Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 121 Chapter 121 (1/2)

At the last moment when the dream was shattered, the high-level nightmare used up its remaining strength to hold Wen Zheng tightly, not giving him a chance to return to the real world. The void after the dream was shattered is where the nightmare really lives, and no human soul has ever been able to come here.

Wen Zheng didn't know the consequences of being out of the body for a long time, but now he knew whether the human soul could survive in the cracks of the void.

Being forcibly drawn into the void by the nightmare, all kinds of manic energy turbulence hit Wen Zheng's soul. The condensed soul body became much looser after the first wave of impact. Wen Zheng had no time to think about the intense pain he was enduring. The thought of wanting to survive the impact made him pull back the nightmare that was still wrapping around him, and madly absorbed the power of the nightmare.

Since the soul can't withstand the strong impact of the void turbulence, and can't escape from this place for the time being, then find a way to increase the strength of the soul. The high-level nightmare next to you is the best choice. Facing the crisis of death, humans often break through their own limits. Wen Zheng's willpower and potential increase the possibility of this phenomenon.

The advanced nightmare was severely injured by Wen Zheng in the dream world. Not only did the plan to devour Wen Zheng's soul in the void fail, but the power was absorbed by Wen Zheng who was forced into a desperate situation. The power in the body was swept into Wen Zheng's soul like a strong wind. The advanced nightmare did not have time to roar in grief and anger before it completely dissipated.

[Hidden task-solving advanced nightmare has been completed, and 30,000 points are rewarded. ]

No matter what kind of environment it is in, the system panel will not be affected in any way. It appears in front of Wen Zheng with a reminder that the task is completed.

Wen Zheng, who was tortured by severe pain, did not open his eyes at all, and did not see the prompt of the system panel. The absorbed energy kept running in the soul according to the trajectory of the cultivation method, and the part that was dispersed by the turbulent flow of the void was condensed again.

The whole process was repeated continuously, but the turbulence in the void was always generated, and the power in Wen Zheng's soul always had a moment of exhaustion.

The power absorbed from the high-level nightmares was about to be consumed, but there was always a way out. Without the energy suppression of the high-level nightmares, Wen Zheng was still a human soul. For nightmares, it was a fragrant and rich delicacy. Countless nightmares of high or low levels came to smell the smell.

These nightmares did not know that the identities of prey and hunter could often be switched. By the time they realized this, it was over.

Wen Zheng, who was lacking energy, did not care what energy he absorbed. Any nightmare that approached was absorbed before it could attack Wen Zheng.

The low-level nightmares were not very smart. The nightmares floating around in the void did not notice the crisis and took the initiative to send food to Wen Zheng's position. The nightmares with a slightly higher level of intelligence could barely feel that something was wrong and avoided it from a distance, but they could not stop the low-level nightmares from floating over.

Wen Zheng, who had lost his self-awareness, relied on his instinct to survive and absorbed all the nightmares no matter how many came. The power of nightmare is repairing Wen Zheng's soul while transforming his soul. When the power from nightmare in Wen Zheng's soul reaches a certain value, the attraction to nightmare is gradually disappearing.

Not enough, still not enough.

The absorbed power gradually decreases. Wen Zheng, who acts on instinct, changes from passive to active. He was originally waiting for nightmare to come to him, but now he begins to float in the void to find nightmare to devour.

The way Wen Zheng moves in the void is more and more similar to nightmare. From being fixed in one place and bearing attacks from the surroundings, to now floating everywhere looking for nightmare, from being regarded as delicious food by nightmare at the beginning, to avoiding nightmare before approaching it, the power of Wen Zheng's soul keeps growing in this process.

Wen Zheng, who has lost consciousness, cannot perceive this change. While madly absorbing the power of nightmare, he has no time to expel the dark energy. When he first absorbed it, there was still stored warm energy to dissolve it, but that little warm power was too little. The accumulated dark power transmitted those negative emotions, and Wen Zheng had no choice but to accept it.

In this strange void, Wen Zheng, who received a lot of negative emotions, completely lost his self-awareness and kept experiencing various nightmares. His only thought was to try to survive in these nightmares.

The nightmare seemed to have no end. Just after experiencing one, he would face the next one. Wen Zheng mechanically dealt with these nightmares, and the fatigue in his consciousness gradually accumulated. After a long time, he almost forgot who he was, or maybe he was also a nightmare existing in the void.

In fact, the power of nightmare can not only assimilate the existence form of Wen Zheng's soul, but also assimilate Wen Zheng's consciousness. If it continues like this, Wen Zheng will lose his self-awareness and turn into a real nightmare.

At that time, it will no longer be Wen Zheng.

The mission issued by the disaster survival game has failed.

