Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 182 Chapter 182 (1/2)

After the cold weather, prices rose again. The cash in my hand basically became waste paper. Every time I went out to buy something, I used the supplies in my hand to exchange.

Some of these supplies were stored when the disaster first came, some were grown and raised by myself, and more were items exchanged for completing the work assigned by the government. However, some were not provided by the government, or the work I did was not enough to exchange, so I should take the less important supplies at home and go to the market to barter.

Wen Zheng's reputation in their area is not low. He never needs to go out to set up a stall. Once the things in the supermarket are harvested, the news is released in less than half an hour, and the queues at the door can be sold out within an hour.

However, although the two of them have stored a lot of supplies, they also want to buy some, so they occasionally go to the market to stroll around, and at the same time they can understand the current situation from the sales of items.

Before going, they learned about the recent situation from the neighbors. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan estimated and guessed, and entered the market for more than ten minutes, and they knew almost everything.

Warmth-keeping equipment, which was already popular, was snapped up after the temperature dropped. Thick quilts and thick clothes were basically sold at "sky-high prices". The price of consumables such as coal did not drop much. It can not only keep warm, but also boil water and cook. It was very difficult to drink a sip of hot water last winter. Even the heating pads, which were very cheap before, are not sold by pack, but by piece.

There are also lighting equipment such as candles and lighters, which are also hot-selling products, but the price is not that high. In winter, it is too cold to get out of bed, and lighting is useless. You will only use it when you are hungry and need to eat. Moreover, people who work for the government this year can exchange small hand-cranked generators. If nothing else, it is enough to power those small USB lights, which is safer than candles.

In terms of food and drink, the torturous memory of the water outage is deeply engraved in my mind, so every household has bought a lot of water storage equipment, which tends to be relatively high and do not occupy a small area, so most of the water buckets are bought. Every day, I take the water purification tablets issued by the government to make water purifiers and fill the purified water into water storage barrels.

This year, more people have suffered from the sequelae of acid rain. Some patients did not pay attention in daily life, and their skin came into contact with acid rain residues, causing allergies or even decay.

More people did not pay attention to breathing and drinking water, did not wear masks when going out, and did not follow the government's instructions to filter drinking water through multiple evolutions. After drinking it into the stomach, it had an impact on the body. This situation is more serious than skin contact, and there have even been many deaths, which has sounded the alarm for everyone.

Not many people go out, and as respiratory and skin diseases increase, everyone fully arms themselves after going out. People in the market know that they should mainly protect their mouths and noses. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan wore masks and stayed in the crowd, with upright postures, and still looked conspicuous. However, if you look a few more times, you can notice that the dark yellow skin of the father and son deliberately treated with grass leaves is no different from that of ordinary people, and will not attract much attention.

Compressed biscuits, canned food, and instant noodles are all very popular in the market. If you don’t care about the weather, you can eat them in bed. The market is in short supply. People can’t buy them, so they have to comfort themselves that they eat a lot of compressed biscuits and canned food, and instant noodles are not nutritious, so it’s better to make them yourself.

In fact, it’s better than making them yourself.

Not only is it cold when cooking, but you have to keep it warm on the fire, otherwise it will become cold soon after the fire is turned off. It’s not only unpalatable when you eat it, but it’s also easy to get a stomachache. It’s also difficult to keep the fire on, which wastes energy, and no one wants to do the work of washing dishes.

I regret not staying in the countryside before this time. At least there are more trees planted in the countryside. After being affected by acid rain, they all died. If you can find an opportunity to cut them down, the government can’t control it. Firewood is available, and the houses in the countryside are large and easy to renovate. You can make a kang with all the materials. The kang is warm in winter, and life is so beautiful.

With this idea in mind, people with rural household registration have tried to go back to the village this year, but the land in the village cannot be used for farming. People with household registration and houses in the village can go back, but it will be more difficult for people who live in the city to go to the countryside.

There are also people in the market who sell charcoal made from branches. They all come from the village and exchange some scarce supplies in the countryside for them.

At present, the main food that everyone lacks is various meats. Wen Zheng raises chickens in the supermarket. Nowadays, most farmers raise small poultry such as chickens and pigeons. The input cost is low, and there are also eggs as a by-product. If there are frozen deaths, the damage will not be too great.

There are few people raising pigs. Pigs eat too much and it is difficult for them to survive the cold winter. After a few months of breeding, they are not fed enough food and cannot grow too big, so the price of pork has risen more and more, and not many people are willing to buy it in the market.

