Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 165 Chapter 165 (1/2)

"Is the convoy transporting supplies coming?"

"We have run out of toilet paper at home. Is there any neighbor who has extra to borrow? I will return it as soon as it is delivered."

"I heard that the newly delivered supplies include water purification equipment. Is it true or false? I don't know how much the quantity is. Today, the water flowing out of the water pipes in my house has obvious insect eggs."

"I read on the Internet that they seem to be sending chickens and baby birds, but I don't know if this is reliable."

At the beginning of autumn, people can still move outside if they are well protected. However, in late autumn, the number of insects after breeding increases several times, and their behavior becomes more rampant, making it difficult for people to move outdoors.

In the south, where the seasons are warm and there are more types and numbers of insects, the situation has become so serious that insects are trapped in houses, and they will be attacked by insects as soon as they go out.

The days spent in the room are boring and panicky, and daily work and production are forced to stop. It is rare for adult insects to enter a house painted with insect-proof paint, but the eggs will not move on their own and will not move away. They will still enter the room through various pipes. If not treated properly, they will hatch in the room.

This puts a lot of pressure on people trapped inside.

Fingers were tapping on the mobile phone, and the unique whistle of vehicles transporting supplies sounded outside the window. There was no movement in the chat group that was rapidly refreshing messages, and every household opened the curtains of the room.

Through the bright glass windows, you can see vehicles painted with insect repellent coating moving along roads crawling with insects.

The mutated insects hurried away after smelling the insect-proof coating, and fled to both sides of the road at high speeds. The slow ones continued to lie on the road, being crushed into mud by the tires of the convoy.

When the vehicles moved away from a certain distance, the smellless insects crawled back to occupy the road again. Many of them crowded next to the crushed and bloody insects, and then dispersed after devouring the flesh and even the shells. Come.

Even if we know that insects are not intelligent, humans will shudder every time they see such a scene.

People living on both sides of the road tried hard to control their eyes on the vehicles transporting supplies. They changed the windows they looked out of inside the house, and even found out the binoculars they had bought for fun before. Their eyes were fixed on a large truck arriving in front of their community.

Volunteers who voluntarily signed up in the community were already waiting in the property office. After the car stopped inside the community, the volunteers wore thick anti-insect clothing and contacted the personnel delivering supplies.

The delivery crew wore the same outfit.

Wearing your own clothes underneath, with a helmet and mask on your head, you wrap your whole body tightly to allow your body to absorb the toxicity of the anti-insect drugs, and then put on anti-insect clothing on the outside.

The insect-proof clothing itself is made of airtight and lightweight materials, but the outer layer is coated with a sufficient amount of insect-proof coating. They solidify on the surface of clothing, providing protection while also bringing enough weight, like a pair of armor.

The entrances to each building in the community were closed. After the volunteers completed the contact, they took the vehicles to each building in order. After the supplies are delivered to the corridor, the person in charge of the building will distribute them to everyone.

Residents in each building have been waiting impatiently. First, those on the ground floor went down to get them. By the time those on the middle floor went down, those still waiting on the upper floors had already seen the pictures of various supplies distributed in the group.

It contains the scarce supplies they designated to purchase, as well as materials for making their own water filtration equipment, as well as a pamphlet with production methods. More importantly, there is also a hand that can hold up chicks and baby birds that will be able to run.

Nowadays, almost every household has birds, and they don’t need to be fed by you. The insects outside can keep them full every day. All they need to do every day is to provide drinking water and clean the house.

Modern houses basically have their own balconies. In the past, balconies were used to grow flowers and plants, but now they are used to raise birds and vegetables that have been treated with insect eggs. Some of the insect egg-free soil we obtained before has been used up, and we still use water for soilless cultivation of vegetables.

Water that has been filtered multiple times and then boiled is supplied for daily use. The vegetables grown can barely meet the demand for food. Food and meat require supplies sent by the government every few days. Occasionally, insect eggs that are left to hatch in the house, They are caught by chickens and birds that are kept before they reach the breeding stage.

Very few people dare to try to eat the huge number of insects outside. Only animals raised at home will prey on them. Maybe they will wait until the day there is no food to eat before eating these strangely mutated insects.

While people are maintaining normal lives, scientific research institutions around the world are busy researching insecticide drugs that can be used on plants, convenient oxygen-producing equipment, and insecticide drugs that can eliminate mutated insects.

All insecticides that have been researched have been used experimentally, and they often only have some effect when used for the first time. However, the mutant insects are too adaptable to insecticides.

Often not many are eliminated, and the remaining insects have the ability to resist, and then the eliminated insects are replenished through reproduction.

Countless insecticides are sprayed all over the world, but the final result is to promote the mutation of insects, which does not help at all to solve the most fundamental problem.

