Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 104 Chapter 104

After stretching his body, which had been lying on the bed for a long time while sleeping, Wen Zheng stretched out his hand to open the door of the room where he had lived for several days. The sound of rattling was accompanied by the resistance he felt on his hand. Wen Zheng lowered his head and saw that the crack in the door was full. paper.

"Night God? Can you drive away nightmares and protect believers from waking up?" Wen Zheng bent down to pick up the paper on the ground, and frowned when he selected the words on it and read out, "I have only been sleeping for a few days, and my preaching has become so blatant? "

Wen Zheng didn't think the sect that stuffed the leaflets under the door was that powerful, but this incident can tell us about the current situation.

When he can live comfortably, Wen Zheng will never wrong himself. After all, his long-term disaster survival experience tells him that he can never predict what situation he will suddenly fall into, so every time he changes his place of residence, he will be relatively high-end.

To preach in such an open and honest manner without being investigated and punished by official personnel, and to be stuffed into a crack in the door without being cleaned by the staff can already illustrate the current level of chaos.

After flipping through it a few times, Wen Zheng threw the thick pile of papers into the trash can. Now the door can be opened freely. On the opposite door, Ye Shen, holding a pearl in his hand and stepping on the black mist, comes into Wen Zheng's sight again with two boys.

Yes, there is even a sticker on the door. Could it be that the owner of this hotel has become a follower of the Night God Cult?

Before he even got downstairs, he heard the quarrel downstairs. Wen Zheng looked up at the elevator and took two more steps forward to go down the stairs. The closer the distance, the clearer the quarrel could be heard.

"What's going on in your hotel? You don't clean the room, you don't answer the phone, and you just come here and you don't pay attention to anyone. What kind of service attitude is there!" The middle-aged man slapped the counter and yelled, shaking the Yashen Cult on the table. The leaflets shook twice.

"The boss passed away yesterday, and the wife of the boss is also asleep. It is estimated that there is little chance of survival. There is no one to take over the hotel for the time being, and now there is no one to even pay us wages. Unless you pay us, no one will work in vain , If you really don't like it, just change to another hotel." The front desk staff said nonchalantly, packing his things slowly and looking like he was about to leave.

When it came to the front desk, I was stunned when I told the eldest brother who came down to look for trouble. He watched the front desk leave without even reacting. Wen Zheng watched what happened and saw a guest leaving the hotel with something in the hotel, and his brows furrowed even more.

It was no longer suitable to live here any longer. Wen Zheng simply went back to the room to pack his things. He thought that it had been a while since he left home and no one on the Internet was paying attention to the news about his awakened person anymore, so he planned to go back. Look again.

After going out, Wen Zheng felt the current level of chaos more deeply. Now it is completely controlled by the government, so the social order can be barely maintained. However, a large number of people are sleeping or even dead, and the rest are worrying about who knows when. When we were worried about the disaster that would befall our heads, some places had already begun to slowly collapse.

Almost every day on the road, you can see quarrels, crying, theft, beatings and other things used to vent emotions and expose the dark side. However, there are still some people who work hard to live in this chaotic world while maintaining their sobriety.

Wen Zheng didn't walk very fast on the way back. He saw a lot of things and imagined a lot of situations. It took half a month to get back home before modern transportation was completely suspended.

I haven't been back for a long time. When the door was opened, there was a loud sound, which was probably heard by several nearby houses. Wen Zheng stood at the door and looked inside. He could guess part of what happened inside just by looking at the situation inside.

Before he could walk in, the street aunt with an armband hurried over after hearing the sound. She looked up and saw Wen Zheng standing in front of her house. She was stunned for a few seconds, and then said, "Xiao Wen , you are back, I was worried that something might happen to you... So what? After you left, all the blessing words you left behind were taken away by others. After that, no one was seen when anyone came over. Later, slowly No one will come to you again."

The aunt swallowed the speculation in her heart and instead talked about what happened after Wen Zheng left. At the end, she remembered it and talked to Wen Zheng again: "A few days ago, there were thieves who climbed over the wall and came to your house to steal things. , If this thief is also stupid, he will not be able to walk steadily, and he will fall and hit your wall. "

"Hey, is the thief okay?"

"It's nothing serious. I just had a big cut on my head. I crawled out even though I was injured. I called the police myself. The police car suddenly came over and made us think something happened."

When talking about this matter, Auntie has countless things to say. From the thief talking about the neighbors who came out to see what was going on that night, to talking about the changes in Wen Zheng's absence, Wen Zheng didn't need to ask any more questions.

Wen Zheng listened to what his aunt was saying, looked at the familiar gate not far next door, and asked about the situation of the Li family next door.

The aunt sighed softly: "A few days after you left, Lao Li took his son and moved away without leaving any words. I thought that your two families have a good relationship, so I will tell you. ”

Wen Zheng shook his head, sent the enthusiastic aunt away, went into the house and cleaned the house that had not been lived in for a long time, and also rearranged some of the decorations. When he was cleaning the yard, Wen Zheng noticed several sacks full of things piled at the foot of the yard wall, which he didn't have before leaving.

