Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 492

Those villagers around heard Yun Tianhe's words and roughly understood what had just happened? Some people could not help but laugh out loud.

Hai Wu Ya turned his head to Boss Li and smiled: "Boss Li, I think this matter is a misunderstanding. This little brother should be eating dumplings for the first time, how can this dumpling be delicious with the dumpling leaves?"

"Since this is a misunderstanding then forget it, I was just wondering? How can someone eat rice dumplings with rice dumpling leaves?" Boss Li now remembered the appearance of Yun Tianhe eating dumplings just now and shook his head with a dazed look of enlightenment.

"Yun Tianhe! Did you get into trouble again? Didn't I tell you to stay here and don't move?"

A pleasant voice came from not far away, followed by a short-haired girl wearing a short red skirt and a double maiden bun who pushed her way through the crowd and walked out.

When Yun Tianhe saw the visitor, he hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No! Ling Sa, I didn't cause any trouble."

Hai Wu Ya saw Yun Tian He in front of Han Ling Sa, as if a mouse had met a cat, smiled and arched his hand towards Han Ling Sa and said, "This girl, I am Hai Wu Ya, it was just a misunderstanding! Please don't give this little brother a hard time."

"My name is Han Ling Sa, and his name is Yun Tian He. He just came down from the mountain without understanding the world, and just now, I thank Mr. Hai for helping him out." Han Ling Sa smiled and arched her hand back towards Hai Wu Ya and said.

Although Han Ling Sa had not seen the whole story, she had made up most of the general story, so she was grateful to Hai Wu Ya, otherwise she really didn't know how much trouble Yun Tian He would have gotten into.

"You're welcome, Miss Han, it's inevitable that you'll encounter some trouble when you go out, it's not a bad thing to have more friends, it's better to give a hand."

"Since we are all friends, then you do not call me Miss Han, it sounds awkward. You call me Ling Sa is fine." Han Ling Sa as a child of the jianghu, she heard Hai Wu Ya call herself Miss Han always felt a little strange.

"Fine, then I'll respectfully do as I'm told."

Yun Tianhe on the side seemed to be afraid that Hai Wu Ya had forgotten him, he quickly smiled and called out, "And me, you can just call me Tianhe."

Hai Wu Ya noticed Yun Tian He's happy expression and couldn't help but smile lightly, "Good, then you guys can just call me Wu Ya from now on."

"Huh? Why do I think this teenager looks a bit familiar?"

An old man who looked 60 or 70 years old looked closely at Yun Tianhe's face for a while and suddenly stroked his beard and shouted, "Isn't this that brat Yun Tianqing?"

When Yun Tianhe heard someone mention his father's name, his ears perked up and he asked the white-haired old man with a curious face, "Yun Tianqing? Do you know my father?"

Chapter 613 - The Heavenly Anger Yun Tianqing (Request for Subscription, Request for Tickets)

"Great! So you are the son of that bastard Yun Tianqing, did he also return to the village? Let me teach him a good lesson!"

"Who said Yun Tianqing is back? Where is he?"

Some of the older villagers in the crowd instantly boiled up when they heard the name Yun Tianqing, and their tone was filled with ill will.

Originally Han Ling Sa was ready to take the opportunity to ask about the Sword Immortal, but when she saw the surrounding villagers' passionate appearance, she hurriedly swallowed back all the words that were on her lips.

Hai Wu Ya saw some villagers around the villagers have begun to copy the guy, the corners of the mouth can not help but slightly twitch. How many pranks did Father Yun Tianhe do back then? The villagers are still not angry after decades of time, ah?

"How do you all know my father? Can you guys tell my dad what happened back then?"

Yun Tianqing naturally couldn't tell Yun Tianhe about those ridiculous things he did in the past, so Yun Tianhe was very curious about his father's past.

"What happened? That brat Yun Tianqing, at first he cheated me out of candy for three days."

"Cut! What's that to you? When Ah Heung next door liked me, that brat Yun Tianqing wanted to steal from me and almost made me not marry Ah Heung."

"I'm the one who's miserable! Once Yun Tianqing and I bet, the loser has to dip in cold water in the middle of winter, and he cheated, causing me to lie in bed for half a month!

