Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 115 Chapter 115

After waking people up from dreams countless times, Wen Zheng never thought that he would have the ability to pull other people into dreams. He only felt that every time he used the energy in his body these days, his emotions would become a little difficult to control, so he used it more carefully. This was the first time that he was completely out of control.

Only Wen Zheng could sense the cracks that appeared in the void. He could also feel that there were countless nightmare worlds that were forming on the other side of the cracks, and the energy that ran out was trying to grab the consciousness of the pursuers, evoke the fear deep in their hearts, and invest in the dreams connected to them.

But human consciousness is not so easy to evoke. Wen Zheng is not a nightmare with innate power. Although he has absorbed a lot of nightmare cores and power, Wen Zheng is still a human being, and the power of nightmares will be suppressed in the real world.

So after trying for a long time, the energy that ran out found that it only evoked the nightmares of these humans, but still could not invest their consciousness into nightmares. Energy was constantly consumed in this process, and the void cracks that were finally opened began to slowly close and finally disappeared completely.

The failed energy was scattered in the air. Wen Zheng could see some exasperation in them. He seized the opportunity when a lot of energy was consumed and collected the remaining energy in time.

At this time, the pursuers who came were lying on the ground. Although they did not fall into the dream world, they still had to have a nightmare to wake up. And the pursuers in the farther places would take some time to rush over even if they received the news in time, not to mention that the current scene should make them panic for a while.

Wen Zheng had been running for so long, and in fact, his current location was not far from the nearest gathering area. If he didn't leave now, when would he wait. He didn't dare to use the energy casually, but once he ran at full speed with his improved physical fitness, he was no slower than ordinary non-motorized vehicles.

Half an hour later, the pursuers had not caught up yet. Wen Zheng looked at the gathering area not far ahead and opened the system store.

Although the system store of the Infinite Disaster Survival Game always wants to cheat players' points, the props sold are worth the price if used well. After choosing the product he had liked before, Wen Zheng stared at the translucent screen in front of him, which directly displayed a face-pinching interface.

Unexpectedly, he could still experience the fun of the face-pinching game in the system store. Wen Zheng casually changed the values, and finally found the identity information he had prepared in his mind, and then modified it slightly to be more rough, more in line with the current situation. Then choose a pair of suitable eyes to cover up the eyes, and slightly change the temperament of the body, at least from the face, it can't be associated with Wen Zheng in the research institute.

After the selection is confirmed, the face that Wen Zheng had just pinched was covered on the current face, and there was no feeling of discomfort at all, as if it was originally this look.

However, if you want to hide your identity, you need to change more than just the face. Wen Zheng used local materials, mainly doing some tricks on the shoes and shoulders. When walking, his waist was slightly bent, his shoulders were retracted, and his head was unconsciously lowered, and a somewhat introverted image came out.

After doing a good job of camouflage, Wen Zheng successfully mixed into the crowd and was not questioned by the patrol team on the road. Finally, he found the safe house arranged before entering the institute. He observed from the outside that the house had not been transferred to other people, and then he quietly climbed over the wall to enter. He went in and checked several places first, and confirmed that the hidden food was still there, so he felt relieved.

The various searches in the next few days will definitely be more intensive, so he plans to hide in the house for a few days first, and the energy riot still needs him to adjust. After that, they should be led to the nearby city by the traces left deliberately, and then it will be time to go out.

Wen Zheng found the hidden food and ate a full meal, then quickly cleaned the bedroom, and fell asleep quickly when he lay on the bed.

He was very relaxed after the crisis was resolved, but the rest of the place was a mess.

"A team of people fell into a dream? Could it be that Wen Zheng really mastered special powers in the dream, or has he been replaced by the monster in the dream?" Wen Zheng once said that the sleeper in the dream was a bait disguised by a nightmare, but because it was only Wen Zheng's one-sided statement, after the possibility of Wen Zheng being related to the Night God Cult increased, this temporarily unverifiable situation was left behind by them.

But now there is a living example in front of them, and they can't find the reason, so they start to speculate in this direction. However, no matter which of these two possibilities, Wen Zheng's danger is further increased.

After checking the situation of the sleeping team on the spot, the later pursuers stayed in place to check the situation. There was no trace of Wen Zheng nearby, so they hurriedly reported to their superiors and stopped tracking.

In the end, the superiors ordered them to send these people who were sleeping at the same time to the institute first, and then screen the rest of the people at the same time.

So, the second team will drive the sleeping team away. At this time, the institute has been in a commotion because of the whole night's investigation. Even with the order from the superiors, Director Jiang stayed in the office without expressing any opinions. The two new deputy directors have not established enough prestige and can't stop the dissatisfied staff at all.

As soon as the vehicle transporting the sleeping team arrived downstairs of the institute, a panicked voice was heard from the institute: "Wen Zheng is missing!"

