Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 197 Chapter 197 (1/2)

The houses in the village were washed away by the flood, and the wood and bricks used to build them were washed away to nowhere. Everywhere you look, it is desolate. There is almost no trace of the past, and there is no trace of the villagers who did not have time to go up the mountain and insisted on staying at the foot of the mountain.

The vehicle did not stop for a moment after going down the mountain. The tribe leader who drove the ox cart knew that the longer he stayed in the village, the more painful he would feel, and he would not even want to leave in the end.

The villagers who wanted to go back and take a look gritted their teeth and stopped looking back.

When the tribe leader discussed the route with the tribesmen who left the prefecture, they did not dare to choose the small road, fearing that it would be blocked by the mountain torrent and they would have to turn around, so they chose the relatively spacious and safe main road.

When I just left the village, I did not meet any strangers on the road, but I saw a body blocked by a fallen tree. The heavy rain for several days and the sun for nearly two days made the body look like a human being, and it also exuded an unbearable smell.

The young children were so scared that they cried softly, and the adults did not dare to look at them. Daqing's mother took a few steps in that direction, but was stopped by the villagers around her. She cried and returned to the team, sobbing softly: "This can't be my Daqing...can't be..."

The clothes and even the face of the corpse were rotten beyond recognition. Although people felt pity for them, they would not risk their own lives to help clean up. Even when they walked, they had to walk along the other side of the road and stay away from them.

They continued to walk forward without stopping. The scorching sun rose in the sky. Sweat broke out on everyone's forehead and back, and their feet began to hurt, but no one stopped. This little bit of hard work was not much more painful than farming under the scorching sun. They had long been accustomed to dealing with pain.

The bamboo tubes placed on the car contained rainwater that had been boiled and cooled during this period, but even though a lot of water was stored, no one dared to drink it freely. They only drank a sip when they were really thirsty.

Turning from the road we were on to another wider road, we walked until the hottest time of the noon sun, and then we found a shaded hillside, parked the car below, and let everyone stop to rest for a while.

The temperature at noon was too hot, and no one wanted to make a fire to cook. There was some dried meat in my arms, but I couldn't bear to eat it myself, and only gave the child half a finger when he asked for it.

The adults ate prepared multi-grain cakes mixed with wild vegetables, which were only half the size of a palm, and they took a small bite each time, chewing it carefully in their mouths before swallowing it into their stomachs. Although the taste was not good, it really filled their stomachs. After a while, the hunger would subside, and they would be satisfied with the days when they could have food to eat.

Wen Zheng did not secretly take out the food in the space, but ate the cakes like the other villagers, without oil, and even a few grains of salt. It was suitable for grinding teeth when chewed, and it was a torture to the throat when swallowed. In the end, water was needed to send the food down.

In the past, in modern times, no matter what disaster we faced, we had never encountered the situation of eating this kind of food. Modern materials are very abundant. Even if a disaster strikes, it will not be difficult to find delicious food. But in ancient times, they only wanted to have food to eat, and they would not care about the taste.

Wen Zheng silently finished the cake in his hand.

After resting for an hour at the foot of the hillside, avoiding the hottest time, he set out on the road again.

From time to time, the corpses of people and animals can be seen on the road. It was not until the evening that we met living people who were also fleeing from famine.

After noticing each other, both sides couldn't help but look at each other. After finding no familiar faces, no one wasted the effort to say hello, and each went their own way. To be able to avoid those floods, survive until now and flee to other places, not only must you be lucky, but you must also be smart. Basically, you can see at a glance that this group of people is not easy to mess with.

When the patriarch led the way in front, he avoided Jinfeng County, fearing that the county would be occupied by rebellious refugees before the flood came. The subsequent road also avoided the main roads leading to several nearby counties.

Even so, there were more people on the road. Some people stopped to rest because they were tired, and new people appeared on the road. No matter what they were thinking, they looked at their large team and then looked away.

Their team stopped to rest when they were about to give up. The team surrounded the most important cars in the middle, and the rest of the people sat around to block the eyes of strangers.

In ancient times, people ate two meals and did not eat after noon. In fact, the biggest reason for Wen Zheng was to reduce food consumption, especially for ordinary people.

But it was possible before. If you were really hungry, you could rest, but it was not possible on the road of fleeing famine. After walking for a day, you didn’t eat anything at night. Wen Zheng was worried that someone would not wake up on the first morning.

