Infinite Disaster Survival

208. Chapter 208: Escape from Famine in Ancient Times-18 (1/2)

Wen Zheng took out the newly made pills. After several adjustments to the formula and operation, he was able to successfully make the pills according to the steps. I opened it, smelled it, and put it in my mouth to taste it. The taste was a bit unpleasant, but the medicinal effect should not be much different.

"Have you seen the production steps?" Wen Zheng put the pills into the porcelain bottle, picked up a clean cloth to wipe his hands, and asked back.

There were many doctors and apprentices in the room who took notes during the observation process. After Wen Zheng asked, someone first answered: "Teacher, we have written down all the steps, and we still need to practice them again." The process of making medicine seems simple, but If there is any problem with the ratio and cooking time, it will probably affect the efficacy of the medicine. They can't guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

Wen Zheng nodded and asked them to continue trying to make medicine in the house. Before going out, he explained: "Put all the pills in the bottles and label them. I will come to check tomorrow. By the way, last time the young master asked if there was a pagoda. If you have the energy, you can try it.”

As soon as Wen Zheng left, the faces of the students in the room became sad, and they continued to ponder while holding the handwriting in their hands, not even wanting to get involved in the lively activities outside.

He left the prescription that kept him warm by burning a fire. As soon as he went out, the coldness penetrated his exposed neck and wrists into his clothes. In the blink of an eye, Wen Zheng had been in this world for more than half a year. Looking back, the experience of these six months was really special. Rich.

First, he fled with the Wen clan when the flood came, and then encountered the plague. Finally, he left alone, changed his identity, and settled in the rebel army.

Frequent disasters have caused many families to be destroyed and displaced, but God has not driven people to a dead end. That period of unbearable heat left them as they counted the days every day. After waiting for the long-lost rain, the people who could not wait for a long time took the farm tools and improved seeds borrowed from the rebels and worked on the land allocated to them. The hope of settling down was sown.

The land after the flood was originally unsuitable for farming, but it encountered a flood first and then a drought. The soil that was so dry that it cracked was equivalent to having experienced exposure to the sun and sterilization. Later, the rebel army organized people to burn the carcasses of animals and clean up the garbage in the fields until the rain came.

Before formal farming, the rebel army also specially dispatched trained agricultural officers to teach the newly learned methods of fertilization. Animal manure was collected from various places and combined with plant ash to make agricultural fertilizer, which restored some fertility to the land.

The improved seeds borrowed from the rebels are crops with relatively strong drought resistance. Although the taste and price after planting are not as good as Maihe rice, they can be put to use in the granary built by the family.

Autumn turns to winter, and there have been several autumn rains during this period. People have gradually come out of the drought and have received rewards for their hard work. The food planted in the fields can be harvested. Recently, everyone can't help but be excited. , even in the rebel army, Wen Zheng could see people coming and going with joy on their faces.

The rebels, like ordinary people, were assigned their own farmland. When sowing seeds, they followed the arrangements of the small leader. They planted more types, but some types that required careful attention would lead to relatively smaller harvests.

A few days ago, some people couldn't bear to go to the fields to harvest. The rebels were more patient and waited for the leader's command. Today I put down the weapons I practiced every day and put on farm tools to go to the harvest land.

The harvested grain was transported to the government warehouse in batches. When they met Wen Zheng, they would often say hello and excitedly tell how many kilograms of grain they had harvested today, and invite the miracle doctor to taste the new crops he planted another day. grain.

Wen Zheng responded patiently every time. Wen Zheng had seen the scene of being happy because of the harvest too many times, but every time he saw it, he would be sincerely happy.

This good harvest made everyone happy. The daily food of the people in the rebel army was better than that of the common people, but it was not very good. So after the new grain was harvested, the leader ordered the kitchen to use the new grain to cook a good meal for everyone. In addition, not only did he send The man came back with weapons to capture some prey, and secretly took out a few jars of strong liquor. Meng Jun stared at him and put them back, and then came out with a few jars with lower stamina.

