Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 149 Chapter 149

When the cave was powered on, Wen Zheng discussed with the electrician the possible problems that might be encountered, so most of the circuits were buried underground, and only the parts that had to be placed on the ground were treated with heat protection.

Obviously, the preventive measures taken before could not withstand the high temperature today.

Ignoring the network cables and signal cables, several electricians began to repair the wires. There were enough people in this area, so Wen Zheng did not participate. Instead, he took people to dismantle the batteries in some solar power generation equipment and planned to transport them to the cave for use.

The heat isolated by the mountain can ensure the safety of the circuits in the cave. There are enough solar power generation equipment in the village. You can try to take some fully charged batteries back for use, and leave some outside to store the electricity generated by solar energy. Rotating them can help them avoid this difficulty.

After making a decision, Wen Zheng looked at the progress of dismantling the batteries, and asked people to go back to notify more people to come. First, go back to the house where he used to live to drive out the vehicles parked in the house, and then move the batteries back.

From late at night to early morning, it took almost the entire night. The workers were sweating profusely in their already sticky clothes before they connected the circuit in the cave to the battery.

The sound of the fan and air conditioner turning on again was the most pleasant sound now. The air in the cave circulated again, and the wind drove away some of the heat.

The villagers felt that they were alive now, and did not stop their work. While Wen Zheng was busy outside with his men, the people who stayed in the cave were also cleaning up the bad situation caused by the sudden power outage.

The refrigerator in the cave lost its function after the power outage. The things placed in it were a very small amount of fresh vegetables and frozen meat. The high temperature and water loss caused the villagers to fall into confusion, and at the same time destroyed these carefully preserved and thrifty food ingredients.

The villagers who had recovered their strength ran to open the refrigerator and smelled the stench of rotting meat and fresh vegetables. The moment they saw it, they couldn't stop crying. These now extremely rare ingredients only appear on their dining table occasionally, which is a rare comfort in their difficult life.

Whenever they think that life is difficult enough, the facts tell them that it will become even more difficult.

The uncontrollable crying leaked from their throats, gradually became one, and echoed throughout the cave. However, crying became a luxury at this time. The tears that came out of the corners of the eyes had not fallen down yet, but were evaporated by the high temperature while flowing down the face, leaving a trail of tears.

After crying out the emotions in the heart, people still have to continue to live. The smelly ingredients can no longer be eaten, clean them out of the refrigerator, and throw them outside for burial. After all the cleaning was done and counted, half of the refrigerated and frozen ingredients were thrown away in vain, and the rest were not too badly deteriorated and could still be eaten.

"It would be better if all of them were dried into meat and vegetables. At that time, I thought of keeping some fresh ingredients to reward myself occasionally. Alas, I should have known not to save some food. Now, I throw away so much, it hurts."

"Who wouldn't feel bad? No one could have expected what would happen today. The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel. Forget it. Just think of all these things as we have eaten them."

The smelly ingredients were cleaned out, and the slight stench left in the cave slowly dissipated. The tense spirit that had been tense since the network was disconnected relaxed slightly, and the suppressed sleepiness came out.

The time of noon sleep was almost full of nightmares of being steamed or stewed. It was not considered sleeping at all. The villagers had not slept for almost a day and a night, and they also bore the mental and physical consumption in the process.

As if they were contagious, yawns appeared one after another. After Wen Zheng gently asked everyone to go back and rest, the villagers stopped holding on and quickly lay down to get some sleep. If they didn't sleep, it would be dawn.

We didn't sleep for too long. Everyone was thinking about the temperature of the latest day, and the dream was not very peaceful. After just three or four hours, the temperature in the cave rose rapidly, and most people woke up one after another.

Even though we saw the speed of the temperature rise on the room temperature detector, we still had some illusions, but such illusions were broken when the power was cut off again in the cave.

Today's temperature continued to break new highs, and the reconnected circuit was sacrificed again under the attack of the scorching sun.

Fortunately, there is a backup plan. The previous power switch was turned off, and the newly installed power switch last night was turned on. The important circuits in the cave were changed to connect the batteries that were brought back and fully charged, and the electrical appliances that had just stopped not long ago continued to operate.

Even if the effect of the electrical appliances is not so obvious, at least the cave will not be so hot that it will make people faint. Solar power generation equipment can play a big role. Stay still during the day to reduce physical consumption, occasionally drink some light salt water or light sugar water to maintain physical strength, get up at night to take turns to replace the battery, and eat only two meals throughout the night to reduce material consumption.

The days passed by so fast that one could hardly remember what day it was. After almost a week, the high temperature that could not be lowered even by air conditioners and fans showed its impact on the body.

During the day, sweat would flow even if one did not move. It was even more impossible not to sweat when working at night. The sweat that came out often evaporated before being wiped off, leaving white inorganic salts on the mountain.

