Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 173 Chapter 173 (1/2)

Zhou Yanxin arranged all the tasks, and all the embassy staff immediately learned the news that was almost the end of the world. Before they had time to panic about their own fate, they carried out the entire Lika mission under the leadership's arrangement. Nationwide evacuation operations.

After notifying the waiting country of the bad news of the bad news, Zhou Yanxin immediately called the contact department of the Lika government and asked for a few words. He only received a surprised and nervous reply from the other party: "We have just received the news. How did you know?"

The other party may not really have thought that only the top level personnel of Lika could get the news. Now it was known to Xia Guo, and some contents were tricked out by Zhou Yanxin in a hurry. Later, he realized that the problem should be dealt with with official words.

Zhou Yanxin knew that he couldn't get anything out of the question, so he cut off contact. In the phone call just now, he learned that the Lika Kingdom did not know the news that Leland Volcano was about to erupt earlier than they did. The personnel they sent to observe did not miss it for too long. It was the speed of Leland Volcano's eruption that was unexpected. All scientific predictions.

In other words, just in the past few days, Leland Volcano has shown increasingly obvious signs. Judging from this speed, there is less time left for them.

Xia Guo has considered the situation after the eruption of Kalan Volcano and other active volcanoes on the planet, but these are based on science and are of no use in the face of this long and weird volcanic eruption. What they can do It was only after receiving the news that we began to study the evacuation plan.

Time is urgent, and the plan may be a bit rough, but this is the best plan that can be implemented now.

All Xia people who came to Lika through visas, as long as they are still using the number they registered when they came to Lika, have all received an emergency notice from the embassy.

The notice requires all Xia Kingdom personnel who see this message not to panic. In order to protect the lives and safety of the people of Xia Kingdom, please immediately go to the nearest location marked on the attached map, no matter where you are or what you are doing. There will be Xia government personnel there who will be responsible for arranging their return to the country.

The locations marked on the map are all the major ports and airports in Lika, as well as the next best high-speed rail and train stations.

Not all Xia people outside have seen this news, but some people will share it with people they know, and even share it on the Internet.

Every time before a disaster occurs, it is difficult for people to believe that a disaster is coming, and it is no different this time. When most people are suspicious, they will also check the official website of the embassy, ​​and they will see the same content on the website requesting evacuation.

Some people began to believe that they quickly headed to the nearest evacuation location with trust in the embassy, ​​watching the passing vehicles along the way and doubting that they were crazy. After they really knew what kind of disaster Lika would face, they started to I'm glad I made the decision at this time.

On the fifth hour after Wen Zheng got on the plane, he decided to publish the scheduled content on various platforms before boarding the plane.

When people who knew him saw the message posted on Wen Zheng's account, their first reaction was that his account had been hacked. They sent private messages to inquire but received no reply, and couldn't get through at all on the phone.

There were also strangers who saw the content posted by Wen Zheng, but basically no one took it seriously. However, a few praised Wen Zheng for the good composition and lighting of the photos, and they looked just like the real thing, but it was not necessary to have such technology. Some people made such alarmist remarks, and the Aite Internet Police came to investigate this rumor: "Rumors about the eruption of Leland Volcano come out every few years, and now they have come out again."

Before the Internet police had time to seal Wen Zheng's account, they were shocked by the series of news and forgot what they were going to do.

Not only is the embassy in Lika working hard, but the country has also taken a series of measures. First of all, major official accounts released the news that Xia Guo is urgently organizing compatriots to evacuate from Lika. The time is the same, the content is the same, and with so many official accounts speaking, people in the Xia country can confirm that this is under the instruction of the state.

Needless to say, whether the news is true or false, what makes people curious is the reason for the emergency evacuation. Of course, everyone knows that it must be bad news, but at this time, most people wonder whether the conflict between Xia Kingdom and Lika Kingdom has finally become so great that it cannot be stopped. Control, the two countries are about to go to war, and then some people began to think of the remarks posted by Wen Zheng's account, especially the content posted some time ago, which was normal play in the country of Lika, which increased the possibility of the eruption of Leland Volcano. .

The number of people who came to Wen Zheng's account to ask questions increased rapidly. The term "Leland Volcano Eruption" appeared on the hot search list, and it moved up a position every few minutes.

People who noticed this entry tried to use various methods to verify the authenticity of the news. The photo of Mount Leland released today was scraped from the Internet and passed to the country. Some people realized their fear at this time and quickly contacted their relatives and friends abroad to persuade them to return to China as soon as possible. However, the situation abroad was not good at this time.

