Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 133 Chapter 133

On the day when the registration started, the village committee and some families with elderly people who had a say made the decision first, and contacted the agricultural machinery rental shop to come and work the next day. Seeing that the temperature shown in the weather forecast did not drop, more and more people came to register in the next few days.

Except for a few families who were unwilling to do so, most families in the village completed the registration within a week. The village chief was not satisfied with this. When the fields that were responsible for people began to be sown, he set his sights on those lands that were abandoned because no one planted them.

Many years ago, those weed-covered fields were reclaimed little by little by their ancestors with sweat and became the basis for survival. But with the development of the times, the harvests brought by these fields could not meet people's needs, so they were gradually abandoned.

Now it's time to pick them up again.

The owners of these abandoned fields have either transferred their household registration from the village, or have been working outside the village and have not returned for years. In the second case, the village committee must obtain the consent of the villagers living outside if they want to use the land.

After making phone calls one by one, the members of the village committee spent a lot of time and effort to finally obtain most of the authorizations. Some of them needed to pay for renting the land, and the other part, after hearing the concerns expressed by the village committee, chose to collect 20% of the harvest from the land as compensation, which would be paid by the village committee.

The entire planting process lasted nearly a month, mainly because it took a long time to obtain the consent of the villagers living outside the area, because not only did they need to convince the owner, but it also took several days to tidy up the wasteland full of weeds. In the end, more than 80% of the cultivated land in the village was planted with seeds of drought-resistant crops.

At first, the villagers were still a little uneasy about this decision, but as the planting process ended, the temperature had hardly dropped in more than 20 days, so they no longer worried about this decision, but began to worry about the coming of the drought that had not been seen in many years.

Disasters never stop because of people's worries.

In previous years, the temperature reached ten degrees in the months when you had to wear a coat over a sweater. By April, the temperature quickly broke through the ten-degree barrier and gradually moved towards a high temperature of forty degrees.

It is already like this here. The high-temperature areas in the country in the news have exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. It is said that it is a steamer during the day. Several artificial rainfalls have not been effective. After a short rainfall, the small amount of moisture in the air has been consumed and the environment has become drier.

Many works cannot be continued and have to be transferred to other areas.

High temperatures are not a short-term phenomenon encountered in the past year. Scientists predict that the temperature will gradually rise in the coming time.

Now, the panic about extreme climate has spread rapidly around the world.

Perhaps because of the sense of security brought by the food planted in the fields, the panic atmosphere in the village is not too strong.

The villagers are busy taking care of the fields full of hope. The rare rainfall requires them to irrigate the fields with water from ponds and reservoirs, and even remove the weeds that snatch water from the fields. In their spare time, they also have to plant some vegetables and fruits with short growth cycles. The uneaten ones are made into pickles or dried vegetables, and try not to waste them at all.

After a busy April, the crops planted in the village began to be harvested in May. Because they chose extremely drought-resistant and heat-resistant crop seeds when planting, and tried to provide enough water during the growth process, the yield per mu was not much less than in previous years.

The sound of machines began to rumble again, and the clean land in the village was drying grains. The golden corn was strung and hung under the eaves, which was a scene they had rarely seen here.

The staff who drove harvesters and other agricultural machinery over saw the harvest in Dongxi Village and couldn't help but discuss with the villagers to spend money to buy. The price was much higher than before, but in the end, not many villagers were willing to sell. Now the price of grain is rising every day.

Dongxi Village can be said to be the first township in the entire township to start planting this year, and it is also the first to start harvesting. The rest of the villages are basically half a month to more than a month late, and even the crops they planted are not many drought-resistant varieties. In February, they were still laughing at the people in Dongxi Village for thinking too much, but now they are full of envy and anxiety.

As the temperature rises, the growing crops need more water. Later, even watering is useless. Those crops that cannot withstand the high temperature have been unable to withstand the intense sunlight and have symptoms of sunburn. If this continues, the grain production will definitely be greatly reduced.

Many areas are beginning to face this situation. If they continue to water, they will not only consume a lot of water resources, but also spend a lot of manpower to build sheds to shade the fields. In the end, the harvest is just a large reduction in grain production. But if nothing is done, not only will the cost of planting be wasted, but the grain stored at home will not be enough to eat and will have to be bought in the market.

Before, I thought that I had grain grown at home but didn’t buy it, and watched the grain prices rise rapidly. Now it’s as painful to buy it as to cut meat.

Since April, the trend of stockpiling has risen again. When the news of a sharp reduction in global grain production came out in May, everyone began to frantically buy grain and other daily necessities, and prices rose like crazy.

