Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 192 Chapter 192

The villagers who were a little worried about Wen Zheng going up the mountain wanted to follow him, but were stopped by the old man next to him, who sighed and said, "Let him go up alone."

The villagers looked at Wen Zheng's figure along the path and disappeared behind a large bamboo forest.

Going forward along the road beside the bamboo forest is the place where their ancestors in Nanfeng Village were buried. More than half a month ago, two new graves were added there. On the day of burying on the mountain, Wen Zheng fainted due to excessive grief. Later, he fainted in his own garden and hit his head. Almost all three of them died. People can't help but sigh that things are impermanent and that luck is shallow and fate is short.

On a gentle slope not far from the foot of the mountain, Wen Zheng came to the grave of his original parents as the villagers said.

In the previous world, his parents died a long time ago, but this time Wen Zheng had no memory. He could know how deep the feelings of the three of them were from the descriptions of the villagers, so he stood in front of the grave, with nothing to worship, and could only silently promise in his heart that he would find the person who killed them.

From the cemetery, we walked along a road that seemed to be untouched and continued to walk higher. The mountain was not low, and the trees were overgrown with weeds, making it difficult to walk. After drinking the potion produced by the system store and doing two sets of boxing every morning and evening, Wen Zheng's body has long been restored to health, and it may be better than many malnourished villagers. He found the right skills to walk on the mountain road, and his pace quickened with time.

He picked up a handful of stones from the ground and threw two when he heard the movement. He didn't focus on the target in the first few times. Wen Zheng hadn't found the feel, and the wild animals in ancient times were much more agile than modern ones.

After failing four or five times, Wen Zheng finally injured a pheasant at the foot of the mountain. He ran over to pick it up, cut its neck with a sharp stone, and waited until the chicken blood flowed clean before putting the pheasant's body into the portable space. Wen Zheng himself smeared the juice of grass leaves on his body and hid on the tree.

The portable space purchased from the system store cannot transport items across worlds. Every time you change worlds, the items in the space will disappear. This time, the portable space is empty. Wen Zheng drank bitter soup medicine for several days, and had several meals of rice soup and vegetable leaves. The only meat he had eaten was half a pheasant and a few pheasant eggs sent by the village hunter Yang, which were a few days ago. He had been craving for a few bites of meat.

Seeing the pheasant, Wen Zheng's eyes lit up. But he had to hold back if he wanted to eat it again, and he had to use the blood of the pheasant to lure the other animals.

Wild animals carry many kinds of bacteria, which cannot be eaten now, but in ancient times when breeding technology had not yet developed, there was no way to pay attention to these. Wen Zheng could only guarantee not to eat blood, and the meat had to be fully cooked before eating.

There was a movement in the woods. Wen Zheng leaned on the branches and slowly adjusted his breathing. He saw three or four weasels running over in a line. Before they could move around the pheasant, they were all caught by Wen Zheng on the tree.

Before he could get back to the tree, several more snakes came out of the bushes. They were all non-venomous snakes. They were originally hunting, but ended up delivering themselves to Wen Zheng's hands.

There were several more kinds of bloody smells on the ground, and they became much stronger. Wen Zheng had heard from the villagers that there were wild boars in the mountains. Except for Yang the hunter who made a living by hunting in the village, no one dared to run into the mountains, so they dared to walk around the periphery. So he began to be cautious on the mountain.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement. Wen Zheng wanted to deal with the bloodstains and leave, but his ears suddenly heard a sound. He ran to the branches in three or two steps and looked from a high place. It was indeed a wild boar running wildly in the mountains, but it was still chasing Yang the hunter.

"Yang Da, come here!" Wen Zheng shouted, startling many flying birds in the forest.

Yang the hunter, who was running wildly in the forest, vaguely heard the sound. The wild boar behind him was getting closer and closer, and it directly broke a tree that was nearly as thick as his wrist. Hunter Yang gritted his teeth and turned to run towards the place where the sound came from.

