Infinite Disaster Survival

221. Chapter 221 Real World + Ghost Realm 1 (1/2)

Wen Zheng took Grandpa Wen and Tuantuan to more than a dozen suspected locations, and more than half of them could not be found because they were a long time ago.

But there were two places where strange things happened recently. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan could feel that the concentration of spiritual energy was more chaotic than other places. The difference was very small. If they came a few days later, they might not have noticed it.

Moreover, strange things happened in these two places not long ago, and they were still fresh topics for local people. Living there for two days, they would automatically hear about it without asking, and they collected more information.

One place is a pond with running water nearby. This pond was contracted by someone, and a lot of fish fry were put into it. People who love fishing nearby and people who come to play basically choose to go there to fish, and use fresh live fish to cook and taste. Because the water quality is good, there are many fish, the fish meat is good, and the chefs are also good at cooking, so there are many customers who come here specifically, and the boss can make a lot of money every year.

But about three months ago, something was wrong. The number of fish in the pond gradually decreased, and the number of times customers caught fish also decreased. When customers complained, the boss apologized and thought about finding the reason.

At first, the boss thought that the fishing nets at both ends of the pond were leaking, allowing the fish to swim away, but there was no problem with the fishing nets. Later, he thought someone was stealing the fish, but he installed several cameras and didn't find anyone secretly stealing. The fish in the stream were getting fewer and fewer, and basically no customers came, which made the boss anxious to call the police.

But it was useless to call the police. It wasn't stolen, and the police couldn't do anything.

Just when the boss was planning to find the relevant departments for help, more than half a month ago, when the boss went to the pond to worry again, he suddenly found a particularly large body of a strange fish floating in the pond.

The boss called the people around to help, and even the police were alarmed. After the strange fish was fished out, it was found that the strange fish's stomach was full of small fish in the pond. The reason why the small fish disappeared was that the strange fish ate it.

The strange fish was finally taken away by the police, saying that it was taken to the research institute for examination. Many people took photos of the strange fish and posted them online, which attracted the attention of many netizens. They also speculated for a long time. Finally, the official announced that the strange fish was an alien species. After arriving in the local area, its appearance changed a little. They also reminded everyone not to buy and release animals at will.

In the end, ordinary people paid attention to the people who released the fish at will, and no longer paid attention to the strange fish. Now even the relevant videos cannot be found on the Internet, but the locals have preserved them.

Wen Zheng glanced at it and compared it with the alien species in the official statement. In fact, there are still many differences. This explanation is likely just a statement to inform the public.

What Wen Zheng cares about is that the day when the strange fish died and surfaced was the day when he and Tuantuan entered the disaster survival game and came back.

Too much coincidence means it is not a coincidence.

Some things are really related to them. Maybe the world where Wen Zheng lives should have had a disaster a long time ago, but it may be because Wen Zheng entered the infinite disaster survival game or other reasons that the time of the disaster has been repeatedly delayed.

Wen Zheng couldn't help but ask himself, if it was because of his participation in the game that the disaster was delayed from coming to this world, then after ten games, would the disaster disappear or come after a long delay.

Thinking of this, Wen Zheng laughed at himself again. He didn't know whether he could pass the next two game worlds. It was too early to think about these things. Some choices can only be known when they are encountered, and no matter whether the disaster will come in the end, what he can do now is to improve the survival ability of human beings when the disaster comes as much as possible.

The rest time is over, and a new round of challenges is coming.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan adjusted to the best state, bought team props from the system store, and chose to enter the infinite disaster survival game.

Choosing to enter the new game, Wen Zheng sensed the opening of the time and space tunnel, and immediately sank into his mind to carefully perceive the use of energy when transferring the world, so as to improve his understanding of time and space travel.

The rejection of the two worlds is extremely far away, but the time to switch in the time and space tunnel is not long. Wen Zheng, who has experienced crossing the barriers of the world many times, has a deeper understanding at this moment.

So after being teleported to the disaster world by the game system, although he no longer felt dizzy, he was so immersed in the perception of the power of time and space that he did not wake up immediately to observe the situation around him.

It was not until his sixth sense of danger awakened his consciousness that Wen Zheng opened his eyes. He saw that he was sitting on a bus. The vehicle was shaking, and Wen Zheng immediately shouted: "Stop!"

But it was too late.

The passengers in the bus, who were traveling late at night, were drowsy. They opened their eyes when they heard Wen Zheng shouting, and then saw the bus rushing out of the guardrail outside the road and jumping directly into the air.

At this moment, they were nearly 100 meters above the ground, and there was no obstacle in the middle to buffer.

If the vehicle fell from the air to the ground like this, the people in the car would have almost no chance of survival.

Wen Zheng didn't have time to look for Tuan Tuan. His mind was spinning rapidly to find a way to solve the crisis. Either buy items from the system store, or...

Try to sense the strange energy fluctuations around him. Wen Zheng released the power he had just condensed, hooking the power from another space to open a channel.

