Infinite Disaster Survival

233. Chapter 233 The Ghost Realm Appears-13

After the free dedication of several fierce ghosts, the strength of the defensive formation was tested, making the onlookers look envious.

"Dad, you are out of seclusion!" After hearing the news, Tuan Tuan flew over. The father and son had not seen each other for a few days. Wen Zheng stretched out his hand and asked Tuan Tuan to rest on his shoulder. The test took a long time, but the sky was already dark. It was very late, so I took four volunteer testers to the restaurant of the institute for dinner.

It was inevitable that people around would look at them while eating. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were used to eating comfortably, but the remaining three metaphysics disciples were a little uncomfortable. After finishing the meal, this discomfort was quickly forgotten by Wen Zheng's question. , all my thoughts are used to rack my brains to recall what I have learned these days.

The girl who is a researcher is named Jiang Ran. Wen Zheng did not ask her any questions. She just sat and listened. She also wanted to get clean nuts from the kitchen and feed them to Tuantuan. Her hands were ready to touch a handful of Tuantuan. feathers.

Wen Zheng pointed out the difficulties of the three disciples in their studies through targeted discussions, and signaled that the questioning was over. The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Wen Zheng had no intention of keeping them, they hurriedly said goodbye, fearing that Wen Zheng would bring up the question again. I am interested and have learned a lot, but it is too taxing on my brain. I don’t know how much hair I will lose tonight.

Jiang Ran knew it was his turn, so he sat upright and prepared to answer Wen Zheng's questions, but saw Wen Zheng take out the talisman and demonstrate a new formation. Jiang Ran carefully wrote down the formation, and sure enough, after Wen Zheng finished demonstrating it, he asked her to try it.

After failing for more than ten times before finally succeeding, Jiang Ran was not sure whether his talent was good or bad, and he didn't understand Wen Zheng's plans. When he felt uneasy, Wen Zheng asked aloud: "Metaphysics and scientific research , you don’t want to give up?”

His body suddenly tensed. Jiang Ran didn't expect that Wen Zheng would see what he was thinking. He couldn't tell his mood from Wen Zheng's tone, but the energy he had been insisting on emerged in his heart. Jiang Ran raised his head, met Wen Zheng's eyes, and said firmly: "In the past ten years or so, I have been immersed in the world of science, but the sudden changes in the world have shown me the wonder of metaphysics. The two are not It’s absolutely conflicting and I don’t want to give up research.”

Wen Zheng tapped the table gently, and when Jiang Ran changed from nervousness to calmness, he smiled and asked, "Do you want to be my official student?"

Even though he had already expected it in his heart, it was not until Wen Zheng said it himself that Jiang Ran relaxed his tense body and stood up with a smile: "The student has met the teacher!"

Wen Zheng nodded in response, and Tuantuan, who was standing nearby, walked up to Wen Zheng with his head raised and chest raised. Wen Zheng smiled and introduced the new student: "This is your senior brother, Wen Ling."

Well, I was not the teacher's first official student, and it was a pity that I missed the title of senior sister. However, Shenniao was so powerful as a senior brother. Jiang Ran immediately bent down and bowed again: "I have met senior brother."

After accepting a new disciple, Wen Zheng took the trouble to understand Jiang Ran's current situation. From now on, he will mainly teach her metaphysics abilities. As for science, she still needs to explore it on her own. I hope she can find a different path in the future.

After having an extremely talented student, the benefits came naturally. When Wen Zheng improved the formation, he directly asked students to test it. After many improvements, a simplified version of the defensive formation was developed by Wen Zheng.

The simplified defense array has very low requirements for the use of spells, array eyes and spiritual power. The range and intensity of the same defense are also relatively weak. The biggest advantage is that ordinary people who are beginners in metaphysics can use it, so Wen Zheng will simplify it. After the basic situation of the defensive formation was reported, the country soon made the basic defensive formation a must-learn for beginners.

Time is spent in people's exhaustive study and research. In addition to Wen Zheng and Tuantuanhui exterminating evil ghosts around the world, many metaphysics people and well-armed troops in the country can also form teams to go on missions and can deal with monsters below level three. Fierce ghosts, and the emergence of simplified defense formations can give them at least one chance to save their lives in the process of eliminating Li ghosts.

The whole country is preparing for it. The seventh month of the new lunar calendar is about to come. As it gets closer to July, cracks in the ghost domain will occasionally appear. These cracks are relatively small. The number of evil ghosts coming out is quite small but their strength is weak. Ordinary teams will Being able to deal with it, when July comes, the number and strength will suddenly increase, and the team that responds will inevitably suffer casualties.

The most difficult time of the year has arrived.

Before entering the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the state machinery begins to operate. This year's time for all people to study metaphysics is enough for the country to select all those with metaphysical talents, and then divide them into different categories based on their talents and preferences as well as their age and situation. Before a person goes to the battlefield, the main task is to learn how to protect himself, while adults are required to join the newly established metaphysics vocational school.

In specialized metaphysics schools, each student learns different content according to their talent. Metaphysics is especially talented, so the differences among everyone will be obvious. The country will give more investment to those with the highest talent, and they also need to do their best. to more obligations.