Wen Zheng took Tuantuan to take a closer look. The pork was fresh as the seller said. Just after buying a rib, a truck drove into the market. In the back of the truck was a group of sheep.

This is a rare good thing. The crowd immediately squeezed over. Even if they didn't buy it, it was good to watch the excitement.

The moment he saw the group of lambs, Wen Zheng thought of various ways to eat them. Just like Tuantuan, they saw the word "want to eat" in their eyes.

In this case, buy a few more. It's unknown when you will see them next time.

Sheep are valuable not only for their meat, but also for their skin and wool. Judging from the size of the sheep in the car, they cannot be raised in a year. They must have been raised before the disaster and raised them despite difficulties until now.

According to the seller, the sheep almost died last winter. This year, they planted grass and invested more money to keep them alive. Now, not only do they have no money, but they are also worried that the sheep will not survive this winter. The price of dead sheep is different from that of live sheep, so they drove to the city to sell them as soon as the temperature dropped.

After the seller finished talking about these, he started to talk about the selling price. Now the sheep are not shaved, so if you buy the whole sheep, you need to pay the price of the wool. If you only want the mutton, they will shave the wool after you make it clear. In addition to selling sheep today, they also sell wool clothes, wool socks and even wool yarn.

Originally, the people who were just watching the fun did not intend to buy mutton, but they were tempted when they saw the brand new wool products, especially wool socks. In winter, even if you wear thick clothes and hide in the quilt, your feet are still cold, and you often feel nothing from the cold.

Besides, the socks use less wool, so the price is relatively not that expensive, so you grit your teeth and buy them.

The crowd who want to buy squeezed to the front, and only after the staff maintained order did they line up. They were divided into three teams according to the difference between buying mutton, buying whole sheep and buying wool products.

Wen Zheng was originally on the periphery of the crowd. When this team was divided, he saw that there were not many people in the team buying whole sheep, so he lined up with Tuantuan. The two people in front saw Wen Zheng coming and stepped aside, leaving space for Wen Zheng: "Boss Wen is going to buy sheep for his children at home, you go first."

The seller used to contract an area in the countryside to raise sheep. Recently, he heard that there was a big market here, so he drove to transport them. He didn't know much about the situation here. Judging from the driving just now, Wen Zheng seemed to be quite famous in this area, so he couldn't help but pay more attention.

The sheep in the car were all very strong and showed no signs of illness. They seemed to be well taken care of. Wen Zheng asked Tuan Tuan to pick five from the group and began to discuss the price with the seller.

I had just listened to the seller's introduction and looked at the appearance and clothing of these people. In the countryside, there is no shortage of meat for contracting land to raise sheep. There is no shortage of clothes for woolen clothes that can be sold. Farmers in the countryside will have grain stored, so it is not difficult to buy them. Wen Zheng thought that what they wanted to trade should be relatively scarce.

Thinking about the supplies in hand, Wen Zheng and the seller whispered and finally reached a deal with wine and cigarettes. With the current food shortage, it is difficult to use grain to make wine or grow tobacco. In the next few years, we will rely on these circulating on the market. Strong liquor can be drunk in winter to keep warm, which has become something that some people need to buy.

Wen Zheng's offer was straightforward and the seller was quite satisfied. In addition to the three sheep, he also planned to give Tuan Tuan a woolen coat. The seller was also thinking about it. Tuantuan was still a child, so it was not a loss to give him a small piece of clothing.

In the end, Wen Zheng did not want ready-made clothes, but planned to buy some more wool. He chose several shades of blue from those colors, and spent a bottle of good wine, but the money was well spent.

After the transaction was discussed, Tuantuan had already selected the sheep and marked them. He was waiting for the seller to sell the rest and then take them to a supermarket of Wen Zheng for the transaction. The two sides exchanged contact information.

The truck drove to the door of the supermarket and attracted a crowd of onlookers. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan drove the car as if they had just taken things from the house, but they actually took them out from the system space, and the two sides exchanged and counted them.

Ordinary people may not be able to recognize the difference between sheep, but Wen Zheng and Tuantuan could not hide it from their eyes. They selected the best sheep in the flock. With a rough glance, they could recognize that the ones in front of them were the ones they chose. They had not been exchanged, and they were quite satisfied.

It only took a few seconds for the eyes to scan the seller. To outsiders, it seemed that Wen Zheng trusted the seller so much that he didn't even need to check.

