Chapter 65: I will go as well

why is that?

“The Protoss of Asgard signed a treaty with the demons. Don’t you find it interesting?

If we tell this news to people of other races, what do you think they will think?

The reputation of the people of Asgard in the entire universe exceeds your imagination.

I can’t waste this kind of investment.

Moreover, compared to Thor, a muscular guy, I don’t like the person sitting in the position of the lord of Asgard palace even more.

That guy, too much thought, too gloomy.

He, even if he goes to hell, can live well.

If he really occupies the position of the Lord of Asgard Palace, the entire earth will be insecure.

The Nine Realms have been at peace for so long, and then it will be chaotic again.”

Qin Xiao casually explained.

Loki, the god of fraud, the master of lies.

But his dealings are really bad.

Not as good as Thor.

In fact, for all smart people, Qin Xiao has a headache.

Flickering is too difficult.

Fudge Tony, prepare months in advance.

Fudge Kingpin, the same preparations several months in advance.

Look at Nick Fury and Black Widow. The first flicker ended in failure.

Look at Wolverine, Sabre-tooth, and Thor. The guys who use muscles more than their brains will be crippled when they flicker.

“You demons of hell, worry about chaos?”

Thor looked at Qin Xiao warily.

“We naturally like the chaos caused by ourselves, but we hate the chaos caused by others more than you.

Moreover, since I am still walking on this land, it means that our goal has not been achieved.

At this time, do you think I want to be confused?”

Qin Xiao’s lie really came out with his mouth open.

The point is that others have no way to refute.

“Why are you so concerned about and familiar with our Protoss?”

Thor was like a curious baby at this moment.

He had no idea about the demon behind Qin Xiao.

But this guy seems to know exactly about Asgard!

This feeling is very bad.

“Hehe, I think you should go back now and see what Loki is doing.

You ask why Loki knows so many channels and news that others don’t know, and you will understand why?

Loki, and the devil are more like a kind of person.”

Qin Xiao wanted Thor to leave directly.

Not only that, it also frantically discredited Loki.

That guy, there is no way to fool him into eating the devil fruit until he is desperate.

Although I don’t know what devil fruit Loki will match.

But Loki can be pitted in advance, and it is not himself who has lost this.

Why not do it?

When Thor heard this, his heart trembled.

Defeat the Destroyer, the matter has not been resolved yet!

He looked at the four horsemen of the Asgard Palace who were still physically injured at this time, and he had a decision in his heart.

“You are right, we are really going back to Asgard.”

Thor got up and was about to leave with the four knights of the Asgard palace.

At this moment, Qin Xiao’s body gradually shrank under his control.

“Thor, as a deal, I hope you can provide me with a few sets of clothes that suit me.”


Thor looked at Qin Xiao, and recalled the scene in his mind.


He shook his head, and quickly threw the picture out.

“This requires you to go back to Asgard with me, and our craftsmen will personally tailor it for you. Do you dare to go to Asgard?”

Do you dare to go to Asgard?

Thor directly threw the problem back.

This question stunned everyone on the scene.

A demon goes to the Protoss territory!

Isn’t this too slow to die?

Everyone focused their eyes on Qin Xiao, wanting to see how he would choose.

“Really, you didn’t lie to me, did you?”

Qin Xiao’s expression was “serious”.

Thor’s thoughts about how he didn’t know.

Went to Asgard, there are many powerful fighters inside.

Such as Heimdall.

There is also Odin, the God king, as long as Odin is sober, he can definitely make this demon messenger live.

It can even pull out the demon behind the demon messenger.

At that time, any contract between Thor and Demon would be useless.

As for a few clothes, it’s a trivial matter.


Thor “has a sincere face.”

Qin Xiao began to calculate the harm of this incident.

This time he flicked Thunder fruit.

Thor is still not accustomed to elementalization, because the body of their Asgard protoss is very strong.

But Qin Xiao has become accustomed to elementalization.

With the fruit of the thunder now, even the Protoss of Asgard is almost impossible for anyone to keep him.

Unless it is Asgard’s enchanted weapons and magic, he can’t hurt his body.

With lightning speed, he can move to any place in a short time.

His mobility is fully guaranteed.

Plus the magic portal learned from Kamar Taj.

At that time, you can try to see if you can teleport back from Asgard.

If you can, you can really go everywhere!

This time, the benefits brought by the Thunder Fruit have once again greatly improved his strength.

At this time, I flickered the benefits of eating the devil fruit alone.

Sure enough, more people need to flicker to eat the devil fruit.

Qin Xiao’s quiet thinking made the scene a bit solemn.

“Go to Asgard, can you take me one?”

At this moment, a voice came out of the void.


A ring appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a young woman with a small head came out inside.

The heroic kind.

Qin Xiao looked at the figure in front of him, his mouth opened wide and he never closed it.

“Demon messenger, is there any problem?”

The young woman looked calm.

Qin Xiao closed his mouth hard.

“Mage Ancient One, are you going to Asgard?”

The woman in front of me is the ancient master!

Ancient One!

Keep an inch, look more than 20 years old!

Qin Xiao thought he was going crazy.

How could Ancient One look like this?



Age fruit allowed her to directly change her age to this time.

However, Qin Xiao really didn’t feel used to it.

You are a little girl.

How about the majesty of the archmage?

Is the great mage highly respected?

Didn’t you see that when Strange went to Kamar Taj, did you directly treat other Mage as the Supreme Mage?

The accumulation of age will naturally bring majesty.

But you, a woman in her twenties, can’t say anything about majesty!

Sure enough, do women love beauty?

Even Supreme Master can’t escape the vulgarity?

“Yes, I saw something in the future, so I decided to go to Asgard.

You just want to go back, and I happen to be with you.”

Ancient One simply explained.

See the future!

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