Chapter 39: Feeling of Old

This is a false proposition.

He now manipulates metal and can still easily restrain the opponent.

Like Sabertooth, like a Toad man.

There are no metal bones in their bodies, and they will still obey him.

Wolverine and Sabertooth were fighting fiercely.

Magneto was suspicious on the side.

Qin Xiao was checking the status of the system for himself.

[Devil Fruit Trading System]


[Eated fruits and objects]


[6. Dice fruit: Wolverine-Logan]

[Ability Absorbed]


[5. Causal fruit, Saber-tooth self-healing]

[6. Dice fruit, Wolverine self-healing]

[Fruit capacity increase: 5%]

“Ding, the ability to repeat [Self-healing] is detected, the ability is strengthened, and the fruit ability increases by 5%.”

An unexpected prompt appeared in Qin Xiao’s system panel.

Sabertooth and Wolverine gave Qin Xiao a double self-healing ability.

And this ability is directly strengthened by the system.

At the same time, this power increased the fruit ability by 5%.

It means that Qin Xiao is also 5% more powerful than them!

This increase seems to have little effect.

However, the more powerful the fruit ability is developed, the more terrifying the increase!

Now it is 5%, how about the increase to 100% in the future?

even more!

At that time, if Kingpin could not blow up one block at a time.

Qin Xiao’s ability to bomb fruit can directly blow up double or even more places.

The most important thing about this prompt is that it solves Qin Xiao’s long-standing doubt.

He had never known how this fruit’s ability increase was improved.

Today I found a way.

The superposition of some of the same power feedback from the person with fruit ability can activate it.

Qin Xiao guessed that this ability is not only improved in this way.

It’s just that now he hasn’t found other ways to continue to improve.

One more thing, now Qin Xiao has doubled his self-healing ability.

This means that he has stronger physical resilience.

His cell vitality, number of divisions, etc. have all been greatly improved.

Although life span is an invisible data.

But Qin Xiao believed that he might be able to live to the age of Gu Yi now.

There is no need to sign a treaty with Dormam, he can directly live to the age of Gu Yi.

This is still the case without using Age fruit!

“Sure enough, you can reap more benefits if you send more fruits.

no pain no gain!

Maybe I will go to Charles when I have time.

There are so many mutants over there.

Maybe it can match more devil fruits.

But it’s a bit dangerous to go there, Charles’s psychic ability is a bit strong.

In case he reads some of the messages in his mind, it would be troublesome.

And there is a Phoenix girl who might get out of control.

It is better not to contact them early.

However, the reverse use of Wolverine’s Dice fruit has provided me with some ways to use the Damage fruit.”

Qin Xiao muttered to himself.

The battle between Wolverine and Sabretooth continued.

At this time, Sabertooth has exceeded the height of four meters!

Wolverine will be slapped directly on the metal wall.

He needs a lot of effort to pull himself out of the metal.

“You two can stop!”

Qin Xiao looked at the two who still wanted to fight again and spoke actively.

“Hoo~~Shut up~~”

“Roar~~Don’t bother us~~”

Upon hearing Qin Xiao’s words, Wolverine and Sabertooth roared in anger.

Real fire has already hit this time.

You say stop?

The two did not give Qin Xiao any face.

At this moment, Magneto’s eyes lit up.

Enraged Demon messenger, then maybe you can see the demon messenger make another move.

He himself had already lost once under Qin Xiao’s hands.

At that time, he was still in Qin Xiao’s mirror image.

Now, what method should the demon messenger use to resolve the battle between the two?


Qin Xiao made an inexplicable voice.

“I’m going to separate them.”

Frank is about to shoot.

As the person who believed in Qin Xiao the most, Frank relied on Qin Xiao in almost everything.

Now these two people are disobedient, so don’t blame them for cleaning up.

At least he knew that Marsh Fruit was not afraid of physical attacks from the opponent.

“You don’t need to do it. After all, he will have to follow me for a while, and now let him know that the devil means that he can’t disobey.”

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he slowly walked towards the two of them.

Seeing Qin Xiao getting closer, Wolverine and Sabretooth made a rare decision to join forces.

This person is so annoying!

Although he is a demon messenger, he still hates it!

“Looking for death~”

“Go to hell~”

The two people who were outraged didn’t care who they were in front of them.

A sharp claw shining with Adamentium alloy luster.

A fist larger than his head slammed directly at Qin Xiao.



The fists and claws seem to have caught the non-Newtonian body.

The harder the attack, the less damage it seems.

“Get old~~”

Qin Xiao grabbed one of his hands directly on the arms of the two of them.

Two words were faintly spit out from his mouth.

Get old!

Then, something that shocked everyone’s mind happened!

Sabertooth and Wolverine grow old directly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a blink of an eye, the two fell to the ground one after another.

On the ground, they were panting.

That feeling of being Old seemed to be able to die at any time.

“Huh~~How come~ like this?”

“I~ I’m boring~”

Sabertooth and Wolverine made incredible noises in their mouths.

The two saw their appearance through the metal mirror.

Loose skin.

Numerous age spots.

Cloudy eyes.

Where are they here?

These are two dying old men!

Qin Xiao knelt down and looked at the two old people who were already having difficulty speaking.

He looked calm.

“I just said, let you stop, I am not asking, but ordering, do you know?”

“You~ you are really a demon messenger!”

“You took away our lifespan?”

Sabertooth and Wolverine were still unbelievable at this time.

“Yes, I hope you can understand that I don’t want to talk nonsense. In the future, don’t beastly more than human.”

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he put his hands on the two again.

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