Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 200 Chapter 200

The rich businessman was lucky, and he was quite plump. When the group attacked, they first dealt with the guards who looked difficult to deal with. During the fight, they only sent one person to prevent the rich businessman from escaping. As a result, the rich businessman fell down before he could run two steps, hit the stone and fainted, and a lot of blood flowed from his head, so he escaped.

They didn't have to care about the dead, but the rich businessman was still alive, and they didn't know whether he was good or evil. If they left him here without caring, it would be considered as killing someone. Moreover, they were not the kind of people who did good things without leaving their names. If they could get some rewards for saving a life, it would help them a lot.

After discussion, they found a place to put the body of the guard, and then moved the rich businessman who had not woken up to the vehicle. The place where the rich businessman's carriage stopped was not far away, and the four people in charge of carrying it almost couldn't hold on. Wen Zheng was curious that the rich businessman could still have the current weight after driving all the way.

Let someone drive the carriage back first, and Wen Zheng and Yang the hunter would stay here to deal with it. Wen Zheng asked Yang the hunter to cover here alone, and followed the trail. He learned from his accomplices about the numerous crimes these people had committed. Wen Zheng could not let the rest of them go.

They were already inhumane beasts, and letting them go would only cost more lives.

The group of people did not run too far, and they followed them to find their accomplices who had not come, and killed all the remaining men. There were a few women in the team, who were coerced by this group of people to become reserve food. Anyone who dared to resist was eaten in advance. The rest were in fear every day, but they did not harm anyone.

Wen Zheng threw in a bag of dry food taken out from the space. It was not a very good food, but some grains, wild vegetables, and edible leaves and buds, as well as a few bamboo tubes of water, enough for them to walk to the nearest villages.

Wen Zheng threw the things in, without revealing his face. The women looked at the suddenly changed situation, and did not go to get the food, but knelt on the ground and kowtowed several times in the direction of Wen Zheng, silently shedding tears and venting their anger on the corpses of the evil people.

Wen Zheng left quietly, but he didn't know what the fate of these women would be. With his ability, he could do better than now, but because of his concerns about this world, he didn't dare to expose too much.

After rushing back quickly, he first answered the villagers' worried questions, and asked the third master to prepare some medicine for the rich businessman to apply. After the rich businessman woke up, there was another round of chaos before he explained the matter clearly.

The rich businessman was not very courageous, but he knew that the guards had passed away, and he was angry and a little sad. As the villagers expected, they gave them a silver note of 100 taels of silver as a reward, saying that there would be more after they arrived in the prefecture.

But he lost the protection of the guards, and hoped that he could follow them on the road behind, so that he could arrive at the county safely. Otherwise, he would be a fat sheep on the road like this.

"Fat sheep" in a double sense.

The clan leader kept the silver note. When the third master was treating his injuries, he didn't find any other diseases on his body. In the end, he agreed to let the rich businessman follow them. Since he was saving people, he would help to the end.

Wen Zheng was worried that the rich businessman was carrying an epidemic disease, so he specifically instructed that all people who came into contact with him should cover their mouths and noses. After the rich businessman woke up, he was examined by the third master who was a doctor, and he was asked carefully. He rushed to the capital city on the way and did not stop in other county towns. He ate the dry food he brought in the car every day, and he was not at ease with the food and water outside.

The rich businessman's surname is Shen. He looks like a rich businessman, and his family is indeed engaged in business, but he has not taken over the family business yet. His family is in the capital city, and he was sent by his father to inspect the industry. As a result, he was unlucky to encounter floods and wars. Speaking of this, Mr. Shen's expression became complicated, and he whispered: "The group of rebels is really bold. The leader who wanted to rebel at the beginning shouted an extraordinary slogan. Many refugees who couldn't make a living responded to them. The leader was in charge, and after entering the county town, he restrained his subordinates from doing anything wrong."