The voice was so loud that it broke a little. It was so loud that the birds in the nearby trees flapped their wings and flew away. Even the sleeping team in the carriage woke up with a loud shout, which scared the second team who was about to carry people down.

The people inside and outside the car looked at each other and were silent for a long time. The people in the car murmured to themselves: "Why did this dream suddenly change places? What kind of nightmare is this time?" While speaking, they silently found a suitable weapon in the car and took a posture ready to fight.

The people under the car were even more confused. They kept thinking about the animated picture of the sleeping first team suddenly sitting up in their minds. They looked at the faces in front of them that seemed to be awake and unconscious, and couldn't help but doubt themselves: "You can't all wake up on your own. Am I in a dream now? Am I unconsciously trapped in a dream?"

Both teams became terrified, and no one moved for a while, until the communicator they carried issued a voice asking their superiors to report the situation immediately.

Executing orders had long become their body reflexes. The captain of the second team immediately replied: "Report! The second team may be collectively hallucinating. Please send someone to support us."

The superior was shocked when he heard the reply. He quickly asked someone to connect the camera of the institute. As a result, he saw that the two teams he sent out were standing downstairs awake, but they looked at each other with strange expressions. He quickly sent the personnel who stayed in the institute to check the situation.

After a period of chaos, they finally figured out the real situation. The first team did have a nightmare, but they did not fall into a dream world that was difficult to wake up. It was just an ordinary nightmare. After hearing the cry in the institute, they woke up directly.

If it were normal, they would definitely be able to detect the difference, but the alarm on their chest sounded before they fell asleep, and the inexplicable feeling of drowsiness was really the same as the description of the sleeper. It’s no wonder that they still suspected that they were in a nightmare after waking up.

The second team also had similar ideas. In short, when the superiors who managed them understood what happened, they didn’t know what to say about this farce. But he was somewhat relieved in his heart, at least Wen Zheng's power had not reached that terrible level.

Before he could relax for long, there were other troubles waiting for them.

The people in the institute were already a little uneasy because of the all-night search, but the searchers only said that they suspected that there were dangerous elements mixed in the institute, but in the end not only did they find nothing but also delayed their daily work.

The contradictions have been accumulating since late last night until now, and as a result, someone found that Wen Zheng had disappeared. Now those who had a good relationship with Wen Zheng became anxious and asked: "You suddenly came to check, is there something wrong with Wen Zheng? Obviously, we had dinner together last night and everything was fine."

Among them, Jian Yanjun, who knew a lot of the situation, ran to the front and stared at the person leading the search and asked: "Wen Zheng was taken away by you?"

Originally, both sides had some concerns, so even if the emotions continued to accumulate, they were still suppressed for the time being, but Jian Yanjun's questions and the other side's attitude of still unwilling to say anything completely ignited their pent-up emotions. Even if they cannot openly resist the people sent by the government, at least they should be allowed to express their dissatisfaction.

Director Jiang, who had been under surveillance in the office, saw something from the actions of these people. If Wen Zheng had really been captured by them, they would definitely be able to find a reasonable reason for Wen Zheng to leave, and the scene would not become what it is now.

Director Jiang put down the tea that had already cooled in his palm and opened the door of the office. When the soldiers at the door stopped him, he smiled slightly: "Now only I can peacefully resolve the disputes below."

The status of the institute is special enough. If there is no way to resolve their dissatisfaction and doubts, the consequences will be equally unbearable. Director Jiang successfully left his office and came to the most serious location. He temporarily resolved the conflict that was about to break out with the respect he gained through his actual actions.

The staff were appeased and returned to their jobs, and temporarily believed that Wen Zheng was urgently transferred to help, but they would not fully believe it before seeing Wen Zheng again.

After this chaos, Director Jiang regained the management of the institute. The institute was still important after losing Wen Zheng, but it was well managed by Director Jiang before. The two newly appointed deputy directors spent a lot of effort, but were transferred again, and their purpose of coming here was completely failed.

On the day the two deputy directors left, everyone in the institute was in high spirits. After experiencing the chaos in the past two days, they deeply realized how precious the ordinary life was before, and even suspected that Wen Zheng's departure was due to their manipulation.

The two airborne personnel left, but the newly added security personnel in the institute did not leave. They were still patrolling in the institute and researching something around the apple forest.

Director Jiang had two more life assistants, but he had not walked out of the gate of the institute since that day, and he was devoted to various research in the institute every day. Only on the days when the fruits in the apple forest were ripe, Director Jiang, accompanied by his assistant at all times, ran to the apple forest that was finally preserved and picked two apples by hand.

I just don't know if it was because the group of people destroyed the soil and the roots of the apple trees during their research, so the fruits were far less sweet than last year.

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