Good food, good meat, and good wine were brought to the table. The moment the big stuff came into your mouth, some people almost shed tears. It is really not easy to live such a life. It is too much to have enough food. happiness.

Thinking of the corrupt officials who I have seen before and the rebels who have received the ideological education of the young master every day, I can't eat anymore. I want to know what the people outside are eating today. .

Meng Jun saw what they were thinking, smiled with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Today's grain harvest is good. We only need to pay back the fine seeds borrowed from us. The rest is enough for them to live a more prosperous year. Today, every household can have enough to eat." We need to work together to ensure that people have enough to eat every day.”

His stomach was full, but his eye circles were red. A group of drunken men supported each other. None of them wanted to go home to rest and insisted on going to the fields. In the end, Meng Jun had no choice but to ask someone who had not drank to accompany them to the fields. Wandered around.

Most of the people left, and those who remained were drunk and sleepy. They fell asleep on their chairs. Looking around, only Wen Zheng and Meng Jun were still awake.

Meng Jun chatted with Wen Zheng casually, then sat on a chair and looked up at the bright moon above his head. The moon tonight was not round, but it was particularly bright, illuminating the entire yard. Meng Jun looked up, making it difficult to see his expression, and whispered two sentences. Wen Zheng heard them. They were the two particularly familiar poems, "May we live long and share the beauty of the moon, even though we are thousands of miles apart." But if we are not in the same era, the moon we see will also be far away.

No one spoke anymore, but anger turned into sadness. Wen Zheng felt a little touched and thought of Tuan Tuan and Grandpa.

After drinking the last bowl of wine in the glass, Wen Zheng waited until Meng Jun's most trusted confidant came to pick him up before leaving, and slowly came to the prescription. The students who had been busy making pills in the prescription in recent days went to enjoy this harvest feast. Who would have thought that the teacher would take this opportunity to come and check the homework?

The doctors who studied with Wen Zheng and the apprentices who just entered the medical door were old and young. The old ones were better in experience, and the young ones were better in their flexible minds. They communicated with each other every day and could really make up for each other's shortcomings.

At the beginning, after experiencing Wen Zheng's methods, none of them rushed to play tricks under Wen Zheng's nose. Every day, they put all their thoughts on improving their medical skills. Their medical skills improved at a very fast speed, and the homework was completed quite well.

After seeing the pills made by the students these days, Wen Zheng's mood recovered a lot. He casually divided the pills into several different gears before going back to rest.

The next day, Wen Zheng went to the pharmacy again and saw that the students were consciously surrounding the classified medicine bottles to self-examine. Wen Zheng found a place to sit down and pointed out the places they didn't pay attention to when making medicine. After asking questions one by one, Wen Zheng looked out the window. Meng Jun, who was invited by Wen Zheng, waited at the door for a while.

In the past six months, Meng Jun was actually in charge of the rebel army. When we first met, he had a childish face, but now he has grown taller and is leaner.

And because of the daily work, his skin has become rough and dark, but his appearance has not decreased much. He is dressed in tight clothes, with a weapon on his waist, and walks agilely, looking like a young general. With a team of people behind him, he came to Wen Zheng to express his gratitude when he saw the pills developed by Wen Zheng.

The genius doctor has a very high talent in medicine. Just a simple reminder gave him a big surprise.

"I didn't expect that you would develop the pills so quickly. You really deserve the name of a genius doctor. The reward will be sent to you in the future. If you want anything, just ask me. In the near future, please take the doctors to make more of these pills." Meng Jun promised. At this moment, he could no longer see the sadness of last night, and his eyes were very excited.

This miracle doctor is the ancient person who is most receptive to novel or absurd modern theories among the people he has met so far. Once the method of extracting allicin is taken out, he can make it exactly in a few days, and then he rarely makes mistakes, and he also tries other medicinal materials by analogy.

Later, Meng Jun couldn't help but tell all the modern medical knowledge he knew, and took Wen Zheng to see the equipment for purifying high-concentration alcohol. Finally, he wrote down the method of making penicillin that he had mentioned before, and let the miracle doctor study it, while he was busy managing this prefecture and trying to find a way for the people to survive this drought.