"Amazing slogan? Mr. Shen, can you tell me in detail?" Wen Zheng asked with a moved heart.

"Why call me Young Master? I'm one year older than you. Just call me Brother Shen." Shen Jiafu smiled and got closer to Wen Zheng before he dared to whisper, "Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different races?"

Wen Zheng was shocked. In his original world, everyone who went to school would have learned this sentence, but he didn't expect to hear it in this strange dynasty.

Looking at Shen Jiafu's expression, he had never heard of this sentence before. And Wen Zheng had asked about history many times, and the old people said that the names of the dynasties they remembered did not match the real world. Was it a coincidence that the leader of the rebels said this, or was there really something wrong with this world?

Wen Zheng was even more suspicious and planned to continue to cover it up. Even the villagers did not dare to reveal too much.

Shen Jiafu was born in a merchant family. It was said that he was only a small rich man. However, when he was born, his parents dreamed of a golden boy falling into their arms. After he was born, the Shen family's business developed rapidly, so his family spoiled him. His biggest worry was that he couldn't lose the fat on his body. Secondly, his family was too strict. He finally got out but encountered a flood. If it weren't for Wen Zheng's rescue, he would have died here.

Wen Zheng didn't say much after hearing this, but he complained in his heart that Shen Jiafu's parents had a dream when he was born. It was probably that they dreamed about what they thought about during the day, but the effect was somewhat similar to the original parents' encounter with the fortune teller. It seemed that it was particularly easy to do these supernatural things in ancient times.

Shen Jiafu didn't travel much, but he couldn't help his family's assistants traveling all over the world to do business. He knew a lot more things than the old people in the village, so he became Wen Zheng's channel to inquire about the world. Along the way, Shen Jiafu said everything he could. Even though he knew in his heart that he could not say anything wrong with this dynasty, by simply describing some facts without adding any opinions, Wen Zheng could tell that the emperors of recent generations had some problems. Ridiculous, it has reached its final years.

Now may be the beginning of the war between heroes.

Mr. Shen is actually a little dissatisfied with the imperial court, and has often been troubled by certain officials and nobles. No wonder his emotions are a bit complicated when he mentions the rebel army, and he is more or less anti-resident in his heart, waiting for that day to be extinguished. Or burn completely.

Wen Zheng knew more things now, and he did not dare to have high expectations for the administration of this dynasty. He only hoped to settle the villagers first and then make his own plans.

Their team lasted for more than a month, without stopping except for necessary rest, and finally arrived at the gate of Fucheng.

The majesty of Fucheng is not comparable to that of ordinary county towns. The city gate alone is as high as two people, and it not only has city walls but also a moat. There are inspection guards at the city gate, and there are groups of soldiers outside the moat. When they see refugees coming, they will give them directions.

There is a large group of people in Wen Zheng's team, and they look like victims of the disaster. However, there is a good-looking carriage inside that looks a little out of place, which makes people a little suspicious. They have heard about it during this time. There have been cases where victims of disasters simply fell to the ground. Maybe these people were stupid if they dared to carry a carriage that might be stolen goods.

Two soldiers in charge of the victims came over. They had a straight face because of the existence of the carriage. Just as they were about to ask sharply, Shen Jiafu stepped out of the carriage, explained to the soldiers, and took out two taels of silver from his arms. Putting it into the other person's arms, he asked in a low voice: "I wonder what the rules are for entering the city now?"

"Well, if you want to enter the city, fifty taels of silver will do." The smile on the soldier's face became more sincere.

"What about these friends around me?" Shen Jiafu's expression did not change after hearing this, unlike the shocked villagers who heard the conversation between the two, and continued to ask.

The soldier glanced at them and said with a smile: "The price is naturally the same. It is the hard-earned money of us brothers every day. You are from the prefectural city before you can enter the city. It is true that these foreigners have a hard life fleeing here, but the prefect pays them every day." The rebels are busy and send people to cook porridge and provide relief outside the city every day. They have arranged a place for you to stay, so why do you have to squeeze into the city. "

Hearing this, the villagers began to say that the prefect loved the people like his own children, and gave up the idea of ​​going to the city. After all, they couldn't afford too much money. With so many people, how much money would it cost? That little money is nothing to spend.

