Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 119 Chapter 119 (1/2)

boss! "

It was supposed to be an ordinary morning, but Wen Zheng, who hadn't left home for several days, appeared again and rushed to the supermarket with excitement on his face.

The boss, who was playing with his cell phone on the counter, immediately became nervous when he saw Wen Zheng's appearance. He had seen this expression on both his and his wife's faces. He looked around carefully. Even though there was no one else nearby, the boss immediately stood up to stop Wen Zheng from continuing.

After being stopped by the boss with a gesture, Wen Zheng looked like he had just remembered that he couldn't talk about these things. He casually picked something from the shelf and asked the boss to pay for it. In fact, he was expressing his excitement in a low voice.

"I fell into a deep sleep again in the past two days. At that time, I was still debating whether to use the detector, but later I chose not to use it. It turned out that the gods would really bless me." When it came to the last four words, Wen Zheng originally said His low voice lowered a little, but his eyes were full of awe, and he looked like a qualified believer.

After calling his wife out and looking at the supermarket, the boss took Wen Zheng into the back room and sat down. While pouring water, he asked Wen Zheng what he saw in his dream. After two experiments, Wen Zheng already had a lot of understanding of the techniques used by the Ye Shen Cult. He made up one based on his previous experiences and gained the trust of his boss without mentioning too many details.

After describing the majestic statue in the dream vividly, Wen Zheng picked up the water glass in front of him and drank it all in one gulp to moisten his dry throat: "Boss, is the god who protected me I saw in the dream a legend? In addition to this pendant, am I qualified to take a statue of the god home to worship in it? I hope he can bless me to live in dreams safely in the future. I will work hard to achieve whatever is needed."

During the whole communication process, the boss said little but always looked at Wen Zheng's expression. In the end, he did not let go. It is the pendant that can also convey his piety to the gods.

Nowadays, the Yeshen Cult is the target of strong attacks by the state, and it often takes a long time to gain their trust, but Wen Zheng does not lack patience.

Occasionally solving nightmares nearby, I would often go to the supermarket for a few rounds when I had free time, and after spending a lot of money to ask the boss to help me make offerings, the boss finally brought Wen Zheng into the room and asked Wen Zheng Take off the pendant that has been hanging around your neck during this time.

"After taking off the pendant, what should I do if I accidentally fall into a dream again?" Wen Zheng immediately put his hand on his chest anxiously, his expression and movements full of reluctance.

"Of course there will be a new pendant for you." The boss placed another brand-new pendant in front of Wen Zheng, looked at him a few more times, and then revealed a little more information, "I will ask someone to deliver this pendant. In front of the gods, the gods will feel the sincerity of your worship during this time and judge whether you are qualified to become his believer."

"Ever since the god protected me and woke me up from the nightmare, I have been his most loyal believer. I am not afraid of any test. You must help me present this pendant to the god." Wen Zheng got up and went to the side to clean his hands. , then carefully removed the pendant from his neck and placed it in the box that the boss took out.

"Not bad, I believe you will be able to pass." Wen Zheng's performance won the boss's trust to a large extent. The boss became closer to Wen Zheng and revealed that he would leave tomorrow and return in two days, allowing him some time No need to run to the supermarket all the time.

Wen Zheng naturally agreed quickly, but did not actually go back and wait. Instead, he wandered around for a while to make sure that the boss was not leaving tomorrow as he said, but leaving on the same day.

Wen Zheng secretly followed the boss to the edge of the living area. There were not many people living in the area further forward. If he followed him, he would be easily discovered by people who might be hiding in the dark. Wen Zheng retreated decisively.

It took a lot of effort to get to this point, and we must not alert the enemy.

But this tracking was not completely fruitless. If the boss really came back at the time he said, it would take three days to go back and forth. The base he went to was definitely in Yunting City. With the direction the boss was going, Wen Zheng was able to narrow the destination to a very small range.

Having made several preparations in advance, Wen Zheng waited patiently for his boss to come back without worrying too much about the pendant he brought to the mountain. Others may believe that gods can feel piety, but Wen Zheng understands the principle of the pendant and also knows what the Ye Shen Cult is doing for this purpose.

The pendant can absorb emotions provided by humans, and these emotions will help nightmares improve their strength, just like the energetic blessings sent out by Wen Zheng before. The biggest difference between the two is that the nature of the emotions absorbed is completely opposite.

But the two also have many similarities. For example, even the owner cannot sense the energy released if the distance is too far. To absorb it, it also requires close contact. If you want to know who the provider of the emotion is, it is not that easy.

