Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 162 Chapter 162 (1/2)

The cultivation method does not work in this world, but Wen Zheng still runs two laps and does boxing exercises every morning when he is free to exercise. Otherwise, his neck and waist will be damaged if he does research in the house every day.

In the previous research institute, there were not many people around when Wen Zheng was exercising. It was his brothers and sisters who were interested at the beginning, but they could not persist after two days, and finally Wen Zheng was left alone.

When he came to the National Research Institute, Wen Zheng found that there were quite a lot of teachers exercising here. They all liked to do it on the playground. Occasionally, Wen Zheng would follow a few older teachers to practice Tai Chi. After the exercise, they went to the cafeteria for breakfast and discussed their ideas with each other on the way.

The research team for insect mutation is not only composed of insect research experts, but also animals, plants, microorganisms, etc. As long as they can be used, all of them will participate in it, hoping to find a solution as soon as possible.

When eating in the cafeteria, people from different research directions will sit in one place and discuss ideas immediately when they have ideas. Some study pesticides, some study biological pest control, and some explore the effects of plants on mutant insects.

These studies are all related. Sometimes the voices are a little loud, and researchers from other fields will speak out their ideas after hearing them. Sometimes they throw down their chopsticks and run back before eating.

Wen Zheng can learn a lot by listening every day.

After the New Year, the time when insects are active is not far away. Although everyone does not say it, they are actually a little impatient in their hearts. They silently extend the time in the laboratory, hoping to get useful results as soon as possible.

This is the spring of the second year since the disaster.

The earth thaws, everything revives, and the insects that hibernate to avoid the cold slowly begin to wake up. People who are mentally prepared are ready to face more difficult challenges.

The borers in the rice fields are pecked by ducks one by one, and the aphids in the vegetable fields are faced with a team of chickens.

The insect traps and insect nets turned on outdoors at night can always attract a lot of phototactic insects into the traps, and they are all full in the morning. After manually removing these insects, the corpses cannot be discarded at will, as everyone knows that this will lead to the reproduction of more mutant insects.

All the bodies of mutant insects must be sent to a special sealed trash can, which will start to crush them immediately after being thrown in to prevent living insects from being inside.

There are many insects thrown in every day, so someone will collect them every half a day and transport them to newly built insect processing points in various places for further processing, and finally make them into fertilizer or feed.

Cats and dogs are trained to be interested in insects as much as possible. Bird nests are built under the eaves of the house to attract birds to live and let them prey on insects diligently every day.

These measures worked in the early spring, but as time goes by, the time of insects seems to increase exponentially every day, and no matter how strict the protection is, there will always be insects that slip through the net.

Wen Zheng also began to find some insects in the building of the research institute, and repeatedly confirmed that it was not the research samples that ran out, but the mutant insects that ran in from outside.

These insects are likely to affect their experimental results, so these research buildings are top priorities, and someone pays special attention to the protection of insects every day.

Therefore, when insects appear in the research building, it means that the situation has become bad to a certain extent.

Picking up the insects behind the door through a tissue, Wen Zheng began to consider whether to use the inspiration stimulant again.

He believed that humans can always rely on their own abilities to imagine solutions, but sometimes they think of solutions too late and it is too late to save them, but there is still time for research.

Wen Zheng did not dwell on it for too long. The next day, he learned that there was the latest progress in plant research. They found several plants that mutant insects hate, and are now studying how these plants can play the greatest role and how long they can last.

The plant team has obtained a research direction that is likely to succeed, but other teams cannot relax. It is not certain whether it will succeed until the end, but this good news has somewhat eased the atmosphere in the institute.

Whenever these researchers are immersed in research, they always ignore the outside world and the situation that is not related to the research. As long as the others are concerned about the importance of their research, they will not disturb them with irrelevant things.

As time goes by, no matter how careful they are, mutant insects have basically appeared in all regions around the world except the coldest ones.

When they are discovered, the number of hidden insects is definitely more than the number seen by people, and it is actually out of control. Especially in places with vast land and sparse population, insects are multiplying wantonly.

