Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 20 Chapter 20

Once a team was sent to explore underground, but they unexpectedly encountered white fog. Many leaders still remember the tragic result.

Other cities have also sent teams to perform underground missions. Some survived successfully, and of course some encountered accidents.

These missions allowed them to obtain valuable intelligence, but these lives weighed heavily on their hearts.

So every time they issued such a mission that they had to do, the leaders only hoped that the arrangement could be more comprehensive and perfect, so that the safety performance of the dispatched team would be higher.

"Is this the possible location of the worm nest? It's so messy."

The road that had been ravaged by worms, the dry trees on the roadside had collapsed, the branches that had not been cleared away lay on the ground, and the bare branches intertwined and pointed to the sky.

This place is completely unlike the desolation of modern cities, but it is their first green target location. The last worm in this area was just cleared the day before.

"According to the calculation results sent by the base, it is just below this ground. The excavator is here, everyone make way."

"Those experts are so amazing that they can even calculate these. When I was in school, I had a headache when I saw mathematics."

Everything in the world has its own rules, and even these worms, whose origins are still unclear, cannot escape the fate of being thoroughly studied.

The research experts summoned by the country all have real talents and the most comprehensive research materials. After various calculations and verifications, they finally determined the approximate range of the worm's nest based on the movement trajectory of the worm.

The green safety area is the best choice for them to practice looking for worm caves, and the ground detection device can detect the nearest tunnel under the ground.

There is no subway station leading to the underground in this area. The excavator dug the ground according to the command, and then continued to dig along the exposed black tunnel until a deep pit leading directly to the underground appeared.

"Let's go!"

With safety ropes tied around their waists, they fell from the hole where the worms caught food. Wen Zheng was the first to go down. His ears were always capturing the movements around him, and the modified soles of his shoes even had sharp blades.

After landing smoothly, the blade was retracted under the feet, and all the team members landed safely underground.

The deep underground where no worms were active was still shrouded in waves of nauseating rotten stench. The caves dug by the worms were not high enough for them to walk upright, and it was difficult to move and breathe.

The commander on the ground was constantly detecting the signals from the action team and commanding the excavator to find the remaining deep holes completed by the worms.

"Captain, come and see here."

The team bent over and moved with difficulty. The worms that could move underground were quite willful. They turned left and right along the underground passages. Finally, looking at the route map, they were still circling within a certain range.

A team member shouted, and the light of the flashlight in his hand illuminated the corner of the cave not far away, where some clothing residues and metal objects such as mobile phones were left.

The not-so-bright light of the flashlight shone on those objects, which were all black rust, but as long as you go forward and take a closer look, you will find that they are residual black blood stains.

The team members who saw the same scene all showed surprise and sadness on their faces. These were obviously the items left by the victims who had been dragged down by the worms.

"It seems that the worms' nest is nearby."

The obvious fact, when it was said, made everyone more careful in their already cautious state.

Before entering the nest, they needed to have a road to evacuate. In this underground without human engineering, they had to rely on the road made by the worms to modify it.

Wen Zheng marked the location of the worm nest on the screen, and the people on the ground immediately started to act.

They opened the deep pit with the upper and lower parts to the horizontal position where Wen Zheng and his team were located, and then remotely controlled the small machine to expand the horizontal road to form an L-shaped escape passage.

This is the best preparation that can be done at present.

The many safety ropes that were recently delivered were placed next to the cave entrance, and Wen Zheng and others entered the worm nest.

The dark cave ceiling and walls were hung with worm-shaped mud pupae. At the moment of confirmation, Wen Zheng immediately issued an order: "Go!"

Don't give these eggs any chance to hatch, and minimize the probability of danger they may encounter. The requirement of the base when issuing the task is to immediately eliminate the eggs after seeing them.

Bang bang bang sounded everywhere.

Even if the information distributed by the base has instructions, the hardness of the mud pupae is still a bit surprising. It took several shots in a row to hit the same place before the bullet was shot in.

Corrosive blood flows, but the drugs contained in the hollow bullets also play a role. After the mud pupae cracked, the worm signal detector that lit up the red dot flashed and soon went out.

Add another bullet to the mud pupae that made a hole, and the team members were relieved to deal with the next one.

This time the action was unexpectedly smooth. After all the worms in the nest were solved, the signal detector returned to calm, and the bodies of all team members were no longer so tense.

"Let's take them home." Guan Luping's footsteps stopped at the relic at the entrance of the cave.

No one objected to this, and they packed up the things as quickly as possible, and then tied the eggs and relics to the safety rope.