The pills that Wen Zheng made have nothing to do with penicillin.

Under the conditions of ancient times, it was impossible to extract usable penicillin. The results of using animals for experiments were mostly death. Unless there was no other way, it was estimated that it would be used on humans, and it would be a gamble.

The drug was not developed, but the method used in the process opened up the "miracle doctor"'s mind. During the days he stayed in Yangning Prefecture, he also saw the way the rebels treated the people, so he was completely relieved to stay.

In fact, Wen Zheng has been able to determine in these days that Meng Jun, the small leader of the rebel army, has very distinct modern characteristics. He is not an ancient person who accidentally obtained modern information, but a real person who traveled from modern times to ancient times.

Perhaps he carried some kind of golden finger with him. At least from Meng Jun's performance, the other party has the idea and ability to change this miserable world. However, this made Wen Zheng more suspicious of the authenticity of this world.

Seeing that everything in Yangning Prefecture is developing well, Wen Zheng completely regards himself as an ancient person, but he is a smart ancient person. He always has new inspiration and researches new medicines in Meng Jun's "inadvertent" reminders.

The pills that Meng Jun just came to take away are the oral anthelmintics that Wen Zheng has newly researched after being reminded. The main anthelmintic ingredients are extracted from plants. Because it can be used to expel roundworms in the human body, Meng Jun calls it Artemisia annua.

Wen Zheng figured out the anthelmintic prescription with Artemisia annua as the main medicine, and Meng Jun suggested whether it could be made into a prescription that is easy to store and carry, so it took a while. The pills were made, and he was too lazy to make other shapes, but he did miss the modern pagoda candy, so he casually assigned it to the group of students and put the blame on Meng Jun.

Thinking of the topic that everyone was keen on talking about recently, the young master's childishness, Wen Zheng didn't feel guilty at all, but wondered where the Artemisia scoparia came from.

Modern pagoda candy is made from Artemisia scoparia, but there is no such plant in their country until modern times when it was introduced from abroad. It is easy to find in this ancient world.

Wen Zheng didn't notice any novel plants appearing around Meng Jun. Otherwise, sweet potatoes, potatoes, peppers, etc. would be more useful than artemisia. After many inquiries, he ran around the place where the plant was found under the protection of the rebels. It really looked like a native plant. He couldn't find the reason, so he could only remember it one by one in his heart.

The ancient version of pagoda sugar did not take the trouble to add sweetness to it. In that case, the cost would be too high. However, for ancient people who were used to taking bitter soup medicine, a pill that could be easily swallowed would not even taste. I swallowed it as soon as it arrived. It tasted much better than those bitter medicines.

Later, when many children were sick, they wanted to take pills rather than drink decoction. The pills developed by these doctors later sold very well.

But that was what happened later. The anthelmintic medicine, which was not called pagoda candy because it was not sweet, was extremely popular in Yangning Prefecture. However, when it was first sold in other prefectures, it met with strong resistance. .

Meng Jun asked Wen Zheng and many students to make the anti-insect medicine. First, it was to be sold in other prefectures and cities, so the first few batches of the medicine were shipped out as soon as possible. It's just that the journey is far away and the results of the sale cannot be known in a short time.

The next few batches of pills produced were reserved for the people in Yangning Prefecture. The rebel army did not charge for this medicine, but as the new year was approaching, they simply distributed it to the people for free, just in time to "remove the old and welcome the new."

The effect of insect repellent is extremely effective and particularly obvious. After all, you can see the discharged roundworms with your own eyes if you want to see them without feeling disgusted.

After more than half a year of getting along with each other, the residents of Yangning Mansion believed in the rebels and the "miraculous doctor" so much that they never thought about going anywhere else.

After receiving the deworming medicine distributed by the rebel army, I basically took the medicine in my stomach on the same day. Some people even competed to see who could excrete more roundworms. Not to mention, after the worms were driven out, even the food smelled much better, and there were no roundworms in the stomach that robbed the nutrients of the food. As the year passed, people gained a lot of weight, and everyone praised the medicine for its effectiveness.