Countless insects occupied the unprotected soil, and the plants rooted in the ground were devoured by insects at an unimaginable speed. Many plants did not have time to bloom and bear fruit, and the roots were damaged by insects before they sprinkled seeds that could usher in new life into the soil, and lost all vitality.

Even if you are lucky enough to leave seeds, what can you do? Before the day of germination, they will become food in the mouths of insects.

Even animals will suffer from the sharp teeth of mutant insects, especially those injured in the wild. Even protected animals will inevitably be eaten by insects. The remaining animals that can still protect themselves from insects will also face the dilemma of increasing food shortages.

Humans have long been unable to take care of themselves and are unable to provide more help to these animals and plants, watching the world become lively and depressed.

When winter comes, most of the mutant insects choose to hibernate, and the unbearable liveliness will go away, leaving this world where the number of other species has dropped to one-third.

People in Yu State and several nearby countries have ushered in a rare respite.

But some countries and regions on this planet are facing a warm and humid season suitable for insect survival.

Kalan is experiencing the spring season for their country. The insect repellent they developed has been mass-produced, and the effect is not much different from the insect repellent coating developed by Yu, but the order they provide is completely different.

For those countries that have bad relations with Yu and are on good terms with Kalan, the government is waiting for Kalan to develop results under the pressure of the domestic people. When Kalan finally develops it, the situation in their country can no longer allow them to wait, so the pressure comes to Kalan.

Kalan wants to use insect repellent to exchange for the required resources, so naturally it cannot let the friendly countries wait too long, so most of the insect repellent produced first is provided to other countries for interest exchange, and the rest is given to powerful people in the country.

The same is true for those countries that trade with Kalan, and the number of insect repellents obtained by the country is insufficient. Countries that refuse to buy insect repellent coatings because of dissatisfaction with Yu and are unable to develop independently have already put the people below the interests.

The governments of these countries received the insect repellent sent by Kalan and made the same decision as the Kalan government. Only those with power can get it first, and the number distributed to civilians is very small.

The disaster caused by the insect mutation has been two years, and ordinary protective measures have no way. So the people can only wait helplessly at home in the face of the surging insects, or try their best to seek help on the Internet.

Many people posted videos of themselves facing insect disasters on the Internet, but those complaining about the government will be deleted soon. Even if they want to protest, it is difficult to travel in the face of the surging insects in spring, and there is no way to go.

It is difficult to go out, and the only way to vent is on the Internet.

The most difficult Yu people stay in the room to grow vegetables and raise birds, but people in some countries have been so difficult that they have to eat those mutated insects to fill their stomachs. The voices of protest are getting louder and louder. Even if they delete the account, people can always find a way to post it again.

These small voices gradually condense into a thick river until the tragedy really happens in this world.

People who lack food and have to swallow mutated insects for a living choose to drive to other areas to seek opportunities for survival. However, without the protection of insect repellent, vehicles will be surrounded by insects as soon as they go out.

Even if the vehicle speeds up and rushes out, countless moths with wings that can fly will fly towards the moving vehicle, densely lying on the glass in front of the vehicle, completely blocking the driver's vision.

In this case, the car accident occurred, the vehicle rushed out of the road, hit the trees on the roadside, and turned on the ground along with the trees that were eaten and withered by insects.

The glass shattered on the stone, and the injured but still alive people inside, although afraid of the insects outside, could only choose to get out of the dangerous vehicle first.

However, before they completely got out, or even opened the car door, insects entered through the broken window glass. They crawled to the wounds of the injured who could not move, easily tore open the blood-soaked clothes with their sharp teeth, began to suck the blood, and even began to gnaw on the flesh.

The number of insects sent in increased. At first, the wounded tried desperately to drive away the insects, but the blood that kept flowing, the numbing pain, and the gradually disappearing physical strength made them gradually fall into despair and finally give up the powerless resistance.

In the last moments of their lives waiting for death, they took out their mobile phones and broadcast a farewell live broadcast.

They used this method to let people remember them, and used their own painful experiences to warn people how cruel these mutant insects were, so that more people would not encounter such desperate experiences as them.

This live broadcast had a huge impact worldwide, and countless people cried for it. They seemed to see their final result. After the sadness, panic and deep anger rushed out.

When enough people became angry, the power was extremely powerful, and countless rivers gradually converged into the ocean.

The control on the Internet lost its effect, and countless accusations against the government broke out directly. The network collapsed. When it was finally repaired, those photos and videos that had been deleted and blocked reappeared, which increased the wind and set off a huge wave.

No matter how tight the barrier is, it will be shaky and begin to show small cracks under such an impact. If it continues like this, it will eventually break.

The countries where internal conflicts broke out gradually realized the seriousness of the problem. They wanted to direct the target of hatred to Yu Country and even other countries watching.

The netizens of Yu Country who were watching the excitement would not let others put the pot on their heads easily. Just when everyone rolled up their sleeves and rubbed their hands to fight back against public opinion, the Internet technology talents in China appeared and directly persuaded the compatriots of Yu Country to order more dishes and raise birds when they have time. They are responsible for the war on the Internet.

