Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 113 Chapter 113 (1/2)

The arrival of the two deputy directors was almost like adding water to a boiling oil pan, causing the entire institute to explode. The staff can still focus on the content they are responsible for during their daily work, but when it is time to take a break, they can't help but talk about the news and speculate on the subsequent impact.

Wen Zheng only needs to go out for a walk to hear all kinds of news. Some people actively want to bring Wen Zheng into their discussion circle. I heard that after Director Jiang patiently received the two newly arrived deputy directors, He entered the office and drove out of the institute with a dark face for a long time.

Director Jiang did not return until late that night, but the two deputy directors not only did not leave, but also began to put forward opinions on various aspects of safety and security issues in the institute. They quickly applied to their superiors for personnel to come to make rectifications, and then transferred the research The salary standards for all staff within the institute have been raised to a higher level.

Everyone knows the purpose of doing this, and everyone clearly understands that the peaceful days of the institute for more than a year are about to change.

When the two deputy directors first arrived, almost all the staff secretly expressed dissatisfaction with the parachuted leadership. However, in just over a month, they proposed two measures. The former expressed concern for the safety of all personnel. The latter is closely related to everyone's interests. Even if not everyone agrees with this, the reputation of the two deputy directors has rapidly changed, the voices of dissatisfaction have decreased, and some people have begun to support the two newly appointed deputy directors.

Even if a discerning person can see the struggle for power here, no matter which director is sent down by the superiors, it is all for the better development of the institute. Even if the people who support it are different, it cannot be said that there is anything between them. Good or bad.

As the saying goes, there are three things a new official should do when he takes office. The two new deputy directors have already proposed two. Many people want to see where the third fire will burn, so they are currently under the direct leadership of Director Jiang. News The awakening department that Zheng was responsible for was taken to the conference room for discussion.

They believe that everyone who wakes up has worked hard and achieved great results, but during the rest time after each of their missions, sleepers will lose their lives in the dream, so they will provide a more complete training plan, but the training period of each sleeper will be Will be shortened. Although the waker will be more tired because of this, the pressure will be greatly reduced after they wake up more sleepers and teach them how to wake them up.

"Minister Wen, I heard that you were seriously injured after your last awakening mission failed, and you haven't recovered yet. OK? The medical department has recently hired several new doctors and machines. I'd better go check it out again after your meeting." Don’t worry, if there are any sequelae, they can be treated in time.”

"Thank you to the two directors for their concern. My body has recovered and there is no need for a physical examination." Wen Zheng simply refused. His special features had already been exposed when he was injured and unconscious. Now the purpose of asking him to check is obvious. Wen Zheng is too lazy to control his power to cover up. Even if it is now disguised as ordinary people's values, these people not only don't Will believe it, but will be more vigilant.

Sure enough, the other party didn't bother too much and just said to Wen Zheng: "Since Minister Wen's health is already in good condition, it would be great. A few more sleeping people can wake up with the help of Minister Wen right away."

It was not pointed out clearly, but everyone knew that Wen Zheng had been recuperating since he was seriously injured last time. In their two sentences, Wen Zheng's vacation was over.

The finger pointing at Wen Zheng was obvious, but most people attending the meeting preferred to think that they were targeting Director Jiang behind Wen Zheng, but Director Jiang and Wen Zheng knew who their actual target was.

After the meeting ended, Director Jiang stood up first and patted Wen Zheng on the shoulder twice: "Wen Zheng, let me know in advance when you are ready to wake up, and I will go to the laboratory to help you. Also, right away It’s almost one year since you joined the institute. If you have no plans to go anywhere else, the guys in the lab said they would find time to get together with you and celebrate your last escape from death.”

This was the first time Director Jiang had a conversation with Wen Zheng since he left and came back that time. The force of the pat on the shoulder was still the same as before. It was impossible to feel the complicated psychological struggle he had gone through these days. Director Jiang finally chose to believe the young man he personally invited in. There was worry hidden deep in his eyes when he looked at Wen Zheng, but he could not reveal anything clearly.

"Since you are going to have a dinner, don't wait until I come back from the dreamland. This time you may not have the same luck as last time." Wen Zheng said with a smile. Last time, he was really a few steps away from death. Director Jiang heard Seeing Wen Zheng's words, his expression changed. He frowned and was about to change his mind. Wen Zheng immediately continued, "It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. It's going to be too late tonight, so let's book it in the yard tomorrow night." Let’s get together and do the wake-up work the day after tomorrow.”

"From the Chinese New Year to now, our institute has not been lively for a long time. Can we come over tomorrow to participate?" The conversation between Wen Zheng and Director Jiang did not avoid others, and those who had not left wanted to join in the fun after hearing it. No one mentioned the welcome meeting for the two new deputy directors. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the relationship between the two parties was not good, and bringing it up would only make the atmosphere more awkward.

The two deputy directors included those who watched the surveillance footage. They carefully analyzed the conversation between the two and made various guesses. But because Wen Zheng's next actions will always be within the research institute, that is, within their control, they will not be able to escape even if they have wings, so they are prepared to wait and see what happens.

Of course Wen Zheng knew the danger of his current situation, but he did not regret entering the research institute, let alone the people he had saved this year. Not only because every time he wakes up a person or even if the students he teaches wake up another sleeper after awakening, he will be rewarded by side tasks, but also because saving people will always give him a kind of spiritual satisfaction, which can be used to offset those attacks. Only by reducing negative emotions can we continue to move forward better.