But the seller didn't dare to do this. Even though they had heard of Wen Zheng's reputation in the local area, they were still a little worried. They opened the box and carefully identified the authenticity of the cigarettes and alcohol. After confirming, they felt relieved, but they felt a little guilty towards Wen Zheng and his son. After handing the things to Wen Zheng, they also gave him two more wool yarns.

The seller drove away in the truck, and the crowd around gathered around Wen Zheng. Wen Zheng stayed at the door to talk to everyone for a while, drove the sheep into the supermarket first, and notified the employees of each supermarket that one of them was a New Year's benefit given to them in advance. The employees were all overjoyed, looking at the sheep was almost like looking at a treasure, and they almost drooled.

Two days later was the Mid-Autumn Festival. Wen Zheng asked his employees to help kill a sheep. He asked someone who knew how to do it to slowly process the fur. The meat was divided into different parts, and the internal organs were cleaned. Some were taken out to give to the employees who killed the sheep as snacks. Wen Zheng took the remaining meat home, and there were still four sheep raised in the supermarket.

After returning home, the mutton was stewed in the pot. After stewing for a long time, the room was gradually filled with the aroma of mutton. This sheep is of good breed, not strong in mutton smell, and the meat is tender and delicious.

The wind outside was getting stronger and stronger, but it was basically inaudible inside the house. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were eating happily around the mutton pot. The birds raised in the house were working hard, pecking at the little internal organs given to them.

Both of them had big appetites, but the meat of almost a whole sheep could not be eaten in one stew. When the weather was cool, they hung it on the window to dry. Birds were watching by the window day and night. The floor was high, so no one really cared about the mutton.

They had a few meals every now and then, and they were satisfied. Wen Zheng also found an opportunity to give a sheep to several police officers with whom he had a good relationship. The employees couldn't resist their greed and killed one. They discussed dividing the meat, and the remaining two were exactly one male and one female.

Wen Zheng estimated that the weather was about to get cold, and he planned to kill the remaining two sheep before the temperature dropped sharply. As a result, he ran to the supermarket to take a look and found that the ewe was pregnant. This situation became complicated. Considering the lambs and goat milk, Wen Zheng chose to keep them first and add more warming measures to the supermarket. Whether they can survive depends on their vitality.

"Wait for the temperature to drop in two days, and you can take a closer look at the two sheep. If they can't survive, kill them." The temperature that sheep can't stand is like a natural refrigerator. The meat can be kept fresh after being frozen.

Just at the end of October, the country issued a low temperature warning again. This year's cold air came earlier than last year, and people with experience hid at home early.

Wen Zheng spent two hours preparing the sheep's head and stewing it in the pot. The overbearing fragrance can be smelled even with the lid covered. Before the stew is well seasoned, there is a crackling sound outside the window.

The two people in the room have sensitive hearing. The birds follow them and come to the window together to look out. The sound knocking on the window comes from hail falling from the sky.

Before the power and signal are cut off, I checked the Internet. The outdoor temperature in Songyang City has reached minus 13 degrees Celsius. Even if there is a volcanic eruption, the temperature is dropping too fast.

The temperature outside is really freezing. This is Songyang City in the central region. The temperature in the northern cities has reached minus 10 degrees Celsius. Although it is about the average temperature in previous winters, it is only the end of October now. The temperature will definitely get lower in more than two months.

This year, many northerners have moved to the central and southern regions. The people who are still in the north are strongly demanding that the government provide heating. The government has not responded yet. Limited energy is always a problem they need to face. If they consume it now, how will they spend it in the future?

Seeing the discussion about energy on the Internet, Wen Zheng looked at the product selected in the system store. This product has a high price, enough for Wen Zheng and Tuantuan to team up once, but it is worth the price according to the description.

After selecting for a long time in the system store, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan chose this product, but after purchasing it, they found that the content inside was too profound. Even though they have learned a lot of knowledge in multiple worlds, they have not yet deeply understood this aspect. Moreover, this information exceeds the scientific research level of the world they have experienced before.

After studying seriously for several months, the progress of the two was still a bit slow. After discussion, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan decided to hand over the information to scientists in this world for research.

However, Wen Zheng was not sure whether such technology would bring another disaster after being handed over. The solution to one disaster is the source of another disaster. He could not know what kind of development method the country that received the technology would take, so he decided to hand over the technology and problems to the Xia government first, and then Xia would decide whether to share it with the world.

After sharing, the time to learn this technology will definitely be shortened, but the degree of risk will also be greatly increased.

Also because of the importance of this technology, Wen Zheng certainly cannot hand it over openly. How to send the information to the hands of the Xia government and avoid being discovered, they are still waiting for the right opportunity.

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