Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 167 Chapter 167 (1/2)

After the arrival of spring this year, people have prepared for the possibility of more serious insect plagues, but when they really face it, their mood inevitably becomes heavy, and the unexpected scenes bring more difficulties to their lives.

Wen Zheng can be said to be very relaxed in this disaster world. When he first arrived, he seized the opportunity to enter the institute and obtained the safest protection.

So far, the most troublesome time is the time when he enters the research building from the dormitory.

Although the area of ​​the institute is not small, it is quite troublesome to equip each researcher with insect-proof clothing, so the state specially equipped the institute with special internal vehicles and renovated the entrances and exits of each building.

So researchers can get on the car from a building and then be sent to the building they want to reach.

Such special treatment has ended this year.

Because in the past winter, the institute, which is the focus of care, was renovated, and a special glass cover was shrouded over the entire institute. This protective cover and wall can prevent insects from flying in from the outside, but will not block the sunlight from shining in.

After the protective cover was installed, the special vehicle was sent to other places to continue to be used. The researchers were finally able to walk out of the buildings and truly feel the environment outside.

The institute seemed to be a paradise isolated from the outside world. After the arrival of spring, the outside world was once again plagued by insects.

Only these researchers who were in a safe range, looking out from the window, would only see the carefully cared-for yard. If they did not look up at the transparent glass cover, they would think that the insect plague had never come.

But everyone inside knew that the peaceful scene in the institute was just an illusion. Such an environment would only prevent them from being driven crazy and crushed by the pressure of saving the world.

Wen Zheng tried to use the inspiration potion again during the Spring Festival not long ago, but the inspiration for completely solving the insect plague has not burst out from anyone's mind until now.

It's like they couldn't find the right entrance, so they still had to go around in circles in the maze.

There is still more than half a year before the end of the mission, but Wen Zheng does not feel like he can relax at all. Instead, his spirit is getting tense. His sixth sense tells him that challenges may come soon.

The spring light in recent days is particularly warm and dazzling. Every researcher who walks out of the dormitory building thinks that today will be another repetitive day.

Eating, research, research failure, discussion, formulating new experimental plans, continuing research, and resting, daily life consists of these parts.

From the dormitory building to the restaurant, after eating, they leave the restaurant and go to the research building. All the researchers are in a hurry. If it is not good for their thinking to walk outdoors for a while every day, they are unwilling to give up the time-saving method of taking a car.

Even if they are walking hurriedly on the road, the consciousness of this group of researchers is immersed in thinking.

The footsteps turn a corner as usual and bypass the flower bed in front of them where vegetables are now planted. At this time, the alarm in the institute suddenly sounds. The body continues to move forward two steps, and the consciousness is fed back to the body to stop, looking at the nearest flashing alarm light.

At least in the more than two years since Wen Zheng entered the institute, this was the first time he encountered such a high-level alarm. His brain reacted for two seconds longer and found out what to do when encountering such an alarm.

"Hurry up and get into the nearest building." Wen Zheng shouted immediately, holding his teacher and leading his disciples to run to the nearest building.

The researchers on the road all reacted, stopped and started again, and ran quickly.

They began to notice that the ground was shaking, and even noticed that some softer soil was slowly bulging upwards. They hesitated for a moment, and successfully saw clearly that there were insects crawling out of those bulging earth bags.

Damn, the insect-proof wall blocked the insects, but they crawled out from underground.

Seeing more and more insects turning over the soil, and even overturning the stones on the road, these researchers who lacked exercise on weekdays took out their best efforts and ran to the safe room at the fastest speed.

Wen Zheng stretched out his hand to push open the door of the building, and helped Professor Zhou, who was out of breath, inside. He first leaned against the wall to rest, and then followed by his teacher and entered the room, and quickly made way for other researchers to come in.

After handing Professor Zhou over to Senior Brother Kang Yihang, Wen Zheng watched the insects that were drilling out of the soil outside. He saw that these insects were following people and gradually approaching the building, and were about to reach the range where the insect-proof coating would take effect.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, Wen Zheng's eyes did not blink, but the insects continued to crawl forward.

Could it be that these insects have mutated to be resistant to insect-proof coatings?

What have humans been busy with these days?

Wen Zheng couldn't believe it, and ran out of the corridor quickly, pulling several colleagues who were about to enter closer, and the second they were about to enter, he closed the door to the floor.

"What are you doing?" The people around him asked in surprise.

But Wen Zheng turned a deaf ear to it, and his eyes only stayed outside. The insects that were about to enter the building behind the people were blocked outside by the glass door.

More insects came to the door and wandered around, but at the same time, there were researchers who ran slowly. When an insect climbed on him, he was about to come to the floor. Seeing the glass door above closed, he cast an unbelievable look inside.

Wen Zheng took off his coat and shouted to the researchers who were about to arrive outside: "Go to the wall and roll back and forth first. When I shout for you to come in, run in immediately."

