Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 160 Chapter 160

The insect plague that broke out in many areas is indeed extremely scary, but after hearing the news, the residents around them checked their houses anxiously and gradually determined that the outbreaks of these insect plagues were confined to one place, usually in a community or a school.

The largest area should be in multiple areas of Jinliao Province where mole crickets and cutworms were encountered.

So far, no one has linked these places together.

Some people thought of the locust plague that ended in China not long ago, but later verified that the commonly used pesticides could not kill these rampant insects, unlike the mutant locusts, which have drug resistance, so they threw away this idea.

After the initial panic, the country quickly paid attention to the fierce insect plague in various places, and soon held an emergency meeting to formulate a spring insect breeding and spread control plan. The plan involved the participation of top domestic biological research experts and proposed targeted solutions for the types of insect plagues currently breaking out.

The Agricultural Bureau, Urban Construction Bureau and other relevant departments have temporarily postponed the rest of their work since the outbreak of the insect plague, and have been engaged in the battle with harmful insects. They go out early and come back late every day, and are so tired that they fall asleep as soon as they get home.

According to the newly distributed guidance plan, they changed the way to deal with insect plagues. The effect will not be seen in just a few days, but at least the efficiency has been improved.

First, deal with the insects that have become a disaster in the residential area, and then thoroughly spray all houses and surrounding areas to kill them. The furniture, clothes, etc. in the residents' homes need to be treated, and the smell of insecticides can't be dissipated for a long time.

The places where the rampant insects can be found nearby are not only sprayed with insecticides, but the indoor furniture and clothes are burned after obtaining the consent of the owner, or preserved and taken away for expert research. Most of the outdoor furniture is directly dug up and burned, and a small part is also sent for research.

The cause of the insect plague must be found as soon as possible.

This environment does not meet the conditions for these insects to reproduce in large numbers. Many relevant research experts want to find out the cause, and many people fly directly to the site of the insect plague to check it out.

The affected residents also had to move out of their homes again with almost nothing. Hundreds and thousands of people do not have other places to live. The government found them places to live, but the residents need to pay for it.

Finally they were able to go home, but they still bought various insecticides to take home. The scene of the room full of insects could not be dispelled from their minds. Those who had money would just change their homes, while those who had no money would spray it every morning and afternoon when they went out, and go out for a walk when they just finished spraying, and wait until the smell was almost gone before going back.

The insecticides around were all sold out. Before the supermarkets around them received stocks, they had to buy them online, or go to a farther place to buy them.

Regardless of the purchase channel, because of the outbreak of insect plague, some places that had not yet broken out were worried about buying some insecticides to take home, so the price of insecticides rose a lot.

Think about the house after the insects, clean the house, throw away the furniture and clothes contaminated by insects, and the huge amount of insecticides. The added consumption made these unfortunate residents dare not think too much.

It hurts to think about it.

But no matter how uncomfortable they are in their hearts, it is not more uncomfortable than the people of Jinliao Province.

Seeing the crops that had grown with great difficulty destroyed, especially the farmers who relied on farming for their livelihood, they almost wanted to die.

When the outbreak first broke out, the government sent a lot of people to help solve the problem, but there were too many mole crickets and cutworms. By the time the problem was solved, the roots of the crops in the fields had all gone and they could not survive. One by one, the farmers cried and pulled the crops that looked green out of the fields.

The only consolation was that the large number of chickens and ducks raised by locusts could eat their fill every day, without having to buy extra feed, and they could earn some income after selling the chickens and ducks.

The state allocated them a disaster relief fund. Jinliao Province had suffered too many disasters during the period before and after the New Year.

The people affected by the disaster suffered hardship, and many relevant government departments in those areas that suffered from insect disasters were held accountable for not discovering them in time, and some places even underwent a major change of personnel.

Governments in areas that have not suffered from insect plagues have taken this as a warning and started to take insect plagues that they did not take seriously in the past. They have carried out popular science propaganda on harmful insects that are easy to reproduce in large numbers during this period. The public is interested in this, and official accounts are always more trustworthy than those that attract traffic.

Not only in China, but also in many places abroad, insect plagues have occurred, even in countries that have never suffered from locust plagues before.

The news spread from abroad to China and appeared in the hot spots many times. Most people would click in to see the same thing.

For insect plagues that have occurred in many places around the world, everyone was still a little concerned, but many rational people stood up and said that they were more sensitive to such news because of insect plagues in China.

If you really count them, countries that have suffered serious damage from locust plagues have put all their energy on locust extermination. People can't even fill their stomachs, so it is difficult for them to have the energy to pay attention to other insects, and insect plagues are not uncommon.

