Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 156 Chapter 156 (1/2)

All domestic experts in locust research tried to appear in this video conference to discuss specific solutions to the locust plague.

Professor Zhou sat in front of his mobile phone to explain his ideas. The other students in the room were not idle at this time, but carried out the most basic experiments in the room according to Professor Zhou's requirements.

They found all the equipment in the room that could wrap themselves, and made a rough locust-catching net and placed it behind the door. The moment the door was opened, the locusts that stayed and did not fly away rushed in. After a few seconds of silence, they quickly closed the door.

There were already a lot of locusts in the locust-catching net. Fortunately, the wire mesh was found, otherwise the net would have been broken and bitten by the captured locusts.

The house they hid in was a warehouse for storing research materials, so there were enough metal shelves, wire mesh, and various chemical agents for locusts.

With experimental materials and experimental subjects, the simplest experiment was carried out in this warehouse.

The locust data from Caracas became insufficient when they saw this group of locusts crossing the mountains. The most accurate data should be obtained from the latest captured locusts, but there is not much time for detailed research now, only a high probability judgment.

The speed at which locusts are rampant is too fast. They don't have time to discuss a perfect method. They can only refer to the results of simple experiments and formulate an effective locust killing plan as soon as possible.

Yuguo has very rich experience in killing locusts and is at the forefront of the world. Jinliao Province encounters locust attacks every few years, and it is predicted in advance that there may be foreign locust invasions, so in addition to biological locust killing methods, a series of chemical locust killing products are also prepared.

But from the situation shown by Caracas and other countries that have suffered locust plagues, as well as the simple experiment just now, this batch of locusts has a strong resistance to chemical pesticides.

So in addition to chemical locust killing, they plan to take physical means.

The finalized locust extermination plan was quickly sorted out by the personnel who recorded the meeting and quickly passed on to the actual action troops who were waiting for orders.

After reading the plan passed on, the commander quickly changed his words and concisely assigned tasks to his teams.

The helicopter carrying locust attractants, insecticides, and antagonists immediately set off and accelerated towards the selected area along the direction of the locust flight route estimated by the technicians.

At the same time, in many areas of Jinliao Province that are on the possible flight route of locusts, most of the local residents canceled outdoor activities after receiving the government's emergency notice and hid in the room door honestly.

Zhang Yuanjun had just pulled his old father who wanted to go outside to collect clothes back, and heard his father say "the locusts are still far away from them", and his mobile phone received a call from the government department.

"Okay, I know, I'll go over and cooperate now." Zhang Yuanjun put away his mobile phone, found a military green freshman in the house that could cover his whole body, put on high rain boots, took a motorcycle helmet and lifted the heavy keys.

"Dajun, where are you going? You just told me not to go out, but now you are going to run out. Don't scare me."

"Dad, the government called just now. I went out to make contributions. There is no danger. You stay at home and wait for me to come back. Don't go out before the government declares it safe." After Zhang Yuanjun finished speaking, he rode his motorcycle and rushed to the factory he was responsible for a few miles away.

The government staff arrived at the location of the factory before him. When they saw him coming, they thanked him first, and then explained the plan that might use these factories.

Zhang Yuanjun didn't even change his face when he heard the possible consequences. He knew the consequences of allowing the locust plague to spread. Without saying a word, he opened all the factories he was responsible for and turned on the power switch to confirm that each machine could operate normally.

The helicopter carrying insecticide had arrived in front of the locusts in advance, sprinkled the pesticide on many uneaten grasses, and raised the altitude and left quickly before the locusts arrived.

The result of this attempt was indeed a failure.

It was expected, but it was inevitable to be disappointed.

The backup plan was launched.

The helicopter team carrying locust attractants was hovering over the reserved area, and the warning whistles were echoing below. Even the most daring people knew that they should not go out now. There was no one outside.

The invention of locust attractants was originally used to lure small locust plagues to the selected places, and then use pesticides to kill locusts to reduce damage to the environment.

Now it is also used to lure locusts into traps set by humans.

The helicopter team separated and sprayed locust attractants along different directions according to the orders from above to separate the extremely large number of locusts. In the case of too many locusts, the huge impact force they gathered together may destroy the set traps.

Not long after the locust attractants were sprayed, the locust plague gradually approached, and the helicopters over this area had not been completely evacuated.

Locusts gather into locust plagues because when their number reaches a certain level, they will produce more chemicals that attract them to gather. With such a large number of locusts, the locust attractants sprayed may not have a very obvious effect.

So the third helicopter team, carrying locust swarm antagonists, is waiting here.

They will bear the greatest risk of this operation.

The pilots who controlled this batch of helicopters had the best flying skills among all the dispatched personnel. Even when they saw the black hurricane roaring, they still calmly increased the altitude of the flight. And in the process of the locusts chasing, they sprayed the cluster antagonist from above on a large scale.

The personnel who were always watching the scene by live-streaming videos in all directions in the house clenched their fists nervously. If this plan failed again, all their remaining plans would have to pay a huge price.