Wen Zheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Everyone who entered the city had to pay fifty taels of silver, and he was so blatant. It was obvious that his superiors had tacitly approved or even explained it. He obviously didn't want the victims to enter the city, but the locals were all accustomed to it, and even because of the arrangement The disaster relief work made ordinary people burst into tears of gratitude, making it difficult for Wen Zheng, who was accustomed to modern times, to adapt.

As for the so-called cooking porridge for disaster relief and arranging resting places, Wen Zheng didn't think that the treatment would be very good. He was also worried about the plague that might break out at any time, and was unwilling to let the villagers go to the place where the victims gathered. Finally, he whispered to the patriarch. In short, they still have dry food in their hands, and they haven't reached the point of exhaustion yet.

Shen Jiafu removed the money from the banknotes and gave all the remaining cash to Wen Zheng secretly. He also whispered to him that after he went to the city to withdraw the money, he would come out to thank them again. Wen Zheng told him in a low voice that they would not go to the disaster relief site yet, but would rest at a mountain pass on the road they had just walked. If anything happened, they would go there to find him.

After nodding to show his understanding, Shen Jiafu learned the skills of driving a carriage on the road. He walked to the city gate, took out his money and revealed his identity, and successfully entered the city.

The soldier pointed out the disaster relief location to the people in Fengnan Village and left. Later, he found that they were returning the same way, but he only thought that Shen Jiafu had agreed to something for them and didn't pay much attention to it.

Everyone in Fengnan Village found a place to settle down and rest. Some people were eager to go to the disaster relief area, but the clan leader stopped him sternly and returned to his place to prepare food. However, before the food was ready, there was a sound of horse hooves. Approaching quickly, Wen Zheng quickly looked around and saw that the man coming on horseback was dressed differently from ordinary people and was an emissary from the imperial court.

Riding so fast, I'm afraid there is some important news to be sent to Fucheng.

Wen Zheng had a bad premonition and walked to the clan leader and said, "Do you think the news sent to Fucheng is a war or an epidemic?"

"What? You can't scare me..." the clan leader murmured.

This meal was a little too much to eat. The rest of the people may not know the clan leader's worries, but because they arrived at Fucheng but were unable to enter, they were somewhat depressed. However, they still comforted each other. They thought they would come back to Fucheng in their lifetime. In the future, you can tell your children how high the gate of the city is, how long the city wall is, and how wide the moat is.

Everyone laughed at the joke. The patriarch asked everyone to finish the meal happily, and then arranged for everyone to sort out all the things again. The valuable things were placed in the mouth of the car and the rest were placed outside.

Wen Zheng didn't sleep that night, always paying attention to the movements in Fucheng, and finally heard the sound of several carriages approaching. It didn't sound like soldiers were sent. Maybe someone was leaving the city at this time.

Wen Zheng pondered and found that these carriages began to slow down after approaching their resting place. He carefully identified the style of these carriages and found familiar patterns on the carriages, which were the same as Shen Jiafu's carriage.

Shen Jiafu sent someone out shortly after entering the city. He really didn't misjudge this person.

The villagers rarely sleep too deeply. After hearing the noise, they hurriedly got up and saw three carriages beside them. The three guards driving the carriages made way. Shen Jiafu, who had just separated, poked his head out from inside, looking nervous and explaining to them quickly.

Today, a postman sent a letter into the prefectural city, telling them that there was an outbreak of epidemics in many counties in Yangning. The epidemic might have come from the victims. After reading the letter, the prefect immediately ordered to close the city gates and drive people outside the city and those who came from the disaster-stricken areas in recent days to the mountains to solve the plague.

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