Wen Zheng's soul has changed from a little warm color to the black of nightmare. The power connected to the real world has gradually weakened, and now it is almost completely broken, until the stars of light floated in from the real world along this weak connection and merged into Wen Zheng's soul.

At first, there were only a few tiny light spots, and then these light spots increased in number and condensed into rays, thickening the connection between Wen Zheng and the real world, and then helping Wen Zheng dissipate those dark energies. These warm rays of light were the most sincere blessings to Wen Zheng, crossing the barriers of the two spaces and coming to Wen Zheng's side.

Wen Zheng initially felt that it made him more painful. When the light eliminated the darkness in his soul, each time it was eliminated, it was like rubbing the festering wounds on his body. He could only grit his teeth and endure it. It was more painful than the energy turbulence he was used to.

This process lasted for a long time, and Wen Zheng's muddled consciousness slowly woke up. Seeing in the soul state does not require eyes. Wen Zheng did not even open his eyes, and the 360-degree scene around him appeared in his mind.

He saw his entire soul and the void he was in now.

It was really a fresh and wonderful experience.

The appearance of the soul was not based on the body used by Wen Zheng. The condensed appearance was based on Wen Zheng's deepest consciousness, using Wen Zheng's own appearance. It should have been a transparent energy body, but most of its parts were eroded by nightmares and turned into a dark patch. The light spots that did not come from the real world were diligently helping to remove the black from Wen Zheng's soul.

Endless turbulence was floating in the void, similar to the energy composition of nightmares, and could pass through nightmares without causing harm. This was more like the case for Wen Zheng, who was now almost a nightmare physique. If Wen Zheng were to describe it, the feeling of turbulence passing through the soul is like a cool breeze, blowing from the surface of the body into the body and then out again, always feeling cool.

Looking into the farther void, there are countless floating translucent dark light balls generated in the void, and many nightmares are surrounding them. Occasionally, images of humans appearing flash on them.

Wen Zheng wanted to control his soul to fly over, but he had just woken up and had not mastered the skills. He tried several times before slowly moving to the side. While trying to move, Wen Zheng found that wherever he went, the nightmares living in the void would quickly avoid him. Recalling the many experiences of dealing with nightmares, he felt a kind of happiness of relieving hatred.

After the distance was shortened, Wen Zheng was more certain that these light balls were actually nightmares formed by humans and the staple food of nightmares in the void.

Then how do these nightmares pull human souls into nightmares and devour them?

The answer to this question must be found in the void. Wen Zheng first chased the nightmares in the void for a few times. After venting some of the unhappiness in his heart, he found that some nightmares were moving in one direction, and the void in that place broke a huge crack. The part of the crack was the real world.

When Wen Zheng rushed to the crack, a nightmare had already grabbed a human soul from the crack and entered the dream. After feeling the breath coming from Wen Zheng, he immediately left in fear and contributed the delicacy he had just captured to a more powerful existence.

After thinking seriously for two seconds, Wen Zheng did not send the soul of this person directly back to reality, but entered the nightmare world constructed by the nightmare. The human being who was pulled into the dream did not regain consciousness. Wen Zheng had control over the dream and directly transformed this nightmare into a beautiful dream. The sleeper continuously emitted warm light spots in the beautiful dream.

It seems that this method is feasible.

After letting the sleeper play happily in the dream for two days, Wen Zheng sent the person out of the dream and tried to follow him out of the void. However, as soon as he reached the barrier between the two spaces, he felt the rejection from the real world.

He could send the person who was pulled into the dream back to sleep, but he himself could not return to the real world for the time being.

Thinking about it, it can also be explained that the power of nightmares is suppressed in the real world, and the high-level nightmares appear in the real world by borrowing Xi Yuanfan's body. Wen Zheng absorbed many nightmares. Even if there is no clear criterion for judgment, Wen Zheng can be sure that his current power is much stronger than that high-level nightmare, so it is natural to be rejected. This is the protection mechanism of the real world. If there is no such obstacle, all nightmares in the void will appear in reality without hindrance, then humans may not be able to hold on to this day.

Wen Zheng began to keep looking for cracks in the void. At first, he stayed in the dream until he sent the sleeper back. Later, he found that he would keep contact with the transformed dream, so Wen Zheng changed his method. After transforming a nightmare into a beautiful dream, Wen Zheng will leave the dream to find the next crack. When the time is almost up, he will close the previous beautiful dream according to the connection, and the person will automatically return to the real world.

Life in the void is not boring. Wen Zheng can be exposed to all kinds of dreams, whether it is a nightmare or a beautiful dream. In extremely rare cases, Wen Zheng will even meet people he knew before, and meet people who are not acquainted but pray for Wen Zheng. Just like the emotions conveyed in the blessing paper distributed by Wen Zheng, Wen Zheng received the warm light formed from them when he was about to get lost, which helped him out of that dangerous situation.