The loud noise made by the helicopters during flight and the temptation brought by the grass sprayed with locust attractants around them made the locusts gradually lose interest in attacking the helicopter team and slowly landed on the grass to eat food.

The clenched fists slowly loosened, leaving marks on the palms.

The best result they expected appeared. The attracting effect of the locust attractant exceeded the attraction between each other that was weakened by the antagonist. It seemed that the endless black clouds finally slowly dispersed and moved in different directions.

Locusts ate the grass sprayed with locust attractants. Some of the full locusts stayed where they were, while others continued to fly until they arrived at the factory where they were patiently waiting.

Fixed places in the factory and the licorice placed there were sprayed with a large amount of locust attractants. Seeing a large number of locusts rushing into the machine in the factory, the government personnel wearing a full set of explosion-proof suits in the corner of the room door reached out and pressed the switch to start the machine.

The locusts in the machine were quickly crushed into particles by the fast-running sharp blades and transported to the barrel at the other end through the pipeline. The machines in several nearby factories started at the same time, and with the rumbling sound, batches of locusts were completely crushed.

The continuous placement of licorice sprayed with locust attractants attracted locusts to fly continuously, and then they could no longer fly.

Zhang Yuanjun, who was watching the surveillance video in the next house, took two steps excitedly. He originally thought that he was required to operate it, but in fact, all he needed to do was to open the door and explain the switch position of the machine, and then he was arranged to hide in the monitoring room.

The machines in the factory are used to crush grass, corn cobs, straw, etc. for making feed and fertilizer. I never thought that one day they would be used to crush locusts.

Multiple screens in the monitoring show the conditions of multiple factories. The newly added machines in the past two years are running smoothly, but several old machines are over-operating in the face of a large number of locusts.

There were two loud bangs, and these old machines emitted several puffs of black smoke and announced a strike.

Misfortunes never come alone. The wires outside could not withstand the destruction of locusts and broke. The screen connected to the camera in the monitoring room was completely off. Zhang Yuanjun could not see the situation in each factory, but he could analyze it through the sound outside.

At the moment of the power outage, several factories lost power and the machines stopped running.

But the government, knowing that locusts would cause power outages, would of course be prepared. They came to Zhang Yuanjun's factory with urgently requisitioned diesel generators and changed the circuit before the locusts arrived.

The moment the machine lost power, the fully armed soldiers in each factory opened another switch at the fastest speed. The electricity generated by the diesel generator supplied the machine to continue running until the diesel ran out or there were no more locusts to put into the trap.

In addition to the crushing machine, the locusts attracted to different directions by the locust attractant were lured to encounter various physical killings.

A large amount of hay with locust attractants was placed in the garbage incineration plant that had just been cleaned. When the black clouds fell and the locusts were eager to eat the licorice, a raging fire broke out in the incineration plant, directly burning the batch of locusts.

There are also frozen warehouses for storing meat products. Hay with locust attractants is placed in front of the warehouse door. The door of the warehouse is opened a few seconds after the locusts rush to the door. The locusts that cannot be stopped from rushing into the frozen warehouse cannot withstand the low temperature of dozens of degrees below zero. Their wings are too hard to fly, and they can only fall down helplessly and gradually freeze into ice.

The first attempt was successful. When the remaining surviving locust swarm flew to the next urban area, the resources urgently transported by the state arrived, and the physical killing method was continued to be used to kill the locusts.

Various physical pest control methods are used regardless of the cost, and it is necessary to control the locust plague within the scope of Jinliao Province, and resolutely prevent them from flying to other provinces to reproduce.

Fortunately, the government's hard work has not been in vain. After many days of hard work, the last batch of locusts that are about to fly to the border of Jinliao Province are already few in number. Without various physical killing methods that consume a lot of energy, the group of locusts can be completely eliminated by relying on chickens and ducks raised by local residents.

The news that locusts were successfully controlled in Jinliao Province was announced. There was a cheer in the country at first, and then people began to care about the losses suffered by Jinliao Province in this locust plague.

Even if the government tried its best to warn as soon as possible, there were still people who were outside when the locust plague came, or did not close the doors and windows of the house properly, and there were also poor quality and unreinforced windows. They were attacked by locusts, injured or even died due to untimely treatment.

A large amount of grassland was eaten into a yellow emperor, and there were many scattered locusts in the bare land, which needed to be dealt with by local residents bit by bit. It takes a lot of time for these pastures and crops to return to their original state, and this year's famine is inevitable.

The most serious thing is that locusts may lay eggs wherever they fly. In order to avoid the next locust plague directly breaking out in the local area, the areas where locusts fly must be carefully cleared and killed to completely eradicate the possibility of recurrence of locust plague.

The economic losses are even greater. When the locusts came, they not only ate plants, but also everything they could chew. Some wooden houses were gnawed into dangerous buildings. The government has temporarily requisitioned crushing machinery plants, incinerators, freezers, etc. to solve the locust plague. These losses are all compensated by the government. The total amount is not a small amount.

