Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 203: Escape from Famine in Ancient Times-13

The cooked decoction was allowed to cool slightly before being drunk into the stomach. After drinking the medicine, the elder fell into a drowsy sleep again, leaving the child sitting next to him and waiting anxiously. From time to time, he would put his hand under his nose to feel the weak breathing. .

The elder woke up again. As soon as his body moved, the son who was always paying attention to his father felt movement and hurried forward. I wanted to reach out to help him, but I saw his father wave his hand and sat up with his hands on the ground.

"Dad, are you okay?" the child called out in surprise.

"I feel much better indeed. I have more strength in my body." The elder said with a smile. In this excitement, his stomach growled at an inappropriate time. He didn't eat anything for almost two days and only drank a bowl of medicinal soup. As soon as I feel better, I feel hungry.

When the son saw this, he was not happy, his eyes were red, and he whispered to his father: "Today, the officers and soldiers in the city did not bring food. The old man who came forward yesterday led people to ask, but he was guarded on the road. The officers and soldiers were driven back, fearing that they would starve us to death."

Upon hearing this, the old man's expression became serious. He stood up on his son's shoulders, asked his son to pick up the package containing the medicinal materials, and followed him out to find the most prestigious old man in this place.

When I passed by, I found that the old man was also organizing people, gathering the remaining rations in the village, and discussing something with a few pieces of cloth. After seeing the father and son approaching, they looked over inquiringly.

The elderly father's eyes fell on the cloth in the old man's hand. Even though he couldn't see clearly, the black handwriting was the same as the one on the cloth in his hand, which was different from the pen and ink used today.

There is no need to make up any excuses, just lift the package in your hand.

The mysterious person last night not only gave them a favor.

The father and son got medicinal materials, while the old man got a package of various types of dried meat, as well as a map showing the accessible areas around them.

The two sides, representing the villagers and the patients who were brought in from outside, sat together. Before the formal conversation began, they collected all the clay pots and boiled the medicinal materials on the fire. For people who looked like they were about to die yesterday, the fact that they can make it today is enough to prove the effectiveness of the medicine.

The small village full of people suffering from the disease was filled with strong medicines. Even if the officers and soldiers guarding from a distance saw the light of the fire, no one was willing to come closer to check.

On the other side, Wen Zheng put down his things and entered the forest again.

His medical skills were well learned in many worlds, but he was not able to develop medicines to cure diseases in half a night.

No one in the Wen clan had suffered from the epidemic before. Wen Zheng only saw the symptoms of the epidemic after he came here. He secretly checked the pulses of several people who were seriously comatose, and then used the herbs in the space to form a sufficient dose according to the symptoms. The medicine comes out.

Just to cure the epidemic, Wen Zheng still needs to adjust the prescription according to the patient's condition after taking the medicine. Some medicinal materials are not enough, and he needs to go to the mountains to find some more.

A day later, Wen Zheng returned to the village and found that the situation inside had indeed improved a lot. Most of the people with severe symptoms had improved. People who had been waiting for death in despair gained a little hope after seeing this change and could survive. How many people want to die?

People with mobility were organized. When Fucheng didn't send food, they put the existing food together and cooked it and distributed it. Those with the mildest condition even searched for edible wild vegetables around them and began to work hard to survive. possibility.

Seeing this, Wen Zheng still did not show up. After secretly taking the sleeping patient's pulse at night, he prepared the medicinal ingredients again. When I was putting down the medicinal materials, I saw writings carved on the wall. In this way, they communicated with the mysterious person who helped them and pointed out the location.

Wen Zheng took out the charcoal pen he made. This time there was no cloth. Instead, he added a paragraph on the large leaf with words written on it. He also left a few charcoal pens, indicating that he would write on the leaf and hang it on the On the tree.

The two parties rely on this method to communicate.

The patients don't know how many mysterious people are helping them. Most of the curious people are advised by sensible people not to explore, so they cook the medicinal materials given by the mysterious people in the range and place designated by the mysterious people. By picking some of the herbs yourself, boiling them into medicinal soup and drinking it bowl after bowl, everyone's symptoms were really relieved a little bit.

The physical improvement was obvious enough to be felt. Those who couldn't help but be curious could not find any trace of Wen Zheng. Now Wen Zheng's image became more mysterious. Ancient people believed in ghosts and gods, so it was the gods who saved people. The theory gradually spread.

Therefore, they were willing to listen to what Wen Zheng told him. Wen Zheng did not clarify. Instead, he made up an explanation, which made people who were unwilling to burn the bodies of their dead relatives nod in agreement.

The houses where the corpses were placed had long been smelly. Fortunately, they were far away and the water source was not polluted. The patient followed Wen Zheng's instructions to burn herbs every day, boil hot water, and used lime from Wen Zheng's mountain, so there was no smell. Cause too serious consequences.