There are more Internet technicians in other countries who will not accept such simple guidance, but prefer to dig out the truth from under heavy protection.

Finally, it was directly announced on the Internet where the insect repellent produced by Kalan Country has been distributed so far, as well as the completed formula of the insect repellent. Since the insect repellent produced by the country is unwilling to be distributed to ordinary people, then they will make it themselves with the formula.

There was a chaos on the global Internet. Yu State did not participate too much in it. After Kalan's insect repellent formula was announced, it took the initiative to announce the formula of insect repellent coating.

People who did not receive insect repellent can refer to the two formulas based on the materials they have. As long as they can make a medicine with a little insect repellent effect, it will be enough to bring more survival opportunities.

The main force of the Internet condemnation began to be busy looking for materials to make insect repellent. The battle on the Internet gradually subsided, but the disappointment with the country was so obvious that there was no need to waste words. Some regions even wanted to secede from the country.

Kalan and other countries also wanted to restore the image of the government and began to announce a series of measures to be implemented.

Including the construction of strict insect-proof cities in many cities in the country, which can be designed to achieve self-sufficiency in the city and keep mutant insects out.

At the same time, troops will be sent to rescue trapped citizens all over the country. Citizens will be rescued to the nearest city and can obtain the qualification to live in the new city first based on their contribution to the construction of the new city.

Such a move caused a lot of discussion in those countries, and the people of Yu, who were watching the excitement quietly, almost got mad. Because after entering a relatively calm winter, Yu began to start a construction frenzy in some cities where the insect plague was relatively weak.

Relying on the original city, a new city was gradually built at a speed that could be seen every day.

Tall walls that were deeply buried in the ground, buildings that did not seem to have any use from the outside, and machines carried in by vehicles, and workers wearing improved protective clothing that was easier to move.

While countries such as Kalan were experiencing civil unrest, Yu was seizing the rare time to make the best preparations for the coming spring.

Countless people who could help consciously participated in the construction at the call of the country, and those who could not help felt that they could calm down in their hearts when watching the live video every day, especially compared with the situation in other countries, and felt the peace protected by the country.

The New Year of this year passed by in a hurry in this atmosphere of construction. The construction outside was in full swing, and the research institute was even more busy.

During the winter months, the scientists who were rooted in the institute did not gain nothing.

It was just that what they gained was an improved insect-proof coating. The ordinary version was less toxic to humans than before, and the protection time against mutant insects was extended from three months to four months. In addition, a gel-like insect-proof coating was developed.

Ordinary insect-proof coatings are similar to cement. After solidification, they are hard but heavy. They can be applied to buildings and vehicles, but not on people.

The newly developed special version is much more expensive than the ordinary version, but as long as it is sealed and stored before use, it will be a transparent and flowable gel, and it will become a colloid after being taken out and dried.

The biggest advantage is that it is light in weight and can be applied to the outside of protective clothing. Therefore, as soon as the new form of insect-proof coating was developed, the country began to let factories produce insect-proof clothing with new coatings, so that workers who were busy with construction could change into more comfortable clothing before the temperature rose.

Not only has the insect-proof coating been improved, but in response to the problem of hypoxia after a large number of plants died, scientists have also developed a lower-cost oxygen generator.

There are also various crops such as vegetables with shorter growth cycles, water filters, etc.

And, biologists have painstakingly found extremely rare normal insects after the large number of mutant insects have reproduced.

Even though there are too many insects on this planet, so many that it is difficult for humans to collect them all, they still do their best to protect these surviving normal insects.

This world cannot have too many insects, but it cannot be without insects, even if there is no solution to mutant insects. But scientists have considered in advance that if a solution to the insect plague is found one day, all mutant insects can be eliminated, then at least normal insects are needed to maintain the normal operation of the world.

Scientists have studied a lot of results and simulated various possibilities for future development, but they have not found a solution to the insect plague, and they don’t even have inspiration.

The lack of plants has led to a rise in temperature. This year’s winter has not yet passed, and the temperature has reached a point where insects are about to wake up.

The insect-proof coating applied years ago has lost its effectiveness, but it has not been replenished because there are fewer insects in winter. Now the insect plague is about to break out, and the new city has not been built yet, so the newly produced insect-proof coating will soon cover those buildings again.

The scientists in the institute got the mutant insect samples that reappeared after a winter of dormancy, and wanted to study their situation and find a way to break through the problem.

They didn't know that while they were busy in the institute throughout the winter, the cyber war that broke out in Kalan and other countries caused subsequent impacts, and this impact gave Yuguo a new message.

And this news may bring them new research hope.

However, before the news was fully confirmed, the country did not disclose it, but sent a team to verify and find clues.

They didn't know that the breakthrough they still expected was likely to come.

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