Wen Zheng persuaded the clan leader and the third master. The two persuaded everyone, but they ate but did not dare to eat the precious dry food. So when they rested at night, they made two fires, poured clean drinking water into the pottery pot, added dried vegetables after the water boiled, and put in a pinch of coarse salt, and distributed it to everyone after it boiled again.

After eating the wild vegetables, he drank up all the soup, and added some water to the bamboo tube and shook it to continue drinking, so as not to waste any salt. He also fed a few livestock, unloaded the vehicle, and let them have a good rest.

"It would be great if I could sleep with a full stomach every day." Hunter Yang sighed while touching his stomach, and pulled Wen Zheng to the area he had chosen to rest.

At night, Wen Zheng woke up from hunger in the middle of the night. He stuffed a few dried meat sticks into his mouth and ate a steamed bun hidden in the space. The hunger subsided and he still couldn't sleep.

Even though there are many places in this world that are not quite right, he still can't bear to see these scenes on the road, but he still can't take too many risks and needs to continue to observe.

We woke up before dawn every day, perhaps because everyone had a good night's sleep after eating the night food, and everyone was full of energy.

In the morning, I ate just two mouthfuls of dry food and then packed up and set off. The teams I encountered in the next two days had no vehicles and their pace was a bit slow, leaving them behind.

I walk on the road every day and look at the land that has become desolate after being watered by floods. Even if I see the corpse again, it is difficult to have any fluctuations in my heart. I don’t even need to think in my head, I just need to direct my footsteps and continue to follow people forward. , if you keep walking, time will pass faster.

Sometimes the choice of the patriarch and the old man may not always be correct. When they encounter a road blocked by falling rocks, they can only choose to turn around and spend two sticks of incense to return to that fork in the road and embark on another road. a road.

This is a road leading to a certain county town. On this road, there are more victims fleeing the disaster. Most of them have emaciated bodies and drag heavy footsteps. Only a few glimmers of hope are still shining in their eyes. Make them look like people, not zombies.

There were also other vehicles on the road. In addition to the mules and donkeys that farmers had accumulated for many years and could afford to buy, there were not only ox carts but also horse carriages. The two side by side carriages also had guards carrying bows and arrows. It was obvious at first glance that they were not. Ordinary people don't dare to provoke them, they just dare to stay away from them.

The villagers looked back a few times after hearing the noise, but they did not delay their progress. However, most of them walked on their feet, and the vehicles matched the speed of the people and quickly caught up with them.

Two side-by-side carriages occupied the entire road and were about to rush over. The villagers hurriedly moved to the side to avoid them. The clan leader quickly asked people to drive the vehicles to avoid them. The carriages did not slow down at all and passed by dangerously. Casting a glance, he quickly surpassed them and then disappeared.

Wen Zheng frowned, but saw that the villagers were accustomed to this.

At the last fork in the road before entering the county seat ahead, the clan leader stopped and asked everyone whether they should continue to the capital or settle down in the county seat ahead. Most people wanted to go to the county seat first to inquire about the news, and there were no others who had not spoken. expressed objection, but acquiesced.

It was approaching noon, and the sun was shining so brightly that even the birds flying in the sky seemed a little tired.

The team silently quickened their pace, hoping to find a shady place to rest as soon as possible. The sweat on their foreheads couldn't stop flowing down. They couldn't help but take out the bamboo tube filled with water and take a sip, and then took another sip. Even before their eyes, they seemed to appear. Dark shadow.

There was a snap.

Everyone's consciousness returned to their bodies. The sun was still so hot, but the dark shadow caught by the eyes just now seemed not an illusion. It was a bird that fell from the sky. It lay on the road as if it had died from the sun.

"It's so hot that even the birds can't stand it."

"Everyone, just walk a little longer and we'll be there soon."

"No, it doesn't look like this bird fell out because it was sunburned." Wen Zheng said at this time. He raised Tuantuan from the time he hatched to a big one. For this reason, he read all kinds of knowledge about birds. I also have the experience of raising birds in many worlds with Tuantuan.

As soon as Wen Zheng saw the fallen bird, he felt something was wrong. When he heard the villagers talking, he immediately rejected the option of being stunned by heat. From the feathers, eyes and other body details It seems that this bird is more suitable for the disease.