Looking at the shape of the sack and its location, Wen Zheng guessed that Brother Li next door had thrown it over the wall before he left. When he opened it, he was even more certain. The sack looked quite shabby on the outside, but when I opened it, I saw there was a layer of tarpaulin inside. The things inside were all food, similar to the kinds of things Wen Zheng once gave to the Li family.

Regardless of whether he ate or not, things couldn't just be left in the yard like this. Wen Zheng picked up a sack in each hand and entered the house. He had just taken two steps when his ears did not ignore the muffled sound coming from his feet.

When I looked down, I saw it looked like a round pendant, about the size of a one-yuan coin. It is estimated that it originally fell on the sack. Wen Zheng lifted the sack and rolled it down. The sound of it hitting the ground was noticed by Wen Zheng.

After putting the two sacks of food into the house, Wen Zheng returned to the yard and picked up the fallen round pendant. After touching it and weighing it, Wen Zheng felt that it was made of copper. There were lines on the front and back, but they were a little blurry. I felt that some of the lines were vaguely familiar, but I couldn't recall them.

Guessing that the Li family might have dropped the pendant here, Wen Zheng took it back and put it in a drawer. It didn't take up much space anyway.

After staying at home for a few days, Wen Zheng used his insights from entering the nightmare world to re-write some blessing characters containing energy, intending to give them to the neighbors who helped him take care of the house.

Then, he opened the system store that he had not used for a long time, found the products he had picked out when he was free, and bought two of them. He also purchased a function that automatically turns on when he senses an abnormality in his body, and then he opened his phone with confidence. He sent a text message to the number he had contacted a long time ago.

It didn't take long for a reply to come. Wen Zheng went out carrying the dried blessing characters and handed them to the neighbors who had helped him before or were his original self. There were much fewer people than before. They didn't say anything in their hesitant words. They carried the empty bags back and saw a car parked in front of their house.

After seeing Wen Zheng come back, someone came down from the driver's seat and the passenger seat. They were old acquaintances. They were the two protection personnel who sent Wen Zheng back when he first regained consciousness and was under government custody.

"Big Brother Meng, Little Brother Meng, long time no see." Wen Zheng smiled and came forward to say hello. It was a happy thing to see someone he knew before standing in front of him after such a long time.

Both of these protectors have the surname Meng, so they are distinguished by their age and the size of their names in front of them. When they saw Wen Zheng, they immediately saluted: "Mr. Wen, we have received orders from our superiors to pick you up."

"Wait for me two seconds."

Wen Zheng said two seconds was really two seconds. When he went out to send blessings, he locked the door. At this time, he hung the bag in his hand by the door again, turned around and sat on the back seat of the car with empty hands, smiling and looking at The two people outside the window who had not yet moved: "Let's go."

Da Meng and Xiao Meng were informed of the purpose of their trip before they came. They were a little surprised when they saw Wen Zheng's performance, but they didn't express it on their faces. Encountering two artificial jams and a malicious car accident on the road, Liang Mengdu frowned frequently, but they still put their tasks first. With their superb driving skills, they successfully arrived at the destination with Wen Zheng.

A newly established research institute dedicated to a new type of sleep syndrome.

Except for the personnel standing guard, everyone in the research institute came and went in a hurry. Wen Zheng was taken to an office by Da Meng and Xiao Meng. There was already a middle-aged man waiting inside. After seeing Wen Zheng, he stretched out his hand and introduced: "You Okay, Mr. Wen, I am the current person in charge here, Jiang Huan.”

"Director Jiang." Wen Zheng said, looking at the name tag on Jiang Huan.

After the handshake was completed, Wen Zheng was invited to sit down at the meeting table. Jiang Huan did not say any more pleasantries and went directly to the topic of the meeting between the two of them: "Mr. Wen, let me get straight to the point. Can you take the initiative to apply to join? We very much welcome and thank you for coming to our research, but we still need to make it clear to you about the dangers of this experiment.”

The government once asked the seven people who were the first to wake up independently, but Wen Zheng chose to refuse considering his own uniqueness. After experiencing three nightmares and absorbing the energy of three nightmares, Wen Zheng could feel that he had vaguely touched a certain boundary, but he was still one step away.

The speed of the collapse of the social order exceeded Wen Zheng's expectations. To break that boundary may also require the help of scientific power. After making various considerations and setting up several more layers of protection for himself, Wen Zheng finally chose Come in here.

Even though Wen Zheng stated that he was fully prepared, Director Jiang Huan still explained the current situation to Wen Zheng in more detail. Of the first seven people to wake up on their own, three failed and died during the experiment, two died after falling into a deep sleep for the second time, and one fell into a second deep sleep without waking up. The last one was Wen Zheng.

"Mr. Wen, are you sure about your plan to voluntarily participate in this experiment?"

"I'm sure."

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