When people who encounter the above two situations are pulled into nightmares, Wen Zheng tries to wake them up in the transformed beautiful dream. In the surprised eyes of the other party, he does not explain too much, but asks about what happened in the real world. When sending people back from the dream, quietly erase the content about Wen Zheng, and when the sleeper wakes up, he will only have vague memories and barely remember that he had a beautiful dream.

Once, he even encountered Jian Yanjun who was dragged into a nightmare. He still had concerns and guilt about Wen Zheng. The nightmare he encountered was the scene of Wen Zheng's death. Jian Yanjun tried desperately to save him in the dream until Wen Zheng showed up and eliminated the nightmare. As the awakener, Jian Yanjun did not need Wen Zheng to wake him up, and he regained his independent consciousness, but after seeing Wen Zheng, he thought it was constructed by his subconscious.

Wen Zhengduo spent some words to convince Jian Yanjun, and also spent a lot of effort to avoid his current situation and asked more about the reality that ordinary people could not understand.

This time I had asked the right person. Jian Yanjun was both an awakener and a member of the Yunting City Research Institute. His family members held many important positions in the government. What he knew could answer all of Wen Zheng's questions.

On the day when the divine envoy controlled by the Advanced Nightmare was eliminated by Wen Zheng, the entire Ye Shen Cult members suffered heavy casualties in the successive chaos. They were later sent to the hospital for treatment by the army. Without the divine envoy as a backing, they faced inquiries from government personnel. , these people will naturally explain all the situations in detail.

The government also discovered among the arrested members of the Yeshen Cult, the Li family father and son who once lived next door to Wen Zheng. The father and son were not seriously injured. During the government's questioning, they took the initiative to report that they were The first group of members who joined the Ye God Cult, according to time, were Wen Zheng's neighbors when they joined the Ye God Cult, and Wen Zheng had not entered the research institute.

Chu Changcun reported all the circumstances except Wen Zheng's injuries through a video conference. Not only did he keep the credit for this time, but he also had a firm grasp on the subsequent interrogation of members of the Yeshen Cult. The personnel he sent quickly informed him after discovering the Li family and his son. Chu Changcun's faction originally did not believe the speculation that Wen Zheng had joined the Yeshen Cult. At that time, they thought that the key to proving Wen Zheng's innocence was The Li family and his son have never been able to find the father and son who were hiding in the Ye Shen Cult headquarters.

So after receiving the news from his subordinates, Chu Changcun directed his subordinates to conduct inquiries via remote video, and simultaneously relayed the information to those who had previously suspected it.

Facing the picture of the pendant brought out by the interrogator, Li Qi, who has matured a lot in the past two years, carefully identified it, then pointed at a few less obvious scratches on the pendant and said, "This is my father's first I begged my mother, no, it was a pendant. Because the night god did not bless my mother to wake up, I scratched it with a stone and finally threw the pendant away. "

Li Qi is still a child no matter what. Even though he complained about the pendant being useless and so he broke it out of anger, in the end he only left a few inconspicuous scratches on the pendant.

The person in charge of the inquiry followed Chu Changcun's initial instructions and continued to conduct more detailed inquiries: "Where did you throw the pendant?"

Li Qi's eyes showed a little confusion. He frowned and thought for a while before speaking: "I just threw it over the wall. It should be in the yard of Uncle Wen's house next door."

Misunderstanding resolved.

Jian Yanjun felt guilty and angry when he told this. He had heard someone say that Wen Zheng was a high-ranking figure in the Ye Shen Cult. Even though he did not want to believe that Wen Zheng was such a person, he was still influenced and had doubts. But in fact, the most direct evidence was From beginning to end, it was a misunderstanding caused by a child. With such evidence, Wen Zheng was closely monitored and later hunted down. How could it not make people angry?

Wen Zheng recalled every bit of the past. At that time, the useless god in Li Qi's mouth was probably the Ye Shen Sect at that time. At that time, he just thought that the Li family and his son were praying to gods and worshiping Buddha. But speaking of it, who could have predicted what would happen later? So many things happened.

After talking about the Li family and his son, Jian Yanjun began to talk about the situation of the Ye Shen Cult.

More members of the Ye God Sect were interrogated and more information about the Ye God Sect's strongholds was revealed. The government sent people to search and seize everywhere. Among them was an extremely secret place. It was located in a crack in the mountain and you could reach an underground cave. There are still unfinished statues of gods and murals in this cave. If the complete version is finally made, it will be no different from what Wen Zheng once saw in his dream.

That is a historical relic that the Ye God Cult is in the process of forging.

