Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

After entering the community, Wen Zheng's eyes stayed on the official account that had just released the official notice.

A few minutes later, two photos before and after processing, along with news links and a few analysis sentences, were received by official accounts on various platforms through private messages and comments.

After doing all this, Wen Zheng walked into the apartment building and turned right, which was the door of his house.

The Wen family lives on the first floor.

It sounds like the first floor, which is close to the ground, is more likely to encounter attacks from underground, but if you think about it carefully, the first floor is also easier to escape and transfer.

No matter where you are, there are pros and cons.

Wen Zheng returned home with a wound on his arm and was surrounded by his parents as soon as he entered the door.

Wen Huahui, who was 1.8 meters tall and still wearing an apron, saw his son and his eyes immediately turned red: "Didn't you say it was okay? Your hand is injured."

Shi Yi, who was standing next to him, immediately pushed him and urged: "Hurry up and get the medical kit."

When his wife spoke, Wen Huahui dared not disobey her and turned around to look for the medical kit at home.

Wen Zheng watched this scene with a smile, followed Shi Yi's strength, sat on the sofa, and comforted: "It's just that my arm was accidentally scratched twice, it's not serious."

"You have to bandage it well."

The original family model is that the man is responsible for the home and the woman is responsible for the outside. The father Wen Huahui has a gentle personality and is a little sentimental. He works as an elementary school teacher and is now in a relaxing summer vacation.

And the mother Shi Yi has a strong personality and is vigorous and resolute. She is a manager in a local company. She is busy with work on weekdays and has little free time.

The personalities of the two people complement each other. Although the family division of labor model is different from that of the public, it occasionally attracts gossip, but these have not affected the relationship between the two at all.

Honestly stretched out his hand for his father to clean and bandage, and Wen Zheng's face showed some sorrow: "Dad, Mom, I feel something is wrong with the road collapse this time."

"Did you go to see it? Didn't I tell you to stay away from Tianning Avenue?" Parents always focus on the safety of their children, and don't follow routines.

"Look, I found it from the news reports." Wen Zheng didn't dare to say that he was facing the collapse at that time, and quickly diverted his parents' attention.

The content sent by the official before came in handy again. Wen Zheng didn't need to explain it again. They could understand what his son wanted to express by looking at the content directly.

The two of them read it carefully, but the two words "disbelief" were clearly written on their faces.

"I decided to spend a few days to prepare some supplies, and our family also needs to take some more safety measures. Mom, you should pay more attention to the ground when you go to work. If there is anything wrong, go around it immediately."

"Are you not going to work?"

"I'll take a few days off from the company. If nothing happens, I'll go back to work."

Shi Yi frowned and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Wen Huahui: "Okay, my son is still injured."

After telling his son to stay in the living room and watch TV, Wen Huahui took Shi Yi and walked into the kitchen side by side. The two deliberately lowered their voices to talk, but they were still caught by Wen Zheng's ears.

"This kid, probably watched too many messed-up movies. I've never seen him have such a rich imagination before."

"Forget it, I think it's because his work is not going well, so let him stay at home for a few days, recuperate, and then find a new job."

"It's all your fault. You spoiled the kid."

Knowing that his dangerous theory was not very convincing, Wen Zheng thought he would have to spend a lot of time talking, but he easily achieved his goal.

Thinking carefully, in the memory of the original body, he was indeed not very adaptable to the rhythm of the company. He had proposed the idea of ​​resigning at home, which was equivalent to paving the way for this leave in advance.

Wen Zheng called the company to resign. On the first night at home, he used points to exchange for physical enhancement from the game system.

Except for the worlds where points were insufficient at the beginning and could not be purchased, in the following worlds, this potion is basically a must-have at the beginning, and the effect is also quite good.

After a night, the wound on the arm was almost scabbed, and the body no longer felt weak as the day before.

The physical enhancement potion that entered the human body slowly took effect, transforming Wen Zheng's body unnoticeably.

On the first day at home, Wen Zheng insisted on sending Shi Yi to the company, which made Shi Yi laugh and cry, and happy for his son's concern.

Wen Zheng also planned to pick up Shi Yi after get off work. He was very worried about his parents, and reminded her several times before leaving, asking her to wait for him to pick her up after get off work in the evening before leaving.

The mother's safety must be guaranteed, and the father cannot be ignored. Wen Zheng returned home quickly and accompanied Wen Huahui to the supermarket to shop.

The two drove the empty car and stopped in front of the supermarket. Wen Zheng said hello to his father and ran away immediately.

Wen Huahui went in by himself, selected the ingredients for cooking and the snacks that his family liked, checked out and left the supermarket, and saw his son putting things in the trunk from a distance.

Hey, these boxes, he really bought a lot.

When he got closer, there were medical supplies such as gauze, iodine, bandages, cold medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs and other medicines piled in the box, and compressed biscuits, canned food and various necessary daily necessities were also not forgotten.

