Infinite Disaster Survival

223. Chapter 223 The Ghost Realm Appears-3

Wen Zheng looked at Yin Yuan who suddenly sat up on the bed next to him. There was still a lot of Yin Qi in his body. In addition, he was excited. After shouting this, he covered his head and fainted on the bed.

Retracting his gaze, Wen Zheng accurately found the camera installed in the door of the room, stared at it and said: "I need cinnabar, yellow paper and a brush." ​​After saying that, he closed his eyes again.

The personnel who were watching the surveillance video heard what Yin Yuan said after waking up. Just as they were waiting to hear Wen Zheng's response, they met Wen Zheng's eyes looking at the camera. The feeling of being seen by others almost made them miss what Wen Zheng said.

"Just do as he said, go and find what he wants, go to several more stores, and buy some of each different material." Captain Yang, who was in charge of the mysterious disappearance of the bus, arranged, his eyes fell on the several pieces of paper in his hand that recorded Wen Zheng's information.

As an orphan raised by a Taoist priest, the time spent in the mountains has not been investigated clearly, but during the years in college, Wen Zheng has never shown any special abilities.

The only thing that has something to do with metaphysics is that I have read fortunes several times, and the results are accurate.

Think about the missing bus accident that is currently under investigation. After careful investigation, many questions are difficult to explain. This incident has been widely circulated on the Internet, and many people have speculated or even made up stories about the supernatural. The investigators sent by the government are all staunch atheists, but now they are in a dilemma. They plan to wait for these people who are in a coma to wake up and find key clues from their mouths.

However, after waiting for two people to wake up, how can they talk about the supernatural?

Captain Yang put down the information in his hand, feeling a little headache, but he didn't want to show it in front of his subordinates. After his subordinates came in with what Wen Zheng wanted, Captain Yang nodded and signaled his subordinates to send the things to the ward.

In front of the screen playing the scene in the ward, the investigators quickly ended their rest state and stared at the surveillance video intently to see what tricks Wen Zheng was going to play.

What tricks could Wen Zheng play? He just wanted to save people and refresh other people's worldview so that the world could be prepared to face the approaching disaster.

So the investigators who watched the surveillance video saw that before their colleagues entered the ward, Wen Zheng, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes just before his colleagues opened the door, as if he had expected it. He said in a weak but irresistible tone: "Help me up and open the table."

After hearing this, the colleague who had just entered the room immediately put the things in his hands aside, helped Wen Zheng up gently, and opened and stabilized the table that came with the bed. Without waiting for Wen Zheng to continue arranging, he took out all the materials and filled the table.

A series of actions were extremely smooth, and after they were all done, this person realized that he had inexplicably listened to Wen Zheng's words.

The wonderful thing is still to come.

Wen Zheng's fingers gently brushed over the materials on the table, feeling the degree to which different materials could withstand spiritual power, and selected the best material from them.

Since you want to do it, do it more obviously. Wen Zheng used cinnabar to dissolve water, picked up a wolf-hair brush, and wrote on the talisman paper. Obviously, the strokes he drew were all messy, but when Wen Zheng finished the last stroke, the handwriting on the yellow paper glowed on the spot. The white light for just one second was seen by all the investigators.

"You..." The investigators in the ward looked between Wen Zheng and the talisman. He bought all the materials by himself and deliberately went to several more stores, so there was no chance for anyone to tamper with them.

Wen Zheng continued to draw talismans with a wolf-hair brush. After drawing five pieces, the position of the pen tip on the talisman paper was different from before, but it also emitted white light after drawing. Wen Zheng also drew five pieces of the second talisman.

"If you stick these five on your body, you will be able to see the world changing." Wen Zheng handed out the first five talismans, and then pointed to the remaining five talismans on the table and said, "You will know the truth after you see them. Just burn these five talismans in water and feed them to drink. At noon, push them outside to bask in the sun. After the negative energy in their bodies dissipates, there will be no big problem."

The investigator didn't know how Wen Zheng made the talisman paper glow, so when Wen Zheng handed over the talisman, he took one and stuck it on his body, wanting to expose Wen Zheng's tricks in person.

But as soon as the talisman was stuck, the familiar ward seemed to suddenly change. There were several shadows on the snow-white wall. A closer look showed that black mist floated in through the gaps in the doors and windows.

The investigator took a step forward and touched a black mist. As soon as his hand touched it, the black mist dissipated, and the talismans on his body also burned. When all the talismans burned into ash and fell to the ground, the world in his eyes returned to "normal".

He packed up the remaining nine talismans neatly, and even wrapped the black ash of the used ones with unused yellow paper. The investigator slowly left the ward and walked quickly to a special room on the lower floor. He said in a daze: "Captain, this talisman seems to be real. There is really yin energy in the world."