As for some countries that have not suffered from locust plagues but are experiencing the infestation of other insects, you only need to search for related news and you will find that there have been news of such disasters in the past. There is no need to link all these things together.

Many insect research experts noticed something was wrong, but they could not find enough reasons to link these insect disasters together. Even if they reported the information to the country, it did not attract enough attention. The country would not announce such speculation that would cause panic to the public before the matter was confirmed.

Ordinary people did not realize that the disaster was approaching quietly, but after experiencing the bombardment of various news, many people inevitably cared about the insects around them, and would pay more attention to insects when they had nothing to do.

Sometimes someone took a photo of an insect that was too many to be right, and sent the photo to ask for information. The relevant government departments would not pretend not to see it, but asked for more photos. If it was really wrong, they would go to the site with pesticides.

As a result, some people really forged it. Few people sent photos to the authorities, and more were unscrupulous self-media clamoring to release some false photos and videos, saying that they had an insect disaster.

Most ordinary netizens went to the official account to check the authenticity of the photos, and when the government confirmed that they were fake, they punished them for spreading rumors and blocked the account.

In this state of collective control of the insect infestation, everyone's life was as peaceful as usual for two months.

Until the temperature got hotter and hotter, the enthusiasm for insects decreased. People put aside their interest in insects in the irritable midsummer, and the local governments relaxed their continuous insect prevention work. No one realized that the disaster was approaching quietly.

When people realized something was wrong, it was too late.

When they were found, the ground beetles were sharing birds, the mantises were killing other small insects including grasshoppers, and the groups of water lice were fiercely preying on swimming fish. When they were found, the predation between animals was often just seen as a rare thing. When they saw the mantis killing grasshoppers, they would applaud.

But more human-related events happened and people couldn't ignore them.

No matter how much prevention, cockroaches can still enter the house from various gaps and even sewer pipes, fleas that make people itch all over and cause eczema on the skin, killer wasps that attack not only bees but also humans, red fire ants that bite legs and feet when working in the fields, and various red bumps all over the body from unknown insects that want to run to the woods and rivers to escape the heat in the hot late summer.

Hospitals have been welcoming more and more patients injured by insects. Doctors in related departments are always called back to the hospital by emergency calls after they finally get off work. Cases of death caused by insects have begun to become hot searches, and people have tried hard to remember the identification of related insects and the knowledge of emergency treatment after being attacked.

Ordinary people may not be able to get accurate statistics, but some people in the hospital can see the number of deaths caused by insects gradually climbing since the beginning of summer this year. Before the summer is over, the data is already more than a hundred times that of previous years.

A data from a provincial hospital was published on the Internet. After seeing the death toll and the comparison with the data of previous years, people who felt something was wrong around them completely panicked at this moment.

All over the country, especially in places where news about people dying from insects has recently been reported, they are purchasing various insecticides after the initial fear. The shelves that have been rarely visited since the beginning of summer have become empty in just half a day. People frequently walk into small shops on the roadside, but after receiving the reply that they are sold out, they rush to the next place.

Even in the hottest weather, people try to cover their bodies, especially the parts below the legs that are easy to come into contact with insects. Shorts and skirts are rarely seen on people. Many people even protect their upper bodies, including their faces, with helmets and hats.

People dare not easily touch the grass where there are more insects. Fewer people are playing with their mobile phones while walking. When walking on the road, they look around and listen to all directions. When they see flying insects such as bees and wasps, they avoid them from a distance. If they can buy insecticides, they try to carry a bottle with them. The selling price of insecticides is rising steadily.

Human fear of insects may have risen to the highest point in the past few hundred years. There are also those who have lost their relatives and friends to insects. They used to think that it was their own bad luck. After seeing the extremely high mortality rate, they realized that something was wrong and asked the government to give an explanation.

Governments in various places have just received reports from hospitals and other departments that there are abnormal insects. When they just started to investigate and were still uncertain, the hospital data was leaked, catching them off guard.

Faced with the questioning of the deceased's family members, the panicked people, and the various insects that were indeed in a wrong state, the government staff in various places were completely overwhelmed. Every question could not be informed to the public until it was answered. Now all we can do is to inform everyone that an investigation is underway.

Such remarks could not satisfy the people's demands at all. Even if many people did not have relevant professional knowledge, they would always come up with their own unfounded speculations and spread them.

Just as people's speculations about the reasons increased day by day, the comments on the Internet began to be quietly directed to the new locust killer as the cause of the insect abnormality.

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