These were nothing. When Wen Huahui saw the steel bars, shovels, bone-cutting knives, and even two electric saws piled in the trunk, he realized what it meant to be blinded.

Could it be that what this guy said yesterday was not an excuse to quit his job, but his true thoughts?

Wen Huahui was so shocked that he sat in the passenger seat in a daze, followed his son home in a daze, and watched his son sprinkle sand on the wall in a daze.


"Wait! Son, do you think your dad's cleaning is too easy and you have to make it more difficult?"

"Dad, under normal circumstances, sand will not move on a flat ground unless the ground vibrates abnormally. This is a warning device." While speaking, Wen Zheng took the rope and the newly bought building blocks to set up simple sound reminder devices in each room.

We are not an earthquake zone!

Wen Huahui stood in place, watching Wen Zheng complete a series of meticulous operations. For a moment, his face was complicated and difficult to read.

It's over. His son must be under too much pressure and have mental problems.

What is this called? Doomsday paranoia?

"Dad, take another look at this news." Wen Zheng, who had finished his work, put his mobile phone in front of his father and read it first.

"Shocked! Another major road collapse accident happened in another place. Was it a shoddy project or was there another reason?"

This was the news released not long ago. In less than an hour, it had already appeared in the hot spots of major applications.

There was no news about the rescue of Tianning Avenue, and a new collapse accident occurred.

The ground was cracked and collapsed in sections. The characteristics of the new accident were surprisingly similar to those of Tianning Avenue, but the two places were separated by two provinces and were far apart.

This coincidence and distance triggered a heated discussion among a large number of netizens.

Originally, they were all paying attention to the rescue situation and denouncing the engineering team and the government. Now most people's attention has shifted to finding the similarities between the two accidents.

"It's just a coincidence."

Wen Huahui still disagreed with Wen Zheng's concerns, but he was no longer so resistant to Wen Zheng's preparations.

In the next two days, Wen Zheng was very busy. In addition to various preparations, part of his time was spent searching for various news on the Internet.

"A call for help came from the subway construction tunnel. Workers disappeared mysteriously. The police have opened a case for investigation."

"The manhole cover was maliciously opened and placed horizontally. A passerby fell into it and his life or death is unknown."

"Three people are missing in village x, county x, city. If you have any relevant clues, please contact the police or their families immediately."

These accidents, big and small, seem to be unrelated at first glance, but Wen Zheng can find the connection from the detailed descriptions. Needless to say, the subway and the manhole cover are related to the underground. The last itinerary of the missing three people was to go to the rice fields in the village early in the morning.

The last straw that made Wen Huahui and Shi Yi believe was that Wen Zheng found unidentified objects with ring-shaped stripes in the pictures or videos of these three news reports, which made people think about it carefully.

Even Shi Yi, who was determined, was a little shaken. Under Wen Zheng's strong persuasion, he asked for annual leave from the company, stayed at home to follow the progress of the matter, and familiarized himself with the use of various "weapons".

Wen Huahui and Shi Yi also tried to remind their relatives and friends to pay more attention, but the effect was minimal. However, both parents had passed away, which did not make them particularly worried.

Most people still live their daily lives, which is completely different from the panic-filled Internet.

After sending out the newly added content, Wen Zheng sighed softly as he looked at the page that still had no reply.

In the face of disasters, the power of the country can increase the chances of human survival, but making random comments is in danger of being labeled as rumor-mongering and panic-mongering.

There was too little evidence in the early stage, and it was easy to be regarded as fantasy, so in order to avoid too much trouble, Wen Zheng chose to send it from the Internet, and then send it as usual if he found any new information.

I hope it can be of some help.

Tianning Avenue, which is still surrounded by the cordon, is still carrying out rescue investigation operations.

In the temporary command post not far away, always pay attention to any dynamics below.

"What's the latest situation?"

"According to the road video surveillance, a total of 16 people have fallen. Most of the ruins at the collapsed site have been cleared. There are no traces of humans. Only the remaining clothing fragments have been found."

"Besides that, are there any abnormalities?"

"The soil and sand that make up the ruins are too soft, and... it seems that some kind of creature is walking inside. Those analyses basically match the current situation."

After the report, the tall middle-aged man said nothing and focused all his attention on the screen in front of him.

The sewer pipes with searchlights installed are no longer dark. Someone is operating the machine to clean up the collapsed ruins. More figures are fully equipped and search carefully underground, not missing any traces.

The work is not over yet, and the accident comes first. The red special alarm sign, accompanied by a harsh sound, appears in the center of the screen. The middle-aged man quickly picks up the walkie-talkie and issues orders.

"Special biological fluctuations detected, approaching quickly!"


"Emergency alert!"

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-31 23:46:04~2021-08-01 23:44:59~

Thank you to the little angels who cast mines: 1 dead silence;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated nutrient solution: 19061707 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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