The local residents looked at the land destroyed by locusts and wanted to cry without tears. They felt extremely sad. Jinliao Province has made efforts to eliminate locusts for many years, so that there has been no large-scale locust plague in the local area in recent years.

After the power and network were restored, photos and videos were quickly spread in the media. The desolate land was still covered with scattered locusts. The faces of the people who were cleaning up these locusts were full of numbness after extreme sadness, and their limbs moved mechanically.

This locust plague spread from neighboring countries. It was a completely unprovoked disaster. But when they want to resent the country across the mountains, or Caracas, the origin of this locust plague, they will remember the miserable conditions of these countries in international news.

At least they controlled the locust plague with the help of the country, and they also had the help of brothers and sisters in other provinces. The countries that could complain were all devoured, locusts were still rampant, people were hungry and displaced, and the small country of Caracas was even about to face extinction.

What else can you complain about?

Humans are inevitably powerless when facing natural disasters.

After this unprecedented giant locust plague, the Jinliao Provincial Government distributed the reserved food to supply the normal life of the residents in the province.

There were several waves of small locusts flying over the mountains. Every time, the entire Jinliao Province and several surrounding provinces were on high alert and prepared for the worst. Fortunately, they saw that they were small batches of locusts flying, and they had experience and were quickly solved.

After several emergency preparations, Yu State finally entered winter. After a cold wind, the temperature in Jinliao Province dropped sharply, and the mountains in front of the neighboring countries also lowered the temperature. Perhaps the locusts felt the coldness of Yu State and finally stopped flying thousands of miles from the neighboring countries.

The risk of locust plague in Jinliao Province has been reduced. Volunteer teams from other provinces that have been prepared for support have set off with a large amount of fresh vegetables and this year's newly harvested grains and sent them to the areas affected by locust plague in Jinliao Province.

The convoy with red banners on the body of the car drove into Kangtai County, Jinliao Province. The volunteers sitting in the car got off the door and saw the dense black locusts on the land at first sight.

"Oh, it's more uncomfortable to see these locusts in person than in the photos. I am suffering from intensive phobia."

"You come to be a volunteer even if you have intensive phobia?"

"Isn't this trying to fight poison with poison? You get used to it after seeing it more. These locusts are really big. They look like two different species from the grasshoppers over there. It's hard for them to fly over the mountains."

Several volunteers chatted for a while, and when they saw the local people who were supposed to meet them coming, they shut up, opened the door of the car and moved the vegetables and grains inside. After a busy day, they were taken to a local's house for dinner. On the way, they met someone who let his own ducks go to the field to eat locusts.

After entering the house, I saw that the buckets in the yard were full of locusts, which made me feel a little scalp numb.

The leader of the volunteer team asked during dinner: "Uncle, I saw on the news that a large number of locusts were killed this time, and we are going to build a locust feed processing plant and a locust feed processing plant?"

"Yes, the land outside our county has already been built. I will take you to see it after dinner."

After the locust plague, the losses caused cannot be reduced, and we can only try to make up for it. The locusts in the locust plague are toxic, and chickens and ducks may have diarrhea and excrete them after eating them. The main purpose is to kill locusts. People cannot eat these locusts, but it costs a lot to deal with such a large number of locust corpses. It is better to turn waste into treasure, process them into feed and feed, and then continue to use them.

Moreover, these processing machines can also become physical stranglers that can be used during the locust plague, but everyone hopes that this function will never come in handy.

With the help of the country and the people of other provinces, the disaster situation in Jinliao Province is slowly improving.

However, the locust plague is still spreading around the world. Yu State is the only country that has controlled the disaster so far after encountering this locust plague. It has both favorable weather and geographical conditions, but it is more controlled by manpower.

Yu State is willing to share its own experience in strangling locusts. It sounds easy, but the key role is the locust attractant that can not be offset by the locust aggregation antagonist. This locust attractant is a drug developed by Yu State itself, and an international patent has been applied for.

However, foreign countries mostly use locust attractants and pesticides together to ensure that the effects of these two drugs will not offset each other. Therefore, the locust attractants produced by other countries are purchased and used to simulate the substance secreted by locust aggregation, so they will be offset with antagonists.

The core ingredients are different. Until now, everyone has noticed the difference in the locust attractant invented by Yu State and seen the different results caused by this difference.

In response to the requests of countries suffering from locust plagues, Yu State decisively decided to share the formula of the new locust attractant. If the locust plague in other countries cannot be controlled, Jinliao Province may suffer from the disaster of locust plague again after this winter.

Not only did they provide locust attractants, but when a country that had good relations with Yu State also suffered from a locust plague, it was too embarrassed to ask for help from the international community after seeking international help but not getting much help. As a result, Yu State not only sent a team to help kill the locusts, but also sent a batch of supplies.

These actions won a lot of praise for Yu State internationally.

Everything seemed to be moving in a good direction. Wen Zheng, the only one who could be sure that the disaster would not stop here, was now buried in the laboratory, following Teacher Zhou and his brothers and sisters to conduct research on the mutant locusts.

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