These places have just begun to face the arrival of insect plagues, but some countries have been driven to the brink of extinction by insect plagues.

It has been nearly two years since the locust plague broke out. As the first places where the locust plague raged, Caracas and several small countries around it finally could not continue to hold on.

The food had long been devoured by locusts, and the stored food had been almost consumed in more than a year. Being in the tropics, there is no winter all year round, and the temperature has always been active for insects. The rampant mutant insects make it difficult to cultivate the fields, crops cannot be harvested, and a large number of plants are devoured.

The insect mutation rate in Caracas and surrounding countries is much faster than that in Yu State, and even mosquitoes and flies are suspected to have mutated.

On this ordinary day, Caracas and five surrounding countries simultaneously declared their demise. From then on, this day and these countries were recorded in history books. These were the first countries to declare their demise due to insect plagues.

After the country was declared extinct, capable people had already left their homeland for other countries, some were reluctant to leave, and there were more ordinary people who had finally survived who were at a loss to face the fact of losing their homeland, not knowing which direction their life would go.

Faced with the plight of the people in Caracas and other places, many countries extended a helping hand to them, allowing them to come and live with special identities, and to obtain the life of their own citizens after meeting certain conditions.

Yu State was one of them.

This decision also caused heated discussions in China.

"We haven't solved the problem of insects in our country, so why are we still helping people in other places? Can't we use this time to quickly research a solution to the insect plague?"

"Why should we help the country of Caracas? The insect plague was originally caused by the mutated locusts in Caracas. Who knows if this country secretly conducted some experiments that caused the locusts to mutate."

"Maybe the locusts mutated themselves. Gene mutations are not uncommon. What is the difference between your attitude towards Caracas now and the attitude of other countries towards us when they doubted the problem of locust killers?"

"After the country is destroyed, they will be stateless. The country will be occupied by insects. If no one helps, they really can't survive. .”

“Have you read the report published by the country at that time? Those mutant insects have a new gene. It is not caused by simple mutation. The probability of human intervention is very high.”

“What does this have to do with civilians? Do you usually come into contact with research in this area? Besides, there is nothing to worry about with the country’s approval. As long as it is a decision made by the country, I will support it.”

“I just hope that when we bring people back, we must not bring insects back. If insects that do not exist in our country mutate, biological invasion is not a joke.”

After a few days of arguing in the country, the majority overwhelmed the minority in the end. Those who supported the country’s decision prevailed and were no longer so resistant to the arrival of those people.

These poor homeless people must make a choice if they want to continue to live, whether to leave their homeland that they cannot save and go to a strange country to live.

In Califonia, there are all kinds of insects and no green land. There are only dilapidated buildings and panicked people inside.

Boris, a nearly 60-year-old uncle, never thought that the country of California would die before him. His wife was hit by the locust plague last year and died, leaving only him and his son Barney to depend on each other.

But after persisting for so many days, he only got the result of having to leave his homeland. Boris sighed for a long time, looked up at the endless insects in the house, went to the door of his son's room and knocked twice.

"Barney, today is the last day to fill in the application. Which country do you want to live in?"

Since losing his job last year and his mother died of the locust plague, his son Barney has become taciturn, but Boris doesn't know how to make his son better.

Boris's question was not answered for a long time. He sighed again and wanted to fill in the application himself, but he heard his son Barney in the house finally speak: "Dad, I want to go to Yuguo."

"Okay Barney, we will go to Yuguo, and Dad will fill in the list now." Boris replied excitedly, and after the son's room was quiet again, he walked out of the door quickly to fill in the application form.

Many people in Caracas waited until the last day to fill in the form, as if they were still Caracas if they didn't apply.

But time finally came to the last day. Some people hadn't made a decision yet and kept asking others which country they applied for. When they heard Boris choose Yu, they expressed their disapproval.

For them, Yu, which had a case before, was just a better choice than Kalan. The attack of Kalan citizens proved their country's disgust with the country that caused the insect plague.