Therefore, Wen Zheng does not need to be really pious to the so-called Night God. He only needs to channel those bad emotions into the pendant when helping others escape from their dreams during this period. In fact, this is a very useful measure. If they don't know the principle of handing over the pendant, it will be difficult for the undercover agents the government wants to send out to gain the trust of the Ye Shen Cult. I am afraid this is the reason why they have not been discovered until now.

Things went as Wen Zheng expected. Three days later, the boss came back and treated Wen Zheng like a brother: "Good boy, I was right about you. You are one of the most pious among the group. The Lord of God has approved your joining and even agreed to let you go to worship."

"That's great. When is the date of the worship? I need to prepare in advance." Wen Zheng was overjoyed, and then asked with a little worry, "Will I meet the Lord of God on that day? Brother, please tell me the precautions of the worship in advance. "It's a drama."

"You are a kid who just entered the church, so you are not qualified to see the messenger of God. You are lucky to see him from a distance when you worship. As for the rest, you don't have to worry. Since you have passed the test and been approved to join the church, you can now tell you the things that you couldn't know before. The god who protected you in your dream is the Night God who controls all dreams."

For the next two hours, the boss talked about the great Night God and the origin of the Night God Church. Finally, he mentioned that the Night God Church is now listed as a cult. As a new believer, Wen Zheng, of course, chose to believe in the sect and strongly criticized the government's move.

"If the government had listed the Night God Church as a state religion earlier, the nightmare problem would have been solved long ago." The boss mentioned this matter and the dissatisfaction hidden in his heart was revealed. Wen Zheng whispered in agreement, but felt that if this day really came, the country would be really finished.

Apart from all the content that boasted about the Night God Church, Wen Zheng learned about the current structure of the Night God Church from the boss. Now the leader of the sect is the so-called messenger of God, and under the messenger of God there are the son and daughter of God, that is, the boy who serves the Night God, and then there are the followers who have different status but not much power.

Wen Zheng also heard something similar to the mural. According to the boss, the Night God Cult appeared thousands of years ago. After the disaster, it was completely forgotten by the world, but after the disaster came again, it forgave the sinners who forgot him and saved mankind again.

Five days later is the so-called auspicious day for worshiping the gods. Wen Zheng followed the boss and set off two days in advance. After leaving the living area, they moved to the suburbs where basically no one lives now. There was no feeling on the road in the middle, but just after leaving the living area and after rushing on the road for a day, Wen Zheng felt the peeping from a distance.

Someone is indeed monitoring the vehicles coming here. As soon as the peeping eyes appear, Wen Zheng knows that he has reached the destination. The vehicle stopped at the foot of this mountain. Wen Zheng looked at the mountain in front of him, and relevant information emerged in his mind.

This mountain is not very steep, but at least it is a natural landscape that has not been damaged too much. It has not been invested in and developed. In the past, the residents around would come to climb the mountain when they had nothing to do. There is also a dilapidated Taoist temple on the mountain, and there is an old Taoist priest who tells fortunes for people when he has nothing to do.

Wen Zheng has not been here since he came to this world. He did not go here when he was wandering around before. These situations are mostly found in the memory of the original body, and he has also heard Aunt Wang talk about it. Nowadays, praying to gods and Buddhas is a common thing. If this place is not a little far from the city, the uncles and aunts in the neighborhood will probably bring Wen Zheng here to burn a few incense sticks.

"Rest at the foot of the mountain tonight, and you can go up the mountain to worship tomorrow." The boss reminded, leading Wen Zheng into a room with patterns on the door to register the information, and then settle in the room assigned to them. The boss introduced Wen Zheng to other believers who came to worship.

When it was late at night, most people had already rested. Wen Zheng disguised himself in the room and took advantage of the dark night to go up the mountain path. Occasionally, I encountered patrols organized by the Night God Cult. I would carefully avoid them after hearing them from afar. This kind of sect certainly did not have the high-tech means of the government, and I was completely unable to find Wen Zheng.

The dilapidated Taoist temple on the mountain had been demolished with the efforts of many believers, and a brand new temple was built on the original site. The lights were still on late at night. Perhaps because of the belief in the gods, the defense here was not as tight as at the foot of the mountain. Wen Zheng easily climbed over the tall wall, hid his body in the shadows, and first stepped on a point in the entire temple.

After walking around, I found that the layout of this temple was almost the same as the cave in the dream. In the middle was the main hall dedicated to the Night God, and there were two boys in the north and south directions. In reality, it should be the location of the so-called Son of God and the Holy Daughter.

Wen Zheng was thinking, and his ears caught a few chaotic footsteps approaching. He quickly hid in a hidden place, and saw a group of teenage men and women with outstanding looks walking towards several houses with things in their hands. The fragrance in the air indicated that they were carrying food. To be served like this, the status of the people eating must be relatively high in the Night God Cult.