The screams of the people in the car were just halfway through, and it felt like the vehicle had just rushed out of the mountain road, and the vehicle stopped steadily on the ground. After the screams in the throat were finished and the fear and panic subsided, someone discovered that the vehicle had landed.

"Stop shouting, the car has not fallen, and we seem to be fine?" Someone shouted at the top of his voice, and the people in the car slowly calmed down. Finally, after confirming that they were really fine, they couldn't help sobbing softly.

The middle-aged man who calmed down first, except Wen Zheng, looked outside the car. It was pitch black outside, and he couldn't see anything, and he didn't know where the vehicle had landed. However, seeing that the people in the car were crying, shouting, and moving just now, the vehicle did not shake, and it should have landed on a relatively stable ground.

A lady in the front row also quickly regained her composure. When she also found that she couldn't see the situation outside, she turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone and shone it out of the window. As a result, the flashlight illuminated a limited range, and there was nothing in the visible range.

"I want to get off the car. How did the driver drive? He almost killed us all. I don't want to stay in the car. Open the door and let me get off." Someone was still a little panicked and shouted to the driver in front, but the driver in front did not respond.

The man who was clamoring to get off the car became even more angry. He ran to the front of the car while cursing, but stopped talking immediately after seeing the driver. He suddenly took two steps back, made a few meaningless sounds, and finally said intermittently: "Driver... The driver is in trouble..."

When he said the last two words, the man's tone became sharp, revealing deep fear.

The rest of the people in the car were frightened by these words, and they all had a bad premonition in their hearts. The middle-aged man and the young woman who regained their composure at the beginning slowly walked towards the driver's seat, and Wen Zheng and the others sitting in the car also slowly moved over.

After seeing the driver's appearance, they knew why the first man they saw was so scared.

The driver in the driver's seat is now lying on his back with his eyes wide open, as if he had seen something terrifying before the accident. Red bloodshot almost occupied the entire white of his eyes, and the color was a little purple. His face was pale, as if the white of the white of his eyes had moved to his face. His limbs were stiff and resting on the seat, just like a scene seen in horror movies.

Just looking at the driver's current appearance, you don't even need to feel his breathing and heartbeat to know that he is dead.

The panicking silence spread in the car. After a while, the man who first discovered the driver said, "The driver must have had some kind of sudden illness, but he looks a little scary. Let's call the police first and ask the police car to pick us up. Yes, we should call the police first."

The young woman looked at the mobile phone in her hand, and when she turned on the flashlight, she noticed that the mobile phone had no signal. But at this moment she still held a little hope, what if it was just her mobile phone that had a problem.

Her hope was dashed.

"No signal, how can a mobile phone have no signal! Where are your mobile phones? Call the police quickly!" the man roared.

The young woman and the middle-aged man both checked their phones and were able to stay calm after finding that there was no signal.

The fourth and fifth people in the car were old ladies with children. They hugged their teenage grandsons tightly and took out their phones from their pockets with trembling hands. The teenage boy saw the phone screen first. Children of this age are sometimes very timid and sometimes very brave. At this moment, he was quite brave and shouted, "Grandma's phone has no signal either."

The last person in the car was Wen Zheng. While everyone in the car was still panicking, he opened the system panel to check the disasters he would face in this world.

Advanced Task: Ghost Realm Appears

World Background: The spiritual body of human beings after death is a ghost, and the world where ghosts live is the ghost realm. The world where the living live and the world where ghosts live have been separated for a long time, but the distance between them gradually narrows over time until the two collide with each other, and the ghost realm and the world of the living gradually begin to overlap...

Task Target: Survive in this world for five years

Completion Reward: Basic Reward Points 20,000 points

It turns out that this energy is the power of ghosts. Wen Zheng understood a lot after reading the system panel, and controlled the power wrapped around his fingers to float in front of him.

Soon after Wen Zheng regained consciousness, he sensed a wave of power he had never seen before, along with another realm. In order to save the falling bus, he opened a passage to another realm.

The bus landed smoothly on the ground, but the outside of the bus was full of that strange power. Now Wen Zheng knew that he had pulled the bus into the ghost realm, and this strange power might be called ghost energy.

The ghost energy was not only outside the bus, except for the one wrapped in Wen Zheng's hand, but more on the dead driver. Wen Zheng could sense that there was no spiritual body in the driver's body. He didn't know whether he didn't become a ghost after death, or he became a ghost and entered the ghost realm before Wen Zheng came to this world, or other possibilities.

Wen Zheng actually had some doubts that the driver's death was probably related to the ghost energy that entered his body. If Wen Zheng hadn't come, the vehicle without the driver's control would have lost control and rushed down the cliff like just now, and all the people in the car would have died on the spot, and they didn't even know the reason for their own death before they died.

The disaster has just begun.

After Wen Zheng finished looking at the system panel, the rest of the people in the car moved to the back of the car, wanting to be as far away from the man who died miserably as possible. The man who was clamoring to call the police was a little mentally broken, and he couldn't stop dialing, but he didn't make a successful call once.