After that, Wen Zheng took out his clothes and posed, and ordered several people near the door: "When I shout to come in, you only need to open the door to allow one person to come in."

In these few seconds, dozens of insects came to the door again, which was enough for the rest of the researchers to notice. While being frightened by this situation, they were willing to act according to Wen Zheng's instructions.

The researchers outside heard Wen Zheng's words and saw the specialness of this wave of mutant insects. They gritted their teeth and ran to the wall coated with insect repellent coating. As soon as their bodies got close, the insects that climbed on their bodies but had not yet crawled into their clothes hurriedly fled.

The insect repellent coating is still effective.

However, for this group of insects that have mutated again, the effective range has been reduced a lot.

Just leaning against the wall with insect-proof coating can prevent these insects from approaching. As for the trace toxicity carried by the insect-proof coating, it is only a follow-up issue that needs to be discussed later.

Wen Zheng always pays attention to the situation outside. He saw that someone's movements were a little wrong, and his hands were scratching his body. It was because he ran to the wall for too long, or the clothes were not worn so tightly, and the insects ran into the inside through the gaps in the clothes.

"Take off your clothes, take off your clothes if there are insects in, and don't bring mutated insects into the research building, hurry up!"

Feeling that the insects were gnawing at his body, even if Wen Zheng didn't say it, he would not hesitate, and took off his clothes as quickly as possible, including clothes and pants, and the shame of being exposed was far behind him in the face of life safety.

The body with only underwear left was pressed against the wall, and his hands firmly protected the last piece of clothing until the sharp teeth of the insects loosened and the numbness and itchiness crawling on the body disappeared, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come in one by one along the wall." Wen Zheng shouted outside after confirming again and again. As the door opened, he quickly waved the clothes in his hand along the ground, rolled up the insects outside the door onto the clothes, and then threw them far away.

Two people came in during the short gap. The researchers who were watching everything inside, some drove away the insects crawling to the door like Wen Zheng, some put clothes on the people who took off their clothes and ran in, and some were telling the guards of the protection institute how to face the situation in front of them through their mobile phones.

A few voices came from outside, and the people inside and outside the building felt nervous, and their movements accelerated.

The loudspeaker in the institute sounded, playing the rescue method that Wen Zheng and his team were using, and the guard team was taking out the reserved insect-proof coating, and would rescue the institute still outside as soon as possible. People entering the building need to wait in the corridor temporarily, pay attention to whether there are insects on their bodies, and try not to enter the laboratory before they are sure that there are no insects and insect eggs on their bodies.

They took a short break after no one in front of the building needed to come in. It was only more than ten minutes since the alarm sounded, but everyone felt it was particularly long.

Wen Zheng did not rest. He reached out and took out the insect detection instrument placed on the wall and began to scan everyone to make sure there were no living insects on them.

However, insect eggs are not included in the detection range. Insect eggs without signs of life are difficult to capture before they grow. Therefore, before entering the laboratory, these researchers need to use instruments to scan ** insects, and then they need to be thoroughly cleaned in a specially built cleaning and disinfection room, and put on special lab coats before entering the research.

These are all slowly developed after the insect plague came. In the development of insect detectors in the past two years, there are not only large instruments with large detection areas, but also handheld instruments for single people. Wen Zheng uses the latter.

In addition to the handheld insect detection instruments in each building of the institute, there are of course large detection instruments. Although there is no definite news yet, Wen Zheng guessed that even if a large number of insect signals were detected underground and were rapidly approaching, the guards would sound the alarm to remind the researchers to enter and hide as soon as possible.

The glass door to the building was tightly closed. It was extremely quiet inside. Everyone lined up for scanning and listened carefully to the sounds outside.

There were no more screams outside, which made people hope that the injured were not seriously injured. Gradually, the sound of vehicles increased.

Two minutes after the sound of vehicles was heard, the guard drove a vehicle to the front of their building. From the window, it could be seen that the injured researcher was already sitting in the back of the vehicle, with a painful look on his face.

The guard asked them if there were any seriously injured people inside, so they applied an insect-proof coating on the ground in front of the gate. After the insects avoided it, the gate was opened.

The glass doors of the research building used to be automatic doors, but they were changed from automatic to manual after the insect plague came. Because it is made of transparent glass, the insect-proof coating of the wall also includes this area, so it was not applied.

Even if a transparent gel-like insect-proof coating was improved later, everyone was busy and did not think about adding a layer of defense to the glass door until the day when it was needed came.

Fortunately, the research institute that developed this material had unused gel insect repellent coating in reserve, and the guard who came over applied it to the glass door. At the same time, he handed the medical supplies he brought inside and asked them to wait inside for a while.

Before the guard left, Wen Zheng pointed to the ground and said, "The ground under our feet has no insect repellent function. Although it is made of reinforced concrete, it is not as soft as the soil outside. No one can guarantee that there are no gaps here, so it is best to leave a little insect repellent coating for each building."

