Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 100 Chapter 100

When the door was opened, there was a rustling sound. Li Qi, a child who was just as tall as Wen Zheng's waist, popped his head out from behind the door and looked up at Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng had not been away for long, and the two families were good neighbors. The little boy recognized Wen Zheng's appearance after a few seconds. His small mouth suddenly opened wide, almost becoming a clear circle, and his face was full of surprise: "Wen... Uncle Wen?"

"Dad, Uncle Wen is back!" Li Qi turned around and ran very fast, shouting at the top of his voice until his figure disappeared in the bedroom of Brother Li and his wife.

Since the door was opened, Wen Zheng would naturally not stand outside stupidly. He carried his things and walked into the living room to wait for Brother Li to come out. His ears also caught a little bit of the child's whispered conversation with his father.

"Dad, Uncle Wen is awake, so will my mother be okay?" Li's sister-in-law has not woken up yet, but she is still in a deep sleep, which is good news.

Although Li's sister-in-law fell asleep earlier than Wen Zheng, the duration of this sleep varies, and no obvious pattern has been summarized so far.

When Li Qi spoke, there was a hint of crying in her voice, which made people feel very uncomfortable. Brother Li's voice also became obviously uncomfortable. He whispered a few words to comfort his son, then walked out of the room holding his son's hand and carefully closed the door.

In the short time when Brother Li took his son out of the room, although the door was closed quickly, Wen Zheng still smelled the smell coming from the room.

It was the same smell he had just smelled when he was knocking on the door outside, and it could even be said to be stronger. It was the smell of burning incense that was often encountered in temples.

The inexplicably popular symptoms of sleepiness made the behavior of praying to gods and Buddhas more popular. Although the government is promoting to make the public believe in science more, science has not yet developed a useful method. At least believing in Buddhism and Taoism can stabilize the emotions of some people and prevent them from committing crimes, so there is no explicit ban.

It was not surprising that Brother Li placed his faith on this after his wife had been asleep for a long time. Wen Zheng could understand, so he did not mention it.

Brother Li was still a little dazed until he was pulled out of the room by his son. He was shocked to wake up immediately after seeing Wen Zheng standing in front of him.

"You are really awake. The news has been saying it before, but I still don't believe it. Xiao Wen, tell me what happened when you fell asleep, and whether you are still conscious? I wonder if my Meijuan can hear Xiaoqi and I calling her."

The government did not say that Wen Zheng could not disclose it, so Wen Zheng repeated the previous content. The father and son opposite listened carefully, and they knew at a glance that the family of three had a deep affection. Wen Zheng tried to comfort them again.

He thought that he had swallowed the nightmare anyway, and he had not had close contact with other sleepers in the hospital recently. He had a little hope in his heart, maybe he could help now.

Wen Zheng looked at the closed room and tried to ask to go in and take a look. As a result, Brother Li looked back hesitantly, and finally declined Wen Zheng's intention on the grounds that his wife had been sleeping for too long and her appearance was not very good. Wen Zheng could not sleep except for taking a look.

In this case, Wen Zheng did not insist. He did not know whether he was useful now, so he put down everything in his hand and told Brother Li to contact him if he had anything.

"Sister-in-law is still sleeping now, but the doors and windows of the room are closed, and the air is not flowing. It is not good for sister-in-law or you and Xiaoqi to go in and take care of her. When the sun is good, you can open it for a while. Maybe she feels that the weather outside is good, and she wants to go out and bask in the sun."

Before leaving, Wen Zheng still opened his mouth to give a few more instructions. Brother Li nodded and thanked him for sending Wen Zheng out the door.

When the vehicle was about to leave the street, Wen Zheng looked back and saw that the door of the Li family was tightly closed again. Brother Li and Li Qi were no longer visible.

After returning to the hospital, Wen Zheng continued to follow the hospital's arrangements and cooperated with whatever research was needed.

Wen Zheng also found a reason to go to the wards with sleepers, wanting to try out the guess that suddenly popped up that day. As a result, the power of nightmare was absorbed by him. He could vaguely feel the remaining power in the other party's body, but it seemed to be separated from him by a world, and he had the power but couldn't use it.

He still couldn't help others.

His own strength was not good, but the scientific research power gathered by the whole country should not be underestimated. Even without the help of the golden finger, after working hard day and night, he finally came up with some useful results.

"Doctor Wang, is there any good news?" Having lived in the hospital for a long time, Wen Zheng naturally became familiar with many doctors, so he took the initiative to ask this doctor Wang, who had a high status in the hospital, knew more news, and was inexplicably energetic today.

"This news is estimated to be announced to the outside world soon, so it's nothing to let you know now, it's just that a few more sleepers have woken up from their dreams." Doctor Wang smiled with wrinkles on his face.