The young woman seemed to be a little reluctant, and comforted him softly: "The road we took was originally on the mountain, and the signal was not very good. The driver happened to have an illness. The temperature was relatively low in the mountains at night, so he was severely frozen. When passing vehicles found traces of a car rushing out of the guardrail on the road, they would help us call the police. At worst, we can wait until dawn and find a place with better signal to call for help."

This comfort made the man who was about to collapse temporarily control his emotions, and he murmured to himself: "It must be okay, it will definitely be okay. Maybe the police will come before dawn, and the police will come soon."

After the young woman finished speaking, she briefly introduced herself and tried to talk to the other people in the car, saying that it was fate that they were in the same car and fell from the mountain without any injuries. It was also a courage for everyone to talk to each other at night, at least they could call each other by name.

There were not many people taking long-distance buses late at night, especially this bus was on a mountain road. There were not many passengers on the bus, and there were only seven people in total including the driver.

Now the driver has passed away. Among the six passengers, the young woman is named Wang Yingying, who is going to take the bus back to her hometown. The middle-aged man who calmed down first is named Yin Yuan. The man who was out working and had a little emotional breakdown is named Huang Qi. He didn't say where he was going. The old lady Zhao Shuying took her grandson Jiang Huai back to her hometown. Finally, it was Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng didn't dare to let himself accept the memory of his original body at this time. He had never come into contact with the existence of ghosts and didn't know if he could solve the attacks of ghosts, so he exchanged a book "Taoism Encyclopedia" in the system space. Now it seems that he doesn't say a word, but in fact he is flipping through it quickly in his mind.

During the learning process, Wen Zheng couldn't help but worry about where Tuantuan went.

Every time the father and son team up, they are put in the same place by the game system. This is the first time they are separated. Wen Zheng didn't sense Tuantuan's breath around. Fortunately, Tuantuan has the power to control fire. According to folk legends, fire should be able to restrain ghosts. Even if the system throws Tuantuan into the ghost domain, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.

After the six people introduced themselves briefly, the car became quiet again. Yin Yuan turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and shone it in another direction outside the car. He raised his arm for several minutes. However, the outside was still the same as when Wang Yingying shone it outside the car at the beginning, and the scene illuminated by the headlights was dark and nothing. Yin Yuan and Wang Yingying's faces became more ugly. They both noticed something was wrong.

The most common thing in the forest is mosquitoes, and many mosquitoes are phototropic. According to common sense, small insect waste should appear in the light irradiated, but it never appeared. After noticing this, I listened carefully and there was no sound around, no birds singing, no insects chirping, and no sound of vehicles passing by.

The bus fell to the ground somewhere.

"Someone is coming in front of the car!" The boy, who was tightly hugged by his grandmother, pointed to the front of the car and shouted.

Although the driver died and the vehicle stopped inexplicably, the car was still driving on the mountain road at night when it rushed out. The lights on the car were on, which could reach a farther distance than the flashlight on the mobile phone.

After the boy shouted, everyone in the car looked forward to the front illuminated by the headlights. A human-like shadow appeared in front. Huang Qi rushed to the front from the back of the car and waved to the people coming over, shouting: "Come here, I'm here, are you here to save me?"

The voice spread out, but the others felt something was wrong and shrank back a little. Wen Zheng even noticed that the yin energy around him became thicker.

The ghost floating in the ghost realm noticed that there seemed to be the breath of a living person entering the ghost realm. This was a breath he had never smelled since he entered the ghost realm. Just smelling the fragrance from the saint, the desire for food surged from the depths. Even if it was just a fragrance, he wanted to smell it for a little longer, so the ghost smelled the smell and floated over.

The ghost thought it was another scent drifting in through the crack, but the closer it got, the stronger the scent of living people became. When it saw the vehicle that did not belong to the ghost domain, the ghost suddenly realized that it was not his illusion, but that there were really living people entering the ghost domain.

After smelling it carefully, it could smell the scent of six living people, which would not only fill him up, but also increase his level by one level, so that he would not have to continue wandering in the ghost domain wasteland.

Now he was the only ghost who discovered it, and he had to eat these few living people quickly. If he delayed too long, the other ghosts who smelled the smell would come and compete with him for the food that he had finally obtained.

The ghost became more excited and moved faster towards the bus, completely entering the range illuminated by the headlights.

Everyone in the car couldn't help but hold their breath. They couldn't see clearly at a distance just now, but now they could see that the black shadow was not the person who heard the noise and came over. It was like a group of human-shaped black fog. The face could not be seen clearly. It was floating and approaching the bus. When the headlights shone over, there was no shadow on the ground.


The word popped up in their minds, but they kept their lips tightly closed and no one dared to say it out loud.

Only the boy finally hugged his grandmother in fear and asked, "Grandma, did we encounter a ghost?"

"Today is the first day of the seventh lunar month. Yes, today is the seventh lunar month. The gates of hell are open and we have entered. We shouldn't have gone out tonight, baby, grandma shouldn't have taken you out today." The old lady looked forward in fear, and her old voice trembled and echoed in the car, as if she was crying for a dying person.

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