The strange behavior of Leland Volcano began to attract a lot of attention. Related comments on the external Internet increased almost at the same time as the Xia Kingdom, and more people in the Lika Kingdom took notice.

The Xia Embassy has already bought time for its people to leave. When comparing the lives of Lika people with those of Xia people, they will of course choose the latter. So they sent text messages to inform their compatriots to evacuate quickly, and called all compatriots near the Leland Volcano to ask them to leave. The reason was not made clear, and the announcement was officially released only after it could no longer be hidden.

The announcements of Lika and the Xia Embassy in Lika can be said to be released at the same time. This time, they are no longer vague, but directly describe the situation of the Leland Volcano's upcoming eruption, including all the materials that can prove this matter.

This is not a news that can be used for joking. In other words, when this matter is announced, it must be true. The whole world looks at Lika. The rest of the countries are slow to realize it. While scolding Lika and Xia for not notifying in time, they rush to organize the evacuation of their people in Lika. The countries that are relatively close to Lika are even more worried that the entire country needs to evacuate quickly.

After the news was officially released, the situation in Lika became difficult to control.

The eruption of the Leland Volcano can destroy the entire Lika country, and all people within this range will find it difficult to survive. Now is their time to escape.

Even if they thought about it, they didn't have time to ask the Lika government why the news was released at this time. The people of Lika were busy taking their families and trying their best to leave their country.

People began to flee frantically. The roads were full of vehicles. Every driver who wanted to leave couldn't help but speed up. Even the traffic police on the road gave up their duties to escape. Car accidents are inevitable in this situation, but at this time, the mood of wanting to survive took over. No one came forward to help, and they complained that the car accident blocked their way out.

The Xia people in Lika knew why the embassy did not explain the reason when notifying them. This was to buy time for them to escape. The driver of the vehicle that was originally carrying saw the news that the Leland volcano was about to erupt, so he immediately stopped the car, threw the foreigners to the side of the road, and turned around to pick up his relatives.

The Xia people could understand the driver's mood, but it was really uncomfortable to be thrown on the side of the road and wait to die. At this time, they would find out how good it is in their own country. At least the people coming and going around are similar faces.

"No, we can't just wait to die here. Let's quickly find the embassy on the phone for help. I'll check other websites for any information that can help." The young girl pulled her companion up on the side of the road, moved to a position where they would not be hit by vehicles, and began to look for hope of survival.

The embassy's phone number could not be reached, but the website provided a URL to indicate their current situation and location, and the embassy would rescue them as soon as possible. The companion helped fill in the information of both of them as soon as possible.

The girl found some information that could help them. All the Xia compatriots in Lika were establishing contact and mutual assistance groups according to their different regions. Those who had vehicles would try to take their compatriots who needed transportation with them on the way out.

The girl joined the group and immediately sent a message to herself and her companions. Then she waited nervously. Fortunately, she received a reply in the mutual assistance group that some compatriots were on the way to their location.

The moment they got on the car, the two girls sighed at their good luck, thanked their compatriots for their help, and quickly updated the latest situation of the two on the embassy to avoid wasting scarce rescue forces.

Due to car accidents and traffic jams, we had to change the route several times. Finally, after spending two hours on the road, we arrived at the nearest port.

Seeing the uniformed rescuers sent by the motherland at the entrance, everyone was in tears.

As time went by, the government of Lika seemed to give up because the country was about to collapse. It only released the speech video recorded by the leaders, but there was no live broadcast of the images of them still in Lika, which made the people of Lika suspect that they were abandoned.

Lika is extremely developed, open and free in all aspects, but it becomes disorderly and chaotic in the face of disasters. Some people prefer to be unbridled before death comes, and some people don't want others to find hope for survival, so they hold weapons to block the road they must pass.

Bloody and violent times frequently occur in various parts of Lika, and it is impossible to count how many people lost their lives in the chaos before the volcanic eruption.

Any long-distance transportation that can leave Lika is full of people leaving, and even so, the number of long-distance transportation cannot meet such a large population.

It is even more difficult for people from non-Lika countries to board the transportation belonging to Lika.

The people who had finally rushed to the designated location of the embassy from all over the place found out that there were no tools to support them to return home.

The road to escape exhausted them. Some people collapsed on the spot after hearing the news, but not many people made trouble. On the way, they realized more clearly that money and status were now useless. Their identities were destined to be rejected by the Lika people. The only thing they could trust and rely on now was their own country.

Just as they were ready to face any situation that happened next, the good news brought by the rescuers made them jump up excitedly: "Everyone line up, I will clear the number of people and prepare to board the ship!"