Wen Zheng watched the market, which was as hot as the weather, and seized the opportunity to sell a few stocks. He also went to the village committee to chat for half a day.

Previously, the village committee rented land from villagers living outside, and the harvested grain was stored in the warehouse. After deducting the land rental fees that should be paid, the rest was considered the grain stored by the whole village.

After listening to Wen Zheng's suggestion, the village held another village meeting. The current situation can already show Wen Zheng's long-term vision. This time, there was no setbacks and the proposal was passed with a very high number of votes.

The young and strong in the village sorted out some grain and transported it to the town, but they did not sell it, but traded it directly with the well diggers. In the end, the grain stayed in the town, and the well diggers followed with machinery to the village. In the next few days, they looked for a suitable location in the village and prepared to dig five deep wells in the village that their technology could reach according to the requirements of Dongxi Village.

When the well diggers came to the village to start work, the country began to control the current high prices and also saw the problem of food shortage in the market. The stored food began to be put into the market in an orderly manner. The means of limited purchases limited the occurrence of large-scale hoarding. The leaders' speeches stabilized the emotions of the people, and the brains that had lost their minds due to the high temperature began to cool down slowly.

The state machinery started, social order stabilized again, and prices began to gradually fall back to a higher but relatively normal level than in previous years.

The problem of rising prices is not difficult to solve. What is more difficult is the insufficient power supply caused by the continuous high temperature, and the inability to carry out work normally in many areas, and even the problem of people's difficulty in living.

The country began to hold meetings to discuss measures to deal with extreme climates. Not only to deal with the difficulties of this year, but also to consider the following years. The news is full of relevant reports, and the Internet is even more related.

High temperatures bring about the problem of increased power consumption, but at the same time, the intense sunlight also provides a way to supply power. Solar generators have long entered the eyes of many people, and now they are included in the national plan. A large number of solar power generation facilities will be transported to open areas such as rural areas for installation. In the future, it will be necessary to decide whether to migrate people in some areas based on the rising temperature. The specific content requires more detailed planning.

The villagers in Dongxi Village learn about the news from TV news every day. Few people go online, but they can learn more details about life in other areas from the phone calls of villagers working in high-temperature areas.

Those villagers working in high-temperature areas have basically quit their jobs. Many industries that cannot avoid high temperatures have stagnated, many small businesses cannot maintain normal operations, and even large companies are becoming increasingly difficult.

The occasional power outages make life extremely painful. Either the place where they work has closed down, or they have voluntarily resigned. After asking about the situation in the village, they did not choose to come back. After all, the extreme high temperature made it impossible for the village to start planting, but chose to find new jobs in areas with lower temperatures.

After the harvest of the batch of grain planted at the beginning of the year in the village, there was no new round of planting. Seeing the land gradually drying up, they were reluctant to water it.

Now water resources are the most precious wealth in the whole village. The village funded and the villagers worked hard to buy materials, build some sheds on the ponds and small reservoirs, or cover them with plastic sheets to reduce water evaporation. Water is also extracted from them as much as possible. In addition, the grain was harvested early and the water consumption was not large. The ponds and reservoirs in Dongxi Village were the last to dry up among the nearby villages.

By the end of June, the water level dropped at a rate that could be noticed every day. When the water could only flood the calves, the fish in it, whether grown or not, should be caught.

A lot of them were caught in the past few months, and the rest were caught by the whole village. It took less than two days. A few young people also searched for many ways to store fish on the Internet and tried them all. Anyway, the whole village was filled with the lingering smell of fish in those days. Even the cats in the village turned from being impatient at the beginning to being careless at the end when facing the fish in front of them.

After the fish were processed, the water in the pond and reservoir was almost gone, leaving only the silt with a little water and the plump snails in the silt.

It happened that the weather was too hot to go out during the day, so we could stay indoors and sleep. When the temperature dropped at night, it was just right to go out and pick up snails.

The bright moon hung in the sky, and the densely packed stars around it twinkled. The night was not dark, so bright that no other light sources were needed to walk on the road. Even so, the village committee reminded everyone to take a flashlight just in case.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, the villagers came out of their houses with flashlights. In order to make it easier to bend over and pick up snails, everyone used their brains and tied flashlights to their waists and foreheads. One by one, they walked into the silt wearing long boots, picked up the snails and threw them into the bamboo baskets around their waists.

In the next few days, there would always be snails on the villagers' tables, and they would cook them in different ways every day, trying to find the fun of life in a difficult life.

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