"When I say jump, jump forward immediately." Wen Zheng shouted from the tree. When he saw Hunter Yang raised his head and despair in his eyes, he raised his voice and continued, "The higher the better, the farther the better!"


At this moment, even though Hunter Yang did not dare to hold out hope for Wen Zheng, who was still seriously ill, he still used up his last strength to jump forward under the command of Wen Zheng's firm voice.

Already panting from being chased by the wild boar, Hunter Yang's last struggle was to jump high and far. Before his feet landed, he felt his arms being grabbed tightly, and the next moment his body left the ground and was thrown into the tree.

It was as if he was in a dream. Only in a dream would the mountain pull him up the tree, and the wild boar that was chasing him was tripped by something and hit on the tip of a stone. It must be because the mountain had fallen on his head before, and he was too worried about encountering a wild boar, so he had such a strange dream.

Until Wen Zheng put him down from the tree, put away the rope that tripped the wild boar, and asked him if he was injured, Yang the Hunter pinched himself hard, it really hurt, and he took a long breath, stared at Wen Zheng with wide eyes, "Da... Dashan, how come you have become so strong?"

"Yang Da, let's lift this wild boar down the mountain first, and I'll talk to you slowly on the way, okay?" Wen Zheng skillfully tied the rope he had taken back to the wild boar, handed one end to Yang the Hunter, and went down the mountain along a relatively easy road.

In ancient times, wild boars usually had nothing good to eat. Wen Zheng saw that this wild boar was not big, and it was estimated to be more than 100 pounds.

Wen Zheng and Yang Lihu were both relatively strong people. They walked down the mountain for more than an hour, that is, more than two hours. The villagers who saw Wen Zheng entering the mountain but did not see him at the cemetery were all worried. I have to go up the mountain to find someone.

Before I had time to call someone, I heard movement coming from the mountain. I looked forward and saw, oh, what a big wild boar. Yang Orion is really powerful. I have to rush up to help.

On the way back, Wen Zhengke deceived Yang Orion into confusion.

The mission given by the game clearly states that in this ancient world, we will soon be hit by a series of disasters. The battle described in it would have killed many people even in modern times, let alone in ancient times. The villagers in Nanfeng Village, Wen Zhengpao, were asked to run away by themselves. These days, the people in the village see his kindness and do some things. Less than.

In this case, he must find a way to make the people in the village willing to leave with him.

According to the information revealed in the villagers' words and several brief contacts with Yang Orion, Wen Zheng used his deception skills to great effect. He told that he fainted from crying in front of his parents' graves, but was entrusted with a dream by his parents, in which he told Wen Zheng that Nanfeng The village was about to suffer a catastrophic disaster, so he asked him to quickly notify the villagers to leave as soon as possible. He was also worried that the child would be too weak to travel far, so he also asked Wen Zheng to heal his wounds immediately and become strong.

After being deceived, Orion Yang asked the villagers to help carry the wild boar to the village first and clean up the blood stains on the way down the mountain to prevent other beasts from coming down the mountain smelling the blood. Then Orion Yang took Wen Zheng to find the actual person in charge of Nanfeng Village, the leader of the Wen clan.

The dynasty that Wen Zheng lived in was a strange dynasty. The country was named Su, and the village also adopted township autonomy. Most of the villagers in Nanfeng Village belonged to the Wen clan. If they could not solve the major or minor issues that happened in the village, they would not be solved by themselves. They all look to the clan leader for judgment.

Yang Orion pulled Wen Zheng in front, and the clever boy was already running ahead to spread the good news throughout the village. He also borrowed the only ox cart in the village from the patriarch's house. This pig still has a breath left, and the price is higher if it is sold alive. The weather has been sultry in the past few days, and everyone depends on the weather. The old people know the weather, and they say it will rain heavily tomorrow and the next two days, so we need to hurry up today. Transport the wild boar to the county town for sale.

The clan leader was waiting inside the house after hearing the news. The only doctor in the village, who Wen Zheng should be called Third Taiye due to his seniority, was sitting next to the clan leader. They are brothers, and the second grandfather died young, but his son works as a pawnbroker in the county. Because of this, Nanfeng Village has been living reasonably well these years.