Captain Yang was more willing to believe that Wen Zheng used some special method. He took out one of each talisman, took the yellow paper containing black ash and handed it to another subordinate: "Send these things for inspection." Then he looked at the remaining seven talismans.

"Captain, I didn't let anyone else handle these materials. Unless he anticipated where I would go to buy the materials, and some of the materials he used contained hallucinogenic ingredients, there is no way to explain it. I just saw the so-called Yin Qi after I pasted the talisman paper, and I couldn't see it again after the talisman paper burned." The young investigator slowly calmed down and tried to find a scientific explanation.

"Wait for the test results to come out first. Since Wen Zheng and Yin Yuan have woken up, let the doctor give them a detailed full-body examination."

Three hours later, Wen Zheng and Yin Yuan returned to the ward after the examination, and the test results of the talisman came out. The two pieces were just ordinary yellow paper with cinnabar painted on them. They would not glow, had no hallucinogenic ingredients, and had no substances that could cause the talisman paper to spontaneously combust.

Captain Yang looked at the talisman paper and pondered for a moment, then took out the first kind of talisman paper used by his subordinates and pasted it on his body to try it himself.

"Captain?" The subordinates around looked at their captain in surprise and anxiety. The scene in the ward just now appeared again. He stared at the air, then stretched out his hand and waved, and the talisman paper attached to his body ignited without fire.

The sun outside was extremely bright, but Captain Yang's head hurt even more.

Yin Yuan, who was in the bed next to him, was moved out by the nurse. Three uniformed investigators walked into the ward. Wen Zheng was wearing a hospital gown, half leaning on the bed, and his momentum was even stronger than the three.

"Wen Zheng, on July 26, 203x, did you take the bus with the license plate number A0715?"


"Please describe the entire process of riding the bus in chronological order."

"At 6 o'clock that evening, I got on the bus after checking my ticket, and the bus departed on time at 6:20. Because the journey of this bus was relatively long, I fell asleep soon after getting on the bus. Finally, I was awakened by the violent collision and the impact of the vehicle. When I woke up, it was pitch black outside. I couldn't tell what time it was, and there was no time to distinguish, because the vehicle had crashed out of the road and was falling down."

The investigator recorded that this description was basically consistent with the situation they investigated. Wen Zheng sat next to the window. Before the bus disappeared, many surveillance cameras on the road passing by captured Wen Zheng sleeping on the bus.

Wen Zheng continued: "The vehicle fell to the ground in almost two seconds. This situation did not match the road conditions at the time. Later, I confirmed that the bus fell into the ghost domain during the fall."

"Ghost domain?"

The investigators all looked at Wen Zheng and said seriously: "The entire interrogation will be recorded. Please answer truthfully when you tell the story."

"It is the ghost domain. I used to think that the existence of the ghost domain only existed in the stories of the old Taoist priests. I didn't expect that one day, the ghost domain and the human door would overlap." Wen Zheng looked at the investigators and smiled bitterly.

In the original body's memory, the adoptive father was very good but just an ordinary Taoist priest. Those stories were specially made up by the adoptive father to coax him. But Wen Zheng read the Taoist magic encyclopedia, and then read the original body's memory about the adoptive father. He found that the old Taoist priest had some skills. Now that Wen Zheng said it, he exaggerated it a little bit, which made it easier to convince the investigators in front of him and then gain the trust of the country.

In the exaggerated content of Wen Zheng, the old Taoist priest was a hermit who was good at fortune-telling. He predicted many years ago that the human world would encounter a huge disaster in the near future, which was the invasion of the ghost realm. But his life came to an end before the disaster came, so he had no choice but to pass on the content of the divination and the Taoist handwritten notes left by his ancestors to Wen Zheng, who was both his son and apprentice.

"Taoist spell notes?"

"My father forced me to learn it when I was a child, but it never worked. Even though he said that it was because the gate between heaven and earth had no spiritual energy that the Taoist spells lost their effectiveness, I didn't believe it. After the bus broke into the ghostland, there were ghosts approaching. In that situation, I really tried to draw a spell that I had learned. Fortunately, I had practiced with the old Taoist priest too many times when I was a child, so I didn't forget how to draw it, and I succeeded in one go."

Then Wen Zheng told why he chose paper money, and then faced three levels of evil spirits. By sensing the existence of spiritual energy, he found the passage back to the gate of the human world, allowing Yin Yuan to drive the bus out of the ghostland.

The following part of the description is mostly true.

The investigators in the ward listened to Wen Zheng's story. Even if they tried to control the expression on their faces, their eyes inevitably revealed some emotions. What Wen Zheng said was more like a novel. If it was posted on the Internet, it would probably be read by some people, but normal people would not believe that this was a true story that happened in reality.

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