It used to be Yu, and now it's Caracas.

They don't have a country behind them now, and even if they do, they won't support them as strongly as Yu.

As for Yu, the Caracas' mood is more complicated. It's because the conclusion of Yu's research proved that Caracas is the source of insect mutation. Even if this is true, there will still be some discomfort.

Considering that the insect plague in Yu is also very serious, the language of Yu is difficult to learn, and the nationality of Yu is difficult to obtain, the number of people who choose Yu is only higher than Kalan.

But no matter what others said, they could not convince Boris. "Barney chose to go to Yu Country."

Everyone knew that his son Barney was Boris' only relative, so they silently swallowed the words of persuasion and wished the two of them a smooth life in Yu Country.

The filled-in application will be submitted to the country they applied to, and usually it will be approved without major problems. In the end, there were thirteen Calicans who chose Yu Country and were approved.

While they were waiting for the date to leave for Yu Country, the latest big news appeared. Yu Country has developed a new spray material, which can effectively prevent insect invasion after being applied on the wall. It is toxic to touch when it is not dry. After it dries, as long as you don't touch it for a long time and wash your hands frequently, there will be no problem.

Although according to the statement of Yu Country, the material is still under testing and needs to be improved.

But according to the video released, in a room, one wall was sprayed, and the other three walls were not treated. The mutant insects were placed in front of the wall coated with the insect-proof layer. After the mutant insects were out of control, they quickly fled away from the wall. The insect-proof effect was very obvious.

If this drug had been developed earlier...

Boris couldn't help thinking after seeing the news, but he didn't dare to think about it. It's too late for Caracas now, but it's not too late for them. When they arrive in Yuguo, they should be able to buy this insect-proof paint and live a life without insects every day.

Yuguo's research on mutant insects is really fast, step by step, and it has been ahead of other countries several times, which has put researchers in other countries under a lot of pressure.

The latest test video released has given ordinary Yuguo people new hope for life. Such a devastating day will not last too long. Some people's mental state is slowly changing for the better.

The people of other countries are both shocked and envious, and many people blame their own researchers for not having developed it yet.

Among the people in the five regions including Gary, those who chose to go to Yu were as excited as if they had won the lottery. Those who did not choose Yu were too late to regret it. They wanted to reapply but no longer had that chance.

On the day of leaving, everyone was in a low mood. Boris and his son Barney packed all their belongings in a worn-out suitcase, waved away the insects waving in front of them, and walked out of the room where they had lived for decades.

The two rushed to the airport in Gary, where all the people going to Yu had gathered. Before the plane arrived, they had to wash their bodies again and change their clothes. The luggage they carried with them also had to be processed to ensure that no insects or insect eggs would be carried to Yu.

All of them had experienced insect disasters, and no one objected to this. After washing, they all wore the new clothes provided, stood outside the glass and watched the staff check their luggage, and finally threw it into the machine for sterilization and disinfection, and then put it in a new box for storage.

Even though Boris and Barney had packed their luggage well before departure, they still caught two bugs and some eggs. Others also had some in their luggage. There were too many bugs here.

The one with the most secretive bugs was a young man named Mander, who was also from Canada, but Boris didn't know him. He had a watch with a pointer that couldn't move on his hand. It was said that it was left to him by his father before he died. After the staff disassembled it, they found a lot of bug eggs inside.

Mander said he didn't know, but even Boris was a little suspicious in his heart, and even secretly complained why Mander didn't check his watch before leaving. The atmosphere was a little tense for a while, and everyone held their hands tightly, waiting for the final verdict.

In the end, the staff sent by Yu State still let Mander board the plane, which made the rest of the people feel relieved.

Fortunately, this episode did not affect their boarding.

The plane started, and the huge noise shook away a large number of insects around. Even if a small number of insects were caught in the engine, they would face the cutting of the fan and compressor, which would not have any impact on the flight. Once the plane reaches a high enough altitude, insects will have no chance to catch up.

The people sitting in the plane are getting more nervous, full of worries and expectations for their new life.

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