Those villagers who had been scourged by Yun Tianqing back then heard Yun Tianhe's words, and they all poured out their grievances in a frenzy, it was like a misery contest.

"What's all the bickering one by one?!"

An old but mid-spirited voice suddenly rang out, and the villagers who were still making noise instantly quieted down when they heard the familiar voice.

An older villager pointed at Yun Tianhe and said, "Village Chief, this kid is Yun Tianqing's son."

"What?! Yun Tianqing's son!"

The village chief smiled, and his face turned ugly all of a sudden.

"You really are Yun Tianqing's son."

The village chief himself was a member of the Yun family, so he just looked at Yun Tianhe's face for a moment before he was sure of Yun Tianhe's identity, and he immediately turned his head to Han Ling Sa at the side and said nonchalantly, "Miss Han, I originally thought it was not easy for a girl to be alone outside, so I agreed to let you stay overnight in the village. Now, since you are with him, please leave! Yun Tianqing and his descendants are not welcome in our Taiping Village!"

"Village Chief?!"

Han Lingya, who was inexplicably lying on the gun, was angry and aggrieved in her heart.

The village chief ignored Han Ling Sa's words and shouted with a stern face, "You guys hurry up and leave, or I'll have someone kick you out!"

"Tianhe, let's go!"

Han Ling Sa heard this and shouted with an ugly face. Anyway, even if we can't stay in the Taiping Village, the big deal is just to sleep out in the open for one night!

"Wait, there are still some things I haven't asked yet?"

Yun Tianhe still wanted to ask some more things about his father, but instead, he was directly pulled by Han Lingya to leave the Taiping Village.

When Han Ling Sa dragged Yun Tianhe far away, Hai Wu Ya arched his hand to the village head and villagers of Taiping Village and said, "Everyone, although I don't know how Yun Tian Qing really annoyed you? But Yun Tianqing passed away several years ago due to illness, so why should you all follow a dead person?"

Hai Wu Ya said, and ignored the reaction of the village chief and the villagers, he hurriedly went after Han Ling Sa and Yun Tian He in the direction they left.

"Yun Tianqing is dead?"

When the villagers, whose faces were still full of anger, heard Hai Wu Ya's words, their faces couldn't help but change slightly.

Although the original Yun Tianqing had indeed wrecked many villagers, but after all, human death was the greatest. Since Yun Tianqing had already passed away, it would be too much if they still had a problem with a dead person.

The village chief looked at Hai Wu Ya's departing back, his eyes were full of complicated colors, and he couldn't control his heart's sadness and shed a line of tears.

The original Taiping Village is called the Yun Family Village, later because the ancestors of the Yun Family had the merit of guarding the frontier, the emperor personally renamed the Yun Family Village to Taiping Village.

But unfortunately, since the death of the ancestors of the Yun family, the Yun family has no descendants have become officials, and to the village chief of the generation of the Yun family is a prodigal son Yun Tianqing.

Yun Tianqing kind of jumpy character to modern nature is nothing? But in ancient times is a proper delinquent boy.

Because Yun Tianqing is always in trouble and repeatedly taught, so the elders of the family had no choice but to expel him from the family.

Now the village chief of Taiping Village is the elder brother of Yun Tianqing, he always love trouble brother is naturally hate iron can not steel, but now suddenly heard the news of his death, the heart still inevitably have a kind of white hair people send black hair people sad.

In the world of Immortal Sword and Wonderful Legend, Hai Wu Ya's current strength can only be considered medium, so he does not intend to contact those gods and demons too early for the time being.

He was going to join the Qiong Hua School as an ordinary martial artist, so that he could earn Origin Points by triggering system tasks with the main character of the plot, and also learn some of the immortal laws of this world through the Qiong Hua School, and learn about the combat power of the strongest people in this world.

That's why Hai Wu Ya purposely caught up with Han Ling Sa and Yun Tian He, the purpose is naturally to join the Qiong Hua School with them.

"Lindsay, Tianhe, what are you two doing walking so fast? Wait for me!"

Han Ling Sa heard the shout from behind her, she saw Hai Wu Ya who followed her and couldn't help but wonder, "Wu Ya, why are you out too?"

Hai Wu Ya smiled and said back, "Aren't we friends? You two have both been driven out of Taiping Village, wouldn't it be too unrighteous for me to stay in the village alone?"

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