Chapter 113: Team Assemble

“What’s the meaning?”

Nick Fury has a bad feeling.

“Tesseract Cube is a door leading to the other end, and the door… But Door can be opened from both sides.”

Barton gave an irrefutable answer.

At this moment, the energy of Tesseract Cube skyrocketed again.

Even the naked eye can see the shining energy in the Tesseract Cube.



Under everyone’s gaze, Tesseract Cube released a beam of energy.

And this energy beam directly opened a portal!

Under the explosion of energy, a figure in the portal appeared in front of everyone!

He smiled wickedly and looked arrogant.

He held a scepter inlaid with a gem in his hand.

“Sir, please put down the spear in your hand!”

Nick Fury looked at each other with a heavy face.

Barton crow’s mouth! Actually, he really got it.

This guy is not easy at first glance.

Loki glanced at the scepter in his hand and grinned.


A powerful beam of energy shot directly at Nick Fury.

Want to put down the spear in your hand?

The mortals in these atriums are really overwhelming.

Seeing the other party’s hands, all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents fired together.



But those bullets hit the opponent like it was tickling.

It’s not even a tickle!

The supernatural power of Asgard made Loki immune to most of the weapon damage on the earth.

These bullets can’t hurt him at all!

The agent in front of him was knocked to the ground in three or two strokes.

Just after saving Nick Fury, Hawkeye stood up stiffly.

Before he could raise the gun in his hand.

Loki had already come to him.


The scepter hit Barton’s chest directly.

In the face of the Mind gem, even a trained Hawkeye has no chance of escape!

His pupils became pitch black.

Barton, controlled by Loki!

In the same way, Loki turned all the agents on the scene into his puppets.

Nick Fury took this opportunity to take down the Tesseract Cube directly.

He is leaving!

“Please put down the things in your hands, I am here for this. My name is Loki, a God from Asgard! This time I come to Midgard and shoulder my mission.”

The arrogant Loki directly stated his purpose.

“Loki? Thor’s brother?”

Dr. Eric thought of who Loki was in a blink of an eye.

Back in that small town, they personally witnessed Thor and the Demon Messenger destroying the ultimate weapon of God’s Domain together.

That huge figure still appeared in his mind now and then.

That picture that will never be forgotten.

“I didn’t expect anyone to know myself, oh, yes, you were there at the beginning.”

A wicked smile appeared on Loki’s face.

He remembered Dr. Eric, who was also there.

“Ha, have you forgotten something? There are still demons in this world. Will your appearance now attract the attention of the demons?”

Since Dr. Eric experienced the last time, he has had some misunderstandings about the protoss and demons.

He believes that the other party is indeed very powerful, but it seems more like an alien power.

Eric’s words reminded Nick Fury.

At this moment, he even wondered whether the demon messenger would appear here.

After all, the other party directly waited for Thor to come last time.

But obviously, the existence of the demon messenger is not visible at this time.

Everything depends on them.

“Do you pay attention to the demon messenger? In fact, I really want to meet him this time.

Perhaps this world should be divided by us, or he should surrender.”

Loki smiled wickedly.

His scepter hit Eric’s chest!

Dr. Eric, who had just argued against Loki, instantly became Loki’s person.

Nick Fury heard Loki’s words, and a plan in his heart took shape in an instant.

Perhaps, this time is an opportunity to let those with fruit ability play.

If the fruit-power and Loki fought against each other, then it would be impossible for the demon to join forces with the Protoss.

When two powerful races fight, they have room for human survival.

“I know for the first time that the Protoss will also degenerate into an alliance with the devil.

It seems that this so-called Protoss is nothing more than that.”

Nick Fury began to run against each other in language.

After Loki listened, his whole body instantly returned to normal.

“It is our business whether to form an alliance or not, but what I have to do now is to let you hand over the box in your hand.”

“Why, we didn’t provoke you the Protoss of Asgard, why do you come to us?”

“The bugs didn’t mess with the shoes.”

“You mean, you are going to trample us to death?”

“No, I want to help you get rid of the shackles and false freedom! Because of this slogan, you will not have peace!”

Loki’s calm face was full of madness at this time.


At this moment, Hawkeye raised his gun and knocked Nick Fury to the ground.

“Leave quickly, there will be an explosion here, if we don’t leave, we will be buried tens of meters underground!”

Hearing Hawkeye’s words, several people quickly left carrying the box containing Tesseract Cube.

After some chase, the other party managed to escape.

And this base has completely turned into ruins!

Nick Fury looked at the collapsed base.

His face became particularly serious and strong.

“All those involved in the rescue will immediately trace the whereabouts of the box! This incident is at level 7! The war has officially started!”

Nick Fury gave a formal order.

This time, it was a battle.

Their branches and research institutions of SHIELD have never suffered such losses.

“Yes, I understand. Next, we need to track the position of Tesseract Cube, to figure out what Loki is going to do with Tesseract Cube.”

Hill began to arrange what to do next.

“Cosmic energy, gamma rays! Contact Dr. Banner immediately! This time, they happened to test the Devil Fruit ability together.”

Nick Fury made his arrangements.

Coulson, who was in the branch of S.H.I.E.L.D., received a call from Nick Fury.

This time, Dr. Banner’s help is needed.

Natasha, Coulson, Betty, and Banner left the branch where the dungeon was painted.

Tony and Pepper are flirting at the Stark Building in New York, and the two are taken away by Agent Hill.

In a secret base, Captain America Rogers, who had been a little uncomfortable after waking up, received his first mission after waking up.

On the Sky Mothership, the group finally got together.

“Everyone, this time I called you together because people from the Asgard protoss invaded the base of SHIELD.

He not only snatched our Tesseract Cube, but also controlled our people.

Professor Eric and Hawkeye Barton are now under each other’s control.

This time, we need to rescue them, and at the same time, we have to let the people of Asgard know that our earth did not come just as we wanted.”

Nick Fury gave his speech while standing on the Sky Mothership.

“What happened to Barton?”

Natasha was a little worried about Barton’s current situation.

“Being controlled by a magic scepter, it may take some effort to wake him up.”

Nick Fury was really helpless.

The shot that Barton didn’t hesitate about at the time really scared him.

“Wait, the people from Asgard? Is that where Thor, who appeared in New Mexico, lived?”

Tony asked his question.

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