One month before the new year's battle arrives, students majoring in spells put aside all other tasks. Apart from the necessary meals and sleep, they just draw spells. However, the probability of failure is still very high. Only by drawing dozens of spells can it be possible to achieve such success. One piece, if you succeed, put it away, and every time you fail, you can't help crying.

"Ahhhhh, I failed again. Am I really suitable for drawing talismans? I'd better learn to recite mantras. In fact, it's not bad to be a monk. When this month is over, I won't have to shave my head and will be transferred directly to Buddhism." When it was done, a few hairs fell down.

"From now on, I will fight with anyone who says I am talented. I watched the live class before and heard that the teacher drew a pen on the talisman paper, and the talisman was formed. Then he drew it again, and the talisman was formed again. It was so handsome that I fell headlong into drawing talismans. Big hole.”

"Is Teacher Wen's talent comparable to that of mortals like me? I feel like there's no one he can't do it with!"

The people who specialize in spells start to go crazy every day again, and the people who specialize in formations next door are not much different. People who draw talismans waste cinnabar yellow paper that is easy to produce every day, but people who practice formations use one less talisman and magic weapon. Every time they succeed or fail, they will lose the contents of the talisman and magic weapon. Spiritual power makes them dare not fail, but they have to face failure.

The pressure is huge.

"The Soul Gathering Talisman is gone again. Who will apply next door this time?"

"My neighbor has been drawing symbols in his dreams for the past few days. When he woke up, a piece of his hair fell out. Who dares to provoke him now?"

"The dean has gone into seclusion and won't come out for half a month. Senior Sister Jiang's research is at a critical moment and cannot be disturbed."

"Let Ji Yuan go. For the sake of his face, the people next door shouldn't make it too difficult for him."

"Uh... I left the spells to Era. Who is responsible for replacing the magic weapons? Many magic weapons have consumed a lot of their spiritual energy. If they continue to be used, they will become useless."

Compared with the Talisman Academy, communication with the magic weapon was relatively easy. After a group of people discussed for a long time, they finally found two people to go out and replace the magic weapon.

The production of magical instruments requires the selection of materials first. Materials are divided into natural and man-made. Natural materials such as jade formed naturally, lightning strikes by chance, etc., acquired materials are formed by concentrating someone's will and gradually evolving, such as In the past year, the state has collected a large number of Buddhist relics, merit badges, worshiped objects, etc., and then carefully identified whether they have become magical objects or have the potential to become magical objects.

After the magic weapon is selected, it is usually necessary to improve the power of the magic weapon through sacrificial refining. Each sect has different methods, but the most common ones are Taoist sacrificial refining and Buddhist consecration. Taoism is more complicated and can only be used once. It can handle one magical instrument but it takes a short time, while Buddhism can consecrate many at one time, but it takes a long time.

Making magic weapons does not want to fail as easily as drawing symbols and arrays, so the atmosphere in the magic weapon academy is relatively peaceful. After the two people went there, they successfully replaced the magic weapons, but while waiting, they encountered a fatal Question: "Amitabha, fellow Taoist, I see that the number of Buddhist ritual instruments you have replaced is smaller. Is it because you don't like to use them, or are the ritual instruments we have consecrated more durable?"

"This..." The Taoist disciples next to him all looked over and said that they didn't like to offend others openly. If they said it was durable, wouldn't it mean that the Taoist ritual tools used for rituals were not durable? The two parties must have started arguing again for some reason. They were unlucky enough to come over at this time and get involved.

They tried every means to deal with this problem in the past, and waited for the new magic weapon to arrive in a matter of seconds. The two of them quickly took the magic weapon, said goodbye and ran away to avoid being affected again.

It was really not a good time to go out today. On the way back, I saw that Gu Insect Academy was releasing ghost-eating insects for fun. It was so dark that even though they would not attack living people, I felt like I was having trypophobia just by looking at it.

After taking a detour, I saw students from the Magic Academy practicing wooden swords, arranging formations with themselves, and chanting various incantations. Further ahead was the Buddhist Academy. I didn’t even need to get close to know that they must be chanting sutras. There are those who invite heroic spirits to take over their bodies, and those who ward off evil spirits to ward off evil spirits. In the metaphysics vocational school, as long as you want to learn, you can learn various methods of resisting evil spirits. It just depends on whether you can learn it.

All the students have gone through this month of hard preparation. They all know that the next month will be more difficult and dangerous, and they may even lose their lives, but if they don't stand up, more people will die, including There will also be people they care about and value.

The spells drawn in a month, the ritual tools and various useful materials were all sorted and transported to all parts of the country. And they, the disciples who worked hard to study metaphysics, had to put them to use. , first sign up in groups freely, and then the school will arrange and transport them to different locations based on the strength of each of them.

All the news is broadcasting the precautions for the next month. Ordinary people start to prepare early. They put charms, peach wood, glutinous rice and other items to restrain ghosts at home, and buy enough ingredients for a month to store at home. Waiting to win the war for the next month.

With everyone's preparedness, in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the gate of hell will open.

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