wu Ya and started to provide him with the power of faith.

After all, this transfer of the entire Douluo continent, even if the power of a hundred ninety-nine extreme Douluo can not be completed, this is the gap between man and God!

"Ding dong! Completed the system hidden mission, the mission rewards 10 million Origin Points."

Just after Hai Wu Ya had transferred the entire Douluo Continent into the world of Detective Conan, a system alert sounded suddenly in his ears.

"Holy shit! Zi Yue, what's going on here?"

Hai Wu Ya looked at the 10 million Origin Points that suddenly appeared in his hand and hastily asked Zi Yue.

"Violet Moon is here first to congratulate brother on completing the hidden mission! In fact, the reasoning behind this hidden mission is very simple, brother himself relies on changing the plot or participating in the plot to obtain Origin Points.

Now that the brother has transferred the entire Douluo Continent to another world, this is equivalent to completely interrupting the future plot of the Douluo Continent, which is why the system was able to plunder so many origin points in one breath.

But this practice is equivalent to a one-shot deal, brother later in the Douluo continent to change the plot or something? And will not get the origin points again.

And because this kind of task belongs to the hidden task, so can only wait until the brother completed the task will get the reward, in this case even I do not know the specific hidden task in the end what?" Zi Yue flew out from the system palace, she first congratulated towards Hai Wu Ya, followed by crooked her little head and explained with a smile.

"So that's how it is!"

After listening to Zi Yue's explanation, Hai Wu Ya nodded with a dumbfounded expression.

Chapter 609 - Moving the Earth (3rd shift, requesting votes)

The ordinary system task was to let Hai Wu Ya slightly change the plot or let him participate in the plot, this kind of small-scale change in the plot direction would not cause the later plot direction to completely collapse.

This means that if Hai Wu Ya stays in the Douluo Continent for a few hundred years, then he will definitely be able to earn more than 10 million Origin Points. But if Hai Wu Ya stayed on the Douluo Continent for a few hundred years for tens of millions of origin points, then it would be too uneconomical.

And Hai Wu Ya directly transferred the entire Douluo Continent to the world of Detective Conan, which is equivalent to completely ruin the subsequent plot of the Douluo Continent.

If Hai Wu Ya was only able to stay in the world of the Douluo Continent, then this act of his would be equivalent to digging his own grave, but since he was still able to travel to other worlds, then this sweeping act was very cost effective.

"Ziyue, let's go back to the world of the Nine Songs of the Heavenly Line first!"

After Hai Wu Ya entered the system palace, he did not rush to travel to a new world, but spent 100,000 Origin Points to let Zi Yue take him back to the world of the Nine Songs of the Heavenly Line in a hurry.


Hearing Hai Wu Ya's words, Zi Yue took out 100,000 Origin Points with a wave of her small hand and transformed them into a light ball emitting a faint fluorescence, allowing this fluorescence to wrap Hai Wu Ya's soul for time travel.

Since Violet Moon had already recorded the world markings of the world of the Nine Songs of the Heavenly Line, so with the accurate world markings as the positioning, it only took less than half a day to return to the world of the Nine Songs of the Heavenly Line.


A white aura slowly dispersed in the Xianyang Palace of the Great Qin Empire to reveal the figure of Hai Wu Ya. At the same time, when Hai Wu Ya, who was reading his papers, saw him appear, he couldn't help but ask curiously, "Why haven't you left yet?"

When Hai Wu Ya heard the words of his body, he subconsciously replied, "Go? Didn't I just come back?"

The bodily doppelganger smiled and said with a dumbfounded expression, "Back? I just came out of the system palace, it hasn't even been five minutes yet, huh?


For a while, Hai Wu Ya and the body doppelganger stared at each other, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

Zi Yue's mind suddenly flashed an aura, she clapped her hands excitedly and shouted: "Brother, I understand! If I'm not wrong, it should be that the two worlds have different flow rates. You have been in the world of the Douluo Continent for more than four years, while only four minutes or so have passed in the world of the Nine Songs of the Heavenly Line."

The corners of the body can't help but slightly twitch when hearing Ziyue's words, reaching out to cover his face with a hand and said speechlessly: "Feelings I just came out to approve the four minutes or so of the zhengzhi, you have already crossed the end?

"Well now it seems as if this is indeed the case, then you can come back!"

Hai Wu Ya is also speechless, right hand towards the body split a move, the body split instantly into a white mango into his body.

Originally Hai Wu Ya deliberately used his own body and half of his soul to create a body split, the purpose is to accompany the flame Ling Ji, who knows he returned from the Douluo Continent is less than five minutes ah? If he had known, he would not have had to suffer from soul cutting.

"Forget it, it's been a long time since I've seen Flame and the girls, let's take a day off today!"

The corner of Hai Wu Ya's mouth lifted a bad smile, his body instantly turned into a bolt of lightning towards the direction of the harem and hurried over.

In the following day, Hai Wu Ya fought with Yan Ling Ji and a dozen of beautiful girls for a whole day, until they were all so tired that they didn't even want to lift their fingers, then they let them go with a smug face.

The next day after nightfall, a spatial rift appeared out of nowhere in the outer space of the earth, and then Hai Wu Ya slowly walked out of it.

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