The door was closed, and Orion Yang looked at the questioning eyes of the clan leader and the Third Master. The excessive pressure made him quickly look at Wen Zheng next to him.

Now Wen Zheng became the focus of attention in the whole room.

Wen Zheng's expression did not change at all. He took a step forward and said clearly: "After I was injured, my parents occasionally fell into dreams. When they woke up, they couldn't remember the instructions in their dreams. Let's go to worship today..."

The expressions of the patriarch and the third master changed as Wen Zheng told it. People in ancient times believed in many things, and not many people dared to explain ghosts and gods. Especially since Wen Zheng’s birth was still somewhat controversial. This was Wen Zheng’s plan to use the theory of ghosts and gods. Another reason.

Borrowing the name of Amnesia, Wen Zheng asked the villagers for his original name. His experience in the past where everyone in the world was named Wen Zheng told him that Dashan should be just a nickname. But when we find out that the original name is indeed Wen Zheng, it becomes even more problematic. In ancient times, there must be some special reason why people were not named according to their generation.

It turns out that not long after the original body was born, a Taoist priest came here, and his fortune-telling was particularly effective. After seeing the original child who was still a baby, he was given a free hexagram, saying that this child was somewhat extraordinary and would definitely accomplish something when he grew up. However, he was prone to death at a young age and needed to be given a special name.

So it was named Zheng, which means tall and extraordinary. It also has a nickname of Shan, which means the mountains and rivers are thick and help it grow.

Because of this incident, Wen Zheng had a different reputation in the village. When he was young, he was supported by his clan to go to school in the county town. However, he did well in his studies, which made other people in the village with children of the same age jealous. .

Not long after Wen Zheng's disaster, some people felt pity for Wen Zheng, but some secretly said behind his back that the fortune teller back then was inaccurate. Wen Zheng happened to overhear this reason and could use it to his advantage.

All the villagers came to the yard to see the wild boar being carried on the bullock cart. No one paid attention to how long Yang Orion and Wen Zheng had been in there. They waited until the clan leader spoke up before everyone dispersed quietly. They heard the clan leader asked Wen Zheng to accompany the third master. , followed Yang Orion into the county town by bullock cart, everyone cast envious glances.

The sun was blazing overhead, and there were only three people on the bullock cart. Wen Zheng asked the Third Master without any scruples what he wanted to know. The first was the geographical location of Fengnan Village. If there was a flood, which direction should he flee to? .

The Third Master still didn't believe 80% of what Wen Zheng had fabricated, and the remaining 20% ​​believed him because Wen Zheng's injury improved surprisingly quickly, and when he looked at the wound today, there wasn't even the slightest scar on it, as if he had never been injured before. generally.

Ke Wenzheng's injury was personally diagnosed and treated by him.

With a conflicted mentality, the Third Master answered Wen Zheng's questions. Fengnan Village is the highest-lying village in Jinfeng County. Jinfeng County suffered from floods many years ago, and the rest of the area was not submerged. However, Fengnan Village had no major problems. At most, the water flooded the houses. The villagers were worried. I went to hide in the village for a while.

Despite what he said, he still felt that Fengnan Village would not be so prone to disasters.

Wen Zheng only listened to what he wanted to hear, and ignored the rest. He continued to ask which direction to go if he wanted to avoid the flood, preferably the prosperous capital.

"I have only been to our Yangning Prefecture, and I know that the capital is in Yongyan Prefecture in the north. Don't ask me the rest. Go to the county town and ask your second uncle."

This sentence couldn't get Wen Zheng away. Since he had been to Yangning Prefecture, he should first talk about the situation in Yangning Prefecture. Although Yang the hunter who drove the car migrated from another place, he had never been to the prefecture. Both of them cast expectant eyes, and Wen Zheng handed the kettle to the third master attentively, and the third master continued to talk.

The ox cart arrived in Jinfeng County during the conversation of the three people.

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