"Board the ship?" Someone repeated to confirm.

"The country has sent a ship to pick you up."

All the Xia people present stood up and lined up, looking up at the sea ahead, waiting quietly until they saw the bright national flag appearing from the sea level. They could no longer suppress their excitement and cheered with tears.

On the other side, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan finally arrived at the Nancheng Airport in Songyang City, Xia Country after a twelve-hour flight. The passengers on the entire plane did not know what was happening in the outside world.

But when they got off the plane, they did not need to wait until they left the station. They only needed to receive news from the outside world on their mobile phones. The constantly bouncing text messages and news, the calls from anxious relatives and friends, and the frequent messages received in a short period of time made their mobile phones almost freeze, making people suspect that there was something wrong with the mobile phone, or that the plane they were on took them into another world.

After the initial confusion, even if the mobile phone was frozen, as long as the screen was not completely black, they could see the content in the news.

[The Leland supervolcano is about to erupt, and Lika may be destroyed]

[The first batch of rescue teams dispatched by Xiaguo has arrived and will escort thousands of people out of Lika]

[Expert interpretation, the impact that the world will soon be affected by the eruption of the Leland volcano...]

[Many countries have issued extreme disaster warnings, and Lika's neighboring countries such as Country A and Country B are urgently organizing the evacuation of their citizens]

It's only been twelve hours since I last looked at my phone, but why do I feel like I've missed a lot of plots.

After looking at it a few more times and waiting for the brain to digest the news received by the eyes, this group of people returning to Xiaguo from Lika realized how lucky they were. Looking at the missed calls, thinking of the worried mood of their families, they quickly called back to report safety.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan also received a lot of concerned messages, all from the neighbors who knew that the father and son were traveling abroad. Wen Zheng did not call, but sent text messages to everyone who asked.

The group of people who got off the plane did not go out for a long time. The airport staff could understand their feelings, but they blocked the road and persuaded them to leave as soon as possible, and added another sentence after speaking.

"Welcome home!"

The lucky passengers woke up from their dreams and began to speed up their pace. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan deliberately fell behind and watched the first passenger walk out. The next second, there was a constant sound of photos being taken and reporters interviewing them.

Just looking at the news received on the phone, it can be seen that the situation related to Lika has become a hot topic in the news, and it is not difficult to get the information of the flight. They, the group of people who left Lika and returned to China before the volcanic eruption, were naturally noticed by reporters and waited at the airport.

The people who went out in front were surrounded by reporters and airport pick-up personnel. After the attention of Wen Zheng and other reporters was attracted, they tried to reduce the presence of themselves and Tuantuan and quietly left the airport from the side.

But before they walked out, they were stopped by the airport staff. The airport staff carefully identified the appearance of Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, and asked politely with a friendly smile: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Wen Zheng and Mr. Wen Ling?"

"Yes." Wen Zheng nodded, probably guessing the purpose of their visit, and entered an office under the guidance of the airport staff.

The TV hanging on the wall in the office was broadcasting the current situation in Lika. The reporters sent to Lika did not evacuate in time, but continued to report the news.

After confirming that the volcano would erupt, Xia sent a rescue team, using the fastest rescue equipment and applying for an emergency route.

On the TV screen, the second rescue team full of Xia people set off from Lika. Reporters and Xia staff in uniform watched those figures coming from the sea level, organizing the remaining people who had not left to eat food to replenish their physical strength, waiting for the arrival of the next batch of rescue.

The middle-aged man in the office was about to ask Wen Zheng to sit down with the child first, when he heard a clearly different sound on the TV. He looked over and saw that the picture on the TV that was originally facing the crowd was moving, and those who were in Lika were looking at the same location.

That was the location where the loud noise came from, and it was also the location of the Leland Volcano.

The Leland Volcano couldn't wait to erupt.

The reporter who was still reporting the situation on the scene was silent for a long time, watching the flames ejected from the ground fly to the distant sky. Even from a distance, the fiery red color could be seen. There was a perceptible vibration on the ground, and thick volcanic ash floated into the air, covering the sky like a dark cloud, and continued to spread around.

The reporter held the microphone tightly and wanted to speak to the scene in the sky: "As everyone can see, the Leland Volcano erupted at 15:00 on March 6, 20xx, the capital time of Xia Country..."

The voice that continued to broadcast was a little choked, but no one would blame it. More people next to the reporter couldn't help crying. They were not far away from the Leland Volcano, so they could clearly see the sound after the volcanic eruption. The new batch of rescue teams was too late to arrive, and those who had not left Cali would only face death.

The disaster came.

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