It is not terrible to get sick. What is terrible is that shortly after the flood recedes, it is very likely that what you contract is a contagious plague.

This place is not far from the county seat. If it were true, what would be the situation in the county seat now?

Wen Zheng expressed his findings and thoughts and looked around, trying to find a high ground from which he could observe the county seat. He couldn't find any high ground, but he heard the sound of water flowing.

After taking a look at the bird's condition and what Wen Zheng said, the villagers looked to Wen Zheng for a definite answer. However, they saw Wen Zheng leave the team and run forward. They stopped there blankly for a few seconds. , and then followed.

Wen Zheng ran to a position where he could see the water flow. The river that had just suffered a flood had plenty of water, and even days of exposure to the sun did not reduce the water level too much.

"Looking at the flow of this river, I'm afraid it leads to a nearby county. Even if it doesn't flow into the city, it's probably connected to wells everywhere." Wen Zheng said to the villagers who caught up, and then stretched out his hand without waiting for anyone to ask. The finger points to a distant location.

No one with bad eyesight could see what Wen Zheng was referring to, but Orion Yang, who had a good eye from hunting every day, exclaimed: "There is a corpse soaked in the water!"

People who were still trying to distinguish it were immediately reminded that although people in ancient times did not know where the plague came from, after this period of time, Third Master and Wen Zheng reminded them many times that they knew not to drink food soaked in corpses. water.

Birds landed first, and then corpses were seen in the river. Even if there was no plague in the county ahead, neither of these things was a good sign, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.

They left as soon as they said they would. Out of unknown worries and a sense of urgency, the people who were already tired ignored the gazes of the other refugees and left faster than when they came under the fiercer sun.

They quickly returned to the fork in the road and walked towards another road. It felt similar to the feeling when they went up the mountain that day. They persisted for a while before stopping panting, but they couldn't find a cool place.

Wen Zheng pulled a few people to help dismantle the bamboo raft on the vehicle. The bamboo raft was originally used to make a tight carriage to prevent people from seeing what they were carrying. Now they covered the vehicle with clothes first, and put the unloaded bamboo raft in an open space. The sharpened bamboo poles used as weapons were used as pillars, and the stones were tied with ropes to fix them. Several shade sheds were built.

"The mountain is really smart. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Now you won't be afraid of the sun wherever you go."

"Oh, come here quickly to avoid the sun. Mom, I'll help you in first."

Several villagers who were obviously in poor condition were helped to rest in the bamboo shed. Wen Zheng looked at their condition, took out salt from the package he carried with him, sprinkled salt grains into the bamboo tube in front of everyone, shook it well and handed it to them.

"If you feel your heartbeat is too fast and your limbs are weak, drink some salt water, you will feel much better."

"How can I let you take out the salt? Take it back and drink it yourself." Every family saves salt, and this thing will not be given to others easily.

"The salt is all in it, and I can't finish it by myself. Just think of it as something you owe me first, and you can return it to me later. If you don't drink it now, it will be dried up by the sun in a while."

"Don't talk nonsense, how can it be dried up so quickly? Let me make it clear that I'm borrowing it from you, and I will definitely return it to you in the future."

After muttering a few words, he took the bamboo tube handed by Wen Zheng with his trembling hands, and was supported by his son sitting next to him, and drank it down a little bit.

The taste of coarse salt is not good, unlike modern refined salt, which only tastes salty, because too many impurities are mixed with other flavors, the most obvious of which is bitterness. But those who drank it knew the preciousness of salt, and didn't dare to waste even a drop.

After drinking it, he lay down to rest for a while, and his originally fast heartbeat slowly returned to normal speed, and his strength was restored a lot. Those who were originally unwell expressed that they had improved, and the clan leader was still a little worried and extended the rest time for a while.

The villagers took the initiative to reinstall the bamboo raft on the car. The movements were still a little unfamiliar. It would probably take less time after they became proficient. They also followed Wen Zheng's words to adjust their breathing rhythm, and they didn't feel tired so quickly.

As they left the increasingly distant county town, the walls blocked the impact of the flood. The houses inside were not damaged too much. Only the food that was flooded and the refugees who entered the city every day kept the county town in chaos. The county magistrate, who should have taken measures, was still receiving guests in the county government office at this time, but he didn't know that a few special patients had come to the county clinic.

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