Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 102 Chapter 102

No matter how depressed they are, they need to cheer up to come up with ways to help the people cope with the still severe predicament. The old man sitting in the first seat faced everyone with a reassuring smile, and looked at the middle-aged man who had just reported: "Continue reporting."

"After using the latest research method, the daily increase in the number of sleeping people has slowed down, and the number of awakened people has also increased." The reporter reached out and pressed the remote control, and the data appeared on the screen. Compared with the daily increase in the number of sleeping people and the number of deaths, the data of that change is so small that it can be ignored. He said in a deep voice, "This change is far from enough."

"The brain controls the operation of the body. All the dead sleepers are because the brain thinks they are dead, which affects the body's functions. Combined with the experience after sleep described by the awakened, how to make the sleeping realize that they are in a nightmare and find a way to wake up is the key to solving the problem."

But this is also the most difficult part.

"All of these contents are described in detail in the report. The methods currently used are all psychological suggestion and external stimulation, including the methods that other countries are trying now, which are to make the sleepers aware of their situation in their dreams, but all of them are difficult to have obvious effects."

The real data from the statistics fully proves this conclusion. The participants in the meeting looked at the cold numbers on the screen, thinking about the living lives represented by the numbers. Everyone's eyes were focused on the next speaker. They came to this meeting, of course, not to hear these bad news that would only make them blame themselves and feel helpless, but to hear new methods that they need to vote on.

The speaker, who was stared at by several of the most important leaders in the country, took a deep breath, and mentioned those who successfully woke up from nightmares: "Among the more than 140 people who have successfully woken up, these seven woke up from nightmares on their own. Here are their information."

Faces and their detailed information were displayed on the screen one after another, and Wen Zheng's face was among them. However, the theme of this meeting soon shifted all attention to what the speaker said.

"Their data, including the data of the self-awakened people in other countries, were all passed to the United Nations. After a detailed statistical analysis, an analysis report was produced. The self-awakened people almost have one of several characteristics, with strong willpower, a deep obsession with survival, and faith."

Everyone can understand the first two, but the last belief is a bit unexpected. No one would think of this before seeing the real data, but the data clearly shows that a considerable number of self-awakened people, especially those from abroad, have a sect that they sincerely believe in. This part of the data is not as good as the previous two, but it cannot be ignored so easily.

Many leaders can't help but think that after the doomsday theory spread along with the sleeping sickness, all kinds of messy new sects that can't be banned have emerged all over the country. Just thinking about it is a headache.

More headaches are still to come.

The speaker glanced at the hall, which was still peaceful at present, and kept preparing himself mentally in his heart. His mouth was still talking, and he told the last content.

"A foreign human brain research institute provided the machine they developed in recent years some time ago. It is said that this machine can connect the dreams of two people without causing any damage to the human body. After providing the machine, the research institute proposed a new method. The autonomous awakener has resistance to nightmares. If the dreams of the autonomous awakener and the ordinary sleeper are connected, is it possible for the autonomous awakener to wake the person in the nightmare?"

The above content has been notified to all countries by the United Nations. Because sleeping sickness is only spread among humans, only humans can personally verify the effect of the machine. There are very few autonomous sleepers at present. Which country is willing to cooperate with the experiment and succeed in the future will have priority in various new methods.

"I don't think so. This method is still theoretical. Let's not talk about whether this so-called machine can connect the dreams of two people. It is unpredictable what will happen in the nightmare. Who can ensure that if you wake up from a nightmare once, you can wake up again? This is clearly risking the life of the awakened person."

"But if we continue to sleep and die at the current speed, and there is no new feasible method, it won't be long before not only our country, but even mankind will face extinction. I think we can try."

"Try, who will try? They finally managed to escape death, and then they were told by the government they trusted that they need to risk their lives again?"

"If I can wake up on my own in sleep, I will agree immediately without saying a word. As long as there is a chance to solve this damn sleeping disorder, I will be happy even if I lose my life."

The faces that are often seen in the news are constantly changing their expressions because of what they just heard, from disbelief at the beginning to anger or thinking at the end, and then some people can't even speak properly, and express their ideas strongly, just short of slamming the table and quarreling.

This kind of argument where both sides have their reasons may not necessarily lead to a conclusion even if it is argued countless times, but now there is not enough time to discuss it clearly.

"Send this message to these seven people, explain all the situations clearly, and let them decide for themselves." After a few minutes of silence, the top leader said something that was agreed by all the participants.

The most difficult part was over. The subsequent meetings would discuss social order, frequent sects, psychological problems, etc., but at this time, the relevant content had been sent out by people.

During the meeting, Wen Zheng, who was lying in the hotel room, entered his second nightmare world.

Wen Zheng stared at the world in front of him, but what was shown in his dark eyes was also pitch black, without any light. Only the touch transmitted by the soles of his feet could give people a little comfort. He stretched out his arms on both sides and successfully pounced on both sides of his body. That little bit of comfort was about to disappear.

Darkness is the deepest fear of human psychology, not to mention that when the rest of the body cannot touch anything except the feet on the ground, the fear will be multiplied, and even moving position must be carefully moved little by little.


The half foot that had just moved out stepped on the air. Wen Zheng was quite responsive. He lowered his center of gravity at the moment of stepping on the air, leaned his body in the other direction, successfully found balance, retracted the foot he had used, and stood on the spot again.

Slowly squatting down to feel the position of his two feet, it was a road that was only three feet wide, and the left and right sides were all empty. He had no idea how high this position was at this time, and if he accidentally fell from both sides, he would die.

Not wanting to easily try the feeling of falling from a high place, Wen Zheng squatted down and tried to feel his way forward along this road. Just after taking two steps forward, a heavy breathing sound suddenly appeared not far behind him, a fishy smell began to spread around, and there was also the sound of wind brought by giant things running towards this direction.

There were all kinds of signs that made people feel that bad creatures were approaching, and the brain immediately sent out dangerous signals after analyzing it. The first reaction of a normal person is to run away quickly, but you can't see anything in the dark, and the narrow road under your feet may step on the air at any time, so you are at a dead end.

Wen Zheng just stood there quietly, as if he was too scared to move, and as if he had given up struggling. Until the unknown creature rushed to his back, he jumped up lightly, flipped backwards with his waist, and landed his feet on the monster attacking from behind, bent his knees, and the transparent dagger that suddenly appeared in his hand was deeply inserted into the monster's body.

Stars of light flew out from Wen Zheng's palm, illuminating part of the surrounding area, and allowing Wen Zheng to see the monster under his feet clearly.

"Oh, I've heard that creatures in the dark can talk a lot. You nightmares won't be like this, right? I don't want to absorb energy." Wen Zheng smiled and changed his posture to sit on the back of the nightmare.

The nightmare let out a painful roar. If its wisdom could understand Wen Zheng's words, it would definitely be cursing Wen Zheng for saying that he didn't want to absorb energy, but the speed of absorption did not slow down at all.

The strength in his body kept draining away through the wound where the dagger was inserted. Nightmare roared and tried to get rid of the monster on his back, but he was powerless to struggle. He could only watch this monster pretending to be a human gradually taking control of his dream.

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