The next step was to tie the remaining safety rope to themselves, and then return along the L-shaped passage. On the last upward road, they directly used the power of the ground to pull them up to the ground.

"Welcome back."

The commanders who stayed on the ground cheered. Even though the whole process took only a few hours, it felt so long.

Everyone in the team was intact, and then they pulled the rope to pull up the tied eggs and relics to reduce the safety risks on the way back.

The eggs will be immediately escorted back to the base for the expert group to study, and the relatives of the deceased will be notified to collect the relics after their identities are found.

The first operation was quite smooth, which made them more confident about the next goal.

In the next green safety area, there are areas that need to be dug through worm tunnels to go down, dark and humid sewers, and gradually deserted subway tunnels, all of which are not in danger.

Several nearby green areas have been cleared, and only yellow and red dangerous areas are in front of them in the planned forward route.

"Should we go to the yellow area or the red area first? If we compare them carefully, the yellow area is more dangerous than the red area. I would rather patiently lure out the worms on the ground than suddenly encounter a worm underground."

"Underground is the home ground of worms, and we have no advantage at all."

"But this area has just turned yellow, and the worms may not come to occupy the new territory so quickly."

"Go to the red area first." Wen Zheng made the final decision. At least after eliminating the worms in the adjacent red area, there will be no possibility that this red area will be transferred to the yellow area.

They were familiar with the method of luring worms in many actual combats, and even prepared animals for luring.

After determining the next target, they had not yet connected with the stationed team in the red area, and they learned that they had been busy luring worms in the past two days and were now fighting.

Unfortunately, they lured out two worms at once, and their preparations were not sufficient. They were already in a dangerous situation and needed emergency rescue.

As soon as they got the news, there was no need to choose between the two areas. Wen Zheng and his team left the logistics unit and rode a modified motorcycle to take a shortcut to the area.

Their arrival solved the urgent problem and helped the garrison team to deal with the two worms. In the end, several members of the garrison team were injured. The most serious one might suffer the same amputation as Guan Shan, but his life was saved.

Captain Zhang of the garrison team, who was slightly injured, came over to thank them for arriving in time. On the one hand, he arranged for his team members to clean up the worm bodies, and on the other hand, he invited Wen Zheng and his team to go to the office to rest for a while.

In theory, the contribution after killing the worms will now be calculated based on two parts, including killing the worms and handing in the worm skins.

These contributions of killing the worms will obviously be counted in their two teams, and the contribution of handing in the worm skins will be counted in the garrison team responsible for handling the worm bodies.

Even if neither side said it directly, it can be seen from Captain Zhang's arrangement that Wen Zheng and his team had no objection. After all, the garrison team was the one that spent more effort and was seriously injured.

So when Wen Zheng saw Guan Luping frowning, he was still wondering why. He was not injured in the battle, and with his personality, he would not care too much about these contributions.

After Captain Zhang left and they were the only ones left in the room, Guan Luping moved his lips slightly and uttered a few words. His tone was so light that even his teammates standing next to him could not distinguish them clearly.

But Wen Zheng's keen hearing caught Guan Luping's weak words.

"They left the meat of the worm."

The author has something to say: I will become a v-player tomorrow, and will update 10,000 words in three chapters. Thank you for your support!

Pre-collection of "I am a jack of all trades after memorizing the text", please collect it~

As an 18th-tier actor, Yu Xian just wanted to make a living. After he unexpectedly became popular, he was ridiculed as a vase illiterate and became a mockery of the whole network.

"It's in the elementary school textbook. Yu Xian has never been to elementary school."

After reading the comments of the black fan, Yu Xian angrily found the text and memorized it. Unexpectedly, he entered the text in his dream that night.

So, he practiced wall painting skills in "Brush Li". It happened that the experience profession he was drawn in the variety show was a decorator, and his painting skills shocked the audience.

Just memorized "Wannianlao", and the candied haws he made attracted passers-by to buy them. The audience drooled after watching it and thought about it day and night.

Will the next issue promote intangible cultural heritage? After reciting "Nuanzhou Ji", the experts called him a master on the spot.

There are also "Voice Skills", "Clay Man Zhang", "Duck Eggs on Dragon Boat Festival"...

Fans are ecstatic, haters turn against, and the whole network goes from shock to habit: Yu Xian, how many skills have you not shown yet!

Completed article, welcome to take a look:

No CP apocalypse article: The first part of this article is "Infinite Disaster Survival"

Current farming articles: "Returning to my hometown to open a farm", "Starting to be Shennong today", "Cultivation Master (Farming)"

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-24 23:37:23~2021-08-25 23:51:40~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated nutrient solution: Zhang Wumeng 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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