Considering that what Wen Zheng said made sense, the guard asked the leader for instructions and left them a box of gel insect repellent with a spray head, and then left a walkie-talkie for emergency use before leaving.

There have been accidents in the past where insects damaged the wires and caused communication failures. Even if the newly installed outdoor circuits have insect repellent coatings, it will ensure that they can maintain contact under any circumstances.

After the guard finished with this building, he left first, sent the injured to rescue, and went to other buildings with serious conditions to help.

This building did not have any problems due to Wen Zheng's reminder and command. But the situation on the other floors was somewhat serious. Not to mention the injured, some people did not notice the insect mutation, so many insects entered, and they all needed to be completely eliminated after the insects entered the laboratory.

The insects launched this fierce attack, and it took humans several days and experience to deal with the follow-up. This is still a well-protected research institute. If the outside also faced an insect attack, I can't believe how many injured people there would be.

Seeing the sound of the vehicle leaving, the researcher who knew the seriousness of the problem smiled bitterly. The speed of insect mutation was faster than the speed of their research, and they even doubted their own value.

"Teacher Li and Teacher Wang, please help them clean their wounds." Wen Zheng spoke to break their self-blame. The two wounded who ran to the cleaning room to clean their wounds came out. He looked at several researchers with medical experience and asked them to help bandage them.

"Just in case, it's best for everyone to take turns to clean the eggs that may be on their bodies as soon as possible, and be ready to deal with them when the building is invaded by insects. Also, everyone has surveillance in their own laboratories, so they should be able to see whether the windows are closed." When Wen Zheng was talking, his mobile phone was also talking to the security department of the institute, and his words were heard by the guards who stayed behind.

After a while, a new notice sounded on the radio, which included the points of attention raised by Wen Zheng, and some things that Wen Zheng did not notice.

Wen Zheng and his fellow juniors went in to wash first because they were relatively young. When they came out wearing lab clothes, they could not have any contact with people who had not washed. They held the box of gel insect repellent coating in their hands and began to patrol the entire building with insect detectors.

The first was the first floor with the greatest risk. Wen Zheng specifically looked at the corners of the ground and any location connected to the underground. When he saw the gap, he first sealed it with insect repellent gel. The sewer pipe opening was also sealed, but Wen Zheng did not have toxic gel for the pipes for daily water use, but first sealed them tightly with something.

After walking around most of the first floor, nothing special was found.

The junior brothers and sisters who were traveling with him became relaxed, but Wen Zheng was still on guard. He caught a little noise with his ears and ran over quickly. He really found that there was a little damage on the floor, and the ground was bulging upwards.

The insect detection instrument in his hand pointed to the ground, and it lit up red. He quickly used gel to patch it up.

The situation inside was reported to the security department, and the radio immediately began to remind everyone.

The glass cover protected the research institute from above, but the ordinary floor could not protect the bottom. Because of this insect invasion, the yard could not be cleared in a few days. The researchers all lived in the laboratory building, and someone delivered supplies to them every day.

The whole world is facing an insect plague with stronger attack power. In places without glass covers, they are not only facing insects underground, but also insects that can fly down from above.

The area where the insect-proof coating works becomes smaller, so the windows that are not coated for light transmission become entrances for insects to enter. Some families did not close their windows properly. Some used ordinary glass, which broke under the impact of many insects, causing insects to rush in. There were also ventilation holes that had to be retained. When the area was too large, insects would find an opportunity to enter.

Under various circumstances, many places suffered heavy casualties.

There were also flying insects. When faced with glass that could not be broken, they would lean on it. Except for the floors that the insects could not reach, the glass of the ground floor houses was occupied by insects, blocking the sunlight outside. Whether it was day or night, it was pitch black.

I couldn't go out, so I could only rely on the time displayed on my mobile phone to know how long it had passed, waiting for the arrival of national rescue in the house.

It was a mess everywhere.

What was more terrifying was how to resist the intensified insect plague. The soil was broken by insects, and ordinary floors were no match for insects. Even reinforced concrete could be easily corroded by mutated termites.

In this case, the toxicity of the insect-proof coating was the lesser of two evils.

The first floors of all houses were vacated. Since it was impossible to apply insect repellent coating on the bottom of the floor like the new town during construction, insects were first blocked on the floor.

After selecting the windows that must be left in all the ground floor houses, they were all sprayed with gel insect repellent coating.

The situation of this insect invasion made people realize that they don't have much time left. All powerful countries are trying to figure out how to survive when the disaster is unstoppable.

The project that Kalan had announced to build insect-proof cities in various places has quietly stopped at this time. There are even rumors about buying tickets to the "City of Hope" on their Internet. Ordinary people are too busy surviving to care about the truth of the news.

While the Yu Kingdom is rescuing the domestic situation, the team that has been secretly preparing for a month finally set off and took a plane to the dangerous territory of Caracas.

I just hope that I can find something useful before being noticed.

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