Throw several burning branches far away into those houses. The walls made of wood and the roofs made of thatch, under the windless sun, the lit firewood fell into it, and soon it burned blazingly. stand up.

As soon as the relatives of the deceased who agreed to the burning shed tears, they were pulled back by the old man and others. Once the fire was lit, the officers and soldiers, even if they were indifferent to their life and death, would come to see what was going on.

They did not intend to reveal the current situation that they were about to recover from the illness. The old man and others had told them that based on the government's previous plan, not only would they not let them go after they recovered, they might also be afraid that they would file a lawsuit or cause trouble. to cause even greater trouble.

The officers and soldiers came as expected, but as expected they did not dare to approach. They asked at the top of their lungs about the situation inside, and the old man asked the stronger young people to go out.

After an illness, he could only barely eat enough to satisfy his hunger every day. The thin young man's face was tanned by the sun. He staggered when he walked and coughed from time to time, causing the officers and soldiers to take a few steps back.

After hearing the patient say intermittently that maybe someone didn't pay attention to the fire, or maybe he set himself on fire, he made sure that the trees on the mountain were not ignited, and impatiently wanted to leave.

After the patients began to beg them to send some food, they left faster and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The patients who were left behind were completely disappointed with the government.

Most of the patients in the village place their hopes on the gods, and they do things according to the gods' arrangements every day. They also organize strong laborers to recover their strength to enter the dangerous mountains behind them, pick wild vegetables, capture prey, and collect dry firewood in the areas designated by the gods. Life is slowly getting better, and we are planning a sacrifice.

Fortunately, the old man and Huang Xiucai, who was the first to test the medicine, stopped him. They did not believe in the gods' words and always believed that it was human beings who helped them, but they did not know why their benefactor sacrificed his life.

There was no way to repay the kindness of saving their lives, so they could only collect all the belongings hidden on their bodies in private and thank them in advance, but Wen Zheng did not accept it. They could only do things well according to the instructions Wen Zheng left, and take care of their bodies in detail. Feel the changes and write them out.

During the treatment process, Wen Zheng adjusted the prescription four or five times. The last prescription was definitely able to treat the epidemic. The patients in the village, except those who had suffered too much physical damage, were gradually out of danger.

Wen Zheng waited for an extra day, but did not receive a notification from the game system.

According to his previous experience, Wen Zheng was able to definitely develop a prescription to treat the epidemic and save these people. It was considered a side mission, but this time the system did not remind him. Just like what he had always felt, there was something wrong with the world itself.

Just haven't found what the problem is yet.

Before it was confirmed, Wen Zheng was unwilling to show up in public, but he also didn't want to watch these people die in vain. He still wanted to change some miserable status quo within his ability.

After leaving a safer route map and several ways to deal with possible emergencies, Wen Zheng took the researched prescription and left. He went back to see the situation of his tribe first, but he didn't show up either. He looked for an opportunity to secretly meet him. The patriarch.

The clan leader who returned to the cave was startled by the sudden appearance of Wen Zheng. When he came to his senses, he quickly pulled him and asked: "Did you encounter any danger on your way into the mountain? Why did you come back now? Everyone in the clan is worried." What happened to you? You asked Orion Yang to take people to search nearby. Oh, I hope you are fine. "

Wen Zheng felt warm and a little guilty in his heart. He took the somewhat excited clan leader to sit down next to him. He modified his experience and only said that he got lost in the mountains and forests. Later, he went around to another village and found someone who was involved in treating the epidemic. The prescription seemed to be effective, so I stayed a few more days and came back after asking for more information about the prescription.

"Has someone really researched a useful prescription? Do you need any rare medicinal materials?" The clan leader was so excited that he didn't even bother to ask about Wen Zheng's experience in detail. He was concerned about the prescription first.

If the epidemic can be controlled and treated, people like them don't have to hide in the mountains. Even if they can't return to their hometown, they still have to find a place to buy a few acres of fields and build a few houses. They can't always live in caves and be mountain people. .

"They are all common medicinal materials that can be found in the mountains. I prepared dozens of medicines on the way back and handed them to you along with the prescriptions. You can have more medicinal materials picked and prepared in the future, if you have symptoms similar to the epidemic. Just use it quickly." Wen Zheng said, taking out the things and handing them to the clan leader.

The clan leader narrowed his eyes and looked at Wen Zheng: "Aren't you going to stay?"

Wen Zheng shook his head with a smile and said: "As expected by the clan leader, Wen Zheng wants to go out and have a try. He won't use this name outside. Just pretend that I never came back after the last time I went out."

The patriarch was silent, but the branch in his hand that served as a crutch frequently hit the ground. Finally, he sighed and looked at Wen Zheng: "You can go out and do it if you want, but there is something you need to know."

"Shortly after you left, the second child accidentally let it slip. After I pressed him, I found out that your parents' death was not an accident..."

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