Since I met them, I would follow them to see what was going on. Wen Zheng followed them from a distance with lighted steps, watching them carry food into the house with lights on, and finally put the food on the table, and the people also stayed in the house.

The power was in the ears, and Wen Zheng stayed in a hidden position far away, but he could still hear the sounds coming from inside.

The so-called God's messenger, the Son of God, and the Saint's daughter were not in the house. The few people inside were mainly responsible for managing this base and developing believers. From their conversation, it can be heard that they were a little dissatisfied with each other, but when they mentioned the God's messenger, they had an unconcealable fear.

The content of the conversation tonight was mainly about the worship ceremony tomorrow morning. It was said that the messenger of God told them that the gods would bless the ceremony tomorrow, so the participants were not only particularly devout believers, but also some bigwigs who were not easy to expose their identities.

When they talked about things while eating and drinking, they would often reveal some information without thinking. After the discussion, these guys who were not good people began to show some bad thoughts. Wen Zheng frowned tightly after hearing the voice, hesitating whether to take the risk to stop it, and then heard a young man inside mention tomorrow's worship and the instructions of the Night God.

The messenger of God was really a terrible existence in their eyes. At least this sentence stopped their restless bodies. Although there were still some bad actions, at least the dozen young people finally walked out of the house price.

After listening to the situation here, Wen Zheng also tried to get close to the place where the messenger of God and the son and daughter of the saint rested, but he didn't get too close and didn't get any useful information. In the end, it seemed that the time was long enough, so Wen Zheng returned to the place where he rested at the foot of the mountain.

The worship time was set in the early morning. The people who came to participate in the worship hiked up the mountain before dawn and were finally arranged to wait in different locations. Wen Zheng and his boss, as devout believers, came early and were arranged at the outermost part of the temple, which was at least better than those who could only worship outside.

As the worship ceremony got closer, more and more people came. Wen Zheng captured their faces with his good eyesight. Several of them were officials of high status in Yunting City. They were actually developed into believers by the Night God Cult and dared to appear here in person.

More and more people came, until the worship was about to begin, the three most important core figures of the Night God Cult arrived.

The son and daughter of the saint with similar faces walked in front. They looked only ten years old. Putting aside the occasion, they were two good-looking children. Then the messenger of God appeared.

The so-called messenger of God was a man who looked to be in his twenties. He was wearing a black robe with white patterns. The place where his eyes swept did make people feel depressed and breathless, so that all the believers who came here bowed their heads deeply and dared not look directly.

When the envoy looked over, Wen Zheng quickly gathered the power in his body. He could feel a nightmare-like power spreading around the envoy. This nightmare power did not pull people into the dream, but slowly merged into their bodies after contact.

The envoy kept releasing energy while speaking, so that the words he said were deeply engraved in the souls of the audience, allowing them to believe in the existence of the Night God from the bottom of their hearts and continue to spread the faith of the Night God Church.

The preaching that hinted at people's hearts finally ended. After listening to these contents, the believers knelt on the ground, shouting excitedly, venting the strong emotions in their hearts. A steady stream of emotions came out of their bodies, not flying into the statue in the center of the hall, but directly into the body of the envoy.

It has been confirmed.

The envoy waited quietly until those emotions flew into his body, and then raised his hand to signal everyone to quiet down. The excited crowd was now 100% obedient to the envoy, and the sound they made became louder and smaller, and they were about to quiet down in just a few seconds.

But suddenly there was a sound of someone falling to the ground in the venue, and everyone nearby looked over, and more and more people fainted.

When the others were cheering, Wen Zheng, who was at the outermost edge and close to the wall, heard a lot of slight noises. Weapons emitting white smoke were thrown in from outside the wall, and the white smoke perfectly blended into the many incense sticks lit for worship. The smoke, which had a sleepy effect, was absorbed in amid the excited shouts of the crowd.

The envoy of God, who was too far away, failed to notice anything wrong. When he called out to stop the cheers, the effect of the medicine had already taken effect, and the believers who absorbed too much smoke fell to the ground one after another. The envoy of God had already noticed something wrong, but the fully armed army had already attacked him from a distance.

Wen Zheng lowered his head and pretended to faint on the ground, keeping his mind alert to the envoy of God.

Long before setting off, Wen Zheng made preparations in advance. Wen Zheng made a lot of preparations during the time he was hiding. He secretly contacted Director Jiang, who had regained control of the institute and even had stronger control. With his help, he also contacted the forces that had always believed in Wen Zheng.

Even though the government had begun to closely monitor and pursue him because of insufficient evidence, Wen Zheng was sure that the government must take action to solve the Night God Cult. The longer the time was delayed, the more difficult it would be to solve it.