The lack of water made them reluctant to take a shower. They could only wipe off the white powder with a cloth during their daily rest, and there would always be some residue.

Inorganic salts that stay for a long time can cause considerable damage to the skin. Large areas of skin become red, and dense red bumps appear on them. They are painful and itchy. The friction caused by wearing clothes will cause bursts of stinging and itching. I want to scratch when I feel sick, but I am afraid of scratching and causing infection.

When you feel too uncomfortable, you can only wear no clothes. Although it is a bit unsightly, men can still expose their upper bodies, while women can only find ways to wear loose clothes as much as possible. No one pays too much attention to this situation, let alone thinks too much. Their minds are almost always thinking about how to live this life.

Short sleeves, shorts, hair all cut into a crew cut, and the children only wore underpants. Even so, the private parts that couldn't be exposed slowly turned red. The feeling was so uncomfortable that it could drive people crazy.

This part of the water can no longer be saved. The mint leaves grown in the soil reserved in the cave have become a life-saving herb. They are stewed in water. Not only can you drink it, but the coolness it brings when you use it to wipe the body is very touching.

I use water to clean it. It can only be used to clean the parts that cannot be tolerated, such as arms, legs, back, feet, and neck. Any skin that can be exposed can only be wiped gently, and the red pimples will gradually form. It shriveled up and turned into pieces of rough dead skin, as ugly as dry bark, but it protected the skin inside from being destroyed.

The face was relatively well protected, but it was still so rough that people didn't want to reach out and touch it. The mirrors that were originally brought in when moving into the cave have been put away. Although you can roughly imagine your current appearance when you see others, as long as you don't see it with your own eyes, your brain can paralyze you from accepting the reality.

It's all just about surviving.

The longer these days continue, even if the body can barely hold on, the spirit will soon be unable to resist. Wen Zheng found that some villagers began to feel trance-like, irritable, depressed and other symptoms. If this continued, people would go crazy even if they did not die of heat and thirst.

Wen Zheng began to increase the daily water quota. He only asked everyone to leave the cave at night and go outside for a few laps. He also found a computer that could still be used, connected it to a hard drive with a lot of data downloaded, and hung it on the wall. Show some videos that soothe your mood and improve your willpower every morning and evening.

The villagers' mental state didn't get better, but it didn't get worse either. At least after Wen Zheng took these measures, the villagers realized something was wrong and began to actively save themselves. Cheer each other up and give psychological suggestions, take some time to play board and card games that don't require too much consumption, and say something worth being happy about today every day.

In this way, there have been more exchanges between villagers, and some villagers with serious problems have become prominent. The most serious problems are the two pregnant women in the village. Pregnancy will have an impact on their mood, not to mention the current poor conditions.

When the hot weather started and the network and signal were cut off, Wen Zheng asked the husbands of two pregnant women to take them to the hospital in the town and freed up a car for them. It happened that one of the husbands could drive. .

As a result, they did not stay there after going to the hospital, but brought the person back. Because the town also suffered a triple blow of network outage, signal outage, and power outage, the hospital's independent power supply system was also damaged. Many emergency patients failed to receive timely rescue, and the wards with power supply were seriously insufficient, and the town hospital was unable to do anything.

Now that almost a month has passed, Wen Zheng discovered that although the maximum temperature during the day has not dropped much, the temperature at night has dropped a lot, and more people go out to hang out at night. What's more, there is still electricity in the cave. After such a long time, the town hospital has most likely restored power supply. Wen Zheng once again persuaded the pregnant woman's family to agree to send her to the hospital for care.

The family of the pregnant woman was already worried about this. They insisted on giving birth to the child, and they must be worried about something happening to the pregnant woman and the child. After hearing Zheng's suggestion that they send the pregnant woman to the town, they were a little moved, but they were also a little hesitant.

After a moment of silence, the husband of one of the pregnant women finally spoke cautiously: "Going back and forth to the town is too tiring, especially since my wife is still pregnant with the child. It would be better if she waited to be admitted to the town hospital. If you don’t succeed, you have to come back. Isn’t this embarrassing?”

"What do you mean?" Wen Zheng looked at the other person's expression and asked in a calm tone.

"We have stopped practicing with the outside world for a long time. Village chief, do you think it's time to send someone to the town? Maybe there are any subsidy measures from the country in place. You should go to the town government to ask about the current policies. By the way, I asked about the status of the town hospital.”

Perhaps because Wen Zheng had no reaction, this man had the courage to speak out his inner thoughts. The husband of another pregnant woman moved his lips a few times after hearing this, but made no sound. Wen Zheng turned to look at him: "What do you think?"

The man looked at the person who spoke first, then at Wen Zheng, and reached out to hold his wife's hand: "I think it's better to send someone to the town to check the situation first. I can drive. If the village chief If someone is sent to the town, they will add my name, and I will have to check my condition in person at the town hospital before I can rest assured."

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