How many?

Wen Zheng caught the key words. The awakening of several people at once was considered a huge progress. Maybe these people who woke up did not wake up on their own without any influence, but were awakened by some means. The fact that they woke up showed that those means might be useful, which made people so happy.

Within two days, Wen Zheng, who was living in the hospital and was one of the few awakened people, got more specific news.

So far, the sleep experiences of all the awakened sleepers have been made public. Without exception, they all had all kinds of strange nightmares, and then realized that they were in a dream, and finally woke up from the dream.

The awakening process of the rest of the people was the same as what Wen Zheng made up.

Combined with the research on sleepers and awakened people in recent days, the hospital has really developed various methods to wake people up from dreams by stimulating the body, including but not limited to various drugs, acupuncture massage, music hypnosis, etc., and several of them really worked.

According to the recent awakenings, they all suddenly felt different pains or a certain piece of music in their dreams, and then began to pay attention to these and slowly found that something was wrong with where they were, and then realized that they were dreaming.

According to Wen Zheng's own experience, even if a person's consciousness is thrown into the dream by a nightmare, it is not completely dead. After all, consciousness will be connected to the body. Now it is good to be awakened through the body.

So after the effect appeared, even though the probability of success is still very low, hospitals across the country began to try it on a large scale. No matter how effective it is, as long as they can wake up one person, they will wake up one person.

At the same time, the news was also announced to the public. Some methods can be tried at home, but some methods are only available in hospitals due to limited medical resources, so those who stay at home also began to find ways to send people to the hospital.

Because of the active cooperation during this period, the staff in charge of Wen Zheng asked Wen Zheng if he wanted to send anyone. Wen Zheng didn't have many contacts after coming to this world, and he didn't have any relatives. The only person he thought of was the sister-in-law of the Li family next door.

"Brother Li, you saw the news that there are methods that can increase the probability of awakening. Do you want to send your sister-in-law to the hospital and try these newly researched methods?" As soon as the phone was connected, Wen Zheng spoke without waiting for the other side to speak.

But there was no sound of speaking for a long time, and Wen Zheng could vaguely hear the low cry of a child over there.

Wen Zheng didn't speak again, and things went in the worst direction.

"Thank you for always thinking about our family, Xiao Wen. Your sister-in-law is no longer needed, but my family will remember this. If you are okay, come back and send your sister-in-law off." Brother Li's voice was extremely hoarse, but he spoke clearly.

"My condolences."

In the face of this situation, what else can be said.

In fact, after staying in the hospital for so many days, Wen Zheng's whole body has been studied thoroughly, not to mention that the research has made new progress, and it is no longer of much use for him to stay in the hospital. This time, when he proposed to leave, he was officially discharged from the hospital and went home, and he didn't have to come back to stay.

Wen Zheng's return home this time can see the changes before and after the two times. A lot of radio equipment has been installed on the street, and music that is said to increase the probability of awakening is everywhere. However, there are many songs that are quite nice to listen to according to Wen Zheng's aesthetics, and they will be played alternately with the news, so they are not annoying.

There are more people walking on the street, and there is a little more hope in the faces of pedestrians. The overall atmosphere is much better than before. This is also the reason why those awakening methods have a low success rate but are still announced, at least it can calm people's hearts.

When Wen Zheng returned to the street near his home, the atmosphere was the same again. The sister-in-law of the Li family passed away, and the funeral had to be organized. Because of the current situation, not many relatives from both sides came, and many neighbors came to help. Their faces were a little numb, and they generally had not fallen asleep until now. They knew more or less about the deaths of several relatives and friends.

Wen Zheng put all the things he brought back at home, and then went to the Li family to help. The sister-in-law of the Li family was sent for cremation after her death. Wen Zheng went to pay homage after entering the door, talked to Brother Li for a few words, and stayed in the yard.

There were also a few people in the yard gossiping, saying that Li Qi, the child of the Li family, was stimulated after his mother's death, and stayed in the house stupidly every day and didn't want to come out or talk. Later, someone felt that Wen Zheng was staring at them, smiled brightly, and then changed the subject and talked about the latest awakening measures.

They began to list which sleepers among their acquaintances had woken up, but Wen Zheng didn't want to hear this. He didn't see Li Qi, so he thought about it and walked to the room where Li's sister-in-law had fallen asleep before.

The window of that room was still closed, and no one went in or out. Wen Zheng caught some subtle sounds inside when he walked a few meters away, which were the same as the crying sounds on the phone at that time.

"...Why can't my mother wake up like Uncle Wen? All the gods are fake..."

Wen Zheng originally wanted to comfort Li Qi, but when he heard the child's complaints, he realized that he was the one who shouldn't be there at the moment.

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