When it was confirmed last night that the so-called envoys of God and the sons and daughters of the saints would appear here, Wen Zheng started the follow-up plan after going down the mountain, notifying the partners of the location here and the arrangements for tomorrow's worship. The specific action plan was arranged by the other party.

Now it seems that the news has not been leaked, but Wen Zheng did not expect the government to use the method of making people comatose first.

Indeed, so many believers would be willing to sacrifice their lives to resist the army after being hypnotized, so after making people comatose, at least the army would not have to take action against most of the believers who were not guilty of death, reducing some casualties.

However, this plan was formulated based on the idea that the Night God Cult was just an ordinary sect. But Wen Zheng knew that there was a powerful nightmare behind it. Even awake humans would be dragged into dreams by the nightmare. Now, it was countless humans who had lost consciousness and were being fed energy by the nightmare.

But once the army's action started, it could not be stopped. Wen Zheng could only quickly think of countermeasures in his mind.

At this time, the temple was already in chaos. A few of the believers who were not yet asleep wanted to escape, but most of them blocked the path of the army and often fainted while walking.

The divine envoy standing on the high platform glared at everything in front of him. He raised his arms high, and under his urging, the energy condensed into a black mist that could be seen with the naked eye and gushes out of his body. This scene really fits the scene. The image of the Night God in the propaganda of the Night God Cult.

The believers who had not yet fainted were so excited that they knelt down on the spot and kowtowed without hesitation. But when the black smoke swept over him, the raging malice rushed into his mind, and his body immediately fell to the ground, and his consciousness was involved in the world of nightmares.

Until the last moment before coma, this believer of the Night God did not realize that the propaganda of the Night God was about a divine messenger coming to the world to capture the black mist formed by nightmares, and this divine messenger seemed to be the descendant of the Night God. But he controlled the black mist to spread everywhere.

The so-called savior god is actually the culprit of the disaster.

[Hidden mission - Find out the secret of the Night God Cult has been completed, and the reward points are 5,000 points. 】

The soldiers who were about to capture the leader of the Night God Sect stopped in fear in front of these tangible black mists, wanting to wait for further instructions from their superiors.

The eyes of the angel became pitch black as the black mist was released. The believers present who had been marked by the Night God were all dragged into the nightmare world and swallowed one by one.

Wen Zheng couldn't just watch these people die, let alone watch the nightmare's power continue to increase during the devouring process. He still wanted to complete the hidden task of solving the nightmare.

No longer pretending to be unconscious, Wen Zheng stood up from the ground, canceled the use of the mask purchased in the system store, revealed the more familiar face hidden underneath, and commanded: "Try to keep the black fog away from the area. If you take away people, including you, it is best not to be touched by the black mist, it can pull people into the dream world. "

After saying that, Wen Zheng sat on the ground again and closed his eyes. The energy in his body also emerged and condensed into a solid body, but the color was the opposite white, blocking the spread of the black mist. At the same time, Wen Zheng grabbed the crack in the void that was torn open by the nightmare, and followed the consciousness captured by the nightmare into this huge dream world.

In this dream world created by nightmares, the captured souls are all deeply affected believers. It does not need to transform into a dream that makes people think that they are dead. It will directly devour any souls it does not capture. The body size will change with the energy. The growth is getting bigger step by step.

After Wen Zheng came in, he wanted to try to change the dream to resist this advanced nightmare, but he couldn't take away the control of the nightmare, so he could only send out the newly captured soul first.

After only sending a few out, Wen Zheng's actions were noticed by this nightmare. He temporarily stopped eating and moved in front of Wen Zheng and spoke. It was not as unfamiliar as the one he met in the last dream, nor was it like the one on the high platform. So skilled at giving speeches.

"It's you again, human, you can't resist."

The overwhelming black mist is heading towards Wen Zheng, but this nightmare is not only a creature in the dream, but also the master of this dream. At least a large part of Wen Zheng is human and does not have an advantage in the world of dreams. , even if he tried all his strength, he was still defeated by the attacks of the nightmare.

Why half?

There must be a solution.

Wen Zheng dodged the nightmare attack and took away a soul that was almost devoured. Wait, it seems that two very important souls are missing from the souls absorbed by the black mist, and how could the nightmare become the master of the dream? I once felt that something was wrong and was connected. Maybe I can try it.

Gritting his teeth to withstand the attack that could have been avoided, Wen Zheng seized the opportunity of that second to escape from this dream, and his consciousness returned to reality. The moment he regained control of his body, Wen Zheng jumped up from the spot, used his body's functions to their full potential, and ran up to the high platform in the distance.

His target is not the divine envoy, but the two holy sons and saints who were established for unknown reasons.

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