Xi Yuanfan, the divine envoy chosen by the nightmare, was an artist who specialized in murals and sculptures before the disaster. The works in this cave are completely consistent with the style of his previous works. When Wen Zheng first painted the statues and murals he saw in his dream on paper, it seemed a little awkward because some parts used modern techniques. However, Xi Yuanfan concealed it when creating it, and what Wen Zheng saw in the dream was even more distressed by nightmares, making it even more difficult to detect when depicted on paper.

"The dream this time was also one of the reasons why they suspected you. As a result, both the pendant and the dream were explained clearly, and your suspicion was completely eliminated. You are also the biggest contributor to the elimination of the Night God Cult this time. After the meeting, they decided not only to Clearing up your grievances cannot bury your achievements, so your achievements were highlighted in the news broadcast about the elimination of the Ye Shen Cult."

The courtyard of the research institute, which both of them were familiar with, was constructed in the dream. Jian Yanjun sat next to Wen Zheng. When talking about this, he also looked at Wen Zheng's expression, worried that he would be disgusted with this kind of operation.

Wen Zheng's expression changed rapidly several times, and finally stayed on his smile. Now he knew how those light spots came from when he was most dangerous, and this move accidentally saved his life.

"By the way, where am I now?" After having asked everything clearly about the situation that he originally wanted to ask, and just as he was about to send Jian Yanjun off, Wen Zheng realized that there was an important question that he had not asked.

"Aren't you trapped in a dream now?" Jian Yanjun didn't react at first. After he finished speaking, he realized that Wen Zheng was referring to his body, and quickly replied, "Just put it in your room in the research institute." , everyone takes good care of you, but your muscles will inevitably lose some weight, and they will come back after you wake up and practice.”

"Director Jiang comes to your room every now and then to chat with you. Now more and more people wake up on their own. Although some of the contents of their dreams are not very clear, they are still quite talented as awakeners. Of course, no one can compare to you in terms of talent. It is normal to make mistakes occasionally. This time I woke you up from the dream, and you can brag about it in the institute for the rest of your life."

Jian Yanjun said with a smile on his face. He mistakenly thought that he had found Wen Zheng who was trapped in the dream, but he didn't know that he was the only one who could go back this time.

"You should wake up." Wen Zheng smiled and pushed Jian Yanjun out of the dream, and also did not forget to blur his memory.

The news from Jian Yanjun confirmed that Wen Zheng's attempt was successful. When Wen Zheng transformed the beautiful dream, it enhanced the subconsciousness of the sleepers, so that they would wake up on their own when they were pulled into the dream in the future, and they could escape without Wen Zheng's help. Just like the awakeners that Wen Zheng had taught before, the efficiency was even higher, which also reduced Wen Zheng's workload.

But this is a temporary solution, not a permanent solution. As long as the crack in the void is still there, even if Wen Zheng keeps running in the void, some sleepers will not have time to wait for Wen Zheng and will be swallowed by nightmares in nightmares.

If you want to completely solve the disaster, you need to start from the root.

Before the crack appeared, the nightmare in the void could hardly touch the human soul, and it was satisfied to feed on nightmares. Although humans and nightmares were related, they lived peacefully in their own world. From this perspective, the disaster of infinite nightmares will end only if nightmares and humans are completely separated in two worlds again.

Wen Zheng ran in the void, waiting for the task time to end, and by the way, studying what method can be used to block the crack in the void.

[Welcome to the infinite disaster survival game!

The main task-surviving in the infinite nightmare for three years has been completed, and the reward points are 15,000 points.

Will the player leave the game? 】

After Wen Zheng saw the pop-up system panel, he determined that the survival standard determined by the game was different. Now his soul left his body and existed in the void world in a form similar to nightmare energy but opposite in nature, and was still judged as alive by the game.

In this case, he would try to solve this disaster before leaving this world. It happened that during this time in the void, he swallowed up a lot of nightmares and saved a lot of people. The points earned were enough to buy a registration prop in the system store.

There is no difference between day and night in the void world. Wen Zheng saw the time on the system panel and realized that he had been here for a full six months. In the past six months, the originally colorless and transparent soul was first dyed black by nightmares, and then dyed white by positive human emotions. Before going back, he would return these powers to them.

Wen Zheng stood in the void, and the white power contained in the soul left his body under his control, reluctantly circling around Wen Zheng for a few circles, and then flew to the cracks in the void at the urging of the master, as a way to sew those gaps into a complete appearance.

Energy gradually left the soul to repair the cracks, and the remaining energy barely resisted the turbulence that could damage Wen Zheng's soul again. Wen Zheng silently calculated the time, and at the moment he said "leave the game" to the game system, he released all the remaining energy in his soul.

The moment Wen Zheng left this world, his connection with the real world in the infinite nightmare was completely cut off, and the body lying in the research institute finally stopped breathing.

Countless people rushed to Wen Zheng's room after hearing the alarm, and their eyes were silently red.

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