Since the date of the dinner has been decided for tomorrow, we should prepare today.

There were not many people who could attend this party. Most people needed to continue with their daily work. Only those who took turns were free. In the end, there were more than a dozen people, including the person in charge of testing when Wen Zheng was asleep. The awakeners whom Zheng awakened and taught were only among the three awakened by Wen Zheng for the first time. Cheng Xin had just entered a deep sleep and had not yet awakened. Jian Yanjun had been taken out of the institute after Wen Zheng was injured last time and has not come back yet. The only one who came was Huo Ran.

The party was held in a private room in the cafeteria of the institute. All food was provided by the institute. There was no tobacco or alcohol. Only people who wanted to have such a good meal were allowed. In this party, everyone temporarily forgot about the troubles they had encountered recently and talked about the little jokes they usually made.

There was a sudden knock on the door of the room. The person sitting next to the door got up and opened it without thinking. Everyone saw Jian Yanjun's figure appearing at the door. Jian Yanjun, who was being stared at by everyone, showed a hint of discomfort on his face, but he still walked in with the things in his hands.

The door was closed, blocking out the hot air and prying eyes. Jian Yanjun slowly walked in. Huo Ran was the first among everyone in the room to joke: "You are finally back. Where have you been disappearing all this time?" Went there? Speaking of which, you and Wen Zheng have a good relationship, so you arrived just in time to hold a celebration for him. "

Jian Yanjun didn't say much. He put the things in his hands in front of Wen Zheng, then bowed deeply to him and thanked him. The emotions in his eyes were indescribably complicated: "The sleeper last time was from my family. Relative, no matter why you agreed to the task of awakening him, this task requires you to take great risks, and in the end, people almost died. No matter what the final result is, I still want to thank you. "

"I only took the mission for the sake of the Sleeper himself. Unless you gave me false information, I will not regret taking this mission. There is no need to say thank you." Wen Zheng shook his head.

A trace of struggle flashed across Jian Yanjun's face. He had a lot to say, and his stomach was full of questions that he wanted Wen Zheng to answer. However, his father's repeated warnings before coming here, as well as the education he received over the years, made him understand some things. It’s not as simple as you asking me to answer. Some words cannot be said no matter how much you want to say without permission.

Only Wen Zheng, who was standing opposite him, caught the quick struggle. They knew that Jian Yanjun should have been told something like Director Jiang. It's just that Director Jiang chose to believe Wen Zheng after thinking about it, and Jian Yanjun may have just found out. Even though he believed Wen Zheng deep down in his heart, his thoughts were still struggling.

No matter what, Wen Zheng still felt a little comfort in his heart. He knew in his heart that even if these two people believed that he could not help much. Although they are all sitting together now, there must be many eyes watching here secretly. Even on Director Jiang and Jian Yanjun, Wen Zheng cannot guarantee that there will be no problems. In fact, there is a high possibility that something has been done to them.

There is no problem with communicating openly, but some words can only be kept silently.

Wen Zheng really wanted to know what were the reasons for his surveillance level to be raised to such a high level, and what reasons were used to make Director Jiang and Jian Yanjun suspicious of him.

According to his performance, this shouldn't be the case. There must be something wrong somewhere, but unfortunately he has no way of knowing. Perhaps he would be able to hear it when he was really arrested and interrogated, but the possibility of escaping in that case was too small, and Wen Zheng was not willing to put himself in such a dangerous situation.

There was no breeze in the hot summer, and only the cicadas chirping outside the window were still noisy. After having enough water and food, everyone left one after another. Wen Zheng sent everyone back to the building. It was late at night and the lights in many rooms had been turned off. He did not return to his room. Instead, he went to the yard and took a slow walk in the deep night, looking up at the stars in the sky. Finally, he came to the small apple forest planted by the institute.

In the summer of August, the apple trees have already produced small fruits, which are not even half the size of a palm. The outer skin is very green, and just looking at them can imagine the sour taste.

Wen Zheng slowly took two steps back, quickened his pace and jumped to the apple tree in front of him, reached out and picked a green fruit from the tree.

The people who were always paying attention to Wen Zheng's movements were vigilant even in the middle of the night. When Wen Zheng came to the apple forest, those eyes hidden in the dark still followed him. They watched as Wen Zheng took out some paper towels and wiped the skin of the apple clean. It happened that a few breezes blew at that time. Wen Zheng did not hold it firmly and blew the paper towels down. He stuffed the apples into his mouth nonchalantly, and almost A dark cloud was blown by the wind and blocked the moon.

The apple orchard, which was originally dark, became pitch black, but it did not prevent the personnel wearing night vision goggles from continuing to monitor here. He could not see the other party's expression, but there was still a human figure sitting on the branch in his field of vision. However, the monitor with rich combat experience had a bad premonition. He did not have time to ask his superiors for instructions, and he quickly fired a tranquilizer bullet at the location of the figure based on his intuition.

At the moment the bullet flew out, the thick cloud moved again, and the bright moonlight fell again, reflecting through the gaps between the leaves on the apple on the ground that Wen Zheng had just bitten.

However, there was no one on the tree.

All the people in charge of monitoring could not believe their eyes. They had obviously not let their eyes leave the apple tree. Even when one of them fired a bullet, they were still angry about how someone would suddenly take action, but the bullet missed. Right under their noses, the figure disappeared in an instant, as if what they saw before was all their illusion.

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