However, Yao Wan, who was highly praised in Yangning Fucheng, received the opposite treatment when he came to other places.

The waterway was difficult to travel in winter, so the delay was even longer when traveling by land. It was only after the New Year passed that the pills were delivered to the capital and several bustling prefectures.

The business of the store that Meng Jun secretly sent people to run was quite prosperous. When he first sold insecticides, he specifically identified a specific group and recommended them to those who had extra money but still needed to work every day. If those who are rich or powerful have little access to unclean drinking water, they do not need to take anti-parasitic drugs.

The medicine was sold and had an effect, but not only did the sales not increase, people came to the door with the medicine. Not only did the people who caused the trouble not believe in the effectiveness of the anti-worming medicine, they even suspected that there were bugs in the medicine, which was why the bugs were expelled from the stomach. Even if no bugs were found after cutting the pill, they still suspected that there were insect eggs in the medicine. .

As soon as the news got out, no one dared to buy or take anti-parasitic medicine anymore. There were fewer people who usually came to see the doctor, but the business of several nearby companies became better.

When the news came back to Yangning Mansion from outside, it was already after the Chinese New Year.

Meng Jun informed them of the situation. Wen Zheng was not angry yet, but all the doctors in Yangning Prefecture were unhappy. They all personally learned the production method from Wen Zheng, studied it for several days, and took out the medicine for sale. It was basically made by them. How can one not be angry when the drugs they make are so slandered?

Several people wanted to go over and have a discussion.

"Why are you so anxious? Haven't you seen that our little leader is not worried? This happened years ago. Far water cannot save the near fire. Now that the news has been passed to the little leader, the problem has most likely been solved."

"As my husband said, the problem has been solved a long time ago. The person who solved the problem is my business partner and I. This person is extremely talented in business. If it weren't for him, I might not be able to earn so much profit from selling ice. , and then bought grain in large quantities and cleared the checkpoints to transport it to Yangning Mansion, all thanks to the method he came up with. "

Meng Jun explained the matter slowly and introduced his business partner to everyone for the first time.

"You came here and said so much. In addition to telling us a piece of news that has been solved, I'm afraid there are other things you need our help with. If you have something to say, just tell it quickly, why bother here." Wen Zheng said simply and neatly. road.

"Before I speak, I should explain things clearly to you."

Only then did Meng Jun slowly reveal his purpose.

Among the letters sent from other cities this time, there was not only the experience of the partner helping to solve the problem, but also a letter of help from the partner.

The other party's father was seriously ill, and all the famous doctors called in were helpless. They could only hang on to his life, but they couldn't hold on for long. Although anti-insect medicine is not a life-saving medicine, it can be inferred that Meng Jun definitely knows a strange doctor who may have a cure for his father's illness.

They all say that "you go to the doctor indiscriminately when you are ill", and you were worried and wanted to try any method, so the partner explained the situation in the letter and also made it clear that his father's physical condition made it difficult to walk, so he also asked a good doctor to come and treat him. Regardless of whether the disease can be cured or not, he will prepare a generous thank you gift.

As soon as the story of the incident was finished, everyone understood that Meng Jun planned to send the doctor there to treat illnesses and save people, and he asked the little leader to come in person to say so much that the only doctor he wanted to send was the "miraculous doctor".

"Sir, please listen to me. The end of the year is coming. I don't know what the court will do to our Yangning Prefecture. It is inconvenient to inquire about the news here. I originally planned to go to other prefectures to inquire about the situation and invite the miracle doctor to accompany me." Meng Jun said.

I haven't found anyone who taught the miracle doctor to use charcoal pencils. There are also many things wrong with that partner. If we get together and talk, we may find something.

"When do you leave? I need to pack my luggage." Wen Zheng would not refuse. He stayed in Yangning Prefecture for a long time. Although he would occasionally sneak out to the mountains and forests at night, he wanted to see the scenery of other prefectures and inquire about the current situation of the Wen family.

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